
HGH Human Growth Hormone

Human Growth Hormone (shortly HGH) is a peptide hormone popular as name Somatropin with numerous different brand names. This hormone is essential for endocrine functions in living animals and humans. It stimulates growth on the cellular levels and is present in all body parts.

HGH is stimulating cell reproduction and regeneration. It’s an extremely important hormone for all humans, for a healthy life. But it also has a lot of benefits for fitness purposes too. Because it has numerous advantages for physique and performance enhancement, exactly like anabolic steroids, HGH got banned by WADA and other anti-doping agencies.

However, exactly as with steroids, a lot of people all over the world still use Human Growth Hormone with great success.

HGH (Somatropin) is identical to naturally occurring HGH that the pituitary gland secretes. The hormone is still called a steroid because it’s also a synthetic made hormone. However, it’s in no way an anabolic or androgenic steroid, because Human Growth Hormone is not a “sex” hormone. It works in different ways than anabolic steroids, and it’s highly effective for physique and performance enhancement. It’s also a vital hormone. That’s why it is often prescribed to people with low HGH levels.

To better understand how it works, you first need to understand:

How Growth Hormone Affects a Person

The pituitary gland secretes Human Growth Hormone and because of this hormone, the human skeleton normally develops. Moreover, it also has an anabolic effect on muscle cells, allowing them to grow. In addition, HGH is stimulating protein synthesis and reduces adipose tissue. That’s all very helpful for a person, especially for those involved in regular exercising.

Generally, HGH has a lot of benefits for the human body. Proper healthy life would be impossible without normal levels of HGH from many various aspects. This hormone has a comprehensive action when it comes to protecting the body from destructive processes and activating regeneration processes.

There are studies proving that a person suffering from HGH deficiency may “rejuvenate” a person by 10-20 years when HGH levels are back on track.

Being a growth hormone, it is quite obvious that this medication is awesome at increasing muscle size. And thanks to “muscle memory” you can maintain this size even after stopping the use of HGH. Moreover, because of its effects on fat and adipose tissues, HGH greatly helps you lose weight and excess fat. Studies indicate there’s a strong connection between lack of HGH and being overweight.

That’s why, there are so many people (both men and women) who can benefit from looking better, feeling better, and being youthful, all along with great improvements in performance and physique.



Insufficient levels of HGH can lead to the following symptoms:

  • Decreased sexual activity
  • Impaired sleep patterns
  • Muscle atrophy
  • Dry skin, unhealthy skin appearance
  • Shedding of hair
  • Fat gain without changes in diet
  • Fragile bones, tendons, and ligaments
  • Fragile nails
  • Lack of energy (chronic fatigue syndrome)
  • Mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, and mood changes
  • Cognitive disorders – lack attention and memory loss
  • Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system

HGH Benefits (positive effects)

While it may seem hard to believe – a lot of cinema stars, models, and athletes use HGH for its rejuvenating properties. Considering these people need to preserve a beautiful body image, that’s actually fairly obvious. A lot of famous people use HGH or were caught using it at some point in their life. Sylvester Stallone is just an example among many others. More than 50% of well known actors (and actresses), models, and so on and so forth use HGH to look young.sylvester-stallone-hgh-cycle

That’s why HGH is called “the fountain of youth”. It’s pretty much the only compound in existence that you can call this way. Human Growth Hormone has a lot of different benefits that you can yield. Some of them include:

  • Improved cognitive and overall intellectual functions
  • Reduces the healing and recovery period
  • Strengthens the heart and overall cardiovascular system
  • Increases bone density
  • Helps get a learner body image with less fat and more muscles
  • Huge improvement in skin, nail, and hair health
  • Improves sexual desire and performance
  • Betters your sleep
  • Lowers cholesterol concentration
  • Helps with better mobility of joints and reduces pains
  • Greatly helps improve the functionality of organs as well as their regeneration
  • Activates protective functions of the body
  • Improves immune system
  • Enhances basal metabolic rate
  • Stimulates the use of adipose tissue

A lot of athletes and sportsmen use it for physique and performance enhancement purposes. Except for the benefits I mentioned above, they may also experience:

  • Strengthens bones
  • Burns body fat
  • Improves strength levels
  • Increases lean muscle mass

There are various other benefits as well.

