Bulk Up Fast

If you’re a regular gym-goer, you’re definitely wondering how to bulk up fast. During the bulking season (usually, when the months start to feel colder), we have fewer chances to get our shirts off, so it is the right time to gain muscle mass which can come with some fat addition.

In short, the bulking season involves supersizing those gains which means that you gain as much muscle and strength as possible, but you also gain some fat. Then, during the cutting season, you’re trying to burn that added fat by maintaining as much muscle and strength as possible. You’re doing it both by eating right and lifting big. But the difference between bulk up is that you eat more than your maintenance calories, whereas during cut down you eat less than your maintenance. There are also some differences between the workout plans, but the differences are not that big. And they are not as essential.

  • But generally, the principles of a bulk up plan are to focus on two main principles: maintaining a diet that involves consuming more food than you burn (staying in a calorie surplus) and regularly exercising to trigger hypertrophy (muscle growth).

While these are the two core principles, how you do them will greatly affect how much and how fast muscle, strength, and fat you will gain. However, today we’re going to talk about ways to bulk up fast and correctly. You will learn what you can do in order to gain as much muscle and strength as possible, as fast as possible.

The biggest mistake when bulking up

A lot of people assume that a bulking cycle involves as much as possible whatever you love. This is by far one of the most common and biggest bulking mistakes. This is a bulking plan too, known as the “dirty bulk” which can still help get you those gains. However, this is not the bulking cycle I would recommend.

Such a diet plan usually involves fatty fast food and crazy shakes in order to eat as many calories as possible. The problem is that these are foods high in fat and simple carbs, that have very little nutritional benefits. So, eating as much as possible of your favorite meals may sound like a dream come true. However, such a plan could lead to excessive weight gain in the form of fat and minimal muscle growth. Not to mention the potential health risks and performance issues.

The dirty bulk usually leads to a huge increase in weight gain and does it fast. However, it commonly results in an expanded waistline while causing a negative impact on your internal organs. There are safer and more efficient ways to bulk up fast. We’re going to share the ways you could do it here.

How to Bulk Up Fast The Right Way

A healthy bulking plan focuses on two main factors, as said – working out regularly (and intensively) and dieting in a calorie surplus (high quality food). So, you don’t want to sit on the couch only filling your diet with quality protein, antioxidants, essential fats, fiber, and carbs. And you don’t want to regularly work out intensively while only eating junk food. Lastly, you definitely wouldn’t want to combine junk food with doing nothing – it will definitely havoc your physique and performance. You will need a combination of quality foods with regular exercise. You need a healthy diet and decent sleep, with enough water, and avoiding bad habits such as alcohol, drugs, or smoking. This way, you’re on the right healthy bulking plan.

In short, in order to bulk up fast, you need to do everything that sounds pretty much like a cliche. You should be training hard (and regularly), eating smart (and a lot), resting (sleeping) plenty, avoiding bad habits, and so on. Thinking that something won’t make a huge impact is the true way to hinder your gains. Everything has an impact on your ability to grow muscle. Especially when you’re looking to do it fast. You should also optimize your body’s anabolic hormones. Those that build muscle. That’s why you may look into anabolic steroids because there’s nothing that helps you better and faster at bulking up.

The person’s ability to build muscle greatly depends on their muscle building hormones. That’s why some people only “look” at dumbbells and muscles grow. While others need to spend years and years with little to no results. Their anabolic hormones dictate it. And steroids are basically hormones. With quality anabolic steroids that you use right, you’re going to bulk up the fastest possible way, especially when you have the right diet and workout plan.

What Should I Do?

Do not fill your body with takeouts and greasy foods. You should support the health of your internal organs. They will help support the muscle building abilities.

Also, before you throw yourself into a bulking plan that can be ineffective or worse – dangerous, you should plan ahead and keep track. A long term strategy of nutrition and training hard will definitely help you throughout the bulking cycles and beyond.

Plan your workouts and your diet. Also, plan your anabolic steroid usage too. If you plan to use them, make sure you buy the best quality steroids. At Cycle-Gear.to you can buy quality steroids with all their ancillaries. We also provide the best prices so you can save money for your diets and workouts. Moreover, we could help provide an individual cycle plan so you make sure that your anabolic steroid cycle will be effective and not cause side effects.

While it is true that steroids can be dangerous, they are only as long as you’re using poor quality steroids and/or do not use them right. With proper use of quality steroids, you’re going to bulk up fast and safely. You can both learn how to use them and buy the best quality ones (for the cheapest prices on the market) at Cycle-Gear.to!

How Much Should I Be Eating?

In order to fuel your metabolic processes, you should give your body everything it needs. That means both the macronutrients and micronutrients. These form up your calorie intake that you should keep in surplus to keep your body growing. However, how do you know what’s a surplus? Everyone is different with different body types, metabolism, activities, and so on. Based on these and other factors, the maintenance calories (to maintain the current weight) are very different from one person to another. You could use an online calculator to find your maintenance calories based on numerous factors. Once you find it out, aim to eat 10-20% more calories above maintenance to bulk up. As stated before, aim to get those calories from quality, whole, and unprocessed foods that will fill up your micronutrient needs with a proper macronutrient balance.

You need a proper macronutrient breakdown which can vary based on various factors. But you still need to have a balanced breakdown. You should aim for a daily intake of about 1-2 grams of fat, 2-3 grams of protein, and 2-5 grams of carbs per kilogram of body weight. It has a breakdown of something like 10-30% fat, 20-40 % protein, and 30-60 % carbs from the 100% of calories that you consume per day. Keep in mind that 1 gram of protein and carb contains 4 calories, whereas 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories.


Best Steroids For Bulking

Similar to foods, some people respond better to specific steroids than to others. That’s why it is hard to say the absolute best steroids in order to bulk up. Nonetheless, there are indeed some of them better than others for this specific purpose.

Dianabol (DBol)

Dianabol (Dbol for short) is perhaps the most popular oral steroid specifically due to its ability to grow muscle mass and strength. This is just the brand name, what you should look for is Methandrostenolone (AKA Methandienone) – the active substance.


Anadrol (Adrol)

This is another oral steroid that is extremely efficient at bulking up fast. In fact, it is even stronger than Dbol at growing muscle and strength even faster. The problem is that Anadrol may be too powerful for a lot of people. That’s why it is usually the steroid of choice for those who already have some experience. The active substance is Oxymetholone.


Deca Durabolin (Deca)

This is an injectable anabolic steroid that is extremely popular among those who are searching for efficient ways to bulk up fast and thicken their muscles. This steroid became popular in the golden era of bodybuilding and is perhaps among the most popular for its ability to grow muscle, remain safe, and be highly efficient. Its active substance is Nandrolone Decanoate.


Testosterone (Test)

There are multiple testosterone esters but regardless of which one you choose, they are all working the same way and doing the same thing – boosting your testosterone levels. And we all know how extremely important this hormone is for such purposes. In fact, this hormone is so important that I wouldn’t recommend using any steroids without using testosterone in the cycle. That’s why the testosterone solo cycle is what I recommend to newcomers who have never used steroids but are trying to bulk up. Then you could have stacks, involving testosterone with other compounds like Dianabol or Deca Durabolin (or even all three together with enough experience).


Testosterone Cypionate 200

Best Bulking Exercising

If you’re searching for ways to bulk up fast, you should make sure you’re going for the right exercises. Training arms all day and avoiding training legs will surely hinder your gains. Don’t do that! For the best and fastest bulk up results, you need to plan the correct bulking exercises, with the correct weights, reps, and sets. A coach can greatly help with that because it is highly individual from person to person. Not to mention that only a coach can help with the correct form in the gym, which is extremely important.

What we can say is that you should work out for hypertrophy (muscle growth) which usually involves 3-4 sets of 8-15 reps. But that’s not a rule, that’s why it is best to talk with someone who can help and spot you in the gym. Anyway, I also recommend planning your bulking exercises and basing your workout around compound movements. Some common ones are deadlifts, bench presses, squats, chin-ups as well as bent over rows.

I also recommend paying attention to how exactly you do it. For example, if you’re searching for massive gains, the time you spend working out should be spent on maximizing time under tension. That results in micro-tears, inflammation, and increased blood flow to the muscles. That is what you need when attempting to grow muscles and bulk up.

The mix of time under tension with a quality diet and lots of rest will allow as many muscle fibers to be torn, and then be repaired with the rest and foods. This is what results in huge strength and muscle gains.

Muscle Groups To Train

When you attempt to bulk up and want to bulk up fast, you need to train each major muscle group twice a week. That is what would provide maximum results. I would also recommend starting your workouts strong with compound exercises of four sets of 6-8 reps with heavy weights. You would progress every week and you could increase your overload of your muscles for maximum muscle gains.

After working out hard with big lifts and compound movements, focus on “destroying” those muscles with accessory work – isolation movement. Such as lateral raises, tricep pull downs, bicep curls, or pec flyes. And as long as you want to grow big muscles, you need to go hard in the gym. You should take the time to work each muscle until it can’t take much more. Rushing your workout won’t provide any results.

One top tip for achieving big muscles is to aim for slow tempo rest-pause sets. Go slowly in the eccentric movement. You’re not aiming to rep as much as possible, you’re aiming to grow muscle! So, you could go for a weight that allows you to rep 10 times, for example. But you should do them all slowly and efficiently with proper form. In a bicep curl, for example, aim for two seconds up, and four seconds down for 10 reps. Rest for 30-60 seconds and repeat. 4 sets. Then you could really make the muscles burn with a fifth and final set, repping as much as you can at a fast tempo. You are going to feel the burn as the muscle fibers are tearing.

Ready To Bulk Up Fast?

You can gain huge muscle and strength fast with Cycle Gear’s powerful bulking steroids. There are no better compounds that could help you bulk up better, more, or faster. Whereas you may think that anabolic steroids are dangerous due to all of the media – we can tell you that this is only true as long as they are abused. If you buy quality steroids for sale at Cycle-Gear.to which are of the best possible quality, you won’t only save money, but you’ll also ensure they work as intended. With proper use, you’ll make sure that they are safe to use. You just can’t go wrong with us as we can also help you teach how to use them the right way so they would remain both safe and effective.

But it is very important to remember that as long as you want to bulk up fast, with steroids or not, you should have the proper workout and diet plan. The steroids will speed up the efficacy of the efforts that you put in the gym and in the kitchen. But working out hard in both the kitchen and the gym is crucial to see those gains and become the better and bigger version of yourself when attempting a bulking cycle.

How Does The Body Burn Fat?

Everyone has heard about “fat burn”, but not everyone realizes what really happens to that fat when we burn fat. If you’re thinking “I don’t really care”, you should know that’s a big mistake. That’s because if you learn what happens to the fat the body burns, it may be helpful in burning it faster and easier. Understanding the process of “fat burn” will help you achieve your goals.

In the end, regardless of where the fat tends to store, we can’t burn fat locally. There are different areas of our bodies where fat may be stored. It mostly has to do with our genetics. For some, it could be the stomach, for others thighs, or even the face. It varies from person to person. But to get rid of the problematic area, we have to learn how to lose weight and burn fat. Here we’re going to share how fat loss occurs.

How does fat burning occur?

When we’re burning fat, we do not literally set it on fire so it would burn. It also doesn’t literally “melt” as we tend to say, nor does the weight we lose, we actually lose. So, where does the fat even go?

Before we explain it, there are various things you should be aware of. So, when we have a bit more weight than we want to, it means that we’re eating more calories than our body is using. Calories are basically the energy that your body needs to perform. Think about calories for your body as fuel for your car. But instead of pouring on the floor when the tank is full, the body tends to store those calories so it can use them for later. But when you never stop providing that surplus of calories, the weight gain doesn’t stop. That surplus of calories is stored in our body in the form of fat and/or muscles.

It is important to understand that the body is using that energy (fuel) received from calories (from foods), in different ways. We do not only need energy for physical exercise. We also need energy even when we’re at rest. That’s because your body needs to use energy in order to keep your heart pumping blood, your lungs to breathe, your brain to thin, your digestive system to break down the food you eat, and so on. This is called the “basal metabolism” or “basal metabolic rate” (BMR for short). And obviously, the body needs energy when you’re active. Whether you’re lifting weights, doing cardio, or walking – your muscles need energy to perform the necessary tasks.


