Bodybuilder Habits

The bodybuilder habits are what separates people who achieve results in the gym and those who do not. Everyone working out in the gym dreams about achieving their dream physique, but only a few are actually achieving their goals. That’s because while you’re only a fraction of the time in the gym, what you’re doing the rest of the day is just as important. Therefore, what you’re doing both in and out of the gym is just as important to achieve your dream physique. That’s why, before you blame the lack of results in the gym on genetics or something else, consider your habits!

Achieving success when it comes to physique and performance enhancement is about getting into a routine. It takes a lot of self-discipline because becoming a successful bodybuilder requires a lot of time. Sadly, gains will not come overnight. In fact, you may not see huge results even after a month! The entire process of building muscle and burning fat takes a lot of hard work and dedication. However, without proper tools (and knowledge), this entire process takes even longer or becomes impossible altogether.

You must know what you’re doing and what it takes to become a successful bodybuilder. So, you could follow the bodybuilder habits, the habits that are proven to work and get you to the results you’re dreaming of. After all, you may notice that there are common patterns in the successful bodybuilder’s day-to-day lives. Those are patterns that are highly unlikely you’ll find in the habits of people who achieve no results. As said, that’s what makes some people successful, while others are not.

Generally, there are certain things that these people are doing every single day. That’s what makes them become the best.

What Are The Bodybuilder Habits?

For some people this is a job, for others, it is a hobby. The thing is – you should start these bodybuilder habits as long as you want to achieve success. We are working every day, don’t we? Well, if you want to see the gains you want, you will need to ensure that you’re doing it all right. Treat this passion for fitness as a job, as something mandatory if you want success.

In the end, going in with the right approach, and knowing how to structure your day is what will help you smash those goals. Keep in mind that there’s no fit-it-all plan considering we’re all different with different body types, goals, and so on. That’s why you may need to adjust according to your needs. Still, there are a few things that you should do for success. So, let’s check those bodybuilder habits.

Become an early riser

Have you seen a bodybuilder sleeping during the day? Highly unlikely. People who are the most successful wake up early to get started on their day. In fact, this is a habit for all successful people, not only bodybuilding. Waking up early allows bodybuilders to do their workout in the morning, and have the rest of their day to sort out their daily tasks. Waking up early comes with multiple benefits such as a better biological clock, better sleep, improved brain function, reduced stress, improved mood and mental health, increased organization and productivity, and others.

Get into a routine

In order to become the best at something, you need to do that something over and over again. The best is to follow a schedule. You need to get into a planned routine. Successful bodybuilders do not go to the gym whenever they find time for it. They make the time for it. Have a bodybuilding routine and stick to it. When you’re having a consistent routine and working out around the same time each day, your muscles also tend to respond better. Having a schedule means that you’ll be more organized, manage to perform more tasks, and you’ll also be less stressed. Stress is one serious culprit that will hinder your gains! You must learn how to manage stress! Effective time management will help reduce stress a lot!

Eat often

Following a healthy, balanced, and varied diet is essential for your bodybuilding goals. Be it cutting, bulking, or body recomposition. However, how and when you eat will also help you a lot. Ask any dietitian. You’ll need to eat small, often, and at regular times. Eating and feeding your muscles at regular intervals will aid the recovery process. It is much better than eating once or twice a day because during this time your pancreas and entire digestive system will overwork. Aim to eat about 5-6 times a day, to keep your fuel intake high!

Set your goals

When it comes to setting your goals, you should go for both short and long-term goals. It is hard to expect any results when you do not know what you’re aiming for. You just don’t know what to do when you don’t know what you want. So, add your short and long-term goals into your bodybuilding habits and stick to them. All successful people have their goals in their minds. Bodybuilders know exactly what they should do when they head to the gym. They know what they are aiming for, so they know what to do to achieve it. This will build motivation so you won’t stop until you achieve your goal. Create realistic goals though. Dream big for long-term goals, but do not plan to become the next Arnold Schwarzenegger in six months.

Plan everything ahead

To achieve success, you’ll need to plan everything in advance. You’ll need to know what you’re doing during your workout, what you’re eating during your diet, and have your day planned out. When everything is organized you’re focusing on the activity that you’re doing and are not worrying about what you should do next (minimizing stress). The same is true about your meals. Planning everything out will make you less likely to make the wrong decision, and you know exactly what (and how much) you should eat to achieve your goals.

Focus on the “prize”

Imagine your dream physique and visualize it. Picture your desired results ahead of time and this will greatly help you achieve your goals. Especially when you’re going to feel low. You need motivation to keep on working towards your goals and by focusing on the final results you’ll greatly boost the motivation.

Get involved in something new

The time you spend in the gym is just a fraction of the day. While it may be enjoyable, it shouldn’t consume you. Successful people are making the short time in the gym effective, but then they build their world outside of the gym. This means that you should get involved in something else. It could be a passion or hobby – anything that gets you to the next level. Just do something you love.

Share success

The most successful bodybuilders are stepping on the stage. They are literally screaming, sharing their success. Why wouldn’t you? When you achieve a goal, shout it out from the rooftops! Sharing will help you build motivation and may help to motivate and inspire others. Of course, ego show off isn’t something you should go for, but sharing your success with friends and family can help both ways.

Enjoy what you do

There are likely going to be times when you’ll feel low and frustrated. Especially if you are not seeing the changes that you hoped for. This frustration and anxiety can lead to huge problems. That’s why it is so important to have fun outside of the gym. You shouldn’t miss out on an opportunity to enjoy yourself. Spend time doing something that you enjoy, such as seeing your friends and family. Try to enjoy what you do both in the gym and outside. When you’re feeling good with yourself it is the time when you’re likely going to see the best gains.

Get lots of sleep

It doesn’t really matter how hard you’re pushing yourself in the gym, sleep is crucial. In fact, the harder you push yourself in the gym, the more sleep you need. You may already know that the real magic of muscle building doesn’t occur in the gym, but when you sleep. Your body and muscles rest and recover after working out when you sleep. So, sleep deprivation is a huge problem for anyone, especially for a bodybuilder. Aim to sleep at least 8 hours a day, if you push yourself hard, may require even more. Moreover, ensure you get high-quality sleep too!

Want to Supersize Your Gains?

Now, with the help of these bodybuilder habits, you’re sure on your way to building that muscle, burning off fat, and achieving your dream physique. Have the right structure as it is the best thing you can do to prepare for the gains ahead. Prepare everything, ensuring your day is laid out correctly so you can achieve your goals.

In the end, we understand that you may need a bit of help either to speed up your gains, or break through a plateau wall. So, is here for you, to help you get BIG!

Whether your goal is to build muscle, cut fat, get shredded, or all combined – our bodybuilder anabolic steroids and numerous other compounds can greatly help you out. All products on are 100% real and high quality. We provide them for sale, helping you to save money. They will help you achieve some serious gains, recover faster, burn fat, and support all your physique and performance enhancement goals.


Protein Before Bed

Whether you’re trying to bulk up or go through a cutting cycle, getting a lot of protein in your diet is crucial. Having that said, lots of people are wondering whether you should eat protein before bed to support your goals. Before we dive deeper into this, you should know that according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, your daily calories should come from the following macronutrients:

  • 10 to 35% of protein
  • 20 to 35% of fat
  • 45 to 65% of carbohydrates

According to studies, the recommended daily protein intake is around 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. However, those who are into fitness, and especially trying to build muscle, should opt for a higher dose of protein a day (such as 1.5 to 2 grams per kilogram of body weight). Therefore, those who increase the amount of protein in their diet (from 0.8 to 1.5 up to 2 grams) will support both their resistance training goals of building muscle.

So, you most likely already know that protein is crucial. But…

Is there a right time to consume it?

The research suggests that post-workout protein is extremely beneficial because it supports recovery and muscle growth. Some suggest that protein pre-workout is also highly beneficial. This is the reason why people who are searching to beef up tend to have at least 30 grams of protein both before and after their workout (60 grams in total).

Still, if you weigh 80 kg, then you may aim to consume a total of 160 grams of protein per day, so you still have 100 grams of protein per day to consume. That’s why, many wonder if protein before bed would be helpful to build muscle. Well yes, there’s a chance that protein shake before bed could be just what you’re searching for. Let’s analyze it closely.

The Science of Protein

You need amino acids to build muscle. Our muscles are about 80% made of protein. Having that said, I guess it is pretty obvious why you need more protein to increase the amount of muscle growth. In fact, if you do not get enough protein in your diet, you may experience muscle loss. So, our bodies require this organic compound (the amino acids from protein). Therefore, protein is vital for our bodies, especially for those who want to gain muscle.

When we’re lifting weights, we’re causing micro tears in the muscle fibers. Then, when we go to bed to sleep, our muscles get the time and everything else they need to repair and recover, growing bigger and stronger in order to cope with the stress of lifting weights. So, we actually grow muscle when we snooze the night away. When we’re sleeping, our body releases most growth hormones, which leads to muscle growth (and fat burn). Studies prove that people deprived of sleep find it difficult to build muscle and burn fat.

What does this mean? That the amino acids from protein are necessary to repair, heal, and grow your muscles. Therefore, consuming protein before bed potentially may be highly effective. That’s because by eating protein before bed, your muscles may take full advantage of this hormone spike as they have everything they need to grow and heal.


There are a lot of studies and research done proving these words. So, you shouldn’t take my word for it, you can check the research. According to research, casein protein before bed will increase muscle protein synthesis. This will help boost post-workout overnight recovery. Another study suggests that drinking a protein shake before bed will result in greater muscle strength, size, and muscle fiber size too.

Yet, to be honest, it is still not fully clear whether the increase in daily protein was responsible for delivering these results, or it is specifically the protein before bed that provided these results.