Who Mostly Benefits from the HGH Cycle?

Those people who suffer from a lack of HGH levels are obvious beneficiaries. For example, children suffering from stunted growth may greatly benefit from HGH. Moreover, those who suffer from pituitary tumors and have a lack of HGH would appreciate the effects of HGH as well as those with muscular dystrophy due to HIV infection. Many other people would benefit from it as well. Such as elder people with naturally low HGH levels.

At the same time, athletes and bodybuilders greatly love how Human Growth Hormone works for them too. That’s because with the help of HGH they can:

  • Accelerate recovery from injuries and after intense workouts
  • Increase muscular size and functionality
  • Activate the breakdown of the body both visceral and subcutaneous fat
  • Improve the overall performance
  • Gain more strength, endurance, energy, and stamina

Who Won’t Benefit from the HGH Cycle?

Almost anyone is almost sure to benefit from using a proper HGH cycle. However, there are some exceptions where I would not recommend using Human Growth Hormone. For example, you should not use HGH in case you find yourself in one or multiple of the following cases:

  • Thyroid disease (unless your doctor allows the use of HGH)
  • Specific injuries to some parts of the body (unless your doctor allows it)
  • Under 21 years old (unless your doctor allows it)
  • Have cancerous tumors
  • Have diabetes or pre-diabetic
  • Intolerance, allergies, or hypersensitivity to the active substance

If you’re having one or multiple of the following conditions, either talk to your doctor or avoid the use of HGH altogether.

HGH Side Effects

It’s important to remember that Human Growth Hormone is capable of causing side effects too. Like anything in this world – excess of something is detrimental. That’s why is important to start an HGH cycle slowly. Do not run high doses immediately. Also, keep cycle lengths appropriate. You can run higher doses only as you gain more experience with this compound.

After all, this is a hormone, that’s why they can have negative effects on the human body when they are in excess. Especially for long periods. Here’s a list of some common side effects that you may experience when using HGH, especially for too long periods and/or in too high doses.

  • PS: Most side effects of HGH appear after a while of using it. In 90% of cases, they appear as a result of using too high a dosage.

Human Growth Hormone side effects:

  • Increased sensitivity to insulin
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Tightness of joints
  • Swelling (edema) in the legs and/or arms
  • Joints and/or muscular pain
  • Gynecomastia
  • Headaches
  • Growth of internal organs
  • Others

How to Use Human Growth Hormone (Somatropin)

It is best to use the injections of Human Growth Hormone on an empty stomach. Studies indicate that the best time for injection is in the morning. However, some people say that it works best for them at night, right before going to bed. When to use it – is up to individual preference.


  • Note that HGH comes only in the form of injection. You need to administer it subcutaneously. Although intramuscular injection of HGH is also possible, it’s best to use SubQ. No other version of administering Growth Hormone exists. Subcutaneous injections usually go in the stomach.

There’s a strong interconnection between Growth hormones and food. It’s definitely best to use HGH on an empty stomach because the sugar level is low. That’s why people use it in the morning right before waking up, or when they go to bed. In both cases, you have an empty stomach. It’s also a good idea to avoid eating 1-2 hours after injection.

We recommend the administration of insulin only if you use high doses of HGH and for long periods. Mainly, that’s only for experienced athletes and bodybuilders. They use insulin about half an hour after an injection of Somatropin.

Best Nutrition During HGH Cycle

If you’re using HGH for anti-aging and therapeutic benefits, you don’t need special diets. Nonetheless, to reach your goals of “youthfulness and therapeutic benefits” you still need to have a healthy and clean diet.