So, what happens to fat when you lose weight?

Well, in order to burn fat, you will need to eat fewer calories than your body needs. When you’re performing tasks, the body needs calories (fuel) to perform them. In case you’re not providing those calories (from foods), your body takes its fuel (energy) demands from the stored calories. So that’s why the body is still able to function despite the fact that a calorie deficit occurs. It is going to search for your fat reserves for energy. Therefore, it will burn fat.

Nevertheless, the question still stands: what happens to fat when you lose weight?

Fat tends to leave your body in two ways. It escapes through your skin when you’re sweating, or through your kidneys – you basically urinate it. This is in the form of water. However, only a small amount of it (16%) turns into water. The rest (84%) you actually breathe it out. What does this mean? The fat is turned into carbon dioxide and you burn it by basically breathing it out.

Therefore, fat is converted to carbon dioxide (mostly) and water (a bit). You exhale carbon dioxide when breathing, and you get it out through sweating and urine. So, to be more exact, if you lose 10 pounds of fat, then 8.4 pounds go through your lungs, and the remaining 1.6 pounds turn into water.

Burning Body Fat

Because of the way we burn fat, it explains how some people can burn fat without ever stepping into the gym. It also explains how people can burn fat without ever sweating. Contrary to popular belief, sweating a lot in the gym will not cause fat burning. It will only cause water loss. And only a very small amount of that sweat we lost will contain fat. That’s why we can burn fat and lose weight through diet alone. We only need to maintain a calorie deficient diet (provide the body with fewer calories it requires) and voila – weight loss occurs.

Still, there are a lot of reasons why exercising goes hand in hand with fat burning and weight loss processes. Just think about it – if you’re getting the exact same amount of calories per day and you don’t work out and you maintain your current weight, you are going to notice fat loss as long as you continue getting the exact same amount of calories (foods) per day, but you started to work out. That’s because your body started using more calories.

It is pretty obvious that the body will use a good amount of calories when working out. But working out will not only have an effect on your calories alone. It will boost your BMR (metabolism), help provide a better hormonal balance that can support fat burning, and have numerous other benefits.

When we’re working out, our muscles will first burn through glycogen to get energy. After 30 to 60 minutes of exercising, it starts to burn fat. Studies suggest that incorporating weight lifting 2-3 times a week with at least 30 minutes of cardio on a daily basis will increase your metabolic rate and have a huge impact on the fat burning abilities of the body.

Best Ways To Burn Body Fat

We are getting energy from calories. But calories are broken down into three macronutrients – fat, carbohydrates, and protein. The body uses these sources in different ways in order to supply its energy demands. So, our body is mostly searching for fat and carbohydrates in order to get energy. It maintains protein to be used for muscle repair (which occurs post-exercise). The body uses protein during exercise too, but only a small amount. It mostly looks for fat and carbs when we’re exercising to fill up our energy needs. In the end, the ratio of how our bodies use these fuels depends on the type of activity that we’re doing.

Therefore, to burn fat, we need to provide a good ratio of these fuel types. We should work on our macronutrient ratio. It goes without saying that we should eat fewer calories too. This is the reason why we need to have a diet on point in the first place. We need to pay attention to how much we eat (calories amount) and to what we eat (macronutrients balance). Besides, we obviously should workout

Strength Training

Strength (resistance) training is extremely helpful in burning fat. It is mostly used for muscle building, but muscles help burn more calories at rest, boost metabolism, and it still helps burn fat directly. That’s why strength training is so important for anyone, regardless if your aim is to burn fat or gain muscle.

High intensity exercise

When you’re doing high intensity exercise (such as HIIT or running at a fast pace), your body will mostly rely on carbs for fuel. That’s because it needs a lot of energy and it requires them fast. But carbs are broken down for energy faster and more efficiently. So, your body looks for carbs when doing such activities.

Slower paced exercise

Such exercises are usually longer, but slower paced exercises such as running at a slower pace or even walking long distances. This shifts your body into taking its energy demands from fat, rather than carbs.

Anyway, you don’t really need to get caught about this. What really matters is to burn more calories than you consume.

How to Lose Fat?

So, what are the best ways to burn fat? The most important thing that you should pay attention to is the calories that you consume versus the calories that you burn. This will determine whether you lose weight, gain weight, or keep it unchanged.

So, in order to get that fat burning, I strongly recommend you to work on a calorie deficit.

So, as mentioned, the calorie deficit is the most important thing that you should focus on when you want to make sure that your body will start losing its current weight. This means that you consume fewer calories than the body burns every day. You should provide fewer calories than your body needs to maintain the current weight based on the activity level that day. That’s why you may have heard someone saying that they can eat a bit more today as they trained for a bit longer. That’s why, focusing on a diet alone for fat loss can be a solution, but a mixture of a healthy diet and exercise will not only speed up the process, but it will enhance the way you feel, look, and perform.

Burn Body Fat By Lifting Weights

Everyone knows that lifting weights will help build muscle. However, you need to know that lifting weights can help increase fat loss too! During weight lifting, you’re both burning fat and gaining muscle mass. So, lifting heavy and doing resistance exercises will encourage fat burning, boost metabolism, and help grow muscle mass. Especially when it is paired with a healthy diet.

Lifting weights benefits you in a lot of different ways. Here are some of the main benefits for you:

Fat Loss

As you can guess, you are burning calories during your workout. So, when you’re lifting weights, you’re actually burning fat, not only tearing muscle fibers (which then grow bigger and stronger, leading to muscle growth). Lifting weights at a higher intensity will help burn more fat and will help gain more muscle.

But doing so will also increase the afterburn effect. This means that even long after your gym session, your body is going to continue to burn calories (at rest) in various ways.

Boosts Metabolism

Why is weight lifting so helpful for burning fat? Because it helps kickstart your metabolism. A diet-only approach could help you burn fat. But the problem is that such a weight loss regimen (diet-only) will actually lower your metabolism by about 20% each day.

This means that your body’s ability to burn fat will decrease daily. Therefore, if you’re aiming for fat loss, lifting heavy in the gym will have a lot of benefits. It helps you keep your muscles, burn fat in the gym session, burn fat as an afterburn effect, and burn fat by keeping your metabolism high. So, instead of lowering your metabolism (which has a direct impact on how fast and efficiently you burn fat), you actually increase it.

Preserves muscle mass

Now that’s why lifting weights is so important. Doing cardio-only and dieting may help keep your metabolism (but not as high as when you’re lifting heavy) and may help speed up calorie expenditure. However, cardio won’t help preserve muscle mass. Weight training, however, will help you maintain muscle mass during your diet. This leads to even more fat burning. Muscles are metabolically active. This means that when you’re losing muscle mass, you’re losing the extra-calorie burn that muscles can provide.

Not to mention that in order to enhance your physique, you need a decent muscle mass. If you’re a beginner, I would recommend going for a total body workout. Complete such a workout type at least twice a week. Have at least a day or two in between. You will start getting stronger, and more muscular, and encourages fat burning. This way, you will be able to do even more exercises and lift even heavier. You won’t notice overnight effects. But you’re going to notice differences soon enough in your body when having a controlled diet and weight training for fat loss.

How To Burn Body Fat Fast?

To burn fat, you need to stay consistent with your exercise and diet plan.

You should make sure that you get regular exercise and you keep on dieting. Work on your calories and macronutrients during your nutrition in order to get the best and fastest results. You also need to stay on track with your workout to hit your fat loss goals. Here are some tips for you:

  • Stay active. While going to the gym is almost a must, you can switch up your routine to stay active. Such as parking further from the store, gym, work, etc. as you will walk more – spend more calories. It may not seem much, but it adds up when doing it daily.
  • Focus on exercise. Make your workout a priority, do not try to squeeze a workout in at the last possible moment.
  • Plan your time. While you should strength train 2-4 times a week, I would recommend you plan your time to have a short workout daily. It could be some cardio, walking, or numerous other activities that help you burn the extra calories.
  • Split it up. If you do not have the time to spend 2 hours at the gym, split your workout throughout the day. Such as cardio in the morning and strength training in the afternoon.


In the end, one of the best ways to burn fat fast is to search for a helping hand. Especially if you’re struggling to shed excess fat. The good news is that we’ve got your back. The cutting products at Cycle-Gear.to will greatly help cut through fat fast, protect your lean muscle mass, and boost your energy levels. We provide the best quality anabolic steroids on the market for the cheapest prices!

Bulking Macros

Regardless if you’re attempting a bulking cycle to get jacked with muscle or tone up your muscle in a cutting cycle, the calories you eat and the macros breakdown play a huge role in what you will actually achieve from your gym and kitchen efforts. When you’re attempting to bulk up, you still need the right bulking approach. Otherwise, you may not gain muscle and end up disappointed, or you could be gaining more than you anticipated which can lead to excess body fat. So, if you want to achieve your goals, you must work on your bulking macros.

You shouldn’t go in the dark attempting to calculate macros for bulking as you may not realize where exactly you are going. Instead, we have put together this guide. This way, you will save time and have a better idea of how to work out your bulking macros, achieving your bodybuilding goals in the fastest and best possible ways.

But before we do it, you must first realize what bulking exactly means.

What is Bulking?

There’s a high chance that you have already heard about bulking and cutting before. That’s because there are two very common diet (and workout) phases that bodybuilders go through. During cutting, the goal is to shed body fat while maintaining as much lean muscle as possible in order to bring definition. Bulking is different in that the goal is to gain weight (mostly, lean muscle mass) while minimizing the amount of fat gained.

Basically, a cutting cycle means that you aim to lose weight, which means that you should be on a calorie deficit diet. But bulking is the opposite, meaning that you’re staying in a calorie surplus to add muscle and strength.

Benefits of Bulking

Many people mistakenly think that a bulking cycle involves eating junk or as much as possible, gaining fat alongside muscle mass. Whereas adding some fat during a bulking cycle is normal, a proper bulking cycle involves adding as little amount of fat as possible, while gaining as much muscle and strength as possible. So, when we’re thinking about getting fit and achieving our body goals, gaining weight may not be the first thing that we’re looking into. Yet, as long as you want to gain strength and pack on size, you do need a bulking cycle. The main benefits of bulking involve:

  • Increases lean muscle mass
  • Improves strength and performance
  • Easier to maintain weight

I guess everyone knows that providing your body with healthy foods will lead to better performance in the gym. The foods you eat work as fuel for performance in the gym. That’s why, the more fuel your body receives, the better your workouts. This is what helps you reach your body goals faster and easier.

Usually, the more lean tissue you have, the better the body composition. Additionally, having more lean muscle tissue will increase the daily calorie expenditure at rest (BMR). This means that the daily calorie intake should increase the maintain weight, or especially add more. Simply put, by having more lean muscle tissue, you can eat more. You need to eat more to maintain your size.

Remember, however, that muscle tissues and fat tissue are completely different. Muscles take up less space and weigh more than fat. This means that you can look toned and may weigh more with more muscle than fat. So, a bulking cycle is definitely the way to go as long as you’re searching to get stacked.

How To Bulk

So, as said, in order to bulk, you need to eat in a calorie surplus. However, eating more calories is only just one part of building muscle mass diet. And eating in surplus definitely does not mean that you should be chowing down on processed, junk foods. To bulk up the right way, bulk like a boss, you need to ensure you provide the right bulking macros to your body. This way you’re going to see the best gains.

So, to get the most out of your bulking cycle, you should ensure you have the right combination of the following:

  • A controlled calorie surplus (about 10-20% over your maintenance, or around 500 more calories)
  • The right balance of bulking macronutrients (breakdown the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates correctly)
  • A healthy diet and nutrition will provide the body with everything it needs to continue growing muscle
  • Intense and regular strength training

It is easy to understand that the role of calories is very important in the amount of weight that we gain or lose. Eating in surplus will cause weight gain. Eating in deficit will cause weight loss. However, bulking macros are important because they determine the type of weight that you gain. I am talking about lean tissues vs fatty tissues. Without the right bulking macros, you’re likely to gain weight in the form of fat, rather than muscle.

So, your nutrition intake plays a crucial role in keeping your body running. You need enough fuel in the tank (enough calories) but you also need quality fuel (healthy food). This way, you will be able to work out more intensively, longer, and more frequently as you recover faster and cut down on fat gains. A bulking cycle focuses on quality, nutritious foods.

