Cutting and Keeping Muscle

The cutting process is not an easy task and is something that nobody enjoys. However, that’s an important process when it comes to getting ripped and shredded, with that muscle definition everyone is craving.

In case you are still not aware, cutting is the process of eating less food than you previously did to burn excess fat. However, cutting is different from weight loss which also involves eating less than you previously did. That’s because cutting means you try to lose excess fat while also keeping your muscles. Therefore, you try to achieve a lean and muscular physique.

A cutting cycle is usually a real challenge that is not easy. That’s why nobody loves cutting. It is because, during cutting, you need to increase the amount of cardio, reduce the calorie intake (under your maintenance), and be very careful about what you’re eating. Taking this into consideration, it is very easy to see why.

There are a lot of different theories on how to cut. However, as with all things related to fitness, you’ll often find a lot of myths that are just that – myths. There is a lot of great advice too. However, you’ll just need to know where to look. I recommend paying attention to those that are science backed-up.

What does it take to cut?

You may already know that in order to burn fat, you need to increase your activity level. Indeed, being more active will burn more calories, therefore, you’ll lose weight. On the other hand, regardless of how active you are, you will not burn that extra fat if you continue eating in surplus. That’s why your diet is crucial. You need to lower your calorie intake (below maintenance). The boost in activity levels will boost the calorie expenditure. So, you need to eat less, and you need to be more active. However, it still doesn’t stop here, as there are other factors to consider too.

While you may be lowering your calories (eating less), you will still need to ensure that you get enough macronutrients and micronutrients. Macro or micro- nutrients deficiencies will significantly hinder your progress. Micronutrients are minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. You usually get enough of them as long as you eat right, healthy, balanced, and varied with a proper macronutrient balance. Pretty sure you’ve heard about macros before. They include protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

When you plan cutting and keeping muscle, you need to have your macros on point, getting a certain number of calories from fat, carbs, and protein. So, indeed, fat loss occurs when you consume fewer calories than you burn. However, cutting is not only about how many calories you consume, it is the source of those calories that significantly matter too.

In order to build muscle (or at least keep muscle) while you’re cutting fat, you need to aim for a large amount of protein. That’s about 1 gram of protein per day per pound of body weight. You’ll also need to get healthy fats (about 10-20% of your total calories) and the rest are carbs.

Check cutting tips to keep muscles below:

Tips For Cutting and Keeping Muscle

Increase your water intake

Many think that they should decrease their water intake to decrease their water retention. Yet, although it may be counterintuitive, drinking more water will actually help you decrease water retention. Drinking less water won’t only make your body hold onto water, bloating you, but it may lead to various health issues, hindering your cutting progress. We’re mostly made up of water – our organs function properly thanks to water. Not only that, but water will also help prevent hunger pangs. Studies prove that increasing water intake makes people eat less. Drinking water before eating will make you consume fewer calories per meal.

Generally, water contains zero calories and is essential for your organs, such as your heart, liver, lungs, muscles, and so on. Staying hydrated will increase your energy levels, allowing you to increase your activity levels. So, water helps you both boost calorie expenditure and consume fewer calories too.

Prep your own food

Preparing your own food is important because it allows you to have total control over what goes into it. I assume you’ve seen a lot of bodybuilders preparing their own foods, and they rarely eat out. That’s not only because preparing your own food helps you save money, but it is because you know exactly how much you need to eat each food. You do not need to be Gordon Ramsay to prepare your own food. Moreover, you can always develop new culinary skills.

That’s important because you need to be diligent with food when cutting. Ordering takeaways or buying microwave meals will make it incredibly difficult to keep track of what you’re consuming.

Don’t freak out if you cheat

Of course, the less you cheat, the better. Maintaining a caloric deficit is necessary to cut. However, it can be really hard. Moreover, the longer you’re cutting for, the harder it is. This is the reason why a lot of bodybuilders will occasionally have cheat meals or even cheat days when they are cutting. This involves chowing down on an enormous cheat meal. While this will kick up the calories, it will help you emotionally (and even physically, by stopping your body from entering the “survival mode”).

That’s why, if hunger kicks in too hard and you can barely think of anything else instead of a gigantic pizza, then go for it and try not to beat yourself up about it. Stay on track after it. People give up because they lack motivation and usually after a cheat meal. Stay away from negative thinking that makes your diet spiral out of control. You’ve had a cheat meal, but you still need to stay on track – focus on the task.

Use cardio to max your caloric expenditure

You can’t cut without a calorie deficiency and you can burn fat and lose weight efficiently through diet alone by eating less. However, in order to cut effectively and get that awesome shredded appearance, you can (and should) combine your diet with cardiovascular exercises.

Adding cardio to your regimen will maximize your results as it will boost the calorie expenditure, increasing the rate at which you lose fat. This will help you compensate for the days that you are cheating. Moreover, cardio exercises will help you enhance your cardiovascular health too.

Lift heavy

Many people assume that lifting weights is not necessary during cutting and weight loss cycles. That’s a huge mistake. Even if your goal is weight loss, lifting heavy will still help you in numerous ways. Not only will it help you burn more calories, but it will help build and preserve lean muscle tissues. When it comes to cutting and keeping muscle, lifting heavy is actually even more important than cardio! Lifting heavy and building muscle is extremely effective at burning fat. Even though cardio is even more talked about when it comes to cutting.

Heavy weight and low rep range (hypertrophy rep range) exercises will help build lean muscle. This will help boost your metabolism, which will make your body consume more calories on a daily basis when resting. The more your body burns during rest, the faster you’ll burn fat. Moreover, you’re keeping muscle during the cutting cycle which is essential for developing the shredded and ripped physique.

Avoid all sugar at all costs!

Yes, there is sugar that you need, such as that from fruits and vegetables. But that’s the only sugar you need to get. Especially during a cutting cycle. We’re talking about avoiding all sugar when talking about refined processed carbs and fat. Sugar is quick-release energy, and in case we do not burn it immediately (and we rarely do), it is stored soon after as fat. This is something that you are very likely to know even if you’re not into fitness – sugar is bad for you. It is bad both for your health and if you want to improve your body shape. But during a cut, sugar being bad for you is double true.

What you should aim for is to completely exclude it from your diet. Avoid anything sugar – foods or drinks. You get enough sugar (because your body still needs it) from fruits and vegetables. These are also nutrient dense, unlike processed foods. Moreover, if you keep it sugar-free, you’ll also get to eat more as high sugary foods (and drinks) are high in calories. Instead, opt for foods that are full of protein and fiber.

Consume caffeine

You may have noticed that caffeine is in most weight loss diets. That’s because it is actually helpful in burning fat. Caffeine will help lift our moods, increase alertness, and allow us to concentrate longer. Besides, studies prove that coffee also has appetite suppressing qualities. Because of all these factors, caffeine works very nicely alongside any cutting diet plan. You can even try a supplement containing caffeine if you do not love coffee taste. Especially because you need to drink black sugarless coffee.

Drinking coffee with milk will add calories. As in terms of sugar, read the previous point. Since not everyone loves black sugarless coffee, you could opt for supplements with caffeine. In whichever case, make sure you do not overdo it. Anything over 400 mg of caffeine per day in total can be detrimental. Especially if you have some cardiovascular issues. In fact, you may need to reduce (or avoid altogether) caffeine intake if you do have any particular health issues.

Use less cooking oil

Cutting is a highly delicate game and any detail matters. So, while it may seem a minor point, it all adds up. Cooking oil is full of trans fats and calories. Therefore, if you’re pouring oil into your cooking pan, in your salads, or over your meals, you may add a lot of calories without even knowing. While it may not seem much, trust me, it does add up in the long run.

To minimize its impact, be careful not to overdo it. You do need fats (even when cutting) but you need to be careful with their amounts and quality. So, you may opt for sprays that will finely coat the cooking pan, salads, or any other meals in small amounts. Needless to mention, you should avoid high fat foods, especially during cutting.

Eat lots of protein and fiber

A lot of people do not even realize that their protein intake is extremely low. This is one of the main reasons why they feel, look, and perform poorly. When you want to burn fat and keep your muscles, you need to increase your protein. Opt for one gram of protein per pound of body weight per day. Protein is the best thing you need when you’re cutting. When cutting, you need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates and add a lot of protein rich foods to your diet. This will help your cutting game and help you keep muscle.

Fiber is another extremely important element that you need in your diet. Vegetables are full of fiber, so you need to make sure that you’ll get enough of them. Especially because they are also full of microelements too. Fiber is important to help you keep full allowing you to eat less, and is important for your digestive system. Increasing the amount of protein and fiber you eat per day will lead to drastic results in your fitness game.

Prepare for hunger

Cutting means that you eat less than you used to. Therefore, feeling hungry is something you should expect. That’s one of the main reasons why the bodybuilder cutting journey is such a difficult one. You need to cut the calories from your diet, that’s why it is called cutting in the first place. So, hunger is normal and expected. You need to face hunger head-on. Especially because there are likely to be times in your cutting when you will likely feel crazy-hungry.

If you really want to be shredded, you need to be strong! This is why there are not too many people who are walking around shredded – not everyone is so strong. Find your motivation, plan, and prepare. Throughout your cutting phase, you should focus on your end goal, working hard to build up your mental fortitude. It is the mental part that you’ve got to overcome to achieve your goals. You may build discipline, similar to how you can build muscle. It takes time and practice. The most important thing is to never give up!

Cutting and Keeping Lean Muscle with Cycle Gear

One of the best, fastest, and by far most effective ways to achieve your goals of cutting and keeping muscle is to use Cycle Gear’s anabolic steroids.

We provide the best quality bodybuilding steroids that are doing wonders when it comes to cutting fat and building lean muscle mass. There are no better compounds than steroids for cutting and keeping muscle. Our cutting steroids are tried and tested and proven to be the best quality on the market. Moreover, we provide the best prices for them, allowing you to save money. This way, Cycle Gear will give you the extra help you need to make your next cut the best of your life.

It is important to understand that learning how to get cut is a long journey. It is not always easy, but it is always worth it. Alongside, you will get an awesome boost in your goals. We provide numerous cutting steroids and weight loss compounds that boost your energy, keep your appetite in check, keep your muscles, boost fat burning processes, and provide numerous other benefits that you need for your cutting cycles. Follow these tips for cutting, and you’re going to get the best shape of your life in no time!



Cutting Meal Plan Example

With the help of the right cutting meal plan, you’re going to achieve great success in your cutting cycle. That’s because the right meal plan helps you cut away fat and preserve lean muscle tissues. It is obvious that you need to lower your calorie intake – this is the way your body starts burning fat to provide the necessary energy source. But when you’re cutting incorrectly, you may start losing muscle mass

That’s why, with the correct cutting meal plan, you’re cutting calories from unnecessary carbs, unhealthy fats, junk foods, and sugary foods. At the same time, you aim to pack lots of protein in your diet, which will help you preserve the lean muscle tissues and support your fat loss.

On the other hand, if you’re cutting too much calorie intake from your nutrition, your body will get into “survival mode”. This will slow down your metabolism and make your body start holding onto fat even more. So, what you need is the right balance of calories, with the right balance of macronutrients. This is different for every person. So, before you enter a cutting cycle, make sure you learn how to do it right.

