Bulk Up Fast

If you’re a regular gym-goer, you’re definitely wondering how to bulk up fast. During the bulking season (usually, when the months start to feel colder), we have fewer chances to get our shirts off, so it is the right time to gain muscle mass which can come with some fat addition.

In short, the bulking season involves supersizing those gains which means that you gain as much muscle and strength as possible, but you also gain some fat. Then, during the cutting season, you’re trying to burn that added fat by maintaining as much muscle and strength as possible. You’re doing it both by eating right and lifting big. But the difference between bulk up is that you eat more than your maintenance calories, whereas during cut down you eat less than your maintenance. There are also some differences between the workout plans, but the differences are not that big. And they are not as essential.

  • But generally, the principles of a bulk up plan are to focus on two main principles: maintaining a diet that involves consuming more food than you burn (staying in a calorie surplus) and regularly exercising to trigger hypertrophy (muscle growth).

While these are the two core principles, how you do them will greatly affect how much and how fast muscle, strength, and fat you will gain. However, today we’re going to talk about ways to bulk up fast and correctly. You will learn what you can do in order to gain as much muscle and strength as possible, as fast as possible.

The biggest mistake when bulking up

A lot of people assume that a bulking cycle involves as much as possible whatever you love. This is by far one of the most common and biggest bulking mistakes. This is a bulking plan too, known as the “dirty bulk” which can still help get you those gains. However, this is not the bulking cycle I would recommend.

Such a diet plan usually involves fatty fast food and crazy shakes in order to eat as many calories as possible. The problem is that these are foods high in fat and simple carbs, that have very little nutritional benefits. So, eating as much as possible of your favorite meals may sound like a dream come true. However, such a plan could lead to excessive weight gain in the form of fat and minimal muscle growth. Not to mention the potential health risks and performance issues.

The dirty bulk usually leads to a huge increase in weight gain and does it fast. However, it commonly results in an expanded waistline while causing a negative impact on your internal organs. There are safer and more efficient ways to bulk up fast. We’re going to share the ways you could do it here.

How to Bulk Up Fast The Right Way

A healthy bulking plan focuses on two main factors, as said – working out regularly (and intensively) and dieting in a calorie surplus (high quality food). So, you don’t want to sit on the couch only filling your diet with quality protein, antioxidants, essential fats, fiber, and carbs. And you don’t want to regularly work out intensively while only eating junk food. Lastly, you definitely wouldn’t want to combine junk food with doing nothing – it will definitely havoc your physique and performance. You will need a combination of quality foods with regular exercise. You need a healthy diet and decent sleep, with enough water, and avoiding bad habits such as alcohol, drugs, or smoking. This way, you’re on the right healthy bulking plan.

In short, in order to bulk up fast, you need to do everything that sounds pretty much like a cliche. You should be training hard (and regularly), eating smart (and a lot), resting (sleeping) plenty, avoiding bad habits, and so on. Thinking that something won’t make a huge impact is the true way to hinder your gains. Everything has an impact on your ability to grow muscle. Especially when you’re looking to do it fast. You should also optimize your body’s anabolic hormones. Those that build muscle. That’s why you may look into anabolic steroids because there’s nothing that helps you better and faster at bulking up.

The person’s ability to build muscle greatly depends on their muscle building hormones. That’s why some people only “look” at dumbbells and muscles grow. While others need to spend years and years with little to no results. Their anabolic hormones dictate it. And steroids are basically hormones. With quality anabolic steroids that you use right, you’re going to bulk up the fastest possible way, especially when you have the right diet and workout plan.

What Should I Do?

Do not fill your body with takeouts and greasy foods. You should support the health of your internal organs. They will help support the muscle building abilities.

Also, before you throw yourself into a bulking plan that can be ineffective or worse – dangerous, you should plan ahead and keep track. A long term strategy of nutrition and training hard will definitely help you throughout the bulking cycles and beyond.

Plan your workouts and your diet. Also, plan your anabolic steroid usage too. If you plan to use them, make sure you buy the best quality steroids. At Cycle-Gear.to you can buy quality steroids with all their ancillaries. We also provide the best prices so you can save money for your diets and workouts. Moreover, we could help provide an individual cycle plan so you make sure that your anabolic steroid cycle will be effective and not cause side effects.

While it is true that steroids can be dangerous, they are only as long as you’re using poor quality steroids and/or do not use them right. With proper use of quality steroids, you’re going to bulk up fast and safely. You can both learn how to use them and buy the best quality ones (for the cheapest prices on the market) at Cycle-Gear.to!

How Much Should I Be Eating?

In order to fuel your metabolic processes, you should give your body everything it needs. That means both the macronutrients and micronutrients. These form up your calorie intake that you should keep in surplus to keep your body growing. However, how do you know what’s a surplus? Everyone is different with different body types, metabolism, activities, and so on. Based on these and other factors, the maintenance calories (to maintain the current weight) are very different from one person to another. You could use an online calculator to find your maintenance calories based on numerous factors. Once you find it out, aim to eat 10-20% more calories above maintenance to bulk up. As stated before, aim to get those calories from quality, whole, and unprocessed foods that will fill up your micronutrient needs with a proper macronutrient balance.