Dirty Bulk vs Clean Bulk

There’s also the dirty bulking cycle that focuses on the number of calories mostly over the quality of the foods you’re eating. This means that a dirty bulking cycle usually allows more foods (even junk and processed foods) and may even involve significantly more calories. A clean bulking cycle, however, is what we would recommend. It focuses on quality, nutritious foods, and a controlled calorie surplus. This is a clean bulking or lean bulking cycle that aims to gain muscle and minimize fat gains, while also helping you stay unhealthy, unlike a dirty bulking plan that is unhealthy and usually involves significant fat gains.

How Long Does It Take To Bulk?

Bulking is a “diet” and a “cycle”. As you may already know, a diet and/or a cycle is called this way because it is not sustainable long term.

Usually, the shortest bulking cycle (with a bulking diet) is 8 weeks. However, it can be as long as 16 or even 20 weeks. Nonetheless, the most common cycle plans are 12-14 weeks.

Most people add anabolic steroids in their bulking cycles in an attempt to gain as much muscle and strength as possible during that cycle, while also minimizing the amount of fat they gain. The right bulking cycle, with the right diet, right workout plan, and right anabolic steroids, can bring a huge amount of lean muscle mass in just 12 weeks, for example.

Reports suggest that the right diet, with the right workout plan and the right steroids, can help you pack about 20-40 lbs of lean muscle!


Calculating Bulking Macros

There are different ways to count your bulking macros. Most seem to go for the most convenient routes such as fitness tracking apps as well as online macro calculators. You could use them too as long as you’re interested in finding out your bulking macros.

However, in order to get the best idea of your bulking macronutrients, you need to understand how your bulking macros are broken down.

Work out your bulking calories

Generally, it is possible to gain muscle during a calorie deficit. However, it is very hard to do so and you won’t see a lot of gains with this method. You can use anabolic steroids during a calorie deficit to see more muscle gains. But you could also use anabolic steroids during a calorie surplus and you’re going to see even more gains. The point is – to perfect your bulking cycle, you should increase the amount of food that you consume.

You should start by working out your current daily energy expenditure (TDEE). The TDEE indicates the number of calories that you need in order to maintain your current weight. During a bulking cycle, you could add a calorie surplus of 10 to 20% which will promote around 1% of body weight gain per week. For most, that would be around 500 calories per day, adding about 1.5 to 2 pounds of muscle gain per week.

Yet, you could add anabolic steroids, add more calories, so the amount of lean muscle gains per week will greatly increase too.

Still, it is important to realize that a bulking cycle is not a one-size-fits-all solution. We’re all different so you should go for whatever works best for you. Tracking your lean bulking macros is the key to gaining the right type of muscle. But there are other factors that come into play too. Some of them include:

  • Genetics
  • Starting body fat percentage
  • Training level
  • Including others

In the end…

You should start with 10-20% over your calorie maintenance and then gradually adjust according to how it goes. If you do not see any weight gain, you may need to increase the calories. If you start noticing too much fat, you either need to bring down the calories (if you gain weight too fast), or work the macronutrients better.

We breakdown the entire calories you eat per day into three macros:

  1. Fat
  2. Protein
  3. Carbohydrates

So, bulking goes beyond just stacking up on your calorie intake, you should pay attention to the bulking macros too.

Fat Needs In Your Bulking Macros

When it comes to gaining weight and building muscle, fat is a crucial element to provide bodies with the necessary fuel and support muscle growth and repair. Usually, we calculate fat first as it usually has a set percentage of 30% of your calories.

So, let’s assume that you need 2,500 calories per day in order to bulk. In this case, the amount of fat that you need per day would be 83 grams daily. That’s because one gram of fat equals 9 calories. So, we get 2,500 calories per day x 0.30 (30% of calories) = 750 calories should come from fat. As we said, one gram of fat has 9 calories which means 750 / 9 = 83 grams.

Do not go over this percentage of fat (30% of your calories), as you could notice that you gain more body fat than you wish, not the lean muscle gains that you’re aspiring for.

Fat is the main source of energy for the body so you need it. But you need to know that there are healthy and not really healthy fats. Obviously, you should go for the healthy ones. The type of fat you eat is important for the results. For example, saturated fats are most likely to be stored by the body, unlike unsaturated healthy fats.

Protein Needs in Your Bulking Macros

Protein has an extremely important role in a bulking cycle. As a part of the bulking macros, eating enough protein is actually essential to build lean muscle tissues. The simple fact that lean muscle tissues are mostly made up of protein makes us realize why.

Protein is helping repair muscle damage and support the existing muscle mass. This means that the protein will not allow muscle loss and will help the body recover better and faster after intense workouts. When it comes to bulking macros, protein is the least likely to be stored as body fat. Additionally, it can even help reduce the already stored body fat. So, it reduces the likelihood of body fat increase and increases the likelihood of body fat decrease!

The exact amount of protein you need depends on your fitness level and existing muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the more protein you need in order to maintain or especially add new muscle.

Studies suggest that about 1 to 1.5 grams of protein a day, per pound of body weight, is enough to support muscle growth and decrease body fat gains during bulking. One gram of protein is 4 calories. This means that if you consume 200 grams of protein per day (which is the least amount a 200 pounds gain should be eating per day), 800 calories will come from protein alone.

Carbs Needs in Your Bulking Macros

Carbs are just as important as the other two bulking macros I’ve shared so far. They are an extremely important part of your bulking cycle. Similar to fat, carbohydrates are able to supply your body with the energy it needs during strength training. It is helpful in supporting muscle gains, and recovery, and preventing further muscle breakdown. They are also actually the main body’s energy demands during strength training.

For all these reasons, higher carbs during your bulking macros are ideal for weight gain. They are helpful in healing muscles, and providing energy levels. Also, studies suggest that they are also less likely to encourage fat storage than a high fat intake during the calorie surplus.

Nevertheless, however, the number of carbohydrates that you should consume varies according to your specific needs and how often you’re using carbs for energy. For example, following the example above, and assuming we’re talking about a man who is 200 pounds and is requiring 2,500 calories will require about 238 grams of carbs each day. How did we find it out? This guy requires 83 grams of fat (as said earlier) with 200 grams of protein (as said earlier).

So, 83g of fat x 9 calories per gram of fat = 747 calories. 200g of protein x 4 calories per gram of protein = 800 calories. He needs 2,500 calories per day, but he already has 1547 calories from fat and protein alone. This means he is left with 953 calories that day that should come from carbohydrates. Considering that one gram of carb is 4 calories, we divide the 953 calories left to find out the amount of carbs = 953/4 = 238 grams of carbs a day.

Calculating Macros For Bulking

So, in order to have a successful bulking cycle, you need a proper bulking diet, calculating your bulking calories and bulking macros. While it is pretty obvious that you should hit the gym hard too to hit your goals. You could track your macros via an app to make it easier.

But remember that tracking bulking macros requires accuracy and discipline. You need to keep track of everything you eat and drink. This is not fun and it can be pretty hard. But that’s a habit you should implement to achieve mind-blowing results.

  • By tracking your bulking macros, you can easily identify what is wrong in case you do not gain any more or what you should be adjusting. It is also helpful to stay consistent with your diet and exercise.

In the end, whether you’re tracking your bulking macros and calories or not, our 100% real and quality anabolic steroids can greatly help support your gains. We provide the best quality anabolic steroids that can help you achieve your goals through your bulking and cutting cycles. This way, they help you achieve serious gains. Go for Cycle-Gear.to and you get help with an individual cycle plan too, while saving money on the best quality steroids on the market.


Bulk vs Cut: Should You Bulk or Cut First?

Even if you’ve just started to work out, I’m pretty sure you’ve already heard about bulking and cutting. In bodybuilding circles, these terms are used very often. That’s why veteran lifters find it very easy to determine when to cut and when to bulk, and they definitely know whether they should bulk or cut.

Yet, if you’re a beginner to lifting, the question “Should I bulk or cut?” is extremely common.

In the end, to find out whether you should bulk or cut first, you need to take a few things into consideration. We’re going to explain what cutting and bulking means, and this way you will be able to easily answer this question for yourself. We would explain the pros for each goal and when you should start with each plan.

Bulking and cutting

You need to know what you’re aiming for in the first place. Moreover, it is of utmost importance to know how to achieve it too. When you’re just starting out, it could be a bit confusing, to understand when to cut, and if you need to cut at all.

  • First off, you need to better understand whether you’re aiming to gain muscle or burn fat. While we all want to burn fat at the time we gain muscle, that is extremely hard to do and sometimes impossible.

Yet, if you’re a beginner, gaining muscle and burning fat concomitantly is much easier. Moreover, it is easier if you’re naturally gifted. Lastly, it is mostly possible as long as you run anabolic steroids. Natural guys who already carry a good amount of muscle mass and low body fat percentage find it almost impossible to do it. But even if you’re a beginner and using steroids, you are still going to find that burning fat and then gaining muscle, or the other way around, is far easier and far faster to achieve your goals than attempting both at the same time.

That’s why the question of whether you should bulk or cut first still stands.


Should I Bulk? (and when to)

If you’re new to the bodybuilding journey, I can assume that you’re not yet packed with muscle mass. When you want to gain muscle mass, that’s when the bulking cycle comes in. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you should start with bulking, but if you’re skinny, chances are high that you should.

That’s why, when starting out, bulking is extremely important to gain a lot of muscle and strength. As you may know by now, you do it via a combination of proper diet and correct training. So, you should start training, and start eating when you are skinny. Yet, there’s the other side of the coin. So, if your body fat percentage is over 15-20%, then you may need to cut first to see some progress.

You do not need cutting as long as you’re less than 10-15% of body fat, but you do not have enough muscle mass. Some people do aim for cutting even when they’re under 10% body fat, but they are packed with muscle. For those who lack muscle, a bulking cycle is their best friend.

Yet, regardless if you’re planning to cut excess fat for which you need a cutting cycle, or if you’re planning to bulk up by adding muscle mass, you need to work out. And you need to complete workouts with proper form! Regardless of the plan, your muscles are going to go through a “shock” at the introduction of an intense strength training program. Therefore, proper form is extremely important to see results.

What is “proper form”?

So, either you’re bulking or cutting first, you need strength training. And when strength training, proper form is extremely important. This is defined as a full range of motion, with slow, and controlled repetitions (reps) that are the feeling of really working your muscles. You should feel the momentum and feel the muscles burn, which means they are working. There should not be any swinging motions toward your body in order to lift. Nor should it feel too easy. That’s why you should find the proper weight for each specific exercise.

Then you should increase the intensity. That’s called progressive overload. You can do so by adding weight, reps, or sets or by reducing recovery times. Progressive overload helps you quickly move up in the lifting ability. For example, you’re starting light on the bench press with five sets of five reps. Then, you could add some weight (like five pounds) to the next workout. Or, keep the same weight, but go for a five set of 8-10 for example.

As the weight is heavier, you are going to build up strength to lift heavier. This helps you build strength that helps you lift 5×5 weights that you didn’t even thought you could at the beginning.

If you plan to add muscle and strength, then the answer to the question “Should I bulk?” is most likely yes. You just need to prepare to lift heavy and eat well. You need proper form and consistently adding weight and reps (progressive overload) for building both strength and increasing muscle mass.

Generally, when it comes to proper form, progressive overload, etc. that’s all highly individual. That’s why I strongly recommend “investing” in a personal trainer (a coach) that will be the best investment for your physique and performance enhancement purposes.

Dieting and Working Out

These two are extremely important for achieving physique and performance enhancement. Regardless if we’re talking about bulking or cutting. The problem is that both are extremely individual. That’s why a personal trainer is such a good idea to hire. They may help with both your diet and workout plan. There are a lot of things to mention. Anyway, I will try to share at least some basic knowledge.

For example, you need to pay attention to the form (correct exercise form) and to the amount of reps. Low reps and heavy weights are usually for strength increase. Moderate reps and moderate weights are usually the best for hypertrophy. High reps and low weights do have their place in hypertrophy, but they are usually for endurance boosts. Yet, when it comes to bulking, heavy compound lifts are essential, with low to moderate reps.

Try to incorporate various movements into your workout. Some of the most important ones are deadlifts, bent over rows, bench presses, back squats, and overhead presses. These are some key compound lifts when it comes to getting the most out of your bulking cycle plan.