It is important for you to aim to lose fat and keep muscle and strength along the way. But it is also important to remember that this is not a quick fix method, yet it is not sustainable long-term. So, then again, you also need to find a perfect balance. Get plenty of important nutrients and continue working out hard and regularly.

Anyway, check an example of a cutting meal plan. It will include foods that you require to fuel your workout and recover post-workout.

Foods For Your Cutting

If you want to maximize your cutting efforts, you should ensure you get the important foodstuff. Check some foods that will help you have a successful cutting cycle:

  • Fruits (such as bananas and different berries)
  • Chickpeas
  • Chicken breast
  • Various beans types
  • Oats
  • Brown rice
  • Whole-grain cereals
  • Eggs
  • Greek yogurt
  • Nuts
  • Lots of vegetables

There are numerous other foods that you can add to your cutting meal plan, but there are lots of others that you should avoid eating such as pizza, burgers, high fat and high sugary drinks and foods, fast foods, and other highly processed foods and junk food.

Still, there’s a lot of flexibility in foods that you can have in your cutting phase. This way, you can stay motivated and add variety to your cutting meal plan diet. That’s important because the biggest problems that make people give up a cutting cycle before they should is the too restricted and boring foods that they allow themselves.

So, check below some different cutting meal plan examples. Keep in mind that the exact amount depends on your goals, current weight, and numerous other factors.

You do need calories in order to support muscle building and fueling your workouts. So, don’t be too restrictive, but still stay in a calorie deficit. Also, do not eat too many nuts and do not have too many carbs. Better keep carbs for before and after your workout as they provide the energy for workouts and replace the ones you spent while working out.

First Example of Cutting Meal Plan

  • Breakfast – whole grain cereal with semi-skimmed milk
  • Snack – berries
  • Lunch – chicken, brown rice and broccoli
  • Post-workout snack – nuts
  • Dinner – protein shake with chicken or beef fajitas.

Second Example of Cutting Meal Plan

  • Breakfast – egg whites whether scrambled or in an omelet. Two slices of whole grain bread and milk
  • Snack – hummus on oatcakes and apples
  • Lunch – chili with Quorn mince
  • Post-workout snack – apple and almonds or almond butter
  • Dinner – chicken burger with whole wheat bread and a fried egg (or whichever other form)

Third Example of Cutting Meal Plan

  • Breakfast – yogurt and fruit bowl with berries (such as goji berries), and seeds (flax seeds and/or chia seeds) with almond butter
  • Snack – bananas
  • Lunch – buddha bowl with fresh greens, edamame beans, cherry tomatoes, pine nuts, and cooked quinoa
  • Post-workout snack – Greek yogurt with maybe some berries
  • Dinner – Caesar salad with skinless chicken breasts, hard-boiled eggs, lettuce, avocado, and chives

Fourth Example of Cutting Meal Plan

  • Breakfast – oatmeal with peanut butter
  • Snack – edamame beans
  • Lunch – baked potato with tuna and cheese
  • Post-workout snack – a whole grain bagel with smoked salmon and cottage cheese
  • Dinner – skinless chicken breasts with baby potatoes and some cups of mixed greens with sesame seeds

Fifth Example of Cutting Meal Plan

  • Breakfast – scrambled eggs with baby spinach
  • Snack – various nuts
  • Lunch – chicken wrap with tomatoes, cucumber, olives and hummus
  • Post-workout snack – greek yogurt (may add some berries)
  • Dinner – tuna or salmon steak with sweet potatoes, broccoli, and asparagus

Sixth Example of Cutting Meal Plan

  • Breakfast – oatmeal with some berries and/or nuts
  • Snack – bananas
  • Lunch – grilled courgette, kale, pepper, and hummus wrap
  • Post-workout snack – apples and/or almonds or almond butter
  • Dinner – beef stir fry with brown rice


With these cutting meal plan examples, you’re on your way to achieving your cutting goals. It is important to remember, however, about portion control. While these are great examples of cutting meal plans, you should pay attention to how much of those foods you eat to get the perfect balance of the macronutrients and the correct amount of calories (which should be just slightly below your maintenance calories).

When you stick to the right macro balance, and the right amount of calories with the help of these meal plans, you’re surely going to achieve your goals. Do not go to extremes. It can hinder your cutting fat loss.

However, if you need a helping hand, is here to help you. We can offer a lot of cutting products, including weight loss compounds and cutting anabolic steroids that will help cut through fat and preserve lean muscle tissues. These products will help you take the best benefits out of your training and dieting efforts. Moreover, we can help you with an individual cycle plan in order to ensure you stay safe as you get the best possible results.


Trying to Lose Weight? Reduce Hunger

You’re having success in cutting fat and maintaining muscle, but there’s a never-ending problem – hunger. How can you reduce hunger when you’re trying to lose weight? This is a pretty common question among people in cutting cycles attempting to lose weight and burn fat.

First off, without any doubts, you need to master the best way to diet, opting for healthy food swaps, and eating in calorie deficit. Then you need to nail your workouts. After you’re done it all, you’re now left with a grumble in your stomach, and learning how to reduce hunger will definitely help. Especially when it comes to keeping you on track. In a weight loss and cutting cycle, the temptation of eating a large pizza all by yourself seems to get stronger and stronger by the day.

First, it is important to understand that a sudden decrease in daily calorie intake, especially accompanied by food choice differences, is likely to lead to an increase in hunger. Especially when doing it for the first time. Here we’re going to share ways to reduce hunger.

Ways To Reduce Hunger

First, you should know that there are compounds that can help reduce your hunger, such as Semaglutide (Ozempic / Wegovy). This is a popular compound for weight loss and cutting cycles as it helps reduce the stomach emptying process, keeping you fuller for longer.

There are also other appetite suppressants out there. Moreover, there are other weight loss compounds such as Clenbuterol and others, but they do not reduce your hunger, they help you burn fat in other ways. Anyway, one of the most popular appetite suppressants currently on the market is Semaglutide, helping you to reduce hunger efficiency. But there are various ways to help you be less hungry and eat less.


So, here’s how you’re suppressing your hunger during a cut:

Eat more protein

Eating more protein is the first and most important thing you should do in order to feel full. Those who are not getting enough protein in their diet shouldn’t be surprised that they are finding it hard to feel full. Protein is extremely helpful at increasing the feelings of fullness and makes your stomach “satisfied” for longer. This means that you are likely going to eat less, and you will not eat for longer, helping you to stay on track. Protein is extremely important in supporting your cutting goals. It prevents muscle loss and supports your weight loss as protein is least likely to be stored as fat in your body.

Get lots of fiber

Another extremely important element that shouldn’t be lacking in your diet as long as you plan to reduce hunger is fiber. Eating more fiber is going to help you eat less. A diet rich in fiber is also usually accompanied by other crucial nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. So, you’re feeling fuller, and your body gets everything it needs to support your health, muscle growth, and fat burning process. Fiber will slow down the rate of stomach emptying and make it fuller for longer (literally). You wouldn’t want to eat soon after your last meal. Studies prove that fiber-rich foods increase your feelings of fullness by around 30%! This means 30% less calories and 30% less fat!

EAT your calories

What I’m trying to say is that you should actually eat your calories, not drink them. The way you consume your calories will have an effect on how hungry you’re feeling. During a bulking plan when you try to get in as many calories as possible then drinking calories can be a great idea. But studies suggest that those who actually “eat a solid snack” will be less likely to eat as much at their next meal compared to those who are “drinking a liquid snack”. That’s because the time you spend chewing will allow the brain to reach more signals of fullness. Research suggests that there’s a connection between taste buds and a feeling of fullness.

Drink a coffee

Coffee is a popular drink that helps you boost your energy levels. That’s why many people drink it in the morning and/or before their training session. However, coffee does also have appetite suppressant effects. Research indicates that it will increase the release of a hormone that usually responds to eating, promoting feelings of fullness. This way, a cup of coffee could help you reduce hunger. That’s besides its fat burning abilities and increasing metabolic rate. However, you shouldn’t add any sugar or you’ll get the opposite effect!

Drink lots of water

Do you know that your body may send you signals that you’re hungry whereas you’re actually thirsty? We can’t always distinguish the feelings, so we may mistakenly think that we’re very hungry when our body is searching for hydration. Of course, in most cases, you would love to eat too, but by drinking water you’re likely to eat way less. Research suggests that by drinking water before a meal you’re likely to eat around 22% less than those who do not drink any water at all. That’s why, if you want to go for a snack, you better drink some water first. Generally, make it a habit to drink as much as possible. You’re going to reduce hunger and you will be healthier too.

Focus on your food

The feeling of fullness is sent by our brain. The brain and stomach are “talking”. But if you distract the brain, your stomach can’t really talk to eat, so you’re likely to get delayed feelings of fullness. Eating when distracted or eating fast makes it harder for the brain to send those signals. You should practice mindful eating, focusing on your foods, and really soaking up the experience and taste of the foods you are eating. This is why you’re eating way more when you’re focused on the TV. Avoid any distractions when eating. You should look and have all your focus on the foods while eating slowly. In short – practice mindful eating! Studies suggest that it will lead to a drop in hunger hormone levels, making you less hungry.

Appetite-suppressant food options

There are some food options that may decrease your appetite. They could reduce hunger, and curb sweet cravings, and others. Some of them include dark chocolate (which helps slow digestion), ginger (which reduces hunger after a meal), and spice (which affects the feelings of fullness).

Brain tricks

As said, your stomach and your brain are constantly talking. Your brain is the one that “signals” you to eat more or less. You could use some brain tricks in order to reduce the amount of food you eat. For example, you could use smaller plates. When eating off a large plate, your brain naturally “thinks” the portion is small. Eating a tiny portion makes you feel “unsatisfied”. Also, you could get a bigger fork as you’re going to eat less. Research suggests that people eating with bigger forks are eating 10% less than those using smaller forks. But it is the other way around for your spoon. Use smaller spoons to eat less.

Exercise more

If you can’t figure out how to lose weight and reduce hunger – go exercise. You know that exercising is crucial to burn fat and lose weight, but you may not know that exercising can suppress your appetite. If you’ve ever been hungry and gone to the gym, you may have noticed that your hunger disappears when working out. So, don’t go hard in the kitchen, go hard in the gym.

Get lots of rest

Studies suggest that people who are low on rest increase their appetite and hunger by about 25%. When you’re sleep deprived, you will be more likely to feel fatigued, and your cravings for bad food options increase. So, lack of rest may make you feel hungrier than you really are. Want to reduce weight and burn fat? Get enough rest.

Minimize stress

Stress has been linked with easier fat gains, and harder fat burning. People living in constant stress are more likely to overeat. People could start eating when feeling stressed. Moreover, when under stress, the body increases cortisol levels – which increases food cravings (bad choices) and desire to eat. Minimize your stress in order to minimize your hunger.