This is why the International Society of Sports Nutrition started to research whether you should eat protein before bed. Their study suggests that casein protein before bed can actually increase muscle protein synthesis and metabolic rate as you sleep. Moreover, one more study suggests that protein before bed can improve metabolism too. That’s especially true if you’re a fan of early morning workout pre-breakfast.

Protein before bed is for bodybuilders only?

Well, we’ve stated that athletes and bodybuilders may benefit from extra protein before bed. We also stated that athletes and bodybuilders may need higher amounts of protein for their goals. So, is protein before bed for bodybuilders only? Not actually. There are other studies that suggest that having protein before bed will aid muscle growth (and preservation) in older people and those who are less active too.

In the study, the participants were consuming casein protein before bed and they showed positive results. Nonetheless, the same study suggests that this may be a bad idea for overweight people. Those who consume protein before bed (or especially carbs) will increase their insulin levels the next morning. Therefore, everyone will benefit from protein before bed, with the exception of overweight people. Athletes, bodybuilders, and older people will benefit most though.

What is the best protein before bed?

When you are doing your best to boost muscle growth and repair, getting the best protein before bed is important to help achieve the best results. Here are some food examples that are packed with protein which you can use to make a snack before going to sleep:

  • 1 cup of 1% milk fat cottage cheese
  • A slice of bread with peanut butter and a glass of low fat or 1% milk
  • Greek yogurt with berries
  • Cup of nuts
  • 3 hard boiled eggs

Generally, there are a lot of great sources of protein that you can try before bed.

  • Ricotta cheese
  • Poultry
  • Tofu
  • Fish
  • Seafoods
  • Legumes
  • Peas
  • Lentils

For example, just 100g of chicken breast can provide you with around 30 grams of protein.

Protein supplements and protein bar

It is always best to get extra protein (before bed or throughout the day) through food. Drink protein supplements or eat protein bars when you can’t get enough protein through foods for whatever reason. But if you decide to grab a protein shake or protein bar before bed, I strongly recommend being careful about the type of shake that you choose. You should be careful because a lot of them are packed with artificial sweeteners and/or are high in calories.

There are also other ways to build muscle fast…

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Are you searching for the best way to boost muscle growth? Our 100% quality anabolic steroids will help you bring the best results in the fastest way possible. At you can find the best bulking and cutting products that will help you increase muscle, strength, and size. They will help burn fat and promote a rapid recovery. There are lots of quality steroids for sale (for the best prices on the market), you can choose from, alongside their ancillaries and numerous other PEDs that will help bring the best results, so you can be in BEAST mode!

Keep in mind though, whether you use gear from Cycle Gear or you stay natural, you still need to work out regularly and intensively, while ensuring you have a proper diet, and getting enough protein to support your goals!


Cutting and Keeping Muscle

The cutting process is not an easy task and is something that nobody enjoys. However, that’s an important process when it comes to getting ripped and shredded, with that muscle definition everyone is craving.

In case you are still not aware, cutting is the process of eating less food than you previously did to burn excess fat. However, cutting is different from weight loss which also involves eating less than you previously did. That’s because cutting means you try to lose excess fat while also keeping your muscles. Therefore, you try to achieve a lean and muscular physique.

A cutting cycle is usually a real challenge that is not easy. That’s why nobody loves cutting. It is because, during cutting, you need to increase the amount of cardio, reduce the calorie intake (under your maintenance), and be very careful about what you’re eating. Taking this into consideration, it is very easy to see why.

There are a lot of different theories on how to cut. However, as with all things related to fitness, you’ll often find a lot of myths that are just that – myths. There is a lot of great advice too. However, you’ll just need to know where to look. I recommend paying attention to those that are science backed-up.

What does it take to cut?

You may already know that in order to burn fat, you need to increase your activity level. Indeed, being more active will burn more calories, therefore, you’ll lose weight. On the other hand, regardless of how active you are, you will not burn that extra fat if you continue eating in surplus. That’s why your diet is crucial. You need to lower your calorie intake (below maintenance). The boost in activity levels will boost the calorie expenditure. So, you need to eat less, and you need to be more active. However, it still doesn’t stop here, as there are other factors to consider too.

While you may be lowering your calories (eating less), you will still need to ensure that you get enough macronutrients and micronutrients. Macro or micro- nutrients deficiencies will significantly hinder your progress. Micronutrients are minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. You usually get enough of them as long as you eat right, healthy, balanced, and varied with a proper macronutrient balance. Pretty sure you’ve heard about macros before. They include protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

When you plan cutting and keeping muscle, you need to have your macros on point, getting a certain number of calories from fat, carbs, and protein. So, indeed, fat loss occurs when you consume fewer calories than you burn. However, cutting is not only about how many calories you consume, it is the source of those calories that significantly matter too.

In order to build muscle (or at least keep muscle) while you’re cutting fat, you need to aim for a large amount of protein. That’s about 1 gram of protein per day per pound of body weight. You’ll also need to get healthy fats (about 10-20% of your total calories) and the rest are carbs.

Check cutting tips to keep muscles below:

Tips For Cutting and Keeping Muscle

Increase your water intake

Many think that they should decrease their water intake to decrease their water retention. Yet, although it may be counterintuitive, drinking more water will actually help you decrease water retention. Drinking less water won’t only make your body hold onto water, bloating you, but it may lead to various health issues, hindering your cutting progress. We’re mostly made up of water – our organs function properly thanks to water. Not only that, but water will also help prevent hunger pangs. Studies prove that increasing water intake makes people eat less. Drinking water before eating will make you consume fewer calories per meal.

Generally, water contains zero calories and is essential for your organs, such as your heart, liver, lungs, muscles, and so on. Staying hydrated will increase your energy levels, allowing you to increase your activity levels. So, water helps you both boost calorie expenditure and consume fewer calories too.

Prep your own food

Preparing your own food is important because it allows you to have total control over what goes into it. I assume you’ve seen a lot of bodybuilders preparing their own foods, and they rarely eat out. That’s not only because preparing your own food helps you save money, but it is because you know exactly how much you need to eat each food. You do not need to be Gordon Ramsay to prepare your own food. Moreover, you can always develop new culinary skills.

That’s important because you need to be diligent with food when cutting. Ordering takeaways or buying microwave meals will make it incredibly difficult to keep track of what you’re consuming.

Don’t freak out if you cheat

Of course, the less you cheat, the better. Maintaining a caloric deficit is necessary to cut. However, it can be really hard. Moreover, the longer you’re cutting for, the harder it is. This is the reason why a lot of bodybuilders will occasionally have cheat meals or even cheat days when they are cutting. This involves chowing down on an enormous cheat meal. While this will kick up the calories, it will help you emotionally (and even physically, by stopping your body from entering the “survival mode”).

That’s why, if hunger kicks in too hard and you can barely think of anything else instead of a gigantic pizza, then go for it and try not to beat yourself up about it. Stay on track after it. People give up because they lack motivation and usually after a cheat meal. Stay away from negative thinking that makes your diet spiral out of control. You’ve had a cheat meal, but you still need to stay on track – focus on the task.

Use cardio to max your caloric expenditure

You can’t cut without a calorie deficiency and you can burn fat and lose weight efficiently through diet alone by eating less. However, in order to cut effectively and get that awesome shredded appearance, you can (and should) combine your diet with cardiovascular exercises.

Adding cardio to your regimen will maximize your results as it will boost the calorie expenditure, increasing the rate at which you lose fat. This will help you compensate for the days that you are cheating. Moreover, cardio exercises will help you enhance your cardiovascular health too.

Lift heavy

Many people assume that lifting weights is not necessary during cutting and weight loss cycles. That’s a huge mistake. Even if your goal is weight loss, lifting heavy will still help you in numerous ways. Not only will it help you burn more calories, but it will help build and preserve lean muscle tissues. When it comes to cutting and keeping muscle, lifting heavy is actually even more important than cardio! Lifting heavy and building muscle is extremely effective at burning fat. Even though cardio is even more talked about when it comes to cutting.

Heavy weight and low rep range (hypertrophy rep range) exercises will help build lean muscle. This will help boost your metabolism, which will make your body consume more calories on a daily basis when resting. The more your body burns during rest, the faster you’ll burn fat. Moreover, you’re keeping muscle during the cutting cycle which is essential for developing the shredded and ripped physique.

Avoid all sugar at all costs!

Yes, there is sugar that you need, such as that from fruits and vegetables. But that’s the only sugar you need to get. Especially during a cutting cycle. We’re talking about avoiding all sugar when talking about refined processed carbs and fat. Sugar is quick-release energy, and in case we do not burn it immediately (and we rarely do), it is stored soon after as fat. This is something that you are very likely to know even if you’re not into fitness – sugar is bad for you. It is bad both for your health and if you want to improve your body shape. But during a cut, sugar being bad for you is double true.

What you should aim for is to completely exclude it from your diet. Avoid anything sugar – foods or drinks. You get enough sugar (because your body still needs it) from fruits and vegetables. These are also nutrient dense, unlike processed foods. Moreover, if you keep it sugar-free, you’ll also get to eat more as high sugary foods (and drinks) are high in calories. Instead, opt for foods that are full of protein and fiber.

Consume caffeine

You may have noticed that caffeine is in most weight loss diets. That’s because it is actually helpful in burning fat. Caffeine will help lift our moods, increase alertness, and allow us to concentrate longer. Besides, studies prove that coffee also has appetite suppressing qualities. Because of all these factors, caffeine works very nicely alongside any cutting diet plan. You can even try a supplement containing caffeine if you do not love coffee taste. Especially because you need to drink black sugarless coffee.