People who search for weight loss or muscle gain purposes while on Human Growth Hormone, should follow more strict diets. Having a diet on point is the secret to achieving your results. Moreover, you should consider the workout plan too. There are different workout schedules for weight loss, hypertrophy (muscle gains), and health benefits. Talk with your trainer for the best plan for yourself and your goals.

Here are some general rules for a proper nutrition plan:foods-on-cycle

  • Get your minimal amount of proteins per day (about 1 g per lb or 2 g per kg)
  • Have a good proportion of proteins / fat / carbohydrates
  • Avoid junk food (fast food)

When bulking

  • Eat at least 5 times a day
  • Consume foods that are high in calories, fats, and carbohydrates
  • Eat one hour before and one hour after training

When cutting

  • Reduce foods that are high in calories, fats, and carbohydrates
  • Avoid eating right before going to bed
  • Eat 1-3 times a day

The options for meals are almost endless. If you are used to eating junk food daily, do not attempt to quit abruptly. Most of those who do, fail to keep up with a good diet after a while. Try to switch the meals to clean and healthy food gradually. Check for the foods that you enjoy most and find online healthy recipes for them.

You shouldn’t only eat chicken breasts and rise as many people tend to think. Eating healthy shouldn’t be boring, actually. You can always add natural herbs that can make you enjoy your meals such as garlic, basil, oregano, and many others. Chicken is a good source of protein indeed. But fish, turkey, and beef are always a good idea too. While you shouldn’t overeat beef, fish is almost a “must” in any diet. Get your proteins and healthy fats for maintaining your muscles and staying healthy!

Best HGH Cycles

It’s important to understand that regardless of the dosage and cycle of Human Growth Hormone you plan to use – it requires a while of continuous use of HGH until you’re going to notice the first benefits of HGH. People suggest that it takes AT least 2 weeks, but to get real results from week 4 or even more.

Because of this, and because of the fact that HGH is a helpful hormone, as well as it doesn’t require a PCT plan – most HGH cycles are long. At least 6 weeks, but that’s very rarely, up to 32 weeks or so. Yet, the most common HGH cycle lengths are ranging between 16 and 24 weeks. That’s regardless of the goals you’re aiming for.

eurotropin-hgh-100iu-somatropin-euro-pharmaciesBecause people need to use it for so long to make it effective and because Human Growth Hormone is generally an expensive compound – not everyone is ready to start an HGH cycle in the first place.

  • But at CycleGear.to you can buy HGH for sale for the best prices and be sure – it’s the best HGH quality. This allows you to save a decent amount of money. Even people with prescription HGH buy from our site. That’s because a monthly prescription of HGH in low doses (therapeutic needs) would cost you from $4,000 and onwards.


At CycleGear.to, you wouldn’t spend even $1,000 for the same amount.

HGH Dosage


  • Be aware that HGH dosage for weight loss, for women, for therapeutic benefits, and for anti-aging goals never go over 4 IU a day. Most commonly, 1-3 IU a day.
  • Also, beginners shouldn’t start with higher doses of 4 IU a day either.
  • When it comes to muscle mass growth, however, you need at least 4 IU a day and onwards (and you’ll yield all other benefits too).

However, doses over 4 IU a day are only for those who want to grow muscles and those who already have previous experience with Human Growth Hormone.

  • Doses over 6 IU a day are most susceptible to side effects.

That’s why only professionals might attempt it.

  • Some professionals attempt doses of 10 IU a day or even more.

But that’s something we definitely wouldn’t recommend to inexperienced people.

Adjust HGH doses according to your goals, lifestyle, and training regimen. Needless to mention that with a proper lifestyle, diet, and workout routine, HGH is going to be more effective, with less side effects and you’re more likely to reach your goals, faster.


HGH Solo Cycle

There’s rarely anyone running a solo HGH cycle. Unless you’re using it for therapeutic and anti-aging benefits. If you’re aiming for such goals 2-3 IU a day for 16-20 weeks of HGH is going to be enough.