Avoid any sugary options

Whether we’re talking about drinks or foods – avoid anything that contains sugar or its alternatives. Sugar is the one that spikes your insulin more than anything else. Insulin will increase your hunger feeling. If you plan to reduce hunger, you need to learn how to reduce insulin. Avoiding foods and drinks containing sugar, limiting carbohydrates, and working out are some of the most important ways in which you reduce insulin and, therefore, reduce hunger.

Limit your food options

Another “brain trick” is to avoid “seeing food”. The more you see it, the more tempted you are to eat it. Stash candies/cookies or whatever else you can’t have. Replace the foods you see with healthy food choices instead. But sometimes, “stashing” is not enough because you still know where they are and you may still get tempted. What can you do? Don’t bring them home altogether. Narrow your food choices when grocery shopping. Do not buy anything you can’t have, you will be less likely to crave them when they are not in your house.

Remember your mission and reduce hunger!

It is important to understand that the first weeks are the hardest. Similar to any other type of diet. When you’re at the start of your cutting cycle and it feels like the hunger takes over – you’ve got to keep on pushing. Do not give up too soon. The body needs time to adapt to the new calorie intake and food choices. You need to give that chance to adapt. You can do it by keeping your mind occupied with a habit, working out, and so on. Remembering your mission could really help. Keep your eyes on the prize and this will make you feel motivated.

It may feel difficult at first, but you will deal with it without any issues. Add lots of protein to your diet, avoid any sugar, and get more exercise. This alone will help a lot reduce your hunger, leading to weight loss and fat burning.

However, we understand that sometimes, you may need a helping hand. is here to provide that help. We offer lots of information that could help, and we also offer you the necessary products to achieve that. You can find Semaglutide which helps reduce hunger, but there are lots of other cutting products too. They could help cut through fat and protect your lean muscle mass. We offer all those compounds of the best possible quality from the best manufacturers online. Moreover, we try to provide the best prices, among numerous other benefits that you can take advantage of when doing business with us.


Cutting Workout For Weight Loss

When you’re attempting to burn fat and lose some weight, you will need an adequate cutting workout and cycle plan. You need an adequate routine that will support your goals of getting lean and maintaining your muscles as you lose weight.

As you’re aiming for weight loss, it is crucial to preserve as much muscle as possible during your cutting cycle. And you do that with the proper cutting workout. Plain weight loss may be a good idea only for obese and clinically overweight people. But for the rest, males or females, maintaining lean muscle mass is extremely important to look good. So, in order to maximize fat loss and maintain lean muscle, you need to go for the proper cutting workout for weight loss.

We’re going to analyze here what a bodybuilding cutting workout program looks like. You will find the best cutting workout to get cut in no time. This program helps you get leaner, and stronger, and achieve the best version of yourself.

What makes the best cutting workout program?

It goes without saying that a cutting cycle involves a calorie deficit diet. However, correct training is extremely important as well. When we’re talking about cutting workouts, there are two important aspects:

  1. Cardio
  2. Weight Lifting


It is quite obvious that in any cutting workout routine when you aim to lose weight and burn fat, you will need cardio. Nonetheless, the type of cardio that you’re doing in your cutting workout routine really matters. We’ll talk about them here.

It is important to pay attention to the cardio you include in the cutting workout plan because doing it wrong may encourage muscle loss. You definitely wouldn’t want it to happen. The type and the amount of cardio you do is crucial. When you find a perfect balance, you’ll get the most amount of lean muscle while making sure you melt that body fat.

Weight Lifting

During cutting programs for weight loss, most people aim to burn as much fat as possible, but this may lead to burning lean muscle tissues. As a result, they still do not get lean, or at least not the way you would love to look. This is one part of the reason why weightlifting is such an important element in your cutting workout program. Many people do not even realize how extremely efficient weight lifting is at contributing to fat loss. Cardio technically burns more calories than lifting weights in the gym. But… that’s in the gym. Calorie burning effect lasts way longer when lifting, it continues in the recovery phase.

So, weightlifting has the benefits of boosting your metabolism even more than cardio, helps you burn a lot of calories, even when you’re not in the gym, and helps you maintain your lean muscle tissues and strength gains. Should you weight lift when you’re in your cutting workout for weight loss? Definitely! It is no wonder that the guy who is doing cardio-only in the gym has made no progress for more than a year. Don’t be that guy!

Cardio For Your Cutting Workout

So, we’ve earlier said that there’s the “right” type of cardio to burn fat and keep your gains. Well, there are two ways in which you can do your cardio for the best results in your cutting cycle.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Cardio

If you’re aiming to lose weight, you’re likely to already know what HIIT means by now. At least, you definitely should. Lots of people do not usually include it as a part of their cutting workout routine, but it is a mistake as HIIT can maximize calorie burn in a short amount of time and provide lots of other benefits that other types of workouts can’t.

HIIT allows you to burn fat much faster than longer, slower, workout sessions as it includes short bursts of intense exercise. Moreover, HIIT can be extremely helpful for your endurance, strength, getting lean, for your cutting workout plan, football training, or whatever. Also, it comes with the benefit of squeezing it into your long gym sessions as you do not need much time to get it done.

  • Instead of going on the mind numbing and time consuming treadmill for an hour, go for short bursts of getting sweaty and you’ll get it done in just minutes.

How to do it?

Before you start your HIIT, you need to make sure you’re warmed up. Go on the treadmill or skip the rope for a couple of minutes. You could go for the HIIT workout involving running, rowing, cycling, or an elliptical machine.

You start doing it for a minute at 60-75% of your max heart rate, then you give it your all (over 90%) for 20-30 seconds. Repeat this 10 times – a total of 15 minutes per set. Or you could include a HIIT workout involving light weights. Go for weights that are 50% or below your max, and attempt 40 seconds as many reps as you can (with proper form) and then 20 seconds rest. Go for the next exercise. Aim for total body exercises. Aim for 4-8 exercises per set (which makes 5-10 minutes per set). Can do 2, 3, or even 4 sets if you want to.

Moreover, avoid overdoing it because you risk losing muscles. Bodybuilders aim to add this HIIT cardio cutting workout for weight loss about 3 times a week. You could go for this type of cardio post-workout with one set, or aim for 2 to 4 sets of it on non workout days. Go for a protein shake or snack to avoid muscle loss. You can always switch up exercises during HIIT workouts. You could switch from running to rowing, to cycling, and so on. Also, you could switch to various types of exercises when aiming for HIIT workouts in the second way.

Long Duration, Low Intensity Cardio

Some people may not love HIIT workouts simply because they can be hard to do. Especially for beginners. Whereas HIIT workouts are helpful, if you don’t love them, at least go for the low intensity and longer duration cardio. The problem with this type of cardio is that the risk of losing muscle mass is significantly higher. When doing the HIIT workouts with exercises this risk doesn’t exist and the risk is very low with the other type of HIIT workouts.

However, with low intensity but long duration cardio, there’s a pretty high possibility of losing more muscle mass. This cardio is focused on endurance, but it can push your body to the point where it sacrifices muscles to continue doing the workout.

  • On the other hand, there are great benefits when adding long duration cardio to your bodybuilding cutting workout for weight loss. As it is low intensity cardio, it uses fat as the main fuel. It helps you save carbs for more intense exercises and will fire up the fat burning process. Do not do it for longer than 60 minutes, however.

How to do it?

Similar to HIIT workouts, you aim for 3-4 times a week. You could go 3 times a week if you’re a beginner, 4 times a week if you’re pretty fit. It also depends on how your progress goes. For example, if you notice that you start losing weight too fast (meaning that you will likely sacrifice muscles), then you could reduce from 4 to only 2-3 times a week.

Also, HIIT workouts usually last 10-15 minutes per set. And you can only do one set, up to 4 sets, depending on various factors. However, 15 minutes with slow intensity will only start using fat as fuel. That’s why you need to aim for at least 30 minutes, but no more than 60 minutes, depending on various factors. As it is a low intensity workout, aim for 60 but no more than 75% of your max heart rate to continue using fat as a fuel source, but not carbs.

Most bodybuilders do it on non-workout days considering that it is a long lasting type of cardio. However, if you have the time, you can do it post your weight lifting workout. Do NOT do it before weight lifting to have enough energy in your tank to perform the weight lifting properly. This type of workout may be more comfortable, especially for beginners. Moreover, it focuses mostly on burning fat. However, it can be a bit boring and it is time consuming.

Let’s closer analyze the pros and cons

HIIT pros

  • Time saving (short bursts of exercise)
  • Higher calorie burning faster
  • Can easily adapt to sports-specific training


  • Can be hard for beginners and people out of shape
  • Carbs are the main energy source
  • Doesn’t focus as much on endurance

Low Intensity Pros

  • Easier for beginners and people out of shape
  • The main energy source is fat, not carbs
  • Focuses a lot on endurance

Low Intensity Cons

  • Can be pretty boring
  • It is pretty time consuming
  • Higher risks of muscle loss

Weight Lifting In Cutting Workout

As said, cardio is common for cutting cycles, but weight lifting in the cutting cycle is an absolute must. That’s because weight lifting won’t only help you preserve and possibly gain muscle and strength during your weight loss program, but it does help you burn fat too. There are numerous other benefits as well such as afterburning effect, better metabolism, getting leaner, and others. But you need to do it right. Here’s how.

Focus on large muscles

By focusing on large muscles you will burn more calories. That sounds very logical. It is not hard to understand why. Larger muscles will require more energy to perform the exercise. That’s why focusing on exercising and demanding larger muscles will burn more calories and fat. That’s why doing squats will burn more fat than doing bicep curls, for example.

Hit compound exercises

Compound exercises are those that target multiple muscles at once. Then again, it is very easy to understand why we recommend doing it – working on multiple muscles at once allows you to burn more fat. Not only that, but working multiple muscles will help work out with heavier weights, increasing your anabolic hormones and leading to greater muscle stress, which ultimately leads to bigger muscle gains too. So, when you do weighted squats, for example, you’re using quads, glutes, hamstrings, and core. This helps you burn more fat than when doing leg extensions where you only engage your quads.

Keep your heart rate up

Searching for ways to burn fat fast? Avoid long rests between sets. If you’re sitting down and zoning out for minutes your heart rate decreases. But you need to keep your heart rate up in order to burn more calories. This is why powerlifters tend to have more fat and more strength. They are resting a lot with only a few reps of super heavy weights. Those who want to get learner are usually lifting lighter weights than they can, but without long rests in between sets and significantly more reps which keeps their heart rate up.

Cutting Workout Info

It is very important to understand that the best workout to get cut varies from one person to another. Everyone is different so you need to find what works best for you. While I’m going to share a few general notes, it is important to adjust your schedule to your best. For example, add more weights and reduce reps, or vice versa, reduce some weights and add more reps.

Moreover, you could focus on circuit training in your cutting workout to lose weight. It is extremely helpful for weight loss, as it gets your heart rate up and mixes it with heavy lifting. But it is not easy. Try to focus on lots of compound movements and larger muscle types. Also, if you’re an advanced lifter, try to take no rests between sets. Opt for as little rest as possible in between sets and exercises when you can’t go without rest. 10-20 seconds should be enough! Also, try to go for one circuit without stopping. Ideally, aim for circuits, doing all exercises in a row for one circuit. At least circuits until you improve to three circuits. Aim for 6-8 exercises in a circuit (as said, with little to no rest in between).