Drinking coffee with milk will add calories. As in terms of sugar, read the previous point. Since not everyone loves black sugarless coffee, you could opt for supplements with caffeine. In whichever case, make sure you do not overdo it. Anything over 400 mg of caffeine per day in total can be detrimental. Especially if you have some cardiovascular issues. In fact, you may need to reduce (or avoid altogether) caffeine intake if you do have any particular health issues.

Use less cooking oil

Cutting is a highly delicate game and any detail matters. So, while it may seem a minor point, it all adds up. Cooking oil is full of trans fats and calories. Therefore, if you’re pouring oil into your cooking pan, in your salads, or over your meals, you may add a lot of calories without even knowing. While it may not seem much, trust me, it does add up in the long run.

To minimize its impact, be careful not to overdo it. You do need fats (even when cutting) but you need to be careful with their amounts and quality. So, you may opt for sprays that will finely coat the cooking pan, salads, or any other meals in small amounts. Needless to mention, you should avoid high fat foods, especially during cutting.

Eat lots of protein and fiber

A lot of people do not even realize that their protein intake is extremely low. This is one of the main reasons why they feel, look, and perform poorly. When you want to burn fat and keep your muscles, you need to increase your protein. Opt for one gram of protein per pound of body weight per day. Protein is the best thing you need when you’re cutting. When cutting, you need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates and add a lot of protein rich foods to your diet. This will help your cutting game and help you keep muscle.

Fiber is another extremely important element that you need in your diet. Vegetables are full of fiber, so you need to make sure that you’ll get enough of them. Especially because they are also full of microelements too. Fiber is important to help you keep full allowing you to eat less, and is important for your digestive system. Increasing the amount of protein and fiber you eat per day will lead to drastic results in your fitness game.

Prepare for hunger

Cutting means that you eat less than you used to. Therefore, feeling hungry is something you should expect. That’s one of the main reasons why the bodybuilder cutting journey is such a difficult one. You need to cut the calories from your diet, that’s why it is called cutting in the first place. So, hunger is normal and expected. You need to face hunger head-on. Especially because there are likely to be times in your cutting when you will likely feel crazy-hungry.

If you really want to be shredded, you need to be strong! This is why there are not too many people who are walking around shredded – not everyone is so strong. Find your motivation, plan, and prepare. Throughout your cutting phase, you should focus on your end goal, working hard to build up your mental fortitude. It is the mental part that you’ve got to overcome to achieve your goals. You may build discipline, similar to how you can build muscle. It takes time and practice. The most important thing is to never give up!

Cutting and Keeping Lean Muscle with Cycle Gear

One of the best, fastest, and by far most effective ways to achieve your goals of cutting and keeping muscle is to use Cycle Gear’s anabolic steroids.

We provide the best quality bodybuilding steroids that are doing wonders when it comes to cutting fat and building lean muscle mass. There are no better compounds than steroids for cutting and keeping muscle. Our cutting steroids are tried and tested and proven to be the best quality on the market. Moreover, we provide the best prices for them, allowing you to save money. This way, Cycle Gear will give you the extra help you need to make your next cut the best of your life.

It is important to understand that learning how to get cut is a long journey. It is not always easy, but it is always worth it. Alongside, you will get an awesome boost in your goals. We provide numerous cutting steroids and weight loss compounds that boost your energy, keep your appetite in check, keep your muscles, boost fat burning processes, and provide numerous other benefits that you need for your cutting cycles. Follow these tips for cutting, and you’re going to get the best shape of your life in no time!



Hypertrophy Training To Boost Your Gains

If you ever tried to grow muscle, there’s a chance that you’ve already heard the term hypertrophy before. Anyone who has been in the gym is likely to have heard about it, and it is also all over social media. Nonetheless, you may not fully understand what it actually means.

Hypertrophy is the physiology of gains. That’s why there’s such a high chance that you have heard it so many times before. It is the scientific term for “building muscle”. It describes the process of increasing the volume of an organ or tissue to the enlargement of the component cells. In our case, muscle hypertrophy describes the process of muscle tissue stimulation and repair. The principle is pretty simple – you lift progressively heavier weights to stimulate tissues, create a calorie surplus so they can grow, and get enough rest for them to have time to heal. This way your body will build larger muscles as a defense mechanism to cope with the ongoing increasing loads.

If that sounds like what you’d wish, then you should probably keep on reading, learning more about hypertrophy training which will supersize your muscle gains.

What is Hypertrophy?

In short, hypertrophy describes the growth of cells. Muscle hypertrophy describes the growth of muscle cells which will occur through exercise. When we’re hypertrophy training, we are actually creating tiny micro-tears in our muscles. But as we recover when resting and as we provide the necessary micro- and macro-nutrients to the muscles, those minor tears in our muscles are repaired, and they grow bigger and stronger to deal with the stress we’ve placed on them.

Our muscles are made up of fibers that have been bound together in groups of tissue. When the cells in those fibers are activated by trauma (such as when you exercise), your immune system is going to trigger a response that is going to start repairing that damage. At the same time, your body tends to release various hormones including testosterone and growth factors in order to repair that muscle. Testosterone will boost the creation of protein molecules which are going to repair your injured tissues. At the same time, the growth factors are going to “instruct” your cells to thicken the muscle fibers. This is the protein synthesis process, which you may have heard before. It is crucial for anyone who plans to build muscle. Through protein synthesis, you end up with larger and stronger muscles. This also explains why protein is such a vital element when hypertrophy training!

However, not all lifting results in hypertrophy. Well, if you’re trying to build strength, for example, then you are going to focus on low reps and heavy weights. If you are training for endurance, you will probably do low weights and high reps which enhances performance and endurance. However, for hypertrophy (muscle growth), the optimum is somewhere in the middle. Both in terms of weights and reps.

What is Hypertrophy Training?

So, as you can see, not all training (lifting) types result in hypertrophy. In fact, you’re still likely to notice some muscle growth with most lifting types. Nonetheless, if you really want to maximize muscle growth, you must focus specifically on hypertrophy training. This means you need to find the optimal amount of reps, with the optimal amount of weights (as said, it should be somewhere in the middle – not too heavy, not too light, not too many, and not too few reps), with proper exercises. Usually, you use a mix of compound and isolation exercises to make sure that you work multiple muscle groups and give specific muscle groups their time.

Your hypertrophy training focuses on compound exercises. They work multiple muscle groups all at once, allowing you to go with heavier weights, and they trigger a powerful hormonal response post-resistance training. While isolation exercises do have their place, providing a way to apply more targeted volume to a muscle, such as your biceps or triceps.

So, when you follow hypertrophy training, specifically to grow muscle, there are a few things you should take into consideration.

Factors to consider:

  • Volumeresearch suggests that higher training volumes are necessary to maximize anabolism. Also, a multi-set approach favoring high resistance training volumes will optimize hypertrophy training.
  • Frequency – the number of times that a muscle is worked per week does count. For example, split routines allow you to work out a muscle more often each week.
  • Load – the intensity of the lift is widely considered the most essential factor in the hypertrophy response. One of the best approaches is to mix it up – both heavier and lighter loads.
  • Rest – rest is another extremely important factor to consider. Experts suggest you need to rest at least two minutes between compound moves and about 60 to 90 seconds for isolation moves. Also, have at least one rest day in between training the same muscle group.

How do your genetics affect hypertrophy?

Fortunately for some and unfortunately for others, your genetics will affect hypertrophy way more than you might have thought about. So, if you’re a lucky one, then it is something you would love to hear, but if you’re not given this genetic trait, you wouldn’t really love to hear it. Nonetheless, the primary factor that determines how much muscle you can build is still down to your genetics. Even if you do not have the genetic trait to build muscle like Arnold Schwarzenegger, it still does not mean that you shouldn’t work out. On the other hand, even if you do have such genetics or even better, you still need to work out, or it just all goes to waste.

In both situations, you still need to train hard, eat well, get high quality and enough sleep, and manage stress to maximize your gains. Doing so will supersize your gains and make you grow muscle, regardless of your genetics. It is just the fact that people with better genetics for muscle building will notice faster results and likely get results that people with poor genetics will not be able to get.

Yet, even with good genetics, it still takes a long time to build significant muscle. Keep in mind that most of the physiques that we can see in bodybuilding stages take 10 to 20 years of hard training to get where they are. Keep in mind that muscle gain is a marathon, definitely not a sprint.

TESTOPLEX E 300MG XT LabsChanging your genetics…

Anyway, if you’re an unfortunate one (yeah, life’s not fair, that’s true) you could add quality anabolic steroids to both get you the gains that you couldn’t achieve naturally and significantly speed up your results. The Cycle Gear team is here to help you determine how to use them both efficiently and safely. Also, you can get the best quality compounds from our site for the best prices online!

If you’re among those lucky ones and using steroids, however, you could get unimaginable results, similar to those you can see when looking at bodybuilding legends. Yes, those legends were all using anabolic steroids.

The difference between working out for strength and hypertrophy

A lot of beginner gym-goers find it hard to understand the difference between training for strength and hypertrophy. In fact, many do not even realize that there’s a difference between the two. However, the more advanced lifter you become, the more specific you need to train for your goals.

For example, if you are training in the 6 to 12 rep range (it is one of the most common in gyms), then you’re probably building strength and muscle simultaneously. Nonetheless, long-time lifters who want to boost size and strength, should add some training days in the 2-5 rep range and lift at about 80% of their 1RM.

Hypertrophy training comes with a lot of benefits. It doesn’t only make you stronger and bigger (looking overall better), but it can improve the quality of life.

The hardest muscle to build?