You need a proper macronutrient breakdown which can vary based on various factors. But you still need to have a balanced breakdown. You should aim for a daily intake of about 1-2 grams of fat, 2-3 grams of protein, and 2-5 grams of carbs per kilogram of body weight. It has a breakdown of something like 10-30% fat, 20-40 % protein, and 30-60 % carbs from the 100% of calories that you consume per day. Keep in mind that 1 gram of protein and carb contains 4 calories, whereas 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories.


Best Steroids For Bulking

Similar to foods, some people respond better to specific steroids than to others. That’s why it is hard to say the absolute best steroids in order to bulk up. Nonetheless, there are indeed some of them better than others for this specific purpose.

Dianabol (DBol)

Dianabol (Dbol for short) is perhaps the most popular oral steroid specifically due to its ability to grow muscle mass and strength. This is just the brand name, what you should look for is Methandrostenolone (AKA Methandienone) – the active substance.


Anadrol (Adrol)

This is another oral steroid that is extremely efficient at bulking up fast. In fact, it is even stronger than Dbol at growing muscle and strength even faster. The problem is that Anadrol may be too powerful for a lot of people. That’s why it is usually the steroid of choice for those who already have some experience. The active substance is Oxymetholone.


Deca Durabolin (Deca)

This is an injectable anabolic steroid that is extremely popular among those who are searching for efficient ways to bulk up fast and thicken their muscles. This steroid became popular in the golden era of bodybuilding and is perhaps among the most popular for its ability to grow muscle, remain safe, and be highly efficient. Its active substance is Nandrolone Decanoate.


Testosterone (Test)

There are multiple testosterone esters but regardless of which one you choose, they are all working the same way and doing the same thing – boosting your testosterone levels. And we all know how extremely important this hormone is for such purposes. In fact, this hormone is so important that I wouldn’t recommend using any steroids without using testosterone in the cycle. That’s why the testosterone solo cycle is what I recommend to newcomers who have never used steroids but are trying to bulk up. Then you could have stacks, involving testosterone with other compounds like Dianabol or Deca Durabolin (or even all three together with enough experience).


Testosterone Cypionate 200

Best Bulking Exercising

If you’re searching for ways to bulk up fast, you should make sure you’re going for the right exercises. Training arms all day and avoiding training legs will surely hinder your gains. Don’t do that! For the best and fastest bulk up results, you need to plan the correct bulking exercises, with the correct weights, reps, and sets. A coach can greatly help with that because it is highly individual from person to person. Not to mention that only a coach can help with the correct form in the gym, which is extremely important.

What we can say is that you should work out for hypertrophy (muscle growth) which usually involves 3-4 sets of 8-15 reps. But that’s not a rule, that’s why it is best to talk with someone who can help and spot you in the gym. Anyway, I also recommend planning your bulking exercises and basing your workout around compound movements. Some common ones are deadlifts, bench presses, squats, chin-ups as well as bent over rows.

I also recommend paying attention to how exactly you do it. For example, if you’re searching for massive gains, the time you spend working out should be spent on maximizing time under tension. That results in micro-tears, inflammation, and increased blood flow to the muscles. That is what you need when attempting to grow muscles and bulk up.

The mix of time under tension with a quality diet and lots of rest will allow as many muscle fibers to be torn, and then be repaired with the rest and foods. This is what results in huge strength and muscle gains.

Muscle Groups To Train

When you attempt to bulk up and want to bulk up fast, you need to train each major muscle group twice a week. That is what would provide maximum results. I would also recommend starting your workouts strong with compound exercises of four sets of 6-8 reps with heavy weights. You would progress every week and you could increase your overload of your muscles for maximum muscle gains.

After working out hard with big lifts and compound movements, focus on “destroying” those muscles with accessory work – isolation movement. Such as lateral raises, tricep pull downs, bicep curls, or pec flyes. And as long as you want to grow big muscles, you need to go hard in the gym. You should take the time to work each muscle until it can’t take much more. Rushing your workout won’t provide any results.

One top tip for achieving big muscles is to aim for slow tempo rest-pause sets. Go slowly in the eccentric movement. You’re not aiming to rep as much as possible, you’re aiming to grow muscle! So, you could go for a weight that allows you to rep 10 times, for example. But you should do them all slowly and efficiently with proper form. In a bicep curl, for example, aim for two seconds up, and four seconds down for 10 reps. Rest for 30-60 seconds and repeat. 4 sets. Then you could really make the muscles burn with a fifth and final set, repping as much as you can at a fast tempo. You are going to feel the burn as the muscle fibers are tearing.

Ready To Bulk Up Fast?

You can gain huge muscle and strength fast with Cycle Gear’s powerful bulking steroids. There are no better compounds that could help you bulk up better, more, or faster. Whereas you may think that anabolic steroids are dangerous due to all of the media – we can tell you that this is only true as long as they are abused. If you buy quality steroids for sale at Cycle-Gear.to which are of the best possible quality, you won’t only save money, but you’ll also ensure they work as intended. With proper use, you’ll make sure that they are safe to use. You just can’t go wrong with us as we can also help you teach how to use them the right way so they would remain both safe and effective.

But it is very important to remember that as long as you want to bulk up fast, with steroids or not, you should have the proper workout and diet plan. The steroids will speed up the efficacy of the efforts that you put in the gym and in the kitchen. But working out hard in both the kitchen and the gym is crucial to see those gains and become the better and bigger version of yourself when attempting a bulking cycle.

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