Go for 8-12 reps, or up to 20 reps depending on the exercise type. Choose weights that will keep it tough, but not super daunting as you don’t need to get tired too fast. You aim to keep your heart rate up. So, you need to pick a challenging weight that allows you to keep a proper form and allows you to make it to the end of the circuit. But at the end of it, you should be feeling tired.

Aim to do it all 2-4 times a week. 2 times if you’re a beginner, 3 times for more advanced, and 4 times when you have enough experience. Do not undertrain as you definitely won’t see the desired results. On the other hand, do not overtrain as it will negatively impact your progress. Remember to switch up the exercises that you are performing. It will keep you from reaching a ceiling point on your progress.

Ready For The Best Cutting Workout For Weight Loss?

Ultima-Test-EQ 400 MixIt is important to understand that a cutting cycle is not easy. If you’ve ever tried to burn fat and lose weight you already know it very well. That’s why a lot of people struggle to see progress when it comes to their cutting routine. However, we can help you maximize your efforts.

Now that you are armed with this best cutting workout plan, you can get lean in no time. However, keep in mind that your diet plays a crucial role too. We can help with that too. Moreover, we can offer an extra hand too. is here to help you. We offer 100% quality anabolic steroids that will support your bodybuilding cutting program. Moreover, you’re going to save money as we provide the best prices. With our products and information, you are surely on your way to revealing your lean muscle mass during the cutting cycle.

Learn how to correctly use anabolic steroids, how to correctly follow the cutting workout plan, and how to correctly have the cutting workout diet. At you will get help with all of that so you’re on your way to success.


How To Create a Calorie Deficit For Weight Loss?

A calorie deficit, to those who are not aware of what it actually is, can sound something intimidating, hard, or even dangerous. Nonetheless, the calorie deficit is actually a logical and straight explanation of how we manage to lose weight and burn fat.

In fact, if you’ve ever noticed losing a few pounds and had some success in your weight loss journey, then you’ve unknowingly been in a calorie deficit yourself! Being in a calorie deficit is actually a crucial component of cutting fat and getting lean. In case you’re doing it right, you can also gain some muscle mass too. But if you’re doing the wrong calorie deficit plan, then you could lose muscle!

What is a Calorie Deficit?

The calorie deficit is a state that your body enters when you provide it with fewer calories than it burns on a daily basis. You can burn more calories than you consume either through staying active, simply via dieting or both. Regardless, as long as your body gets fewer calories than it consumes, it is in a calorie deficit state.

Absolutely anyone can enter a calorie deficit. Regardless if we’re talking about competition powerlifters, bodybuilders, absolute beginners, veteran lifters, sports players, or even those who have never been in a gym.

In the end, it all depends on how many calories you put into your body versus how much energy (calories) you use per day. How many calories you put depends on how much and what exactly you eat. How many calories your body uses depends on your daily activity level.

What factors impact the calorie deficit?

There are a lot of factors that could impact your calorie deficit. Keep in mind that everyone is different, with different body types, responding differently.

A lot of things can influence the calories that you burn daily. It comes down to your gender, age, height, and weight, the amount of activity you get on a daily basis, as well as your body composition (your muscle-to-fat ratio).

For example, if you have more weight, you are likely to need more calories to maintain that weight than someone lighter than you. But as said, there are other factors to take into consideration. For example, we usually need fewer calories per day as we age. Moreover, men tend to need more calories than women. It is quite obvious that the more you exercise a day, the more fuel (calories) you are going to need to put into your body to keep it functional. Think of calories as an energy source. As you put gas into your vehicle for energy, you put calories (foods) into your body for energy.

Calories and Weight Loss

It is important to understand that you cannot lose weight in case you are not in a calorie deficit. The calorie deficit is the only way for weight loss. Nonetheless, keep in mind that there are numerous other things that play a role in the way you look. For example, if you only eat fewer calories than you burn, you will see the number on the scale go down. But if you do not exercise and do not eat healthy, it doesn’t mean that you’re going to love what you see in the mirror. That’s because you’re still likely to have a lot of fat. Moreover, you’re likely to feel down, because of the poor food choices.

On the other hand, if you are exercising intensively and regularly while eating a lot of vegetables AND staying in a calorie deficit, then you are going to burn fat, see the number on the scale go down, AND maintain/grow muscle while feeling great!

In order to burn about 1-2 pounds per week, an average person is going to need to lower their daily calorie maintenance requirements by about 500 to 1000 calories (the average person needs anywhere between 2000 to 3500 calories per day).

Keep in mind that to stay in a calorie deficit, you do not need to go hungry. You could eat low calorie foods like vegetables and fruit, with lots of protein and fiber which helps you keep fuller for longer. Another trick is to drink more water (sometimes, we mistake the feeling of thirst for the feeling of hunger). All you need to do is keep a lower-than-maintenance calorie schedule. In fact, you should not be too drastic with your calorie reduction. While it will speed up weight loss, it can wreak havoc on your body’s organs, immune system, metabolism, and/or hormonal balance.

How to Achieve a Calorie Deficit

You need to eat fewer calories than you burn to achieve a calorie deficit. But how do you know how many calories your body burns? Well, there are various methods you can use to find out how many calories your body requires in order to maintain its current weight.

  • Nevertheless, one of the simplest ways that offer an approximate measurement is to use an online calorie calculator. How does it work? Well, there are various factors it takes into consideration.

For example, you should know that everything in your body burns calories. You’re actually burning calories even when you do nothing, such as sleeping or watching TV. That’s because your lungs breathing, your heart pumping blood, your muscle repairing, your stomach digesting food, your brain functioning and everything else – are all requiring fuel.

That’s why people tend to burn fat even if they do not exercise, and sometimes, even if they are not trying to lose weight. But it is pretty obvious that you boost the calorie expenditure process as long as you start doing something. Walking, running, lifting weights – all work your muscles. And muscles need that fuel to perform the necessary tasks. This is why a physically active person burns more calories than another who is not. So, if you plan to find out how many calories you need you could use an online calorie calculator. It is not 100% accurate, but at least it provides a good approximation. You need to provide your age, gender, height, weight, and weekly activity level, usually.

Then, you need to eat less than the maintenance number.

The speed of your weight loss will depend on how large a deficit you create. Too large a drop in calories is, obviously, not sustainable. Moreover, it can be unhealthy too. It is recommended for you to reduce the calories by about 500 up to 1000 calories on average per day. If you don’t reduce by 500 per day, your weight loss progress is going to be very slow.

But it is not only about lowering your daily calories by 500 per day for reasons I’ve earlier shared. You also need to eat healthy. Go for low calorie foods like vegetables and fruit, while eating lots of fiber. Do not forget that you should also drink lots of water every day too. These are tricks that can help stave off hunger. Foods that are packed with fiber and protein will help you keep you satisfied for longer. Moreover, they are usually pretty low in fat and calorie amounts.

So you need to reduce calories (eat less) while eating healthier, or increase the amount of exercise that you are getting daily. This can cause a calorie deficit, which leads to weight loss. But ideally is to do both.

Exercising will keep you healthier, and leaner, and boost calorie expenditure. Definitely forget about sugary drinks, and avoid as much high fat foods and processed foods. Have a balanced and healthy diet. Avoid fatty foods and processed foods. Go for green vegetables, whole grains, fruits, lean meats such as chicken and fish, as well as low fat dairy products too.

Create a Calorie Deficit and Maintain Your Muscles

To burn fat, you need to stay in a caloric deficit. However, it is important to understand that during a caloric deficit, you are likely to use muscles as a form of energy source, not only fat. This means that while you burn fat, you may also lose some muscles too. This is why it is important to eat healthy (not only less) and to exercise. This will greatly help minimize muscle loss when you’re cutting calories. You need to get plenty of protein and lift heavy in the gym. Proteins are the building blocks of muscles, and protecting them, while lifting heavy ensures you keep those muscles and may even gain more.

The problem is that it can feel too demanding. When eating less, creating a calorie deficit, you may notice a lack of energy, strength, and endurance. This can make it harder to keep pushing in the gym. Moreover, you may start losing motivation too, due to lack of strength and energy. Especially considering that in a cutting cycle, you should work hard, but give up on so many of your favorite foods. This is why a weight loss and cutting cycle can be very hard to maintain.

Yet, now you can get a helping hand. Cycle Gear is here to help with all your needs. So if you want a better and faster way to kickstart your calorie deficit and cutting cycle, go for our 100% quality and real anabolic steroids. provides the best quality bodybuilding steroids online for the best prices on the market. Regardless if you’re searching to cut or bulk, we got you covered. These cutting compounds boost your strength, and fat loss, preserve muscle, and enhance energy, endurance, and overall motivation!


How Does The Body Burn Fat?

Everyone has heard about “fat burn”, but not everyone realizes what really happens to that fat when we burn fat. If you’re thinking “I don’t really care”, you should know that’s a big mistake. That’s because if you learn what happens to the fat the body burns, it may be helpful in burning it faster and easier. Understanding the process of “fat burn” will help you achieve your goals.

In the end, regardless of where the fat tends to store, we can’t burn fat locally. There are different areas of our bodies where fat may be stored. It mostly has to do with our genetics. For some, it could be the stomach, for others thighs, or even the face. It varies from person to person. But to get rid of the problematic area, we have to learn how to lose weight and burn fat. Here we’re going to share how fat loss occurs.

How does fat burning occur?

When we’re burning fat, we do not literally set it on fire so it would burn. It also doesn’t literally “melt” as we tend to say, nor does the weight we lose, we actually lose. So, where does the fat even go?

Before we explain it, there are various things you should be aware of. So, when we have a bit more weight than we want to, it means that we’re eating more calories than our body is using. Calories are basically the energy that your body needs to perform. Think about calories for your body as fuel for your car. But instead of pouring on the floor when the tank is full, the body tends to store those calories so it can use them for later. But when you never stop providing that surplus of calories, the weight gain doesn’t stop. That surplus of calories is stored in our body in the form of fat and/or muscles.

It is important to understand that the body is using that energy (fuel) received from calories (from foods), in different ways. We do not only need energy for physical exercise. We also need energy even when we’re at rest. That’s because your body needs to use energy in order to keep your heart pumping blood, your lungs to breathe, your brain to thin, your digestive system to break down the food you eat, and so on. This is called the “basal metabolism” or “basal metabolic rate” (BMR for short). And obviously, the body needs energy when you’re active. Whether you’re lifting weights, doing cardio, or walking – your muscles need energy to perform the necessary tasks.


So, what happens to fat when you lose weight?

Well, in order to burn fat, you will need to eat fewer calories than your body needs. When you’re performing tasks, the body needs calories (fuel) to perform them. In case you’re not providing those calories (from foods), your body takes its fuel (energy) demands from the stored calories. So that’s why the body is still able to function despite the fact that a calorie deficit occurs. It is going to search for your fat reserves for energy. Therefore, it will burn fat.

Nevertheless, the question still stands: what happens to fat when you lose weight?