HGH Cycle For Women

Women use HGH in order to get a better muscle definition, less body fat, and an overall weight loss effect. They usually use 2-4 IU a day. It helps improve skin condition, lose fat and grow some lean muscles. Therefore, the overall appearance of a woman greatly improves. Especially because Growth Hormone is not a sex hormone and is not going to cause androgen related side effects (virilization – masculinization).hgh-human-growth-hormone-for-women-cycle

Women usually use it for 16 weeks. Either alone or stacked with other compounds.

They may stack with Clenbuterol and/or Liothyronine for weight loss. Some stack with Anavar for growing lean muscle mass. Professionals run all of them stacked for ultimate body recomposition.


However, that’s only with lots of experience. They tend to run:

HGH about 4 IU a day for 16 weeks.
Clenbuterol started with 20 mcg/day and gradually increased up to 80-100 mcg/day. Start at week 7 up to week 16.
Liothyronine T3 started at 25 mcg/day, gradually upped to 75 mcg/day, and then gradually reduced back to 25 mcg/day then stopped. The entire process from week 5 up to week 16.
Anavar. 10-20 mg/day for the last 6 weeks of the cycle.

HGH Cycle For Cutting

Using HGH for cutting (weight loss purposes) generally means you use lower doses of 2-4 IU a day. Other compounds that go with HGH for cutting highly depend on a lot of different factors. It can go from:

Testosterone and HGH alone for cutting up to Testosterone with HGH, Trenbolone, Winstrol, Clenbuterol, Liothyronine, Primobolan, and Masteron all in the same cycle. HGH dosage and cycle length rarely change, what really changes is the dosage and cycle length as well as the number of other PEDs added during the cutting cycle depending on the level of experience, exact goals, etc. Remember that you need an appropriate cutting diet and workout plan.

HGH Cycle For Bulking

Using HGH for bulking (weight and muscle gaining purposes) means that the starting dosage is 4 IU a day. However, it is the maximum dosage for beginners. Dosage can go up to 10 IU a day. Some bodybuilders confessed to using as much as 20 IU a day – I definitely wouldn’t recommend it. To keep it somewhat safe, 4-8 IU a day is maximum.

The cycle length is never less than 16 weeks (unless something goes wrong). Most commonly, people start with HGH during their bulking cycle and continue using it until their Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan ends. Or for 16-24 weeks if they are cruising (or in TRT).

Exactly as with cutting plans, the amount of other PEDs, their dosages, and total cycle length depend on many different factors. For bulking, it can be a similar plan as for cutting with Testosterone and HGH alone (but in higher doses). Or it can be up to stacking HGH with Testosterone and many other anabolic steroids and PEDs together. There’s a very wide variety: Equipoise, Deca Durabolin, Insulin, Dianabol, Anadrol, Trenbolone, and many others.


Human Growth Hormone Conclusion

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is an essential hormone for any person. It’s necessary to have a proper level of HGH for the proper development and recovery of any human body. Athletes, bodybuilders, models, actors and actresses, and many of those who want to get their physical performance and appearance to the next level search for ways to increase HGH levels. Many of them use HGH to increase the levels even well over the normal range for achieving performance and physical appearance that is “well over” most people’s physiques and performance. They use it in cycles during which they obtain mind blowing results. Then they are capable of maintaining those results with a proper lifestyle.


HGH is highly effective, but you need to follow a few simple rules to actually reap off its benefits and stay away from possible side effects. Proper dosage administration, cycle length as well as proper lifestyle are all very important. Establish your desired goal and use Human Growth Hormone according to it for achieving the optimal results.


It’s important to understand that a full cycle of Human Growth Hormone is actually expensive. Considering that you need to use it for around 3-4 months straight but HGH is generally expensive to manufacture. Nonetheless, those people who start with an HGH cycle say that it’s worth every single penny.

Especially considering that the HGH price at CycleGear.to is way much lower compared to all other places where you can buy it from.

Especially compared to prices of prescription Human Growth Hormone. If you have a prescription HGH – compare the prices you can buy it from our site and the price for a month you spend. You’ll notice a huge difference.

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