Tafero EM 200/25 mg
Shipped from Asia
International Warehouse 3
Tafero EM 200/25 mg is a medication that is commonly used to treat HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infection. It helps to decrease the amount of HIV in your body.
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Tafero EM 200/25 mg is a medication that is commonly used to treat HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infection. It helps to decrease the amount of HIV in your body.
Valgan 450 mg is a tablet that is often used to prevent diseases due to cytomegalovirus (CMV). CMV may lead to serious health conditions including CMV retinitis, which may cause blindness.
Viropil 50/300/300 mg is an HIV medicine that helps to decrease the amount of virus in the body. This medicine contains three active ingredients Dolutegravir, Lamivudine, and Tenofovir.
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