Fat tends to leave your body in two ways. It escapes through your skin when you’re sweating, or through your kidneys – you basically urinate it. This is in the form of water. However, only a small amount of it (16%) turns into water. The rest (84%) you actually breathe it out. What does this mean? The fat is turned into carbon dioxide and you burn it by basically breathing it out.

Therefore, fat is converted to carbon dioxide (mostly) and water (a bit). You exhale carbon dioxide when breathing, and you get it out through sweating and urine. So, to be more exact, if you lose 10 pounds of fat, then 8.4 pounds go through your lungs, and the remaining 1.6 pounds turn into water.

Burning Body Fat

Because of the way we burn fat, it explains how some people can burn fat without ever stepping into the gym. It also explains how people can burn fat without ever sweating. Contrary to popular belief, sweating a lot in the gym will not cause fat burning. It will only cause water loss. And only a very small amount of that sweat we lost will contain fat. That’s why we can burn fat and lose weight through diet alone. We only need to maintain a calorie deficient diet (provide the body with fewer calories it requires) and voila – weight loss occurs.

Still, there are a lot of reasons why exercising goes hand in hand with fat burning and weight loss processes. Just think about it – if you’re getting the exact same amount of calories per day and you don’t work out and you maintain your current weight, you are going to notice fat loss as long as you continue getting the exact same amount of calories (foods) per day, but you started to work out. That’s because your body started using more calories.

It is pretty obvious that the body will use a good amount of calories when working out. But working out will not only have an effect on your calories alone. It will boost your BMR (metabolism), help provide a better hormonal balance that can support fat burning, and have numerous other benefits.

When we’re working out, our muscles will first burn through glycogen to get energy. After 30 to 60 minutes of exercising, it starts to burn fat. Studies suggest that incorporating weight lifting 2-3 times a week with at least 30 minutes of cardio on a daily basis will increase your metabolic rate and have a huge impact on the fat burning abilities of the body.

Best Ways To Burn Body Fat

We are getting energy from calories. But calories are broken down into three macronutrients – fat, carbohydrates, and protein. The body uses these sources in different ways in order to supply its energy demands. So, our body is mostly searching for fat and carbohydrates in order to get energy. It maintains protein to be used for muscle repair (which occurs post-exercise). The body uses protein during exercise too, but only a small amount. It mostly looks for fat and carbs when we’re exercising to fill up our energy needs. In the end, the ratio of how our bodies use these fuels depends on the type of activity that we’re doing.

Therefore, to burn fat, we need to provide a good ratio of these fuel types. We should work on our macronutrient ratio. It goes without saying that we should eat fewer calories too. This is the reason why we need to have a diet on point in the first place. We need to pay attention to how much we eat (calories amount) and to what we eat (macronutrients balance). Besides, we obviously should workout

Strength Training

Strength (resistance) training is extremely helpful in burning fat. It is mostly used for muscle building, but muscles help burn more calories at rest, boost metabolism, and it still helps burn fat directly. That’s why strength training is so important for anyone, regardless if your aim is to burn fat or gain muscle.

High intensity exercise

When you’re doing high intensity exercise (such as HIIT or running at a fast pace), your body will mostly rely on carbs for fuel. That’s because it needs a lot of energy and it requires them fast. But carbs are broken down for energy faster and more efficiently. So, your body looks for carbs when doing such activities.

Slower paced exercise

Such exercises are usually longer, but slower paced exercises such as running at a slower pace or even walking long distances. This shifts your body into taking its energy demands from fat, rather than carbs.

Anyway, you don’t really need to get caught about this. What really matters is to burn more calories than you consume.

How to Lose Fat?

So, what are the best ways to burn fat? The most important thing that you should pay attention to is the calories that you consume versus the calories that you burn. This will determine whether you lose weight, gain weight, or keep it unchanged.

So, in order to get that fat burning, I strongly recommend you to work on a calorie deficit.

So, as mentioned, the calorie deficit is the most important thing that you should focus on when you want to make sure that your body will start losing its current weight. This means that you consume fewer calories than the body burns every day. You should provide fewer calories than your body needs to maintain the current weight based on the activity level that day. That’s why you may have heard someone saying that they can eat a bit more today as they trained for a bit longer. That’s why, focusing on a diet alone for fat loss can be a solution, but a mixture of a healthy diet and exercise will not only speed up the process, but it will enhance the way you feel, look, and perform.

Burn Body Fat By Lifting Weights

Everyone knows that lifting weights will help build muscle. However, you need to know that lifting weights can help increase fat loss too! During weight lifting, you’re both burning fat and gaining muscle mass. So, lifting heavy and doing resistance exercises will encourage fat burning, boost metabolism, and help grow muscle mass. Especially when it is paired with a healthy diet.

Lifting weights benefits you in a lot of different ways. Here are some of the main benefits for you:

Fat Loss

As you can guess, you are burning calories during your workout. So, when you’re lifting weights, you’re actually burning fat, not only tearing muscle fibers (which then grow bigger and stronger, leading to muscle growth). Lifting weights at a higher intensity will help burn more fat and will help gain more muscle.

But doing so will also increase the afterburn effect. This means that even long after your gym session, your body is going to continue to burn calories (at rest) in various ways.

Boosts Metabolism

Why is weight lifting so helpful for burning fat? Because it helps kickstart your metabolism. A diet-only approach could help you burn fat. But the problem is that such a weight loss regimen (diet-only) will actually lower your metabolism by about 20% each day.

This means that your body’s ability to burn fat will decrease daily. Therefore, if you’re aiming for fat loss, lifting heavy in the gym will have a lot of benefits. It helps you keep your muscles, burn fat in the gym session, burn fat as an afterburn effect, and burn fat by keeping your metabolism high. So, instead of lowering your metabolism (which has a direct impact on how fast and efficiently you burn fat), you actually increase it.

Preserves muscle mass

Now that’s why lifting weights is so important. Doing cardio-only and dieting may help keep your metabolism (but not as high as when you’re lifting heavy) and may help speed up calorie expenditure. However, cardio won’t help preserve muscle mass. Weight training, however, will help you maintain muscle mass during your diet. This leads to even more fat burning. Muscles are metabolically active. This means that when you’re losing muscle mass, you’re losing the extra-calorie burn that muscles can provide.

Not to mention that in order to enhance your physique, you need a decent muscle mass. If you’re a beginner, I would recommend going for a total body workout. Complete such a workout type at least twice a week. Have at least a day or two in between. You will start getting stronger, and more muscular, and encourages fat burning. This way, you will be able to do even more exercises and lift even heavier. You won’t notice overnight effects. But you’re going to notice differences soon enough in your body when having a controlled diet and weight training for fat loss.

How To Burn Body Fat Fast?

To burn fat, you need to stay consistent with your exercise and diet plan.

You should make sure that you get regular exercise and you keep on dieting. Work on your calories and macronutrients during your nutrition in order to get the best and fastest results. You also need to stay on track with your workout to hit your fat loss goals. Here are some tips for you:

  • Stay active. While going to the gym is almost a must, you can switch up your routine to stay active. Such as parking further from the store, gym, work, etc. as you will walk more – spend more calories. It may not seem much, but it adds up when doing it daily.
  • Focus on exercise. Make your workout a priority, do not try to squeeze a workout in at the last possible moment.
  • Plan your time. While you should strength train 2-4 times a week, I would recommend you plan your time to have a short workout daily. It could be some cardio, walking, or numerous other activities that help you burn the extra calories.
  • Split it up. If you do not have the time to spend 2 hours at the gym, split your workout throughout the day. Such as cardio in the morning and strength training in the afternoon.


In the end, one of the best ways to burn fat fast is to search for a helping hand. Especially if you’re struggling to shed excess fat. The good news is that we’ve got your back. The cutting products at will greatly help cut through fat fast, protect your lean muscle mass, and boost your energy levels. We provide the best quality anabolic steroids on the market for the cheapest prices!

How To Reduce Sugar Intake?

We all know that sugar is by far not the healthiest and is very likely to ruin your physique too. While our bodies actually need sugar to be healthy and support our bodybuilding goals, most of us tend to eat too much sugar. For this reason, we’re going to share here information regarding how to reduce sugar intake. You may have noticed that figuring out how to stop eating sugar is not an easy task. Especially if you’re not sure what you’re doing.

It seems as if there is sugar in everything these days. That’s a huge problem when attempting to achieve a low-sugar diet to achieve your physique and performance enhancement goals.

It feels impossible to reduce the sugar intake when doing the weekly shop, because, indeed, almost anything contains sugar. Everything – from bread to beer, they all contain sugar. The trick here is learning which foods contain more sugar, and which one you can (or at least should) cut out of your diet.

Here we’re going to share various thoughts on how to cut sugar out of your diet. In this way, you can find what’s the best thing that works for you for achieving your goals. You will know how to reduce sugar intake which will support your goals!

The effects of sugar on your body

While a bit of sugar, as said, helps maintain a healthy body and mind, the problem of the 21st century is too much sugar for most people. And sugar plays havoc on your body’s health and physique. From obesity to diabetes, cancer, tooth decay, and heart disease, it can cause other issues as well.

Nonetheless, please note that we are talking about added sugars. That’s because you can get sugar from fruits, for example – from a banana. Fruits are packed with nutrients and often, these sugars are fine, again, unless you tend to eat way too much fruit.

In the end, most people, whether they are aware of it or not, tend to eat far too much sugar on a daily basis. The average US citizen, for example, consumes 68 grams of sugar a day! That’s a whopping 17 teaspoons per day. That is considerably over the recommended maximum which is 25 grams for females and 37 grams of sugar a day for males. And we’re not talking about an actual 17 teaspoons of sugar a day. While you may add only 2-4 teaspoons of sugar a day in your tea or coffee, you take the rest from the foods you eat. The sugar you add to your drinks only adds up to this number.

The point is – you don’t need to add sugar yourself to take the necessary amount! Well, unless you actually eat extremely low amounts of sugar.

How To Cut Out Sugar?

Check below some of the best methods that will help you reduce sugar intake, help you stay healthy, and reach your fitness goals.

Avoid The Desserts

Yeah, we know that it is hard to give up on desserts as they are very tasty, however, desserts usually offer very little in terms of actual nutrition. Instead, most desserts are full of sugar that will only cause your blood sugar levels to spike, and then crash. This is going to lead to tiredness, hunger, and a desire to consume even more sugary foods. Needless to say, each and every one of these effects can and will have a negative effect on your health, performance, and physique.

Almost a fifth of the sugar in the US diet tends to come from sugary desserts.

It’s hard to give up on desserts, but it’s worth reducing their amount until completely excluded or at least eaten very rarely. Instead, you can opt for a healthier dessert such as fresh fruit, dark chocolate, or yogurt, each providing less sugar and more nutritional value. It won’t make you feel tired and make your waistline grow.

Dodge The Sugary Drinks

Almost half of the sugar found in the average American’s diet comes from sugary drinks such as soda, sports drinks, and energy drinks! You may think that fruit drinks are an exception. Well, they’re not. While they are marketed as “healthy”, they are actually not. Indeed, they are healthier, providing some vitamins, but they are still full of sugar!

A lot of people make the mistake of dieting but continue drinking sugary drinks (whatever they may be, including fruit drinks and coffee or tea with sugar) and still have no luck losing weight.