But as said, besides working out, dieting is just as important (if not even more important) for muscle growth. That’s because dieting fuels your workout sessions and provides the recovery necessary to grow muscle. It is very important to realize that bulking up is not all about getting heavy in the gym. It is a combination of that with paying attention to what you eat. So, if you plan to bulk, you need to go heavy in the gym, and you need to consider a bulking diet. Usually, there are two bulking diets, but I would recommend just one. Let’s get over each one.

Dirty Bulk

Dirty bulking plan is a popular bulking plan simply because it is easy and convenient. But to achieve goals when it comes to bulking up and adding muscle mass, you shouldn’t search for comfort, because there’s definitely nothing comfortable about it! Yet, to a lot, the dirty bulk sounds like a dream come true. That’s simply because they can eat pretty much whatever they love. That’s why so many people go for it.

While it has its place as it allows you to eat a lot and everything you want to get bigger, it is not always a good idea. That’s simply because the dirty bulking plan is usually unhealthy and it usually also involves adding a lot of fat alongside muscle mass. So, with a dirty bulk plan, you’re working in a calorie surplus with high-sugar and high-fat foods. This greatly helps your recovery and fuels your heavy weight workouts. But it adds a lot of fat and it is simply not healthy. It is also harder to cut fat later. That’s why I recommend the second bulking plan.

Clean Bulk

A clean bulking plan also involves eating in a calorie surplus, but you still need to pay attention to the amount of calories that you need every day. Moreover, you also need to pay attention to the types of foods that you’re eating. A clean bulk is focusing on high quality foods, such as lean meat, fruits, vegetables, and whole foods. The clean bulking plan involves zero (or very little) processed foods, junk foods, processed meats, candies, cookies, and so on.

A clean bulk means that you are giving your body a calorie surplus that it needs to gain weight during a bulk. But you still count calories so the surplus won’t be too high. Moreover, the calories should come from quality foods, that’s why you should have a balanced diet with balanced macros. This way, you’re going to overall reduce the health risks and the potential for fat gain.

When To Cut?

If you’re wondering when to cut, but you’ve been reading so far, I guess you’ve already got an answer. Generally, knowing how bulking works when to bulk up will make it easier to understand when to cut, and how to run a cutting cycle. Thankfully, these two are not so hugely distinct. While there are obvious differences (both in workout regimens and dieting), you still need a proper workout plan and diet with both regimens.

Anyway, when it comes to “when should I cut?”, the answer could be one of the two situations:

  1. You’ve finished your bulking cycle. You gained muscle, but you may have gained some fat along the way. Some even gain a little too much fat. Regardless, since you’ve gained muscle, you may want to see further muscle definition at a lower body fat percentage.
  2. Or you may just start the lifting journey, and instead of starting with a bulking cycle to gain as much muscle and strength, you need to first lose a decent amount of fat. Usually, this applies to those who start their lifting experience with quite a lot of body fat percentage.

When you’re bulking, regardless if you’re a beginner or a veteran, it is not unusual to gain some fat. That’s because you need to have a daily surplus of calories anywhere between 200 to 1,000 calories. So, gaining fat is normal. If you go for a dirty bulking plan, you’ve definitely gained fat, usually more than you wish to.

So, how do you cut?

To cut, you’re still dieting, working out religiously, and still following a good macros balance. But you’re doing the opposite in terms of calories. During a bulk, you need to eat more calories every day than your maintenance daily intake. But to lose the excess fat, you are going to need to be in a calorie deficit.

Cutting after a bulk means that you should aim for about 0.5 to 1 pound per week! Well, this number can greatly increase if you’re using anabolic steroids. Moreover, this number can greatly increase if you’re just starting your fitness journey and you have a lot of fat to burn.

But in order to start eating in a deficit (or maybe surplus during bulking), you are first going to need to know your daily calorie needs. To do so, you can use an online calorie calculator. You are also likely to need to calculate your body fat percentage to determine the fat loss goals.

Moreover, while there could be slight adjustments in the macros, they are similar in bulking and cutting cycles. So you need to calculate proper macros, ensuring you have a balanced diet. You need enough fat, carbs, and protein to support muscle growth. That’s important regardless of whether you cut or bulk, otherwise, you may deprive your body of important nutrition that supports muscle growth and/or fat loss. That’s especially likely when you reduce calorie intake in cutting cycles.

Calories and Workouts

While there’s a huge difference in the calories that you consume during a bulking vs a cutting cycle (calories amount is the bigger difference between cutting and bulking), there are slight differences (if any) in terms of macros and workouts. They can be pretty much the same. You may just increase the protein intake and lower carbs during a cutting (and the opposite for bulking) a little bit. In terms of workouts – may add a bit more cardio for cutting and reduce some weight, while adding some more reps. But the most important thing is to keep going with a good form. Remember – you can lose fat and gain strength during a cutting cycle with a good combination of training and a healthy diet.

So, the thing that you should focus on most is your calories. For example, if you drop your calorie intake but you barely notice any weight loss, then you may need to revisit the amount of calories you eat. Or at least add some more cardio to your workouts. It applies the other way around too. In case you gain way too fast, or you’re adding too much fat – review the calorie intake. It is likely you need to decrease. It is not uncommon not to see any results during bulking, which usually means that you should increase the amount of calories you consume.

Should I Cut?

In the end, as you may have already realized, when to cut and when to bulk is all up to you. That’s mostly because we’re all starting weightlifting at different ability levels. And because we’re all having completely different goals. Some may want to continue to bulk sitting at 240 lb, and others may want to have muscle definition at 170 lb.

Yet, considering that muscle weighs more than fat if there were a set rule of when to cut, it may not apply to somebody who is weighing more because of their muscle mass. That’s why, knowing if it is time to cut is determined by personal preferences and by your body fat percentage.

If you have 10% or less body fat, regardless if you’re muscular or not, you are unlikely to need to cut, unless you’re very muscular, a veteran lifter, and you have a specific goal. Otherwise, in case you start with a high body fat percentage, that would be a good indication that you may need to cut first. If you have very little body fat percentage, it is a good indicator that you can start to bulk.

It is important to understand that during a bulking plan, you are likely to gain fat as you gain strength and muscle. You’re even more likely to gain it if you follow a dirty bulk. But since a dirty bulk can bring in both muscle gains and fat gains, as soon as you reach a certain level after a bulk, it may be the right time to cut.

So, Should You Bulk Or Cut First?

Well, while the question “Should I bulk or cut first?” is pretty popular in gyms across the world, I really hope that this article helps you find the right answer for you. As you may have realized, the answer totally depends. So, the answer could be different from one person to another.

In case you’re starting at the heavier end of the scales with a higher body fat percentage, then chances are – you’re going to need to cut first. Also, even if you’re not a newbie to lifting weights, but you’ve just gone through a bulking cycle and you want to bring that muscle definition then it is time to get cutting too! Yet, if you’re a newbie without too high a body fat percentage, then bulking is most likely the right plan for you. Bulking is an awesome plan for those who want to gain muscle mass and strength, but do not carry a huge amount of body fat already.

In order to determine when to bulk and when to cut, I would recommend taking your current weight, calorie intake, and body fat percentage into account. These factors will greatly determine what you should be aiming for next. Anyway, either you need to cut or bulk first, you need to ensure you’re getting the right amount of calories, with the right macronutrient balance (and other crucial nutrients), and workout religiously with a good form.


So, depending on your current stats and your goals, you may need to cut or bulk first. Now you know the basics and I really hope it will be helpful. Here are some important points to remember:

  • If you’re below 15-20% body fat you may need to bulk first (but cut if you’re above this number)
  • Regardless of goals, ensure you are training with good form, with progressive overload
  • Training is similar in bulking vs cutting with a few differences that are not essential
  • Work out your macros in bulking and cutting. They are similar, but may reduce protein/increase carbs during bulking and the other way around during cutting
  • Pay attention to what you’re eating and how much you’re eating (calories), regardless if you are cutting or bulking
  • If you’re bulking, a dirty bulk approach can help, but it is likely to be unhealthy and add way too much fat

Need A Helping Hand?

Cycle-Gear.to is here for you. Whether you’re cutting or you’re bulking, we have the right compounds for you. They will help boost testosterone levels, and HGH levels, enhance protein synthesis, reduce recovery times, improve strength, endurance, and stamina, speed up muscle building process, including numerous other benefits.

You can get a lot of information, individual cycle plans for you and your needs, the best quality anabolic steroids for sale, fast shipping, the best customer support service and so much more. You can be sure you get the real and best quality steroids, for the cheapest prices on the market. We will help you determine how to use them right so they will be safer to use too. So, go for bulking steroids or cutting steroids and you’re on your way to achieving the physique and performance of your dreams!


Tips For Faster Results

Regardless if you’re new to bodybuilding, or you’re aiming to make big gains in the gym for a while now, we know that it can be a long journey to achieve your target, and that’s why we will provide various tips for faster results. If you want to push your bodybuilding goals harder than ever before, or if you want to get started the right way, you need proper tips to do that. Especially considering that there’s so much information out there. The problem is that not all of that information is actually helpful. In fact, there are tips online that may even hinder your gains.

While we tend to believe a fitness influencer on Instagram, that’s not always true. In order to go the right way, you need to go for those tips that are backed up by science. For example, you could hear of an influencer suggesting that you need to push your cardio to get gains. But no studies suggest that.

So, what should you do to yield the results that you’re dreaming about? We’re here to share the top bodybuilding tops to help you yield the results that you want and do it fast.

Why Don’t You Gain Muscle?

Before we share the top tips for getting faster results, let’s analyze what could be the reason that you do not yield any gains, or simply do it too slowly. There are three main triggers that will help you increase your muscle mass. If you are not achieving them, you simply won’t see any results.

These three include:

  • Mechanical tension. Muscles need to break through resistance in order to grow. No resistance means they won’t break, which means they won’t grow. The harder you work and contract your muscles, the higher the mechanical tension. This will lead to a bigger growth stimulus. This is the reason why you need to work those muscles in the first place, and it also explains why you need to increase your weight. The research suggests that mechanical tension will disturb the integrity of a muscle. It acts as a catalyst for a whole range of changes that are going to increase muscle size, strength, and power. So, the heavier you lift with a good form, the more tension you are going to create. This leads to higher gains.
  • Muscle damage. We’re not talking about actually damaging your muscles or leading to injuries. We’re talking about micro traumas to your muscle and connective tissue that occurs during resistance training. This starts the regenerative process, which stimulates the production of new muscle cells. The eccentric movements (when you lower weights during a bicep curl, for example), lengthen the muscle under tension. This is where you produce great micro trauma. More than the concentric movement (the actual lifting part, of a bicep curl, for example). That’s why you need to perform the eccentric movement slower.
  • Metabolic stress. I guess you know the deep burn that you feel in your muscles on the final round of squats, for example. That is due to metabolic stress. This is the build-up of waste products from anaerobic energy production. Research indicates that it is a powerful starter for muscle growth if you are maximizing metabolic stress.

Bodybuilding Tips For Faster Results

So, in order to make real gains, you need to focus on mechanical tension (heavier weights), muscle damage (eccentric and concentric movements), and metabolic stress (deep burn). Now that you know this, we can share the top tips to help you to maximize muscle growth. Regardless if you’re a beginner looking to get faster results or a seasoned bodybuilder looking to break through plateaus, these bodybuilding tips will greatly help you boost your gains.

Do More Than Just One Set

While it may sound obvious, you need to do more than just one set. I tell you this because it seems that doing a single set where you go all out has become a pretty popular strategy in the bodybuilding world due to its timesaving advantage. Moreover, it does seem to be effective for building muscle too. Why complain then? Well, research indicates that performing just one set per exercise will not yield the same results as when you are doing three to five sets. The research compared lifters doing one set and those doing 3 to 5 sets. It showed that those doing more sets get bigger gains.