The ability to grow muscle mass is primarily down to your genetics, as said. However, some specific muscles are growing based on genetics even more. Calves, forearms, triceps, and obliques are among them, and they are also popular for being tricky to grow. This explains why some people never worked out and still may have bigger calves than those who have been training for years now. There are some guys who simply have an easier time developing specific muscles than others.

By the way, this is where anabolic steroids could be immensely helpful.

How to Maximize Hypertrophy Gains?

Effective hypertrophy basically means finding the perfect balance between training, nutrition, and recovery. While we’re all humans and it is hard to find a perfect balance, we should at least strive towards it. You are shifting damages to your muscle fibers, forcing your body to repair them thicker. So, in order to make this formula work, you are going to need extra calories. Then, the rest is the final piece of the puzzle because the body is going to require time to repair the damage that you’ve created when exercising.

The rest such as supplements and whatever else are just helping. But there’s nothing better than anabolic steroids to help boost the efficacy of your perfect balance between exercising, dieting, and sleeping.

How to train?

In order to train for hypertrophy, you should keep on challenging your muscles with progressive overload. Each new training session should increase the strain placed on the muscle from the previous one. It could be reducing the rest time, increasing the reps, or adding weight. For example, if you squatted 200 lbs for ten reps last week, this week aim to do 11 reps, or squad 220 lbs for the same ten reps. This will add a more significant stimulus.

Moreover, structure your training to target each muscle group twice a week, with at least 1-2 rest days in between. Aim for 3-5 sets, with 6-12 reps for most exercises, with a few exceptions. Rest between 30 to 120 seconds. One last but perhaps most important thing to mention – proper form. Proper form is everything. It would be much better to complete 5 reps with perfect form rather than 10 reps (with the same weight) swinging the weight around. You need to stress your muscles, not your joints and ligaments. You need to go for the correct weight so it wouldn’t be too light, but not too heavy, so you could complete 6-12 reps with perfect form, making it challenging, but not impossible, nor too easy.

What to eat?

It is extremely important to remember that correct training is just half of what you should pay attention to when it comes to hypertrophy. Your diet plays an extremely important role as well. Your body will need fuel to perform the exercises and recover after performing them. So, your body needs plenty of it. According to research, the “price” of building muscle is about 400 to 500 extra calories a day, from high quality food. It is not just eating in surplus, you need to eat correctly too. Focus on a balanced, varied, and healthy diet where your body gets a proper amount of macro and micronutrients. Alcohol, high fat, high sugar, and highly processed foods all add up to the number of calories, but they don’t provide what your body needs to fuel those exercises and recover muscles.

You must make sure that your body is also getting enough water. Lots of people underestimate the importance of staying hydrated. Aim to drink 30 ml of water for every kilogram of body weight per day.

Resting and recovery

Why can’t we just lift weights 24/7 for a month and become the next Mr. Olympia? Because your muscles need time to heal and grow. The real “magic” where muscles actually grow occurs when you rest and sleep. Therefore, as much as you can understand, rest is vital for hypertrophy. Even if you have the best hypertrophy training plan, your muscles will still not grow if you’re not recovering. Pay attention both to the quantity and quality of sleep. Aim to sleep at least 8 hours per night to give the muscles the time they need to grow. Some may need even more than 8 hours. Moreover, the quality of sleep matters too. Try to go to bed and wake up at around the same time, while going to sleep no later than 11 PM. Sleep in a dark, cool, quiet, and ventilated place for maximum sleep quality.

Moreover, it is not only sleeping. Keep in mind that what you’re doing throughout the day is very important too. For example, studies suggest that depression, anxiety, and stress – they all can literally stop muscle growth. Try to manage them all. Remember that you’re in the gym for a fraction of the day. What you’re doing the rest of the day is going to make a huge difference.

The Ultimate Full Body Hypertrophy Workout

If you can’t wait to make those gains, you should plan out your diet and your workout schedule. Now I am going to share an example of a hypertrophy workout that will provide your entire body’s muscles the stimulus they need to grow.

After you’ve warmed up (either on a treadmill, skipping rope, or abs exercises), follow the below exercises in order. It is extremely important to remember that you should focus on proper form. Also, go for a weight that will make this challenging. If it’s too easy, the weight you picked is too light. Yet, it shouldn’t leave you completely exhausted either. Training to failure is a great way to build muscle, but do it only when you have enough lifting experience. Note the sets, reps, and rest for each move. So, you should remember:

  • Types of exercise
  • Sets
  • Reps
  • Rest
  • Weight
  • All performed in perfect form

As said, follow the below exercises in order. However, keep in mind that this is just an example of a hypertrophy training plan. There are LOTS of other exercises and training plans you need to implement into your workouts.

Hypertrophy Workout Example

  • Back Squat – 4 sets, 6 reps, 90 seconds rest in between sets
  • Barbell Romanian Deadlift – 3 sets, 8 reps, 90 seconds rest in between sets
  • Flat Dumbbell Bench Press – 4 sets, 6 reps, 90 seconds rest in between sets
  • Neutral Grip Pull-up – 3 sets, as many reps as possible (AMRAP), 90 seconds rest in between sets
  • Bulgarian Split Squat – 3 sets, 10 reps, 60 seconds rest in between sets
  • Dumbbell Lateral Raise – 3 sets, 12-15 reps, 60 seconds rest in between sets
  • Chest Supported Dumbbell Row – 3 sets, 15 reps, 60 seconds rest in between sets
  • Lying EZ Bar Skullcrusher – 3 sets, 10-12 reps, 60 seconds rest in between sets
  • Incline Dumbbell Curl – 3 sets, 10-12 reps, 60 seconds rest in between sets
  • Seated Calf Raise – 3 sets, 15-20 reps, 45 seconds rest in between sets
  • Hanging Leg Raise – 3 sets, 10-15 reps, 45 seconds rest in between sets

Looking to Maximize Results From Hypertrophy Training?

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If you really want to make gains by following a hypertrophy training routine and enhancing your performance in the gym, I strongly suggest taking our advice.

It is important to understand that muscle growth doesn’t occur overnight and it involves a lot of patience, hard work, and dedication. However, you can get faster results and bigger results with the help of Cycle Gear! Our 100% real and high quality bulking compounds are going to help you achieve mind-blowing results! At you can find a very wide availability of products that were proven the best when it comes to bulking or cutting needs. We can also help with an individual cycle advice plan so you can get the best effects from your diet, workout, and rest while making sure you stay away from the side effects.


Cardio Training For Bodybuilders

There are a lot of jacked up bodybuilders who are warming up benching 220 lbs, and yet, they are never doing cardio. Cardio for bodybuilders may not be as essential as lifting, but it is still something extremely helpful. In fact, a lot of bodybuilders are worried that cardio training is going to “undo” months of their hard work when it comes to gaining lean muscle. They are afraid of cardio because they are afraid of burning lean muscle (for which they work hard) instead of fat.

This is why there are a lot of guys (even bodybuilders) who are confused about what cardio for bodybuilders to do, and what’s the best cardio for bodybuilding. In fact, some believe that they shouldn’t do it at all. I must mention that this is a mistake.

Regardless if you’re preparing for a competition or show, or you’re just starting the journey of bodybuilding, cardio is extremely beneficial to add to your training regime. Failing to do so will not only increase the risk of cardiovascular issues, but you will also never maximize your full potential when it comes to muscle definition.

A correct bodybuilding cardio plan is going to help you lose body fat as you maintain your muscle strength and gains.

Cardio for Bodybuilding

Endurance training (aka cardiovascular exercise, or shortly – cardio), will help improve your heart’s ability to pump blood and increase the amount of oxygen that the muscle’s (and other organs’) cells receive. A bodybuilding cardio workout is essential because it helps you burn more calories and induce fat loss. It also comes with great health benefits (cardiovascular benefits).

Similar to strength training, there’s a lot of science behind cardio and the results it provides. While it is extremely hard to both burn fat and add substantial muscle mass at the same time, cardio significantly helps with this. Still, this is the reason why a lot of bodybuilders are following different on and off season diets and training plans. In an attempt to gain as much muscle mass and strength as possible (bulking cycle off season). Then to burn fat and maintain muscle mass (cutting cycle on the season).

While bodybuilding cardio during off season is limited to ensure that the calories and energy go into your body’s recovery process to gain muscle and strength, you still need some to stay away from excess body fat gains and for its health benefits. But during on season, cardio for bodybuilders is extremely important to melt away the body fat. That’s why most of them tend to have about 4 cardio training sessions a week.

Best Cardio For Bodybuilders

Bodybuilders mainly use cardio to increase their caloric expenditure. There are various types of bodybuilding cardio workouts you can add to your weekly schedule to get the maximum results. Cardiovascular exercises are actually one of the most important elements to getting that well defined, and muscular physique. There is science suggesting that it will significantly increase your results. The amount of body fat you lose during cardio depends on various factors.


Timing is an important element. For example, it is going to be highly effective for you to perform your cardio sessions first thing in the morning. Usually, on an empty stomach. Studies suggest that cardio on an empty stomach will help burn fat because the body will focus on getting its energy demand from the fat stores, instead of first needing to burn carbs that you get from foods. Nevertheless, cardio late in the afternoon can still be just as effective if you follow a proper diet.


When it comes to intensity for cardio, you measure it as a percentage of your maximum heart rate used while performing a particular exercise. To burn fat most efficiently, some studies suggest that there’s a “fat burning zone”. You achieve that zone when you hit approximately 65% of your maximum heart rate. In order to determine your maximum heart rate (it varies, of course), you should subtract your age from 220 and multiply it by 0.65. That is going to make the ideal number of heart beats per minute to reach the “fat burning zone”. This will maximize the fat burning benefits from your cardio.