Drinking is one of the poorest ways of maxing out your daily calorie allowances. That’s simply because they do not satisfy hunger. This means that you’re going to reach your calorie limit for the day before you’ve had your lunch, simply from drinking sugary drinks. And you’re still hungry.

What to do? Avoid ALL of them! Have the healthy habit of avoiding them. Only drink water, and sugarless tea or a few sugarless coffees a day.

Choose Whole Foods

By saying whole foods, we’re talking about foods that are not processed and are not packed full of additives. What should you do? Cooking at home, and ensuring that the foods you buy at the market are not processed. Those highly processed foods, like certain kinds of desserts, soda, and overall junk food are very high in sugar, as well as salt and fat.

If you cook simple dishes with meat and vegetables as well as complex carbs like whole grain pasta, brown rice or peas will help you cut out a lot of sugar from your diet.

Low Sugar Cereals

A lot of us tend to have breakfast cereals, however, they are popular for being full of high amounts of sugar. Even those that are marketed as healthy cereals still have lots of sugar! You should be aware that a lot of popular American cereal brands contain almost HALF their weight in added sugar! This means that almost half of what you eat is pure sugar! Want to reduce sugar intake? Avoid those high-sugar cereals.

In fact, a lot of breakfast foods tend to be high in sugar. Pancakes, waffles, muffins, and many more – all packed in sugar. That’s why a lot of people tend to exceed their recommended daily allowance of sugar even before they have their breakfast! But then there’s the full day ahead. And since their breakfast was so full of sugar, they tend to feel sluggish throughout the day and have food/sugar cravings.

A fruit, avocado, eggs, and/or Greek yogurt is going to be a much better option for breakfast!

Double Check Labels

While it feels unfair, it is not illegal for brands to use words like “healthy” on their products, despite the fact that they may not be. What should you do? Always read the label! There’s a chance you’ve read “low fat” with a huge font on a product. But if you were to read the labels, you’d see that while it’s indeed low in fat, they compensate for it with a huge amount of sugar! Or the other way around.

There are also lots of those who use various sneaky names for sugar. It could include caramel, maltose, dextrose, molasses, rice syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, cane sugar/juice, and possibly others.

Top tip: The name of an ingredient that is on the top, has a higher percentage of foodstuff in the product. The higher the name of an ingredient is in the top ingredient list, the higher the percentage of it.

Add Lots of Protein and Healthy Fats

While sugar will make you feel sluggish and only increase the hunger feeling, protein keeps you feeling full (satiety) for longer. That’s simply because a lot of protein-rich foods are slowly broken down and digested. Sugar, on the other hand, will increase your appetite by sending signals to the brain, suggesting the stomach is empty, while it is not.

That’s why it is so easy to overeat and binge on sweet and sugary foods such as desserts. Protein, on the other hand, is full of extremely important amino acids and will make you feel full for longer. On the other hand, fat is high in energy (healthy fats) and also works to reduce hunger. In short, you’ll feel both full of energy and a full stomach.

Use Natural Sweeteners

You should know that sugar is incredibly addictive. Regardless if you know it or not, accept it or not, and regardless if you notice it or not in our daily lives. Moreover, similar to certain drugs and alcohol, over time you can get a tolerance to it. This means that in order to feel satisfied, you will be required to up your intake of sugar. In fact, do you know that it is even possible to experience withdrawal symptoms from lack of sugar if you quit a high-sugar diet? In short, you should be switching to a diet that is low in sugar if you’re already making the mistake of having a high-sugar one.

We know that giving up on sugar can be hard. That’s why, if giving up sugar in your food is really difficult, you could try natural sugar alternatives like stevia, erythritol, and xylitol. While it would be better to avoid them too, they come with far fewer calories and they are not going to cause spikes in blood sugar (that’s why they are good for diabetes-suffering patients). Nonetheless, they are still exactly as sweet as sugar.

Reduce Sugar: Conclusion

Learning how to cut sugar from your diet is very important because it can be tricky. Moreover, it may not be a rapid process. Nonetheless, over time, you should be able to reduce your daily intake of sugar below the level of the average American. And that’s what you actually should be doing as long as you want to support being healthy and developing the physique you’re dreaming about.

Keep in mind that sugar both benefits the way you look and your health because reducing sugar will reduce cancer risk, lower chances of heart issues, lower body fat, and will actually lead to more energy in your daily life.

If you are serious about getting more energy levels that can support your health and your bodybuilding goals, however, I recommend you to pay attention to our anabolic steroids which are of the best quality and are sure to help you out. While they do not help reduce the cravings for sugar, they help get rid of extra body fat and support your muscle gains. When you start noticing results from the efforts you put in the gym and in the kitchen (by resisting the temptation to eat sugary foods), you’ll want to get to the next level. And there’s nothing else better than the anabolic steroids you can get for sale from



There’s a very high chance that you’ve already heard about Semaglutide in 2024. That’s because Semaglutide has skyrocketed in popularity in the last few years. Pretty sure you’ve heard about it especially if you’re searching for effective weight loss and fat burning compounds. Considering that this drug is so popular for such purposes, its interest in the bodybuilding community has spiked as well. Its potential benefits for weight loss, fat burning abilities, and appetite regulating properties make it very attractive among lots of athletes, bodybuilders, and whoever else attempts to lose weight.

But similar to any other drug or supplement, Semaglutide comes with its own advantages and drawbacks. While lots of people suggest that it is a complete game-changer when it comes to weight loss (ask Elon Musk), remember to use it in a controlled manner because it comes with potential side effects. Before you actually use it, learn as much as possible about Semaglutide. What it is, proper dosage, what to expect from using it (both benefits and side effects), and so on.

  • Also, it is important to remember that individual results may vary significantly. It depends on lots of factors such as your personal response/tolerance to it, current stats (age, height, weight, body fat percentage), lifestyle choices, diet, workout plan, and so on.
  • It goes without saying that in order to achieve a successful weight loss and cutting cycle plan, you need to stay in a calorie deficit with a proper diet and workout plan. Semaglutide won’t magically help you. Learning about nutrition and workouts is crucial to achieving your goals.

So, let’s get going, checking the most important factors regarding Semaglutide.

What is Semaglutide?

Semaglutide is the active substance in popular brand names such as Wegovy or especially Ozempic. That’s right, Ozempic (or Wegovy) is nothing more than just the brand of Semaglutide. You may find it as numerous other brands.

Semaglutide is a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist. But I understand that this may not tell you anything. In order for you to understand it better: your body naturally produces GLP-1. This is a peptide that helps control your blood sugar levels and slows down gastric emptying. Therefore, using Semaglutide essentially mimics this natural hormone which lowers your blood sugar level and gastric emptying rate.

This is the reason why Semaglutide is medically used to control high blood sugar and encourage weight loss in obese people. This is why Semaglutide is an FDA approved medication for people with type 2 diabetes and obesity, even as a standalone treatment. However, in order for it to provide the necessary results, it must be used alongside proper diet and exercise.

If you’re a bodybuilder (regular lifter), it can still benefit you. Studies suggest that this compound is effective at promoting weight loss in various ways. For example, it helps reduce appetite, and the way it regulates blood glucose levels (and therefore insulin), helps boost weight loss and fat burning processes. As someone in bodybuilding who eats right, you already have control over your diet, so Semaglutide can help boost the fat loss process further. If you’re not, you should first learn how to control your diet.

Moreover, another great bonus – Semaglutide helps improve insulin sensitivity and this can prevent muscle loss.

Semaglutide In Bodybuilding

Semaglutide is not very popular in the world of weightlifting simply because it has no benefits for those looking to build muscle. The fact that it helps regulate insulin sensitivity may be somewhat helpful in preventing muscle loss, but it doesn’t help gain muscle. That’s why Semaglutide / Ozempic is a poor option for those who want to bulk up and gain muscle. Especially because it can lower your appetite, but during a bulking plan you generally aim to eat more than your maintenance calories.

This drug mimics the GLP-1 hormone which promotes insulin secretion, slows digestive processes, and suppresses appetite. It also could help aid muscle recovery and help reduce muscle inflammation post-workout. But still, its appetite-suppressing properties make it counter-effective for bulking. It is still helpful in bodybuilding for those who are in weight loss and cutting cycles. The compound helps reduce hunger pangs, which provides even more control over diet – an essential aspect of bodybuilding and whoever wants to develop a lean physique. Controlling diet could lead to a more precise calorie and macronutrient intake, offering an edge in bodybuilding.


Nonetheless, it is important to remember that Semaglutide, similar to any other compound, has potential side effects. Nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pains, pains at the injection site, and allergies are some to mention. The severity of side effects varies from one individual to another depending on numerous factors. That’s why it is important to use it carefully, especially for the first time.

In the end, Semaglutide is not a traditional bodybuilding compound. Nonetheless, its recent popularity makes it a great option among those who are searching to reduce their appetite and blood sugar levels, leading to weight loss and fat-burning processes. It may not be the best choice for bulking, but can still reduce inflammation and boost muscle recovery.

Semaglutide Benefits

  • Control blood sugar (glucose) levels
  • Slows down digestion
  • Suppresses appetite
  • May assist in muscle recovery
  • May reduce muscle inflammation post-workout
  • Helps burn fat and lose weight

This is why it is used as a prescription medication for obesity and diabetes. But it is also popular in bodybuilding circles. It is especially popular among those who want to burn fat and lose weight.

Bonus benefits:

  • Studies suggest that it can improve cardiovascular health
  • Science links its use to lower cholesterol levels
  • May reduce blood pressure levels
  • Could be helpful for your liver and your heart

Semaglutide Side Effects

  • Nausea
  • Stomach discomfort
  • Reduce kidney function
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Heartburn
  • Individual allergic reactions
  • As with any other injectable compound – injection site pain
  • Overuse could lead to low blood sugar levels

Moreover, similar to any other compound, Semaglutide (Ozempic) may not be suitable for everyone. Research suggests that people with certain medication conditions should avoid or at least first talk to a healthcare professional before using this compound. Be careful if you’re suffering (or have a history of):

  • Gallbladder problems
  • Pancreatitis
  • Alcoholism

How to Use Semaglutide?

Semaglutide is a medication that you can only use as a subcutaneous (SubQ) injection. You can use it only once per week, but with higher doses, generally, the weekly dosage is split into 2 even halves, used evenly apart throughout the week. You can use Semaglutide after a meal or on an empty stomach, any time of the day, day or night.

Moreover, you can use it as a standalone cycle, or use it with numerous other compounds. But it is best to stack it only after using it alone, assessing the way it works for you and your body, instead of stacking which leaves you unaware in terms of which compound causes certain effects you may be experiencing.

Semaglutide Dosage

Various doses of Semaglutide may offer a variety of effects (benefits) and potential side effects. It also may affect each individual in different ways. It is always best to start with a lower dosage during your Semaglutide cycle and then increase. I recommend increasing no more often than once every 2 weeks and by no more than 0.25-0.5 mg increments. Generally, the Semaglutide cycle lasts no less than 4 weeks, but it can be longer. Common Semaglutide cycles last between 8 to 12 weeks during cutting or weight loss programs.