Challenger Your Muscles

This is another tip that may sound obvious to some, however, it is still important to mention. But even the best of us can fall into a habit that becomes unproductive, so it is time to change, despite the fact that it may be hard and… challenging. Some people are following the same workouts, keep using the same weights, with the same reps, and the same routines. This will definitely lead to a growth stoppage. That is why progressive overloading is so important. That is when you actually increase the challenge to your muscles, which leads to actual muscle growth. There are numerous overloading methods. Lifting more weight is just one approach. But there are others as well such as:

  • Do more reps
  • Lift slower (or faster)
  • Reduce your rest period in between sets
  • Choose a more challenging variation of an exercise (instead of the classic push up, go for a decline push up, for example)

The point of “challenging” your muscles is not to allow them to fully adapt to the workout routine. If you want new gains, you need to go for new movements/weights/exercises. So, you just need to push yourself a bit harder than you did on your last workout. It may not seem much in each workout, but these little things add up over time, increasing your muscle mass.

Change Your Rest Periods

Lifters are usually aiming to leave about 30 to 60 seconds of rest period between sets. The problem of the 21st century is that people tend to have too much screen time in their gym, and their rest between sets can be as much as 5 minutes or even more. That’s a huge mistake. You need to shorten the rest periods, which will lead to more muscle growth stimulus.

On the other hand, those people who are lifting for a while and are always resting for 30 to 60 seconds between sets, could switch to more extended rest periods, of 2 or even up to 3 minutes between sets. Studies suggest that this could be highly effective at promoting strength and muscle growth gains. Longer rests lead to higher gains, especially between sets of isolation exercises such as curls and compound moves like pull ups. In the end, the amount of rest you should have greatly depends on your goals and the exercises you perform. Both longer and shorter rest periods have their palace.

For example, shorter periods are better for muscular endurance and fat loss. Longer rest periods allow you to perform more reps, leading to significant gains over time. You can have longer rest periods without dragging out your workout by doing supersets. These involve two different exercises that target two different muscle groups. Such as squats and bicep curls. Or bench press and bent-over row.

Aim for 30 seconds up to 3 minutes rest in between sets, depending on various factors. Switch to the rest period that works best for you.

Lift Beyond the “Hypertrophy Rep Range”

The research indicates that the bodybuilders are gaining muscle when staying in the hypertrophy rep range. That is 8 to 12 reps per set. However, the research suggests there is a difference in muscle growth between those who work in the hypertrophy range and those who work in the endurance range – those who lift lighter weights for 20 to 25 reps per set.

What should you do? Go for both to take the best of both worlds. Optimize your workouts and this will keep you making gains. Include a variety of adaptations in your strength train, involving a variety of rep ranges in your training. The most important is to train to the point of volitional failure – the point where you cannot perform another rep with a good form. This is where you see most gains in both size and strength.

Work Out What Works For You

While there is a fair bit of research out there, studies can only identify the training techniques, exercises, strategies, etc. that are working for the majority of lifters. Studies do not focus on individualism or flexibility in them. Nevertheless, studies do prove that everyone is different, and everyone has their own recipe for success. What you should do is find out what works best for you. Do not go for those exercises or techniques that are just comfortable for you, aim to go for those that are actually helpful.

Include Split and Full Body Workouts In Your Training

A long time debate in the bodybuilding circles goes on – full body workouts vs split workouts. Some suggest that full body exercises build more muscles as you work out muscles more frequently. Others, however, suggest that if you focus on just one or two body parts in each weekly training, you are going to maximize the gains by working a muscle group extra hard and then allowing it to rest and recover.

What should you do? Both! This is going to help you yield the best of both worlds. So, include both types of workouts in your training and then alternate between the two approaches. You could switch between full body workouts and then split training workouts.

Don’t Lift Until You Can’t Anymore

Very often, lifters are pushing themselves to train so hard that they cannot lift anymore. Not only is this unnecessary and unproven to provide any gains at all, but it also can be dangerous. You are risking injuries that can greatly hinder your gains. Moreover, you risk overtraining, requiring too much time to recover. It is much better to keep a strategy that helps you gain, which means that you should lift to volatile failure, but not until you can’t walk anymore during your legs day, or can’t lift your arms during arms day.

Support Your Training With The Proper Nutrition/Lifestyle/Compound

It is pretty obvious that training and getting into the right workout regimen is an extremely important part when it comes to making gains and getting faster results. However, you should not forget that this is just one part of an entire complexity when it comes to gains and especially faster results. Nutrition is another extremely important part that you should pay attention to. Via the right nutrition, you make sure to provide the muscles and body with everything they need in order to repair, and grow, as well as fuel the muscles with the energy they need for working out.

Not only that, but you need to ensure your body gets enough sleep, and generally you have a proper lifestyle such as reducing stress, tobacco, or alcohol. Moreover, you can also support your gains with the right supplements and compounds. A proper diet will offer the right vitamins, minerals, and nutrients (micro and macro).

When you really want to get big gym results and yield them fast, you need to make sure that you keep your Testosterone levels high. This is an extremely important hormone for getting lean, shedding fat, and enhancing overall performance in the gym. In the end, make sure that what you do outside the gym, is just as important as what you do during your workouts.

For example, you can achieve faster results with the right quality of anabolic steroids as long as you use them right. Cycle-Gear.to is here to provide the best quality anabolic steroids for the best prices on the market and help you learn how to cycle that gear the correct way. This way, you can achieve faster results without side effects. Regardless if you want to bulk up or cut down, our products and cycle plan will help you.


In The End…

Follow these bodybuilding tips for faster results, get the right products to achieve your goals, and pay attention to what you’re doing outside the gym. You’re sure to smash your bodybuilding goals in no time with our top tips.

Best Back Workouts

Check here for the best back workouts to build that broad back with the kickass V-shape that every man is dreaming about. You may have this goal, and you may know a few exercises on how to get a broader back. However, knowing how exactly to gain a huge back could be a bit difficult. That’s why if you are looking at those massive guys with massive backs and want to build anything similar – read this best back workouts article.

The problem with back workouts is that you may find it overwhelming with the crazy amount of row variations. Also, you could struggle to find new back exercises that will work back muscles that you never worked before.

Some of the following back workouts may not be new to some of you. But others may be. I recommend implementing them all. Finding the best back exercises goes according to a number of factors such as:

  • Ease to learn and perform
  • The go-to status with veteran lifters
  • Total muscle stimulation and intensity
  • Available of the machines/equipment in most gyms

So, check out some of the best back workouts below.

Best Back Workouts (Exercises) For Men

back workouts for back muscle growth

The Classic Pull Up

An overhead pulling movement, such as the classic pull up is easily one of the best back workouts that you can perform. Moreover, there are various variations, and each one comes with its own advantages. From wide grip to close grip chins as well as neutral grip pull ups for an even greater stretch. Check below the pull up variations in order to grow your back:

  • Pull ups on gymnastic rings
  • Weighted pull ups or chins
  • Band assisted pull ups
  • Spotter assisted pull ups
  • Machine assisted pull ups
  • Chin ups (underhand grip)
  • Wide grip pull ups (overhand grip)
  • Neutral grip pull ups (palms facing inward)

The assisted variations are great back-building back exercises. Do not ever underestimate them. They are extremely effective for beginners who struggle doing pull ups. But they are also very effective for seasoned lifters to get into the muscle-building rep range.

So, want to grow a huge back? Start implementing the classic pull ups with various variations.

Bent Over Row

As long as you are searching for great back workouts, the bent over row has to be on your list! This is a well rounded back exercise, involving a move that is the key to building the whole back – upper back, lower back, lots, traps, as well as spinal erectors. You just can’t have a massive back without this move.

Again, there are various variations that you can perform into your back workouts in order to make sure that you are going to “touch” as many muscle fibers in your back as possible, to ensure even and massive growth. Some variations include:

  • Bent over dumbbell or kettlebell rows
  • Pendlay rows (each rep is starting from the floor)
  • Underhand grip bent-over rows
  • Overhand grip bent-over rows

Start by doing heavy bent over rows toward the start of your back workout in lower rep ranges. Needless to mention the importance of a proper form to keep your spine in proper health. You need to go heavy, but only to make sure you can perform 6 to 8 or 8 to 10 reps with proper form.


huge back muscles

It’s likely you’ve seen people performing deadlifts to build their legs. Then why would you use it for building your back? Because it is easily one of the best back exercises possible too. That’s why deadlift is such a popular exercise in the gym, with so many people praising its muscle building abilities. This compound exercise uses your entire body’s muscles, making it one of the best overall exercises. You can hit the entire posterior chain, and work your body from your calves to your upper traps while helping you build a firm butt.

Lots of seasoned lifters focus their back days around deadlifts. It may be harder to nail the form, but once you do, you can get into monster weights, in order to get monster gains! Again, there are various deadlift variations that you could add to your back workouts. They include:

  • Barbell deadlift (from the floor)
  • Barbell rack pull
  • Snatch-grip deadlift (from the floor or elevated pins)
  • Trap bar deadlift
  • Romanian deadlift (barbell, dumbbell)

I know you may be thinking about sumo deadlifts which are very popular. However, they tend to focus more on other muscle groups than the back in comparison to variations I’ve shared above. While you can still perform sumo deadlifts, as long as you want to develop your back (everyone does), you need to stick to those variations. Be sure to do classic deadlifts if you plan to go heavy (sets of fewer than about 6 reps).

Seated Row

While a lot of free weight variations around are extremely beneficial, you still need to go for the classic seated row in order to build a massive back. This is among the best back workouts because it maintains constant tension throughout every inch of the movement (unlike when you work out with free weight variations).

In addition to that, with a variety of handle grips that are available at most gyms, you can also add variation into this back exercise, again, to ensure that all back muscles are working properly. Check here some of the key row variations that you can add to your back workouts.

  • Machine seated row
  • High cable standing row
  • Plate-loaded high row
  • Cable row (narrow, medium, wide, underhand, overhand, neutral grip)
  • Single-arm cable row (seated, half-kneeling, kneeling)

Such an exercise is best performed toward the end of your workout. You should not be scared to go slightly higher rep with this back workout exercise. You could go for 10 to 12 or even 12 to 15 reps. Needless to mention you should go for proper weights and have a proper form throughout the entire movement.

T-Bar Row

I know that the T-bar row could seem like another bent over row back exercise. However, the T bar row is actually having some very big differences. For example, you can perform it with significantly more weight. Needless to mention this is going to provide a huge difference.

In addition to that, you can usually have a versatile choice of hand positions and width as well. For example:

  • Wide grip is going to put more emphasis on the lats
  • Neutral grip is going to target the middle back better (traps, teres, and rhomboids)

Check below some T-bar row variations that you could add to your best back exercises list:

  • T-bar row
  • Lying T-bar row
  • Landmine row holding a wide T-handle (overhand grip)
  • Landmine row holding the bar

Lat Pull-Down

One of the first instincts for this exercise would be to grab the wide-grip bar. Especially because this one is usually found on the machine as well. While a wide grip bar does have its advantage, a close neutral grip is going to activate the lats in a similar way to a regular grip. Yet, this grip is going to allow for a longer range of motion and an increased time under tension for the lats. That is going to be amazing for building a kickass back muscle. For this exercise, you need to make sure you keep the tempo slow and do it in a controlled manner, both up and down, as you squeeze hard at the bottom of each rep and hold it there for a moment, then allowing for a good stretch at the top of the move.

Again, there are various lat pull-down variations in order to get some ultimate back muscle gains. Some of them include:

  • Single-arm pull-down
  • Rope handle pull-down
  • Half-kneeling or full-kneeling pull-down
  • Underhand-grip pull-down (narrow, medium, or wide)
  • Neutral-grip pull-down (narrow, medium, or wide)
  • Overhand-grip pull-down (narrow, medium, or wide)

Single-Arm Smith Machine Row

If you’ve ever heard about the Smith machine being a no-go (there’s a myth, with some gym guys considering it a no-go machine), be sure that’s just a myth and a big mistake. The fixed plane of the movement will allow you to pull some heavy loads with a lot of stability. This will break down the deepest muscle fibers, allowing for huge muscle gains. So, this is actually a humbling exercise.

You can consider this exercise a mix between a dumbbell row and a machine row. You can use it, taking advantage of both benefits for maximum gains. Again, there are various Smith machine variations. Add them to your back workouts for the best back muscle growth.

  • Smith machine bent-over row
  • Smith machine bodyweight inverted row
  • Single-arm Smith machine row (sideways to machine)

Single-Arm Dumbbell Row

If you’ve been in the gym at least once in your life, I’m pretty sure you’ve seen someone performing this exercise. That’s because every man is dreaming about a massive back and this specific exercise is an absolute classic when it comes to growing huge back muscles. That’s why this is an extremely popular exercise, every man should add to their back workouts. With this exercise, you should get ready to lift some huge amounts of weight, especially if you are going to use straps. Another huge advantage of this movement is that you are getting a greater range of motion when training unilaterally. Moreover, you can support your lower back (spine) by placing one hand on the bench.