If you’re doing cardio for bodybuilders, you’re training to become a marathon competitor. This means that the duration of cardio will greatly vary. Cardio for bodybuilders is used just to help increase oxygen flow to muscles and burn excess body fat. This means that both the training sessions per week as well as the duration of each training session differ from marathon competitors (greatly). For the best results for cardio for bodybuilders, you should only aim for 3 to 4 cardio sessions per week. You perform them on non resistance training days. You can start small at around 5-10 minutes. Then you can increase the length of cardio sessions. Increase by 5 mins each week until you reach a total of around 30-40 minutes. Do not go over the 60 minutes limit due to actual risk of your body using lean muscle as energy (muscle loss).

Warm up / Cool down

Rushing into or out of a strength training session is a bad idea. The same when it comes for cardio. Doing so will place unnecessary stress on the heart, muscles, connective tissue, and joints. You should make sure you carefully stretch, walk, and then run. You need to ensure you avoid injuries and you do that both when preparing for strength training or cardio. Gradually increase the pace over a 3-5 minute period until you’re reaching the ideal heart rate. Then, don’t forget to cool down. At the end of your workout, use the 3 to 5 minute period to cool down. You use this time to slowly reduce the pace to ease your heart rate back to normal.


You need strength training to build muscle and burn fat. But regardless of how good your workout schedule is, you will never reach your maximum definition potential without the correct nutrition. Moreover, cardio for bodybuilders is crucial because you will never reach your maximum definition potential without cardio either. Yet, whatever the case, never underestimate the power of correct nutrition. The opposite is true, regardless of how much cardio (and strength training) you do, you will never reach your maximum potential without a correct diet. Keep in mind that nutrition is essential regardless of your goal. Whether it is cut up fat, bulk up muscle, and/or simply be healthy! To burn fat, you need to burn more calories than you eat.

You can find out your daily caloric maintenance using various online calculators. Find calories you should consume a day to maintain your current body weight). Aim to reduce the calories by about 500 per day from the maintenance. Do NOT place your body in a starvation mode. Not only do you risk your body taking its energy demands from lean muscle, but it is harder to maintain and likely to lead to health issues too. Aim to have at least 1 gram of protein per day per pound of body weight. Switch to healthy fats and complex carbs with a proper macro balance.

Compounds to add

As I already mentioned multiple times throughout my posts, I firmly believe that a healthy and balanced diet is pretty much the only success as a bodybuilder. However, different compounds can be really helpful in developing an awesome physique. When you’re performing cardio to reach the maximum muscle definition potential, you could aim for various supplements. It includes vitamins and minerals to boost the immune system and metabolism along with whey protein and creatine to maintain lean muscle mass.

Nevertheless, there are also fat burning compounds (such as Semaglutide, Clenbuterol, and/or Liothyronine) that were proven highly effective at burning fat. Moreover, there are also anabolic steroids which are extremely effective at burning fat, boosting recovery, maintaining lean muscle mass, enhancing endurance, and so on. Steroids can significantly help your cardio sessions. They do so by boosting endurance, ensuring you won’t lose lean muscle, and enhancing fat burning effects. With or without them, you still need to work out a lot, get lots of sleep, and have a proper diet. But these compounds can significantly boost your results. At you’re going to find the best quality anabolic steroids and other weight loss compounds for the best prices on the market, along with numerous information that will help you achieve your goals.



How Do You Survive Blue Monday?

Have you heard about Blue Monday? If you did, it may not be a surprise for you why you may be feeling depressed on the third Monday in January. This day has been named Blue Monday because it seems to be the most depressing day of the year. For those of you who are feeling a bit gloomy around this time, I am here to tell you: that’s something “normal”. At least, you’re definitely not alone with this.

Blue Monday dates back to 2005 when the British Psychologist Dr Cliff Arnall suggested that it is the most depressing day of the year using a mathematical formula. This involves:

  • The January weather (usually, with the least sun)
  • Debt (usually because of all the Christmas and New Year celebrations)
  • Enough time passed since these celebrations
  • Falling off the wagon of the New Year’s resolutions
  • Possible other factors

Taking all these factors into consideration, they all together will form up the Blue Monday – the most depressing day of the year.

Why is Blue Monday The Saddest Day of the Year?

You may already know that Monday is already considered the most depressing day of the week. According to research, for the course of the week, suicide rates increase on Monday and decrease on weekends. Moreover, more suicides tend to increase after major holidays (just as explained above).

Taking all of this into consideration, and considering that Christmas and New Year’s celebrations are considered among the biggest holidays, as well as other factors earlier explained, the third Monday of January is considered the saddest day of the year. By this moment we’re all pretty fed up, ain’t we? We’re far from the festive period, trying to bounce back from Christmas both financially and physically. Moreover, there’s little natural light around in winter months (and it has been like this for more than a month) and you’re also likely to have gained a bit of extra weight, and have a bit of extra debt. Even if you’re not in debt, your financial situation is still likely to get hit.

Yet, it doesn’t have to be like this. Here I’m going to share ways for you to survive Blue Monday – the saddest and most depressing day of the year. They’re also going to help you get through the entire January blues.

Set achievable goals

One of the best ways to get through the saddest days of the year is to have goals and plans. You may not feel really well because you’ve allowed yourself a bit too much during the holidays, but by this point you can take your life back into your own hands, setting goals and plans. Set yourself up for success and go for it. Start going to the gym, which will help blow off some steam too. The gym has been known for a long time now to be one of the extremely efficient ways to fight off depression!

Track your spending

Keep in mind that you’re not alone when it comes to a mountain of Christmas debt. You’re definitely not alone who increasing their spending. According to research, people tend to spend significantly more around Christmas and New Year holidays than the rest of the year. This leads to significant spending. One way to make sure that you control it is to keep an eye on where your money goes. Check your subscriptions and ensure you’re actually using all of them. Do not buy things just to impress others, especially when it comes to buying them on credit. Your loved ones will still love you. If they don’t love you anymore for not paying extra, it is time for you to think if they are really your loved ones.

Ensure you get enough Vitamin D

Lack of vitamin D will lead to muscle and bone pains, weak muscles and bones, and risk of injuries. However, vitamin D is also essential in regulating our mood and staying away from depression. That’s one of the reasons why we tend to feel much better in the summer when the sun is shining. That’s when our vitamin D levels are topped up!

But even when the sun appears in the winter, the rays aren’t strong enough to get that all-important vitamin D. Try to stay in the sun as much as possible during these days and try to get vitamin D through correct foods that are excellent sources of vitamin D, such as:

  • Mackerel
  • Trout
  • Salmon
  • Egg yolks
  • Mushrooms

Determine why you want to make changes

Sometimes, when you know “why”, then “how” comes easier. Try to understand what you really need and why you need it. When you want to make a change, sit down and create a list of pros and cons.

Try to enjoy the process

When you’re focusing on the outcome, the way to get there could seem too long and grueling. You must focus on the goal but do not forget to enjoy the journey. Replace bad habits such as smoking and watching endless TV with a healthier one, and you’re more likely to enjoy the process.

Balance your finances

As long as you want to clear your debt in one go, you could consider a balance transfer credit card. There are balance transfer deals offering 0% interest, especially around Holidays. This can help you get on track and control your payments.

Try something new

When it comes to holidays, you might’ve had too many sugary snacks. Yet, do not go harsh on yourself. Trying something new is something important to keep your head clear. That’s true about food too. You could try new foods such as a handful of almonds which help fight the fatigue. But you can try new stuff to do too, it is one of the best ways to fight off depression.

Speak with someone about this

Sometimes, you may need a helping hand. While here at Cycle Gear we’re always ready to listen up, we realize that it may not be enough. That’s why, if you’re living with depression or having negative thoughts, feelings of low self esteem, tiredness, being lost, helplessness, and so on – it may be better to seek some help. It can be a friend or family member, or best, professional help.

Remember, however, that sometimes this can be due to a lack of hormones. For example, men with naturally low testosterone levels are very likely to suffer from anxiety and depression., however, can help with that. We offer the best quality anabolic steroids, such as testosterone which will boost your T levels, fighting off depression, making you stronger, bigger, and muscular. These compounds can help deal with depression fast and efficiently, boosting your self-esteem, strength, and your physique appearance!


Enhance Your Bodybuilding Routine

In case you notice that you’re reaching a plateau, then it is likely you need to enhance your bodybuilding routine to keep on progressing. If you notice that you stopped gaining muscle, it can be extremely frustrating. But luckily, you’re now reading this and I’m quite sure you will find it extremely helpful.

The human body is an amazing “machinery” that can adapt to almost anything that you’re doing with it. The best part is that it adapts really fast. It is because of the adaptation that people tend to experience “plateaus” in their gains. Hitting a plateau ceiling means that you do not seem to gain any (or very little) strength or muscle, regardless of how hard you work for it.

However, we also tend to gain muscle due to the body adapting to the increase of loads and stress in the gym. Yet, it’s not all that simple. For example, lifting a certain amount of weight helps your body grow bigger to cope with that weight. Then by increasing the amount of weight, the body increases muscle to deal with the bigger amount of stress. While this is true, it’s only partially true, because it’s not all that simple (if it would, we’d all be huge). That’s why it is so important for you to find ways to enhance your bodybuilding routine. We’re here to share those ways.

How To Continue Growing Muscle?

Veteran lifters know that you won’t be able to get continuous muscle growth when you’re constantly following the same program. The same program means the same stress. Therefore, the body is going to adapt to that stress pretty quickly, which means that your current bodybuilding routine will cease bringing any results.