Always run Semaglutide only with an adequate diet and workout plan. Semaglutide dosage for bodybuilding purposes (cutting and weight loss) is generally the same as for people who obtain a prescription for this compound. That usually is within the range of 0.25 mg up to 2 mg (no more than 2.5 mg) per week. Keep in mind that the higher the dosage, the benefits likelihood and intensity increases, but so does the likelihood and intensity of side effects.

Understanding Dose-Specific Semaglutide Results

  • 0.25 mg per week. Usually, this is the starting dose. Most people need higher doses, but it is the dosage that you should start with, especially for the first time. A lower concentration of this dosage reduces the risks of side effects.
  • 0.5 mg per week. If you successfully tolerate the 0.25 mg dosage per week, the next step is to increase it to 0.5 mg per week. This dosage usually provides considerable benefits with modest weight loss and good blood sugar level control.
  • 1 mg per week. You may increase to 0.75 mg from 0.5 mg, but most people who tolerate the 0.5 mg per week usually go for 1mg per week. This is the dosage that most people aim for sustained weight loss. It enhances the rate of weight loss while doing a great job of maintaining diabetes in control.
  • 2 mg per week. This dosage is used for weight management. It significantly accelerates the pace of weight and fat loss, but it also comes with higher risks of side effects.

Using Ozempic / Semaglutide For Weight Loss Recommendations

Start from a lower dosage and slowly increase to a higher one. Check how your body feels at specific doses. This way, you will allow your body to adjust to the compound and minimize the potential side effects.

Start at 0.25 mg for 2 weeks. Then increase to 0.5 mg per week for 2 more weeks if you’re responding well. From week 5 and onwards, you could increase to 1 mg per week. Stay on this dosage for at least 2 weeks, but usually, 4 weeks. By this time, you’re 6, or usually 8 weeks into your cycle. You can either stop and then restart later, or use the same dosage for 2-4 more weeks. Alternatively, you can increase to 2 mg per week for those last 2-4 weeks (10-12 weeks total Semaglutide cycle), but if you do, watch out for the possible side effects.

It is crucial to start with a low dose and ramp up over time. It is also crucial to take the dosage at the same time each week. Consider splitting dosage, especially if you attempt to use 1 mg or more per week.

Semaglutide Conclusion

Ozempic / Wegovy including other brand names containing Semaglutide is getting more popular among people who want to lose weight and burn fat. Semaglutide is a medication for dealing with obesity and diabetes. Nonetheless, Semaglutide for bodybuilding can be very efficient too.

This compound promotes significant weight loss and fat burning by controlling blood sugar levels and slowing down the rate at which your stomach empties (controls appetite). Nonetheless, it does come with side effects such as nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and others. While you may not experience any side effects, for other people they can become really bothersome.

In the end, it is important to understand that Semaglutide has been proven worthy and efficient for bodybuilding. For anyone who wants to lose weight and burn fat. Nonetheless, it is crucial to understand that you must use it correctly alongside a great diet and workout plan. Ozempic (Semaglutide) is not a magical compound that would work in mysterious ways. You should make sure you work for it. Semaglutide will just help speed up the process and take out most of your efforts when dieting and training.

Semaglutide FAQ

How does Semaglutide work for weight loss?

Semaglutide works by mimicking the effects of the hormone GLP-1. The hormone reduces the stomach emptying rate, making you feel fuller for longer after meals, and allowing you to eat less. It also helps reduce blood sugar levels. That’s why it is effective for weight loss and diabetes.

What are the benefits of Semaglutide?

The main benefits of Semaglutide are weight loss, fat burning (therefore effective for obesity treatment), and control of high blood sugar levels (therefore diabetes). But there are other benefits too such as reducing the risk of heart disease, improving liver health, and others. Including all other benefits associated with reduced weight.

How to take Semaglutide?

Semaglutide is only used subcutaneously (under the skin) injection once or twice per week. The dosage is between 0.25 mg to 2.5 mg per week. The cycle is between 4 to 12 weeks.

What are the side effects of Semaglutide?

It could induce inflammation of the pancreas, cause low blood sugar levels, and lead to nausea, diarrhea, or abdominal pains.

Do I have to maintain a diet when using Semaglutide?

Yes, you should. Semaglutide won’t magically work. You should have a healthy eating lifestyle when using Semaglutide. It is going to work only with a healthy diet. It is also highly recommended that you regularly exercise to achieve weight loss results.

Where to buy Semaglutide online for sale? is the best place for you to buy Semaglutide for sale. Not only do we provide the best quality Semaglutide on the market, but you can also save a lot of money. With no prescription in sight. Even if you do have a prescription, the low prices of Semaglutide are going to be very attractive for you, allowing you to save a lot of money. Cycle Gear only works with the best manufacturers on the market, which means that you’re guaranteed the best quality for this weight loss product Semaglutide. Moreover, at you can enjoy numerous other awesome advantages and bonuses such as fast delivery, a friendly customer support team, a personalized cycle advice plan, lots of helpful information, lots of discounts and so much more!


How Does Fat Leave The Body?

If you’re trying to get in the best possible shape, fat burning has undoubtedly been on your mind at one time. Being overweight has become a real problem of the 21st century, so most of us have those areas of our bodies that seem to gain fat faster than other areas. Whether it is your stomach, thighs, arms, or even your face – we’d love to get rid of it.

WHERE exactly fat is stored is different from one person to another. It is the genetic predisposition that dictates where exactly you store the facts. However, the most important question is: how to lose fat and how does fat loss occur? Pretty sure that at one point, you were wondering: how does fat leave the body? Lots of people get it wrong. So, let’s explain.

How Fat Burning Happens?

When we talk about fat loss, it is important to get the right answer to the question “How does your body burn fat?” because it is likely going to help you in your weight loss journey.

So, as we all know, there’s the term “fat burning”, but you just don’t set your fat on fire, literally, are you? (never even think about it). Moreover, the fat doesn’t literally just fall off, nor does it literally “melt”. So, where does it go?

In short, if you’re carrying little (or more) extra weight (fat), you’re actually taking more calories (energy) than your body uses. It’s important to understand that the body uses that energy in various ways, not only in physical exercise (but, of course, it uses most of it during physical exercises). It takes energy:

  • At rest. Your heart needs energy to pump blood. Your lungs need energy to breathe and your brain to think. The basic processes to simply live are known as “basal metabolism”.
  • When active. Regardless if you’re walking, running, or lifting weights – your muscles need energy to do it. Of course, however, each activity requires a different amount of energy though.
  • When eating. Indeed, even your digestive system needs energy to break down the food that you eat. And to store it, too!

So, you’re dieting. You’re cutting (calories). What happens to fat?

You burn fat (lose weight) when your body receives fewer calories than your body needs to maintain its current weight. Simple math. If your body needs a total of 3,000 calories per day in order to perform all the tasks (resting + being active + work + gym + whatever else), but you only consume 2,500 calories that day, for example, you’ve created a deficit of 500 calories that day. However, when this deficit occurs, your body still requires energy in order to perform all the tasks and functions. Therefore, it looks for fat reserves to turn into energy and continue living. Thus, it burns that stored fat.

Now, where do those fat deposits go?

Lots of people mistakenly think that it either goes as water when you’re sweating or as… poop (I know it sounds kinda gross). While, of course, a certain amount is lost through water escaping from your skin when you sweat, through your kidneys (when you urinate it out), and through your digestive (when you’re pooping it), but it’s only a very small amount of it. The actual answer to this question is: as carbon dioxide. You basically “breathe out” your fat.

That’s right. Oxygen gets in contact with the energy-storing white fat cells in order to break them down and provide the energy necessary for your body. Then, the body eliminates it when you’re breathing. This is why, if you think about it, it bucks up why exercise is such an important part of weight loss. You’re mostly breathing (the body uses fat cells as energy needs) when you’re exercising.

This is why there are people who may not sweat (or sweat considerably less than others), but still lose weight!

Burning Fat Through Exercise

When we start to work out, our muscles first burn through the stored glycogen for energy. But after about 30 to 60 minutes of aerobic exercise, it diverts to burning fat. Simply because, usually, there’s no more glycogen it can use for energy.

That’s all very simple if you think about it. As long as you consume the same amount of calories a day but have no physical activity, you’re likely to maintain or even gain weight. When you work out in a calorie deficit, the body does not receive enough energy (we receive it through food). So, in order to function it starts burning fat.

Therefore, if you add exercise to your calorie deficit regimen (both cardio and strength training) – you will start burning fat in no time. Plus, strength training helps gain muscle (while helping burn fat!).

Studies suggest that at least 30 minutes of cardio done 2-3 times a week, while also adding resistance training and weightlifting will greatly support your goals. Because you increase muscle mass and help burn more calories while raising your basal metabolic rate (the amount of calories you burn during rest). Such a combination will definitely help you lose weight in no time!

Best Way To Lose Body Fat

If you want to maximize fat loss, you need to know how your body uses calories for fuel and where it gets energy from.

We get calories (energy) from fat, carbohydrates, and protein. However, the human body is a complex “machinery”. It uses different sources in a variety of ways. We’ll all love our bodies to simply get rid of excess while sculpting a perfect physique on its own. But it doesn’t work like that, unfortunately.

For this reason, using more fat does not necessarily mean that you will lose more. So, if you want to learn the best ways to lose fat, you should learn the basics of how our bodies get energy. So, the body receives that energy (body fuel) mainly from fat and carbohydrates, while protein mostly goes for muscle repair post-exercise. The body uses only a small amount of protein during exercise. However, it relies on fat and carbs. What’s the ratio of fat vs carbs it uses? It depends on the type of activity you do.

High Intensity Exercise

When you do high intensity exercise, such as running at a fast pace, your body will use carbs as necessary fuel instead of fat. Simply because of the way the metabolic pathways work. The metabolic pathways will break carbs for energy when it requires an immediate burst of energy.

Slow Intensity Exercise

When you do slow intensity exercise (usually longer but slower exercises), such as walking, the body will mostly rely on fat for its energy demands. Nonetheless, remember that what you aim for is to burn more calories (which comes from both fat and carbohydrates).

The Fat Burning Zone

There are theories that there are “fat burning ones” which can be described as “the best way to lose fat”. While it may be a myth, lots of people in the weight loss circles suggest that it exists and that you can reap more benefits if you follow it.

Studies indicate that lower intensity exercise will use more fat for energy which maximizes fat loss efforts. This means that you should be exercising at a heart rate of about 55-65% of your maximum heart rate. This will boost fat loss. This is the reason why smart watches and other gym equipment nowadays suggest that you’re in the fat burning zone by measuring your heart rate.

Still, it’s important to remember that regardless of how you work, it won’t result in fat loss unless you burn more calories than you consume.

But in order to maximize the calorie expenditure (burn), you need to find the right balance between low intensity and high intensity exercise. Moreover, implementing both every once in a while will definitely help. Have a variety of workouts, with a variety of paces, weights, exercises, time, etc. It’ll help prevent injuries and work multiple muscle groups while maximizing the fat burning process.

How Exactly To Lose Weight?