Here are some various variations of this exercise that you should consider for your next back workouts. Remember, they are all single-arm movements.

  • Barbell row (landmine to the rear)
  • Meadows row (landmine to the rear)
  • Row with one hand on a bench
  • Row with one hand and one leg on a bench
  • Arc row, reaching forward at the front of each rep

Usually, this back exercise is performed in the middle or at the end of your workout. It usually goes in 3-4 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions. Go for proper weight to maintain proper form.

Dumbbell Pull-Over

This is a single joint move that will allow you to target your lats, ensuring you will fire up those lats, providing huge growth. That’s especially if you are going to have a strategic approach to the variations. Try to perform this move on a decline. This way, you are going to put your lats under tension for a longer range of motion than when using a flat bench. Of course, a longer range of motion leads to bigger gains.

Go for these dumbbell pull-over variations in order to grow your back muscles:

  • Decline bench pull-over (with dumbbell, barbell, or weight plate)
  • Flat bench pull-over (with a dumbbell, barbell, or weight plate)
  • Straight-arm pull-down
  • Cable pull-down

Chest-Supported Row

There are a lot of back exercises and each one of them greatly varies. And unlike the T bar rows or bent over rows, the chest supported row does not set your lower back on fire. This is the reason why you can go heavy weights with the chest supported row to get “heavy” gains. The bench also is going to enforce strict technique – so you need to keep good form.

Try these variations:

  • Seal row (barbell row on an elevated flat or incline bench)
  • Incline bench chest-supported row (with a dumbbell, kettlebell, and cable)

Best Back Workouts For Men

  • Rack Pulls: 3 sets, 6 to 8 reps, 2 mins rest between sets
  • Neutral-grip pull up: 3 sets, 4 to 10 reps; 2 mins rest between sets
  • T-bar row: 3 sets, 6 to 8 reps, 90 seconds rest between sets
  • Bent-arm dumbbell pull-over: 3 sets, 12 to 15 reps, 90 rest between sets
  • Reverse-grip bent over row: 4 sets, 6 to 8 reps, 2 mins rest between sets
  • Wide grip seated cable row: 3 sets, 10 to 12 reps, 1 min rest between sets
  • Single-arm dumbbell row: 3 sets, 8 to 10 reps, don’t rest between sides, keep the rest of 90 seconds between sets.
  • Smith Machine bent over row: underhand grip of 4 sets, 10 to 12 reps and rest 1 minute.
  • Seated row: wide grip handle – overhand or neutral grip, 4 sets, 12 reps, rest for 1 min between sets
  • Close-grip pull down: 4 sets, 10 to 12 reps, rest for 1 min between sets

Remember that this is just an example, you can go for whichever works best for you. Regardless of the back workout exercise you choose, they all should be performed with proper form, and you should go for proper weights for your fitness level.

Get Huge Back Muscles Now

If you’re searching for good back workouts, I’m pretty sure you’re going to find this article highly beneficial. As you can see above, you can put to good use some of the best back workouts, with this helpful info on these back exercises and their variations.

Nonetheless, regardless if you’re a beginner who can’t wait to see those back muscles grow, or you’re a seasoned lifter who wants to break through plateaus, you can add the products we have for sale into your regimen and they are one sure way to support your goals for a massive back! Cycle-Gear.to provides the best quality anabolic steroids – the products that were proven endless times to be extremely effective. While you may have heard that they are dangerous to use – that’s half true.


Anabolic steroids are no more dangerous than numerous other products and drugs, but they are extremely efficient. You need to learn how to use them correctly in order to make sure that they remain safe to use and keep on supporting your goals. These products can help you get lean and recover faster, smashing your back workout goals, while remaining safe when everything is done alright.

Most importantly – buy the best quality steroids for sale such as Testosterone and learn how to use them right. Cycle-Gear.to is here to help you with both of these goals. We provide the best quality steroids for sale (allowing you to save money too) and provide individual cycle plans for you and your goals to keep the cycle safe and effective.


Anabolic Diet

As long as you’re searching to build muscle, I’m pretty sure you’ve already searched about an anabolic diet. Maybe you haven’t used the term “anabolic diet” exactly. But when you’re trying to build muscle mass and searching for ways to do so, you already know the importance of the right diet. And the diet that helps you build muscle is an anabolic diet. That’s because anabolism, in short, is a process that grows and builds, basically, your muscles. While it is a process that consumes and requires energy, you get that energy from the foods you eat, basically, your diet. With the right nutrition (anabolic diet), you gain muscle. While also burning fat.

The problem is that there’s a lot of misinformation online as well as from guys in the gym. That’s why it could be hard to find what is actually true, and what’s the best anabolic diet plan.

In short, an anabolic diet plan involves a low carb diet that focuses on alternatives between low and high carb days. This nutrition plan should help bodybuilders gain a huge amount of muscle mass, without adding (or very little) fat. So, it is called anabolic diet because it helps build muscle.

However, if you actually want to get truly anabolic, you can resort to anabolic steroids. While they can cause side effects, pretty much like anything else in the world, they are extremely effective (perhaps the best) at growing muscles, that’s why they are called anabolic in the first place. Yet, if you follow a proper Cycle Gear plan, you can get awesome benefits and keep side effects low. You also need quality steroids to achieve that. Luckily, at Cycle-Gear.to you can get both quality products and individual cycle plans!

How Does An Anabolic Diet Meal Plan Work?

According to the creator of this anabolic diet plan (DiPasquale), the plan of alternating carbs will encourage the body to burn more fat as fuel, allowing you to retain and even grow muscle mass as much as possible.

In order to explain it further, you first need to understand that by eating, we get calories. But calories consist of three key macronutrients:

  1. Fat
  2. Protein
  3. Carbohydrates (Carbs)

Some people are wary about this anabolic diet because it doesn’t involve a super restrictive calorie count, as some bodybuilders looking to compete tend to do. Yet, when it comes to holding your hard-earned muscle gains, your body does need calories to maintain them. That’s why if you go into a drastic calorie deficit, you are at risk of losing lean muscle mass while you burn fat. Yet, the anabolic diet suggests that it is effective because you’re eating calories that help you achieve lower body fat without a huge risk of muscle mass loss.

  • PS: That’s why anabolic and androgenic steroids (AAS) are so highly praised among bodybuilders, athletes, and other gym-goers. They are extremely effective at retaining lean muscle tissues even in very low calorie diets.



Three Phases of Anabolic Diet Plan

The anabolic diet works when it is carried out in phases. Obviously, there’s a certain method behind each phase, each designed for a purpose. It includes maintenance (induction), gain, and weight loss.

Maintenance and Induction Phase

The maintenance and induction phase is created in order to ease you into the anabolic diet meal plan. According to its creator, you need to follow this phase for a period of one to four weeks, with a calorie intake that is 18 times your body weight in pounds. This phase is there in order to familiarize your body with the low carb intake at the start of the anabolic diet.

Bulking and Gaining Phase

Following the induction phase AKA maintenance, your anabolic diet plan goes into a bulking (gaining) phase. This phase should help you achieve the desired bulk weight. Unlike the induction phase, there is not a strict window to complete the bulk phase. Those who are following this anabolic diet usually stay in the bulk phase for as long as they need in order to achieve their weight gain goal.

Nevertheless, a successful bulking cycle plan, according to the author, is taking your ideal body weight in pounds and adding to that number 15% more. That extra 15% is there because we tend to gain fat, then you will need to cut it out. That’s exactly what you will be doing because the next phase is the cutting phase of your anabolic diet. So, going above the ideal weight can be beneficial for fat loss that will occur in the next phase.

Cutting (Weight Loss) Phase

Essentially, the cutting phase of your anabolic diet plan is a low carb and low calorie weight loss plan. You need to find your maintenance calories during the maintenance phase. But during the cutting phase, you cut anywhere between 500 to 1,000 calories a day from maintenance and keep it going. For how long? Similar to the bulking phase during the anabolic diet, the cutting phase can last for as long as you achieve your desired body fat percentage goal. A lot of people aim for around 10% or less.

  • Why are all these phases combined called the anabolic diet plan? Because the calorie intake is very different across each phase (especially between bulking and cutting). However, the macronutrient proportions do not change too much.

The next thing, we are going to analyze how the anabolic diet meal plan looks, as we already know that it is based on nutrient cycling. To explain it shortly – that’s a low carb diet on weekdays and a high carb diet on weekends! When you are switching between the two, it will prevent the body from returning to burning predominantly carbs for fuel. At the same time, the high carb days are going to refuel your body with the energy (you take from foods) during intense workouts.

Alternating Carbs During Anabolic Diet Plan

So, as mentioned, during weekdays, you mostly focus on limiting the carb intake. The exact number varies, but it is usually around a maximum of 30 grams a day. During these days, your calorie intake is mostly sourced from fat and protein. Such a plan usually involves a ratio like this:

  • 60 to 65% of fat
  • 30 to 35% of protein
  • 5 to 10% of carbs

That’s 5 days a week, during the weekdays of low carb. After this, the weekend focuses on a high carb diet. It is there to help you replenish carb stores in the body. So, on the weekend, your macros ratio should look more like this:

  • 60 to 70% of carbohydrates
  • 10 to 20% of fat
  • 10 to 20% of protein

Anabolic Diet Risks

This type of diet is still a diet. The reason a diet is called that way is because it should be followed for a certain amount of time. Therefore, the anabolic diet also focuses on a short amount of time too. This is surely not a long term strategy for gaining muscle mass and cutting fat. It should only focus on bringing you the desired bodybuilding goals. If you are an athlete or a bodybuilder that is preparing for a competition, this short term strategy could be suitable for your needs.

Keep in mind that the anabolic diet meal plan focuses on increasing lean body tissue while lowering fat stores. And while you could eat healthier (you actually should opt for healthier food choices), this doesn’t necessarily mean that this type of diet is healthy. There’s one main drawback of the anabolic diet – as you are cycling carbs, the plan lacks fiber and micronutrients, because it contains little fruit, vegetable, and legumes intake. Of course, that’s not a healthy option.

Moreover, such an imbalance in micro and macronutrients could decrease the intake of antioxidants. This is very important for remaining healthy and for combating oxidative stress as a result of exercise. During weekends as you eat lots of carbs, you may not eat any fruits or legumes with few vegetables during weekdays.

You have a very high intake of fat (60-65%) during weekdays, meaning that remaining on anabolic diet could lead to insufficient insulin function. That’s why you shouldn’t remain on this diet for too long. Focus on reaching your goals as soon as possible, then get off this plan.

The Right Amount Of Fat

The reason why you should have a high amount of dietary fat during this diet, especially a high amount of saturated fat, is because this fat is going to positively regulate testosterone and androgen production. The impact of these changes is relatively minor, the author suggests that saturated fats are essential for optimal hormone production.

Nevertheless, if your natural testosterone is low for whatever reason, then nothing can help it, so you may need actual testosterone injections. Moreover, if you use anabolic steroids, they will regulate your hormones in an anabolic way like nothing else, ensuring you grow muscle way faster and more efficiently. In fact, due to this huge positive hormonal change, anabolic steroids are so helpful when it comes to growing lean muscle mass.

Anyway, when it comes to weekdays, you should mostly focus on:

  • Fatt cuts of red meat
  • Oils
  • Nuts
  • Whole eggs
  • Full fat dairy products like cheese, cream, and butter
  • Nut spreads

However, you should know that saturated fats will increase cholesterol and triglyceride levels. This is going to increase cardiovascular risk. Anabolic steroids work the same way. You need to be careful about it, especially if you already have any cardiovascular issues. Make sure you use cardiovascular supporting supplements, have lots of cardio exercises, and diet based on what works best for your cardiovascular health.

Food examples:

  • Eggs
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Turkey sausages
  • Olive oil
  • Almond butter
  • Cottage cheese
  • Flaxseed meal
  • Chicken breast
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Vinegar
  • Peanut butter
  • Ground beef

These are only examples, there are numerous others you can try too.

Should I Follow An Anabolic Diet?

