How to Recover After Working Out?
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How to Recover After Working Out?

Learning how to recover after working out is essential as long as you want to gain muscle and strength. Pumping a ton of iron you’re not growing muscle, you’re actually causing micro tears in muscle fibers. Then, when you recover after working out, those micro tears in muscle fibers will grow back bigger and stronger….

Start Bodybuilding For Beginners
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Start Bodybuilding For Beginners

Bodybuilding for beginners may sound like something impossible, especially when you see those huge guys out there thinking that you will never achieve such a physique. Well, we’re here to tell you that you’re wrong if you tend to think this way. Indeed, bodybuilding for beginners is a very long journey, and if you start…

Muscle Building Recipes For You
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Muscle Building Recipes For You

When you’re trying to gain muscle, burn fat, get stronger, improve performance, and look overall better, you have to be consistent with your workout regimen, but it mostly comes down to your diet and that’s why I decided to share these muscle building recipes. Achieving your physique and performance enhancement goal depends a lot on…

Squats – Cardio or Strength Training?
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Squats – Cardio or Strength Training?

There’s no shame in being confused by this question – are squats cardio or strength training? You may see a lot of gym goers squatting in the weight section, but then you check out the cardio class and they are squatting out as well. Seemingly everyone is doing squats. So, many may be confused about…

Jump To Improve Physique and Performance
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Jump To Improve Physique and Performance

While you may want to get big, strong, and muscular, you could add a jump to your workout to take your physique and performance to the next level. Power is just as important as building strength, helping to develop a strong, toned, and muscular physique. Adding more power to your workout sessions means that you…

Upper Body Workout You Can Do Anywhere
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Upper Body Workout You Can Do Anywhere

Regardless if you’re working out in the gym, at home, or anywhere else, if you want to grow an amazing upper body, there’s one move that will come up again and again. Everyone who’s in the fitness industry does this movement for their upper body workout for an awesome physique. We’re talking about the press-up….