This is why it’s so important to regularly change your workout and bodybuilding routine. It is vital for long-term growth, meaning that you’ll continue getting benefits, growing bigger and stronger. Pro bodybuilders are switching up their workouts all the time. According to some pros, they’ve never had the exact same workout plan twice in their life! They tend to change the exercises they do, add in advanced training techniques, increase reps, sets, weights, decrease rest times, and so on. They know exactly what to do to burn fat and build muscle and the right way to do it thanks to experience and training. That’s what makes them significantly more muscular than regular people who are lifting weights without a correct bodybuilding routine.

So, there are lots of techniques that pro bodybuilders are using. Even if you do not plan to become a pro bodybuilder, why wouldn’t you use them too to stimulate muscle growth? They can help you break through muscle building plateaus and also help speed up strength and muscle growth. So, using them will significantly help enhance your bodybuilding routine.

Ways to Enhance Your Bodybuilding Routine

Make it more intense

The reason why I put this first on the list is because it is the most important one. I see too many guys in the gym working out half-hearted, barely doing any exercises with barely any intensity. This way you’ll now grow! Having a gym membership will not help you grow, similar to barely working out will not. It is the intensity that builds muscle. Many of the tips I will share below involve increasing the intensity of your workout in one way or another. You can increase the intensity of your workouts in various ways. Slow reps, negatives, drop sets, superts, circuits, forced reps, shorter rest periods, heavier weights, and numerous others are ways you can increase intensity. People who are training for a while may lower their intensity level without even realizing it, so they only “think” they train hard.

Change up your exercises

All muscle groups have different exercises that you can (and should) use to train. Many weight lifters will end up stuck in the same routine of moves week by week. Moreover, many leave out the exercises that they do not like. In fact, I would recommend going for those that you do not like (unless you have some injuries that prohibit you from doing them). Exercises that you don’t like means that they are not easy to perform, meaning that they are effective for muscle growth! While you can have a few basic exercises such as deadlifts, bench presses, and squats (among others), especially if you try to improve your performance for a specific exercise, you still need to aim for your workouts to include a wide array of exercises. As said, pro bodybuilders claim they’ve never done the same workout twice!

Add drop sets

Even if you’ve reached a hard plateau, this is a shock training technique that can break through it if you do it correctly. Drop sets are popular in the gym among weightlifters as they work by getting more reps out of you by gradually dropping the weight off (until you can’t do it anymore even with the lightest weights). This breaks most muscle fibers and forces more blood into the target muscle group. This is what you need to see muscle tissue growth. Drop sets are theoretically simple, yet highly effective. Keep your set until you’re just about to fail, drop the weight, and immediately continue with your reps. Do it until your muscles completely fail. Have 3 to 6 sets in total. You’ll certainly feel the burn!

Work different muscles each day

Switching up the days you are working out can actually lead to a big impact on your results too! Generally, it is a good idea to try your weakest muscles at the beginning of the week when you have the most energy in your tank to work them hard. However, similar to anything else in your routine, it is worth changing every once in a while. Especially because after a while they may not be your weakest muscles anymore. So, instead of working the biceps on Monday, you could try focusing on bigger muscles such as your back. Especially pulling exercises for your biceps will work your back too. In short, you may try to switch your bodybuilding routine to train different muscle groups on different days.

Introduce the supersets

When it comes to growing those stubborn muscle groups, one of the absolute best ways to promote muscle growth is the combination of big compound exercises with an isolation movement. An example of that would be bench presses and flat bench flys. What you need to aim for is to complete your bench press as normal, but then immediately smash out a set of dumbbell flys (maximum rest time is to catch your breath). You do not need big weights for this. What you should aim for is muscle contraction. This means that you do it slowly and in a controlled manner, squeezing at the top of the movement. There are lots of combinations of compound and isolation supersets for you to try. Squats and leg extensions, wide grip pull up and straight arm pull down, close bench grips and skull crushers are just some examples.

Change your reps weekly

This is also known as weekly rep cycling. It means that you start with 12 reps per set for one week for all your exercises. The next week you go for 10 reps per set, then 8 reps per set, then 6 reps per set. Repeat. Choose proper weights to maintain a proper form but the exercises feel challenging. There’s still debate regarding how many reps are optimal for muscle growth. It seems that it varies from exercise to exercise, and person to person. However, it is still somewhere between 6 and 15 reps. So, if you cover all the bases by starting at around 12 and ending at 6, you just can’t go wrong. If you do it correctly (with the correct diet and training plan), in week 5 you’re going to find you can lift more than you did back in the first week.

Sometimes less is more

Of course, lifting more is often associated with higher gains. However, heavier weights are likely to lead to injuries and they don’t allow for the muscle contraction you need to grow muscle. Therefore, sometimes, less is more. Another mistake that a lot of new lifters make is to work out too often. You’re working in the gym to tear muscle fibers, so they can repair and heal, growing bigger and stronger. But if you work out too often, they do not have the time they need to induce growth. That’s why, again, sometimes less is more. Do not go for as heavy weights as possible, and do not aim to train as much as possible. This definitely doesn’t mean you’ll grow as big or as fast as possible!


As long as building strength is one of your goals, then the negatives are going to be your saviors when it comes to breathing through plateaus. Negatives are focusing more on the negative part of the movement by using a very heavy weight and moving it very slowly. Yet, due to this, it is extremely important to have a spotter for almost all types of negatives. The heavyweight and slow movement could lead to failure to lift it yourself. It’s also extremely important to warm up well before attempting it. Usually, negatives are only great for experienced lifters. Avoid it if you’re a beginner or you’re someone who usually trains alone. Bench press, pull up, close grip bench, squats – you name it. You can use negatives with lots of exercises.

Slow reps

Slow reps are similar to negatives, but not the same. They are all about control and contraction. Moreover, you do not use heavy weights, you’re actually using a lighter weight. Move slower and do the same number of reps. A good idea for this is to use the 3-1-3 method. This means that you should count “one one thousand” 3 times on your way down, pause counting “one one thousand” once, and then count again “one one thousand” 3 times on your way up. You go for the same number of reps, but you use lighter weights because this movement is much slower. It can be a game changer when it comes to breaking muscle growth plateaus because your body is under tension for a longer period of time.

Partial reps

Similar to slow reps, partial reps work your muscles by keeping them working for longer. Muscles grow when they are under tension for a longer period of time. That’s why some people can grow muscle with only a 30-minute workout, whereas others barely grow any muscles with a 90-minute workout. It is the “time under tension” of muscles that play a role, not the amount of time you’re in the gym. So, for partial reps, you need to change the exercise by not finishing the entire rep. For example, dumbbell curls. Instead of allowing your arm to hang (rest) while your arm curls, keep your left arm slightly bent (at half the movement). Or you could use it at the end of your set, to do 10 more “half reps” with the same (or lighter) weights, when the muscles can’t lift the weight anymore.

Switch up your bodybuilding routine

We all do it – big compounds first, then isolations. Right? Everyone does it. Pros do it too. Why wouldn’t you? Well, yes, it works, but similar to anything else that you do in your bodybuilding routine, your body adapts to it pretty quickly. What you should aim for is to switch up exercises every once in a while. Do isolation movements first, and then go for compound movements. Such as bicep curls before chin ups, for example.

Pre-fatigue your muscles

Pre-fatiguing which is also known as pre-exhausting, your muscles will help break through the plateau ceiling! This technique has been around for years and as its name suggests, it basically pre-fatigues the muscles you want to hit with an isolation exercise. While it is similar to the above-mentioned point, it is different in terms that you go for lower isolation reps (to just pre-fatigue the muscle) and then you immediately go for a big compound move, without rest (only just to catch your breath, if necessary).

Forced reps

Forced reps are something that you’re likely to do without even realizing if you‘ve got used to training with your buddy. It is nice and simple. Forced reps mean that you’re doing as many strict reps as you can without any help. But then you’re getting the help of a spotter to force you through doing another two or more reps. While the last reps aren’t done without their help, they still help you push over the limits, which helps you reach the next level. So, with the forced reps technique you will be able to push 12-13 reps instead of 10, leading to greater muscle tear.

Pyramid sets

The pyramid sets start from a low weight and work their way up to a heavy weight (or vice versa) and then back again. If you’re going for heavier weights first, it is extremely important to have a proper warm-up first. But even if it’s the other way around, never underestimate the power (of injury reducing abilities) of a proper warm-up. You can start your first set in your pyramid with a weight that you can pump out 12 reps in good form. The next set aims for 8 to 10 reps, then 6 to 8, then 4. Also, you could push yourself in your workout to really get the burn and work your way back up to the 12 reps to finish off. Remember that your technique is what matters, so you shouldn’t cheat. Do it slowly in a controlled manner, otherwise it won’t work.

Have a week out

Now that’s something that you may find hard to believe in but to enhance your bodybuilding routine you may need to… have a week out. This is something that lots of fitness fanatics are feeling guilty about, but pros realize the importance of… resting for a whole week. No training whatsoever. Bodybuilding and weight training are not sprints, they are long marathons, and as you need some short pit stops during marathons, you’ll need this short pit stop to enhance your bodybuilding routine too. It’s not only because your body can adapt and the results may stop, but you’ll eventually likely burn out! Taking a week off is sometimes the best thing to break through plateaus.

Your body and mind may need this break from regular and intense training sessions. This way, the muscles will relax, your mind will relax, and that may be something that your nervous system is craving! Usually, your body tells you when you need to take that break. But the week out usually doesn’t need to be used anywhere sooner than 8 to 12 weeks of hard working time!

Enhance your Bodybuilding Routine with Cycle Gear

So, here is how you can make some changes that will help you start seeing results again. I recommend going for each and every one of them every once in a while, at least, as a form of experiment. That’s because you never know what works best for you.