The anabolic diet is called this because it contains lots of anabolic foods that are beneficial for those who want to grow huge muscle mass. However, keep in mind that this is not suitable for competitive athletes with higher carb needs, not suitable for those who aim to solely lose weight, and it is not suitable for those with already cardiovascular issues.

Even if this plan is suitable for your needs, usually for those who want to get shredded, an anabolic diet should not be followed for a long period of time. It can help reach your specific goal in a short period of time, but it is restrictive in nutrients!

Get Shredded Fast With Cycle Gear

If you cycle gear, you should follow a proper and healthy diet and you’re going to be on your way to reach your goals. You still need a correct balance of macros, enough micronutrients, enough rest after strenuous workouts, and generally a bodybuilding type of lifestyle. However, the anabolic steroids will shift your hormonal balance, making your body a fat burning and muscle building machine.

With these compounds, you do not even need the anabolic diet, as you remain highly anabolic. So you don’t need to lose out on crucial nutrients and antioxidants to stay on track when it comes to building muscle.

Just make sure you get the right products, of high quality, and use them right. You can do all of that in a single place – Cycle-Gear.to. We provide the best quality anabolic steroids on the market, for competitive prices. You can build muscle, get shredded, and cut fat while Cycle Gear will help. This way you can get ready for extreme GAINS! We help you with an individual cycle plan so you can get on track, reach your goals, save money, and stay healthy!


Broad Shoulders Guide

Let’s face it – broad shoulders look awesome! That’s why achieving wide shoulders is a common goal for a lot of men. These specific muscles can make your frame look more proportional and make your overall physique look way better. A lot of men are dreaming about the “inverted triangle” shape. In order to achieve it, you need to create an upper body that is wider at the top and narrower at the waist. Besides burning belly fat, you need a wide top – which means wide shoulders!

Regardless of what you’re doing in your daily life, having broad shoulders will both look awesome and can greatly help in your everyday tasks. Strong shoulders can greatly help during lifting everyday objects, playing favorite sports, shopping, and so on. Not only will you look awesome by packing those wide shoulders (all men crave), but you are also going to be less likely to injure yourself too. So, you look great, get strong, and are less likely to get injuries.

Nonetheless, it is important to understand that broad shoulders must be supported by a strong back and arms. So, what you need to aim for is to get your entire upper body strong. However, we’re here to find out how to get broad shoulders. Especially because some people may find it harder to get broader shoulders than develop other parts of their bodies.

So, let’s check it out.

Is it possible to change the width of your shoulders?

The reason why I said that some people find it harder to get broader shoulders is because of the bone structure. You cannot change your bone structure. But the good news is that you could change the width of your shoulders to some degree.

You cannot make yourself taller because of the bone structures, so you can’t change the bone structure in your shoulders either, such as the collarbone width. Yet, the shoulder width is still different. That’s because you can change its width with the help of muscles that you can work out. This way, you get broader shoulders.

While it’s unfair that you may not grow as wide shoulders as genetically gifted ones, you can still get wide shoulders via workout. This way, you are going to make your shoulders stronger and add more width, looking way better, bigger, and getting stronger.

However, in order to maximize the ability to gain those wide shoulders, you need to target all muscles in the shoulders. You should work out all areas – the front, back as well as side. This great all round approach is going to help you achieve wide shoulders as soon as possible.

So, I am going to share an awesome broad shoulder workout that you need to follow to target these muscles. Moreover, I’m going to talk about the importance of working out your deltoids (popular as delts). Deltoids are consisting of three distinct sets of muscle fibers that are popular as:

  • The front area of your shoulder. Anterior deltoid
  • The back area of your shoulder. Posterior deltoid
  • The middle area of your shoulder. Medial (or lateral) deltoid

Broad Shoulders Workout

So, if you can’t wait to have those beautiful broad shoulders, you should start implementing these shoulder workouts into your regimen. Do not forget that training them on a daily basis won’t provide faster results, because shoulder muscles, pretty much like any other muscles, require time to recover, heal, and grow. That’s why, if you’re a beginner, once a week would do the trick. Advanced lifters may opt for two workouts targeting these muscles per week, and professionals could aim for 3 times each week. Remember that you need to allow at least one day between workout sessions to provide enough rest.

Also, do not assume that going heavy with your weights will provide faster results. You need to go heavy, not just yet. You need to start off slow and build it up. Going heavy immediately will likely hurt your posture which leads to no gains, and is very likely to cause injuries. You need to find your own sweet spot when it comes to weight, so you won’t sacrifice your form (posture), won’t risk injuries, and get a good amount of reps and sets. On the other hand, make sure that it is not too light either. Find the correct weights for your own needs.

Usually, you need to aim for 2-5 sets, 5-20 reps, depending on the weight and exercise. Let’s get started.

Rear lateral raise (seated)

To start this move, you need to seat yourself on the edge of a workout bench, as you keep the dumbbells at your side. Make sure to bend your torso forward, as you rest your upper body on your thighs (or at least, as close as you can). It is important to keep a flat back, as much as possible. From this position, slowly lift the dumbbells up at your side. Lift them until your elbows will reach shoulder height. You need to maintain a slight bend in your elbows while you are tilting your hands slightly forward. As you’re reaching that position, hold for a while before lowering back to the starting position. Repeat. Do about 10 to 15 reps in 3 to 4 sets.

Dumbbell front raise

Before you complete the move, you need to stand up straight with a dumbbell in each hand. From this position, you should place both hands in front of you, with your palms facing your thighs. As you are completing the move, you should engage your torso to make sure it stays still. From that position, lift one dumbbell up at a time. Have a slight bend in your elbow as you are keeping your palm facing down. You should keep lifting it (in a controlled manner) until your arm is a bit higher than parallel to the floor. Hold at the top for a moment, and then return to the start, again, in a controlled manner. Repeat on the other hand. Repeat 16 to 20 reps in total, which means 8-10 reps for each hand. Do 2-3 sets.

Later you can also alternate this exercise by raising both hands at the same time. Aim for 8-15 reps.

Face pulls

To start doing this exercise, you will need to get yourself a resistance band. Set it at the same height as your upper chest, or just a bit above. Hold that band with an overhand grip and then step back until you feel tension from the band. To start the movement, you should sit your body back at the hips as you start pulling the cable. You should allow your elbows to move out to the side, in a parallel manner to the floor as you are pulling the band towards your face. Hold there for a moment as you focus on your upper back and deltoids. Return to the starting position and repeat again. Have 15 to 20 reps in 3 to 5 sets.

Overhead shoulder press

This is an essential exercise if you want to pack broad shoulders! However, you should be careful. Mostly recommended for experienced lifters. You should start by standing up straight, with a barbell or dumbbells just above your upper chest. You should keep your hands a bit wider than your shoulders to complete this move. To do it, push the weight upwards, towards the ceiling. As you do, keep your elbows drawn in and focus on your core, legs, and lower back for balance. Always have your core engaged and avoid resting on your back. Return to the starting position as you lower the weight above your upper chest. Repeat. Do 5 to 8 reps in about 2 to 3 sets.

45 degree incline row

This exercise is called this way because you get yourself a workout bench and set it at a 45 degree angle. From this position, you need to lie on your stomach, with your arms hanging straight down. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. From this position, you need to squeeze your shoulder blades together as you bend your elbows and “row” the weights towards you. (Now you may have realized why this exercise is called this way). It is important to make sure that you keep your upper arms perpendicular to your body throughout the exercise. When you’re reaching the top of the movement, hold for a moment. Control the movement both up and down. Return to the starting position and repeat 6 to 12 times. Have 2 to 3 sets.

How Quickly Will You Pack Those Wide Shoulders?

It is important to realize that the results will not be instant. Nonetheless, you will surely feel the effects of a broad shoulder workout soon enough. You’ll feel the burn during exercise, soreness post workout, strength increase after a few shoulder workouts and start noticing your shoulders are getting wider within a few weeks to a few months as long as you continue working out correctly about 2 times a week, balancing your diet, and getting enough rest.

Nothing is going to help you achieve broad shoulders overnight. However, you will start noticing visible differences soon enough if you follow a proper diet that provides your muscles macro and micronutrients they need to grow, enough rest to allow them to recover, and, of course, a proper workout plan.

The key to wider shoulders is a careful balance of understanding what works best for you, regular exercise, a healthy diet, and proper rest. However, there are various other options that can help you achieve your goals faster. For example, using our 100% quality anabolic steroids will definitely help you maximize your workout and dieting efforts. They are proven compounds to provide a helping hand when it comes to getting jacked, full of muscles, and low body fat percentages. Use Cycle-Gear.to as we won’t only provide the best quality steroids on the market, but we provide the best prices for them allowing you to save money, and can help with an individual cycle plan, ensuring you are getting huge and remain safe.


Bodybuilding Tips To Grow Muscle

When it comes to bodybuilding, there are a lot of tips and tricks you can find. However, not all of them are helpful. Worse, some are even detrimental. So, which bodybuilding tips should you follow in order to make sure that you’re on the right path? Follow those that are backed by science!

A lot of bodybuilding tips are scientifically backed. This way, by following them, you can be sure that you will boost your muscle growth process, and not the other way around.

What Causes Muscle Growth?

When it comes to muscle growth, you should realize that there are three main key factors that affect your muscle gains, and make it possible in the first place. First off, you need to exercise. Second, you need to eat right to support muscle growth. Third, you need to rest in order to allow the foods you eat to reach your muscles and make them grow.

  • When it comes to exercise – there are also three primary triggers of hypertrophy (increasing lean muscle mass).

Mechanical tension

If you would lift easy weights in the gym, it won’t help you get the gains you strive for. Just think about it, we’re lifting something on a daily basis, but we don’t grow muscles. Instead, your muscles need to overcome resistance to grow. The stronger and bigger muscles you have, the bigger resistance you need. Also, the harder you need to contract them, the greater the mechanical tension. You need mechanical tension as it works by distributing the integrity of a muscle, which will trigger muscle growth. However, it is not all about getting bigger, you also need to get stronger and more powerful. Generally, the heavier you can lift (lift well, with proper form), the more tension you produce. This is what results in big gains.

Microtrauma muscle damage

Muscle damage doesn’t involve injuries. Please avoid them as much as you can. I am talking about microtraumas of your muscles and connective tissues. By causing this trauma, it will trigger the production of new muscle cells. This stimulates muscle growth because more and stronger muscle cells grow. You need to learn to do it right. For example, pumping out a load of bicep curls is going to feel like you’re doing it perfectly to bulk up your arms. What you may not realize is that the lowering phase of a bicep curl is actually producing greater micro-traumas than the lift itself. That’s why, doing it with proper form and in a controlled way is so important than just attempting the lift.

Metabolic Stress

The science behind metabolic stress suggests that it is likely to cause powerful muscle growth. Metabolic stress is a powerful stimulus for hypertrophy. That’s why, the next time that you are running up a flight of stairs and you feel it burning – make the most of it! This is the reason why people often involved in high-intensity exercise experience muscle growth! That muscle burn during such exercises helps maximize the gains!

Bodybuilding Tips For Muscle Growth!

If you keep in mind those three important things when it comes to growing muscle, you’re sure on the right path of bodybuilding, maximizing muscle growth. But there are lots of other things you should consider.

It’s obvious that you should have a proper recovery alongside a balanced and healthy diet. Nevertheless, you need to learn the best ways to grow muscles in the gym. As said, you do not grow them in the gym, but you need to learn how to workout the right way. This way, you’re sure to find the sweet spot when it comes to creating stress, tension, and microtrauma in your muscles, so they can grow further.

Challenge Your Muscles

In case you are doing the same workout, the same reps, and the same exercise, you just can’t expect different results. You will get the same bodybuilding results. In order to make sure really serious muscle gains, you need some serious challenges for your muscles. You will need to challenge muscles in new ways. It may involve new exercises, new workouts, new weights, or new reps.

So, that’s why, you may have already heard until now about progressive overload. That’s because this is actually one of the best bodybuilding tips around. This means that you should be regularly increasing the challenge that you put on your muscles.

This means that you should lift heavier. But heavier lifts are just one approach to progressive overload. There are a lot of other bodybuilding tricks you can attempt:

  • Doing more reps
  • Lift slower (or faster)
  • Reduce rest time between sets
  • Include harder variations of exercise
  • Even switching up your grip could help (from underhand to overhand or vice versa)

What you should know is that in order to maximize your bodybuilding results, you should up your game. Challenge your muscles in new ways.