So, what’s the best way to burn fat? Regardless if you believe in the fat burning zone or not – the absolute basic thing when it comes to fat loss, regardless of body type, metabolism, and whatever else, you need to pay attention to the balance of calorie intake and burn. A calorie deficit is the only way to lose weight, regardless of how exactly you create that deficit. But, here’s how you can maximize that deficit, or at least enter it.

Work in a calorie deficit

While you can solely focus on the calories alone to lose weight, I recommend having a mixture of a healthy diet and exercise in order to both remain healthy and burn fat (lose weight).

High Intensity Cardio

With high intensity cardio, you’re at about 80-90% of your maximum heart rate. This means that such exercises are really challenging leaving you pretty breathless. They usually improve endurance and aerobic capacity while helping hit your fat burning goals.

For example – a 150 pound person running at 6 mph for 30 minutes would burn about 341 calories. If the same person walks at 3.5 mph for the same amount of time, they would only burn about 136 calories. The disadvantage of high intensity cardio, however, is that it is not suitable for beginners and for those with some kind of medical condition or injury.

There are various high intensity workouts you can add to your fat loss plan.

  • Exercise at a fast pace. Such as 20-30 minutes straight with little to no rest. Regardless if it’s an activity or a machine in the gym.
  • Tabata or HIIT (high intensity interval training). It combines short bursts of intense exercises with even shorter periods of rest.
  • Other Interval Training. Get highly intense short exercise bursts for 30-60 seconds, then a low intensity exercise for 60-120 seconds. Example: running at max pace for 30 seconds, then walking for 60 seconds and repeat.

Moderate Intensity Cardio

Many people consider the moderate intensity cardio one of the best ways to lose body fat. Usually, it means that you should continue your activity at 70 to 80% of your maximum heart rate, which is lower than high intensity cardio, but more than slow intensity cardio (continue reading).

During such activity, you’ll be breathing harder than normal, which can allow you to carry on a conversation (but not very easy). That’s different from high intensity cardio that won’t allow you to carry a conversion, for example.

A moderate intensity cardio comes with great benefits in working towards fat loss. Some examples are:

  • Overall health. It provides slightly higher exercise intensity which will definitely lead to various general health benefits, like lowering risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, and others.
  • Build up endurance. While high intensity cardio is beneficial, moderate intensity cardio will still help build up endurance and strength.
  • More variety. High intensity usually involves a fast pace or high impact, meaning that there’s a limited number of exercises and workouts you can implement, unlike moderate intensity ones.

Low Intensity Cardio

As its name suggests, the lightest form of exercise is the low intensity cardio. It usually uses only 60-70% of your maximum heart rate (MHR). During low intensity cardio, you’ll be feeling mostly comfortable and nothing is a real challenge. Such a cardio is pretty easy to maintain and it can still help burn fat. That’s why a lot of people (especially beginners) choose this one. While it’s more convenient, remember that the harder you push yourself, the more you maximize your fat loss.

A low intensity cardio is still much better than nothing. The low intensity cardio isn’t necessarily done in the gym. You’re actually doing low intensity cardio daily (I guess) because walking, gardening, or a simple stretch routine is low intensity cardio. Do yoga or pilates? You’re doing low intensity cardio.

Lift Weights

Many experts agree that lifting weights is perhaps the best way to increase fat loss. That’s because it also helps you build muscle. Lifting heavy and doing resistance exercises both can encourage fat burning and build muscle. Moreover, studies suggest that lifting weights can help burn fat even post-workout (unlike cardio). No doubt that cardiovascular exercises come with their advantages though. But if you want to maximize your fat loss benefits, enhance your physique appearance, and especially enhance performance – you should consider doing strength training.

Benefits of Lifting Weights

As said, lifting weights greatly helps you lose weight and burn fat in two ways. For example, it helps burn calories during your workouts (of course), however, higher intensity strength training can also increase the afterburn of calories. This means that the body continues burning calories even long after your gym session.

While fat loss and cutting may be your main goal, weight training helps you maintain muscle mass during your diet. Be sure that’s an important part of enhancing your physique. During calorie expenditure diets (low calorie), you may notice your body losing muscles. That’s because your body takes muscle tissues (instead of fat) in order to supply its energy (calories) demand. In order to maintain muscle mass, opt for strength training at least twice a week with at least 1-2 days in between. You’ll encourage fat burning and get stronger while looking more defined. With more experience, lift heavier too.

Moreover, something that lifting weights may help even more than cardio is kickstarting your metabolism. That’s very important to search for ways that can boost your metabolism when you’re burning body fat. The simple reason is that a diet-only approach will actually lower your resting metabolism (metabolic rate). However, if you’re lifting heavy in the gym, you can keep both your metabolism and muscle high even if you’re cutting fat and aiming to burn fat.

Stay Consistent

It’s important to understand that, unfortunately, results will not come overnight. Regardless if you cycle gear or not. Anabolic steroids can help you speed up your results, no doubt, but you shouldn’t expect to become the next Mr. Olympia in a month. Moreover, anabolic steroids can greatly help, but a combination of diet control and weight training (with cardio) for fat loss is still extremely important. But if you keep it consistent, you’ll surely soon start noticing a difference in the body. Of course, you’ll see faster and more results if you use the right anabolic steroids, you can buy for sale absolutely safe from

We can help you teach how to use the right anabolic steroids correctly for you and your goals. Moreover, we can also help ensure you get regular exercise into your life by sharing tips on how to stay on track and achieve your fat loss goals.

  • Switch up your routine. Try to stay away from boredom!
  • Focus on exercise. Make working out a priority!
  • Plan your time. A short workout is better than no workout!
  • Split it up. Maybe you can’t work out 2 hours at the gym – split it up!

Burn Fat and Lose Weight Fast

Follow these fat burning tips and you can be sure that you’re on the right track to hit your fat loss goals. If you’re cutting and struggling to shed excess fat, we have one thing that will surely help. Be sure to check our cutting products which will help cut fat quickly while protecting lean muscle mass and boosting your energy, stamina, and endurance.


The products and cutting steroids you can find on are the best on the market. While they can come with side effects, we can help you learn how to use them right for you and your goals. This way, you’ll ensure you both stay safe and use them efficiently.

Breaking A Weight Loss Plateau When Cutting

When you’re following a diet plan and/or going through a cutting cycle, you may often find yourself at a point when weight loss simply doesn’t happen anymore. It can feel like regardless of what you do, you just can’t figure out how to break through the weight loss plateau. However, you’re now reading this, so it’s sure to change soon.

I know that you probably feel as if you’re doing everything right. You eat well, hit the gym hard and often, and follow the right workout plan. What else can you do to break through the cutting plateau?

To be totally honest, we do not have a magic wand or the magic product that will get you there. However, an understanding of the human body and metabolism will surely set you on the right path to get you to your fitness goals.

  • For example, it is an art to master your cutting cycle, the combination of energy in and energy out. But there’s more to it. For example, not doing it the right way, you’ll find that your cardio only burns carbs, not fat. Or you may find that you burn lean muscle tissue, then again, not fat. That’s why you should know how to do it right.

Although there’s no magic pill, there are products that can greatly help you.

Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs)

You’ve surely heard about them. And the reason they are so popular is simply because… they actually work! At you will learn how to cycle the gear you need, buy the gear you need, and can learn so much more. In the end, breaking through a weight loss plateau doesn’t need to feel like you’re climbing a mountain.

With the help of our 100% quality cutting products, you’re sure to get there. We’re a steroid shop that offers affordable prices for various weight loss products. We also have everything you may need for a successful cycle and the information that will help you both stay safe and use them efficiently.

So, you can easily break through a plateau by adding our cutting anabolic steroids and other cutting products. We also have everything you may need for a bulking cycle.

In the end, Cycle Gear is all about helping you to get to your fitness goals quickly, efficiently, and safely. We have only quality products for low prices, allowing you to save money. They help you get lean while boosting strength and endurance and keeping your energy levels high with a much faster recovery rate. We also care about your privacy and anonymity!


Anyway, check more valuable info regarding how you could break a weight loss plateau when cutting below.

What’s a cutting plateau?

Hitting a cutting plateau means that you do not experience any further benefits for at least the last 2 weeks. It feels as if you’ve hit a wall and you cannot lose any weight anymore, despite trying and having everything on point. Of course, you can’t expect any results as long as you’re not dieting or working out correctly.

The natural weight can naturally fluctuate slightly across days or weeks due to various factors. But if you’re purposely trying to lose weight and doing everything it takes, and yet no further results – you’ve hit a cutting plateau.

However, it is actually normal to reach this point. Many experienced bodybuilders actually expect this to occur. So, it doesn’t really matter how much effort you’re putting in, it’s actually fairly normal to get stuck in a plateau every once in a while.

Of course, this usually happens the longer you’re into your cut and the more you lose (getting more and more leaner). That’s why usually people with an already low body fat percentage find it very tricky to go any further.

How To Break Through A Weight Loss Plateau?

The first thing you should do is start measuring and recording calories accurately. Beginners to cutting cycles can easily make mistakes when counting their calorie intake. Or may think that “cheating” every now and then has nothing to do with it. But it could be shocking to find out how much those calories have to do with all of it. Only after fixing these errors, you may start losing weight once again.

What should you do?

  • Eat less
  • Get more moving

It’s a perfect combination that’ll never fail to work. Yet, if you’re already struggling to reduce calorie intake, then you shouldn’t go for the first option of eating less. Just add the second – get more moving. Remember that too much calorie restriction can be dangerous. Both for your muscles and your health! But moving more will always help. How much? Unfortunately, there’s no scientific answer. Just try to exercise more intensively and/or longer and/or more frequently. May add more low intensity longer cardio sessions, for example. Or 2 circuit HIIT training sessions a week. 4-5 hours of weightlifting weekly. Such a combo will surely help break through your weight loss plateau.

In The End

I do not recommend going crazy when it comes to breaking through plateaus. Going to extremities will likely endanger your health, which ultimately endangers your muscles and fitness condition. Keep in mind that water retention and/or bowel movements also affect fat loss. That’s why some people don’t see much weight loss for 2-3 weeks, then suddenly start shoveling several pounds almost overnight. Not only that but naturally, our body and metabolism adapt to our regimen, which will slow down the progress. So, you should aim to cut your daily calorie intake every 2 weeks according to your current state and needs. It’s very important not to go ridiculously strict. I recommend thinking gradually, not drastically.

So, before you make any drastic changes, be sure to follow the following:

  • Make sure that you really are in a cutting plateau.
  • Ensure that you’re doing anything correctly and still hit a plateau.
  • Make sure you are accurately measuring and recording what you’re eating.
  • Max out your exercise. 4-5 hours of weightlifting and 2 hours of cardio at least.
  • Cut your calorie intake by about 100 calories every 2 weeks. Mainly cut it from carbs and maybe slightly from fat. Never from protein.

In the end, assuming nothing else works, you could actually increase the calories back to your total daily energy expenditure (maintenance calories). Stay on it for 4-6 or max 8 weeks to allow your body to normalize. Then start your cutting again. Lastly – remember, with all of these examples, and especially with the right anabolic steroids – you’re sure to break through the cutting plateau.

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