It can be hard to keep on pushing when you do not see any results. However, Cycle Gear is here to help you out. Not only do we provide the best piece of information, but we also can provide the best quality products for your cutting or bulking cycle. With our 100% real and highest quality anabolic steroids, you’re sure to get HUGE gains and enhance your bodybuilding routine and results. There’s nothing better than these compounds on the planet for enhancing your physique and performance. Moreover, at you’ll also be able to save a lot of money too as we offer all of them for the best prices on the market.


Are You An Exercise Non-Responder? Read This!

Do you think you’re an exercise non-responder? This article is perfect for you! However, before you would classify yourself (or anyone else), as an “exercise non-responder”, it is important to ensure that you’re pumping iron and sweating it out in the gym for months without any (or almost no) results. These are people who are putting in the work and have been consistent for a while but have not seen any results in gains.

It has been proven by science (for years now) that not everyone reaps the same rewards from exercise. In other words, some people must work twice as hard to get half of the results of someone else. Yes, that’s unfair, but unfortunately, that’s the truth. If you find yourself to be among these unlucky people, there are anabolic steroids that can somewhat balance it out. That’s why lots of people use anabolic steroids – their genetics simply do not allow them to reap the same rewards from exercise.

  • But with the addition of steroids, you can change this.

The problem is that those genetic freaks could also use the anabolic steroids and become… mass monsters. Such as Ronnie Coleman, Phil Heath, and others. Something that, unfortunately, people that can be defined as “exercise non-responders” will never achieve.

Still, if it sounds like you’re an “exercise non-responder” it may be hard to achieve something that is far from a “mass monster” and that’s just not fair. That’s why anabolic steroids can become so helpful. At you can get all the help. Information about cycles, diets, workouts, anabolic steroids, how to use them, and so on. You can also buy the best quality steroids for sale on the market. You won’t need to worry about quality and save money.


What is an “exercise non-responder”?

There’s no scientific definition of what exactly makes an exercise non-responder. However, as you can guess, that’s someone who experiences little or no benefit from exercise. Yet, we can consider someone an exercise non-responder as long as that person does train hard and regularly, with a proper diet and overall lifestyle, nevertheless, they still do not see any benefits. Regardless if we’re talking about building muscle, getting stronger, losing fat, improving endurance, enhancing health benefits, and so on. These people are getting fewer benefits in these areas than other people. Despite the fact that they are working hard for it, both in the gym and in the kitchen.

Still, then again, it can be deceptive to determine whether you fall into the “exercise non-responder” category when it comes to fitness such as building gains or losing fat.

For example, lots of people are not honest with their diets, have incorrect lifestyles (bad habits, poor sleep, and/or others), and are not regular and/or have half-hearted workout plans. Without hard work, a proper diet, and a correct lifestyle, anyone is an “exercise non-responder”. We can classify someone as such only with all these facts on point, and yet, they reap no (or very little) benefits over the course of months, despite their hard work all this time.

Exercise low- vs non- responder

Even then, it is important to understand that the term “exercise non-responder” is not fully accurate. Nobody is a complete “NON-responder”. A more accurate description would be “low responders” because at least some results anyone will get.

It’s important to understand that it is unlikely that there are people who do not see absolutely ANY better from exercise at all. What we’re talking about here is that these people do not get the same (or as much) benefit from a particular practice as others do. Still, research indicates that absolutely everyone can achieve some benefits (especially health benefits) from improving their fitness through exercise.

Good News For Exercise Non-Responders

According to research, different people are responding differently to different kinds of training. This basically means that a specific routine, a specific exercise, or a specific workout plan could be great for some people, and offer little to no benefits for others. But by changing it, it changes in the other direction. This basically means that while some people could be exercise non-responders to one type of exercise, they could be high responders to other types.

There’s a study comparing the results of two training programs: cardio and weightlifting. It suggests that some exercise non-responders did not benefit a lot from their first training program. But they got significant gains after changing to another training program. This proves that even if you consider you are an exercise non-responder, you are still very likely to respond well to exercise and training programs that suit your unique physiology. This proves that people following programs tailored to their goals and preferences will experience much greater results than those who do not follow a tailored program.

Also, it is important to remember that you increase the benefits of working out by increasing the workout intensity as progressive overload. It is no wonder that you have no results if you’re not increasing the workout intensity. For example, studies suggest that people have very little benefit from performing the exact same workouts (same weights, reps, sets, rest times, and exercises) for longer periods. This is because the body adapts to this stress and provides no further benefits.

What does it all mean?

This basically means that in order to see results, you need to go for progressive overload. At the same time, the great news is that even as an exercise non-responder you are still going to respond to exercise. As long as you go for the right kind of exercise, for the right amount, and at the correct intensity. Do not forget that your response to exercise is also greatly influenced by various other factors. Such as your diet, stress, sleep quality (and quantity), and other factors.


In the end, unfortunately, not everyone will benefit from the same kind of exercise equally. Also, some people are still responding much better to overall exercise than others. Nevertheless, it is still important to understand that everyone can greatly benefit from their training plans. However, it is important to understand that you need to work out the best type that works specifically for you.

Moreover, it is extremely important to understand that as an exercise non-responder or not, your results greatly depend on various factors. Such as sleep, stress, nutrition, and so on. You can be surprised by how much you can increase your gains by enhancing your sleep quality – 7-9 hours of high quality sleep every night. By going for a healthy and balanced diet. Also, managing any stress, ditching negative habits, and so on. Dieting is one of the most important factors. You should ensure you have a balanced diet with enough calories and protein to boost your gains.

When you’re sure you’re doing everything alright and you still hit a plateau ceiling in your fat loss or muscle gains, then you can consider Cycle Gear to help you reach your goals. There is nothing better on the planet than anabolic steroids when it comes to gaining huge amounts of muscle and burning fat. We know that you may be afraid of their side effects, but we can help you with that. We can suggest the best way to use steroids so you know you’re going to achieve your goals while staying away from the side effects.

So, whether you’re searching to bulk up or cut, can help support you in smashing your goals. You’ll save money when purchasing the best quality steroids on the market!


Does Food Impact Strength Training?

“Does food impact strength training?” is a question that even if you can’t answer scientifically, it is a question that you can very easily guess. It is quite obvious that it does impact strength training and it actually has a huge impact! So, food plays an extremely important role in our lives – it is crucial to… live. However, it is also crucial to achieve your bodybuilding results. Working out in the gym to achieve your body goals takes a lot of energy. That’s the fuel that must come from somewhere… and that’s the food that you eat.

Your car takes its energy from the fuel, while your body takes it from the food. However, if you were to put poor quality fuel (especially on a constant basis) on your car, it’ll simply not perform as well. Well, the same is true about your body. By eating poor quality foods, your body will poorly perform. So, if you want to lift big and build big muscle, you need the right fuel in your tank. Regardless if you aim to burn fat or gain muscle, it all depends on your diet – pairing it with a regular workout plan.

So, how does food impact your strength training and how do you support your gain goals? Check it all below.

Better Food (quality) = Better Results

Yes, as simple as it sounds. The better the quality of your foods, the better the results. While you are pushing your muscles hard in the gym to increase hypertrophy (muscle growth), it is not very efficient unless your muscles are getting the fuel they need both before and after your workout. The reason is very simple – the muscles need the right energy to be able to perform correctly which will trigger hypertrophy, and your muscles need nutrients to grow by starting the recovery /repair process. The foods that you eat basically provide you with the energy to strength train in the first place and support the rebuilding of stronger, bigger tissues.

This is the reason why junk food just won’t do the job, even if you eat a lot of it. It doesn’t provide the nutrients (macronutrients and micronutrients) your muscles need. That’s why not only the quantity (how much) you eat, but quality (what you eat) matters too. The body needs special nutrients in order to construct new muscle tissues.

In fact, if you are pushing hard in the gym with lots of strength training but do not have adequate nutrition, you can actually end up losing your muscles. The total opposite of your goals. Simply because the body doesn’t get what it needs to regrow muscles. Not to mention that without the right foods, you’re going to feel sluggish in the gym. This way, you’re just wasting your time with your half hearted workout. If you want to maximize your gains (both strength and muscle gains) and help you burn excess fat (revealing that lean and shredded appearance) you need the combination of both:

  • The right amount of food (calories) you eat per day
  • The right quality of foods (micronutrients) with balanced macronutrients

How much should you eat when strength training?

This is a question that we can’t just give a straightforward answer. It depends on various factors such as your goals and your current body numbers (mostly). When you aim to build muscle, you need to provide more calories (foods) than it burns. This means that you need more calories than calorie maintenance which maintains current weight. But what is bulking calories for one, may be cutting calories for another, because of the big difference in body weights and fat percentages across different people. If you want to burn fat, you’ll need to aim for cutting calories.

Regardless of your goal, you can count your calories based on various factors. Then, with the amount of calories you need for maintenance, and with a goal in mind, you can determine how much food you should be eating. In both cases, it is around 500 calories per day more or less than maintenance, depending on whether you’re trying to bulk up or cut.

Not only that, the tricky thing is – where do those calories come from? As long as you’re getting them from quality foods, you’re going to get muscle development. If you get them from junk food, you’re likely to see fat gains. Even if you’re cutting with junk food, you may be losing weight, but you still won’t get that shredded and lean appearance.

Macronutrients when strength training

It is extremely important to have a balanced diet, rich in nutrients, with proper balance of macronutrients. That’s important to stay healthy, but it is even more important during strength training. When you focus on gaining muscle, for example, you need to up your protein. It is a crucial micronutrient to achieve success in bodybuilding simply because muscles are mostly made up of protein. Want to increase muscle mass? Increase protein intake. People with a sedentary lifestyle (those who are not very active) may not need much of it. 0.8 grams a day per kilogram of body mass is just enough. For fairly active individuals around 1.2 up to 1.7 g/day/kg/body mass is enough. But if you want to gain muscle, you need at least 1.6 up to 2 g/day/kg/body mass.

And that’s just protein. You also need quality (complex) carbohydrates. Around half of what you are eating should come from carbs. They are important to provide your muscles the energy they need and aim for recovery. Then there are also healthy fats that are important to stay healthy, aid recovery, and also provide the energy demands for your muscles. Around 10-20% of the total calories you get a day should come from healthy fats.

In short, you aim for a balance. That’s why you may have heard about the term “balanced diet”. Many avoid carbs or fats, but that’s a huge mistake. While you definitely shouldn’t be getting unhealthy carbs and fats, and you shouldn’t be eating too much of them, completely avoiding them is a huge mistake, hindering your gains. While it is hard to be deficient in fat, try to ensure that every meal and snack includes protein paired with quality carbs and only a small bit of healthy fat.

Why no Junk Food?

Everyone loves various types of junk foods, right? Why wouldn’t they help us grow muscle? Well, junk foods such as pizza may actually be great when it comes to gaining weight, however, it doesn’t mean that the weight you’ve gained comes in the form of lean muscle. You can have some junk food such as pizza every now and then because it is not going to completely sabotage your gains. However, a diet full of processed and sugary foods is definitely not going to maximize your muscle growth but is very likely to maximize fat gains.

Eating high sugary foods will spike your insulin. Over time, it could lead to insulin resistance. Whereas insulin is a vital hormone, too much of it will hinder your fat burning process and increase the fat gaining process. This is one of the reasons why high sugary foods tend to pack on your belly so easily. Moreover, most of them have almost no nutritional value! This means that while they tend to store as fat, they will provide no benefits for your body.

Additionally, chowing down on a bucket of chicken or fat burgers and fries will not be delivering the nutrients you need and will make you feel sluggish and groggy. Over time, it adds up and makes you fat, lowers your energy levels and motivation to work out, and also the way you perform in the gym to achieve your goals.

Food to eat during strength training

It is important to understand that building muscle and strength is possible with the right foods that can fuel your workouts and support muscle growth. Moreover, these are foods that are less likely to store fat, delivering that lean physique everyone is dreaming about. You need the right macronutrient balance from quality foods. With it, you are also going to get the micronutrients you need. You should focus on lean protein rich foods and complex carbohydrates. Here’s the list of foods that you can eat that will deliver your gains:

  • Eggs
  • Chicken
  • Lean beef
  • Cottage cheese
  • Salmon
  • Beans
  • Tempeh
  • Tofu
  • Tuna
  • Greek yogurt
  • Quinoa
  • Brown rice
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Vegetables
  • Various green leafs
  • Berries
  • Different fruits
  • The list does not end here

What to avoid when strength training?

If you really want to maximize muscle growth, it is better to avoid these types of foods:

  • Alcoholic beverages (or foods)
  • Any foods (or liquids) with added sugars (high sugar content)
  • Highly processed and fried foods

Ready to strength train like never before?

With the quality foods that you’ll now be eating, you’re well on your way to hardcore muscle and strength gains! You are going to notice faster recovery, less muscle soreness, better performance, more strength, energy, endurance, and stamina! Now, going to the gym is going to be easier. Your nutrition has always been and always will be an extremely important factor in pre and post workout, the way you feel, the way you perform, and the way you look.

Winstrol 20 Xeno Labs

Nevertheless, if you’re trying to diet correctly and you still struggle to achieve your bodybuilding goals, then you may need a little support. With our 100% quality anabolic steroids, you’re sure to hit your goals in no time. We provide the best quality steroids on the market for the best prices, saving you money and ensuring you only get the best in terms of quality and purity. Moreover, at you may get help in terms of cycle advice so you can be sure you’re well on your way to smashing those goals while ensuring you stay safe and away from side effects.

With them, you can get ready to build lean muscle, burn fat, and strength train like never before. You’ll get extreme strength and energy. Regardless if you’re bulking or cutting, we’ve got different compounds that could support your goals. But even with them, it is still important to remember that you still need the right food as nutrition still greatly impacts your muscle growth and strength training abilities.


Best Leg Workout with Barbells

Check here the best leg workout exercises to build bigger and stronger legs! First off – never skip leg day! It has been said millions of times across the gyms across the world and that’s for good reason. Lots of people (especially guys) tend to skip leg days. But that’s a huge mistake. Men tend to skip leg days because training legs usually involves more pain and/or because most men want a huge upper body. But let’s face it – nobody loves a man with a huge upper body (chest and arms) with skinny legs. Those chicken legs never look good. In fact, strong legs and a lower body are a solid foundation for any physique.

Bigger and stronger legs won’t only look awesome, but they will help you with everyday tasks too. They are greatly helping your performance in the gym, and are helping with daily activities such as climbing stairs, running after the kids, getting groceries home, and numerous others. So, as long as you want to look better, feel better, and perform better, make sure you go for the best leg workout. And to build stronger and bigger legs, you can get help with some barbell exercises.

Lots of people (especially newbies) avoid a barbell. We understand why – they may look intimidating. However, it is important to know that barbells are actually an excellent tool for full body strength. Anyone could do them in order to gain strength and muscle. The bar alone could be an awesome way to improve balance and coordination. Check below some of the best barbell exercises that help you build awesome lower-body strength and muscle! Make sure to include at least some of them for the best leg workout to build bigger and stronger legs.

Back squat

This is one of the most common and popular exercises to build leg muscle. Ask a pro regarding exercises for the best leg workout and back squat is going to be on the list. You start by placing the bar behind your head, sitting on your trapezius (muscles at the top of the shoulders), and engaging your core. Tightly grip the bar and bring your elbows down and towards your body. Place your feet hip-width apart, with toes slightly turned out. Now what you want to do is to press evenly through your feet, sitting back into your hips and down. Go down until your thighs are parallel to the ground (ideally). Engage your core and push through your feet to stand up. Don’t swing or bring the weight in front of you.

Barbell front squat

The barbell front squat is similar to the back squat, but it is usually for more advanced lifters. It is similar in terms of alignment to back squat, but as its name suggests, the barbell is in front of you this time. The hands could be in two positions – either shoulder-width apart under the bar or crossed over the bar. Must keep your elbows up to ensure a stable shelf for the barbell. Similar to the back squat, engage your core and push evenly through your feet, thrust your hips back and down, allowing the knees to follow the foot’s midline. Keep feet hip-width apart and get down until the thighs are parallel to the floor. Push back up to the starting position without swinging.

Single-leg Romanian barbell deadlift

Of course, this is an exercise that you should perform only after having some lifting experience first. You start by setting up as you would for a stiff-leg deadlift. Have your feet hip-width apart and the barbell directly over the center of your feet. Set down the working leg and get the supporting leg back. Push the hips back, grab the bar with hands shoulder-width apart, and as you engage your core, pull your shoulders down almost as if you’re holding something in your armpit. You’ll need to keep the barbell patch close to the front leg as you raise it. When you reach the top, lock in a slight posterior pelvic tilt. Then, you push your hips back as you go back down. Go down until you get to the knee. Repeat the same for the other leg.

Sumo barbell deadlift

A sumo barbell deadlift is called this way because your position is similar to those in sumo sports. You get into a very wide stance with your toes pointed out. This position is going to allow for your arms and elbows to stay inside your legs, with your shins almost perpendicular to the floor. By having straight arms, grip the bar so it would slightly rest against your upper thighs. What you need to do is to pull your shoulders back and down, as if you’re pulling them apart. You must engage your core with your legs as you lower the barbell and push your hips back. Similar to other deadlifts, be sure that you keep the barbell path as tight to the legs as possible.

Barbell split squat

You start the barbell split squat by placing the barbell across your back (on trap muscles) as you would in a back squat. Again, engage your core, drawing elbows down and in. Many suggest that it helps you keep your gaze forward and focused on one spot. From this position, you take a step back with one leg, by keeping your shoulders and hips from tipping forward. Next, drop your back knee as close to the floor and press through your feet to return to the starting position. Switch to the other leg when you complete all reps for one set.

Barbell hip thrust

For this exercise, you’re going to need a low bench (around 16 inches or even shorter). You start doing it by sitting with your back on the bench and your shoulder blades sitting flush on the top of the bench. Rest the barbell across your hips. You may find it more comfortable with a barbell pad or towel under the bar. Especially when aiming for heavier weights. Your feet should be hip-width apart, plated on the floor. As you press into your feet, lift your hips off the ground. At this point, the shoulders are on the bench, and your hips lifted off the ground are creating a bridge position. Once you’re reaching the top of the bridge position, be sure that your chin is still tucked in. Control the form as you lower down.

Best Leg Workout (with a Barbell) Conclusion

These are some of the best exercises you can do with the help of a barbell in order to grow bigger and stronger legs. However, keep in mind that these are just some examples as there are numerous other examples. Not only that, there are numerous other exercises you can (and should) try to grow bigger and stronger legs.

Nonetheless, one sure thing is – do not ever try to find an excuse for skipping leg day! That would be a huge mistake as long as you’re serious about your gains and physique.

  • However, we all know that training legs can be painful, and with slow recovery, wishing to have even faster and more results. As long as you want to gain muscle even faster, get stronger, faster recovery, and be able to perform those leg exercises easier – you will greatly benefit from our Cycle Gear!

At you will find the best gear on the market with the best quality and prices you can find. We can help you determine the best ways to use them with an individual cycle advice plan in case you’re afraid of the side effects or simply unsure how to get the best possible results. With the help of, you’re sure on your way to getting stronger and bigger. Use the quality anabolic steroids we offer for sale and go for this best leg workout (with a barbell) and you’re sure to get stronger and bigger legs in no time!