Do Several Sets

This is easily one of the best tips for bodybuilding and perhaps one of the most effective out there. If you only do one set, you won’t increase muscle the way you would increase doing multiple sets. More sets earn you more muscles. However, it doesn’t mean that the more sets you do, the more muscles it earns. You need to find a perfect balance. And according to studies, the perfect balance of sets of numbers is between 3 to 5. You need to aim to perform the same exercise 3 – 5 times.

Rep Range

A lot of bodybuilding tips will list that you should work out in the “hypertrophy rep range” which is around 8 to 12 reps in each set. Nonetheless, this depends on the type of exercise, your goals, and other factors. For example, lifters working in the hypertrophy range and those lifting a bit lighter for 20 to 25 reps will both experience positive effects. What’s the conclusion?

Go for both. Attempt weights that allow you to go for hypertrophy rep range (8 to 12 reps in the set), yet still go for weights allowing you to rep 20 – 25 times. This way, you’re going to hit your training from both sides. Since you optimize the lifts with a variety of rep ranges, it will help you nail all types of muscle fibers, reaping the best of both worlds.

Do Full-Body Workouts and Splits

When talking about bodybuilding tips, this one has been debated for a long time. A lot of lifters suggest that full-body workouts will deliver greater bodybuilder results as you can work out more muscles more often.

Nonetheless, others suggest that you can experience serious gains when you are focusing on 1 or a maximum of two body parts during your workouts as you can implement more exercises, and focus more on a certain muscle. What should you aim for? Both. I recommend you implement both training plans in your workout regime. This way, again, you’re able to take the benefits of both worlds.

Rest For Longer

Among the most popular bodybuilding tips you may find is the need to reduce resting times. While pumping iron in the gym with minimal rest is on a lot of bodybuilding tips lists, you may notice that actually resting for longer could lead to more results. For example, resting longer periods (for 2-3 minutes) between isolation exercises and compound moves may maximize muscle growth.

Of course, if you’re already resting for this period, it may be worth reducing the rest time. But if you’re used to resting for only a short while (30-60 seconds), increasing the rest time will help you perform better and lift heavier, leading to more gains.

Do NOT assume that small rest periods are not effective. They are extremely helpful, especially if you try to cut fat. But longer rest times will allow you to perform more reps and/or heavier lifts, resulting in bigger muscle growth.

Don’t Lift to Complete Failure

A lot of bodybuilding tips suggest that you should actually lift to complete failure and then again, this definitely has its place in the world of bodybuilding. However, if you’re doing it for a while now, attempt some changes. Do not trail to complete failure for increasing muscle mass. Keep a rep or two. You should only lift to technical failure, in the last set or two of your exercise.

Switch Things Up

It is important to understand that we are all different. That’s why not all bodybuilding tips may work the exact same way for everyone. Even studies are based on various individuals. Although they work with a large pool of bodybuilders, we’re still all very different from one another. What are the best bodybuilding tips here? Switch things up, which means that you should experiment with your workouts and find what is working best specifically for you. If you see that something helps you grow more muscles – do it. Even if it may not help your gym buddy. And the other way around, something may work for him, but it doesn’t mean that it will work for you.

Use Cycle Gear

When talking about bodybuilding tips and tricks, giving your workout your all, having a clean and balanced diet with enough recovery periods and an overall proper strategy for bodybuilding success are the main factors. However, among the bodybuilding tips we can mention is the use of Cycle Gear. Why? Because, as you may have already heard, bodybuilders use anabolic steroids to achieve their mind-blowing goals when it comes to muscle growth. As you may have noticed, they are walking with a huge amount of muscles with a very low body fat percentage. While dieting and proper exercise techniques are vital to achieving it, steroids can take it to the next level.

This means that you can add bulking products that will produce awesome effects for growing muscles fast and efficiently. There are also cutting products meant to preserve lean muscle mass while helping you to burn fat. Moreover, they enhance stamina, energy, and endurance, while also reducing recovery times.


While you may have heard that anabolic steroids are dangerous – that’s only true to some extent. By using the right steroids, of high quality, in proper cycle lengths and dosages, they can remain safe, while being highly efficient. Cycle-Gear.to is here to help with that. We can provide the necessary information so you can do it safely and very efficiently. Moreover, we provide the best quality anabolic steroids online for sale, ensuring their maximum quality and purity, while you save money too.

Follow these bodybuilding tips, fuel your body with proper foods before and after your workouts, and get enough sleep for maximum gains. However, by adding our products, you will gain a lot of lean muscle mass and cut a lot of fat, getting jacked and shredded.

How To Reduce Sugar Intake?

We all know that sugar is by far not the healthiest and is very likely to ruin your physique too. While our bodies actually need sugar to be healthy and support our bodybuilding goals, most of us tend to eat too much sugar. For this reason, we’re going to share here information regarding how to reduce sugar intake. You may have noticed that figuring out how to stop eating sugar is not an easy task. Especially if you’re not sure what you’re doing.

It seems as if there is sugar in everything these days. That’s a huge problem when attempting to achieve a low-sugar diet to achieve your physique and performance enhancement goals.

It feels impossible to reduce the sugar intake when doing the weekly shop, because, indeed, almost anything contains sugar. Everything – from bread to beer, they all contain sugar. The trick here is learning which foods contain more sugar, and which one you can (or at least should) cut out of your diet.

Here we’re going to share various thoughts on how to cut sugar out of your diet. In this way, you can find what’s the best thing that works for you for achieving your goals. You will know how to reduce sugar intake which will support your goals!

The effects of sugar on your body

While a bit of sugar, as said, helps maintain a healthy body and mind, the problem of the 21st century is too much sugar for most people. And sugar plays havoc on your body’s health and physique. From obesity to diabetes, cancer, tooth decay, and heart disease, it can cause other issues as well.

Nonetheless, please note that we are talking about added sugars. That’s because you can get sugar from fruits, for example – from a banana. Fruits are packed with nutrients and often, these sugars are fine, again, unless you tend to eat way too much fruit.

In the end, most people, whether they are aware of it or not, tend to eat far too much sugar on a daily basis. The average US citizen, for example, consumes 68 grams of sugar a day! That’s a whopping 17 teaspoons per day. That is considerably over the recommended maximum which is 25 grams for females and 37 grams of sugar a day for males. And we’re not talking about an actual 17 teaspoons of sugar a day. While you may add only 2-4 teaspoons of sugar a day in your tea or coffee, you take the rest from the foods you eat. The sugar you add to your drinks only adds up to this number.

The point is – you don’t need to add sugar yourself to take the necessary amount! Well, unless you actually eat extremely low amounts of sugar.

How To Cut Out Sugar?

Check below some of the best methods that will help you reduce sugar intake, help you stay healthy, and reach your fitness goals.

Avoid The Desserts

Yeah, we know that it is hard to give up on desserts as they are very tasty, however, desserts usually offer very little in terms of actual nutrition. Instead, most desserts are full of sugar that will only cause your blood sugar levels to spike, and then crash. This is going to lead to tiredness, hunger, and a desire to consume even more sugary foods. Needless to say, each and every one of these effects can and will have a negative effect on your health, performance, and physique.

Almost a fifth of the sugar in the US diet tends to come from sugary desserts.

It’s hard to give up on desserts, but it’s worth reducing their amount until completely excluded or at least eaten very rarely. Instead, you can opt for a healthier dessert such as fresh fruit, dark chocolate, or yogurt, each providing less sugar and more nutritional value. It won’t make you feel tired and make your waistline grow.

Dodge The Sugary Drinks

Almost half of the sugar found in the average American’s diet comes from sugary drinks such as soda, sports drinks, and energy drinks! You may think that fruit drinks are an exception. Well, they’re not. While they are marketed as “healthy”, they are actually not. Indeed, they are healthier, providing some vitamins, but they are still full of sugar!

A lot of people make the mistake of dieting but continue drinking sugary drinks (whatever they may be, including fruit drinks and coffee or tea with sugar) and still have no luck losing weight.

Drinking is one of the poorest ways of maxing out your daily calorie allowances. That’s simply because they do not satisfy hunger. This means that you’re going to reach your calorie limit for the day before you’ve had your lunch, simply from drinking sugary drinks. And you’re still hungry.

What to do? Avoid ALL of them! Have the healthy habit of avoiding them. Only drink water, and sugarless tea or a few sugarless coffees a day.

Choose Whole Foods

By saying whole foods, we’re talking about foods that are not processed and are not packed full of additives. What should you do? Cooking at home, and ensuring that the foods you buy at the market are not processed. Those highly processed foods, like certain kinds of desserts, soda, and overall junk food are very high in sugar, as well as salt and fat.

If you cook simple dishes with meat and vegetables as well as complex carbs like whole grain pasta, brown rice or peas will help you cut out a lot of sugar from your diet.

Low Sugar Cereals

A lot of us tend to have breakfast cereals, however, they are popular for being full of high amounts of sugar. Even those that are marketed as healthy cereals still have lots of sugar! You should be aware that a lot of popular American cereal brands contain almost HALF their weight in added sugar! This means that almost half of what you eat is pure sugar! Want to reduce sugar intake? Avoid those high-sugar cereals.

In fact, a lot of breakfast foods tend to be high in sugar. Pancakes, waffles, muffins, and many more – all packed in sugar. That’s why a lot of people tend to exceed their recommended daily allowance of sugar even before they have their breakfast! But then there’s the full day ahead. And since their breakfast was so full of sugar, they tend to feel sluggish throughout the day and have food/sugar cravings.

A fruit, avocado, eggs, and/or Greek yogurt is going to be a much better option for breakfast!

Double Check Labels

While it feels unfair, it is not illegal for brands to use words like “healthy” on their products, despite the fact that they may not be. What should you do? Always read the label! There’s a chance you’ve read “low fat” with a huge font on a product. But if you were to read the labels, you’d see that while it’s indeed low in fat, they compensate for it with a huge amount of sugar! Or the other way around.

There are also lots of those who use various sneaky names for sugar. It could include caramel, maltose, dextrose, molasses, rice syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, cane sugar/juice, and possibly others.

Top tip: The name of an ingredient that is on the top, has a higher percentage of foodstuff in the product. The higher the name of an ingredient is in the top ingredient list, the higher the percentage of it.

Add Lots of Protein and Healthy Fats

While sugar will make you feel sluggish and only increase the hunger feeling, protein keeps you feeling full (satiety) for longer. That’s simply because a lot of protein-rich foods are slowly broken down and digested. Sugar, on the other hand, will increase your appetite by sending signals to the brain, suggesting the stomach is empty, while it is not.

That’s why it is so easy to overeat and binge on sweet and sugary foods such as desserts. Protein, on the other hand, is full of extremely important amino acids and will make you feel full for longer. On the other hand, fat is high in energy (healthy fats) and also works to reduce hunger. In short, you’ll feel both full of energy and a full stomach.

Use Natural Sweeteners

You should know that sugar is incredibly addictive. Regardless if you know it or not, accept it or not, and regardless if you notice it or not in our daily lives. Moreover, similar to certain drugs and alcohol, over time you can get a tolerance to it. This means that in order to feel satisfied, you will be required to up your intake of sugar. In fact, do you know that it is even possible to experience withdrawal symptoms from lack of sugar if you quit a high-sugar diet? In short, you should be switching to a diet that is low in sugar if you’re already making the mistake of having a high-sugar one.

We know that giving up on sugar can be hard. That’s why, if giving up sugar in your food is really difficult, you could try natural sugar alternatives like stevia, erythritol, and xylitol. While it would be better to avoid them too, they come with far fewer calories and they are not going to cause spikes in blood sugar (that’s why they are good for diabetes-suffering patients). Nonetheless, they are still exactly as sweet as sugar.

Reduce Sugar: Conclusion

Learning how to cut sugar from your diet is very important because it can be tricky. Moreover, it may not be a rapid process. Nonetheless, over time, you should be able to reduce your daily intake of sugar below the level of the average American. And that’s what you actually should be doing as long as you want to support being healthy and developing the physique you’re dreaming about.

Keep in mind that sugar both benefits the way you look and your health because reducing sugar will reduce cancer risk, lower chances of heart issues, lower body fat, and will actually lead to more energy in your daily life.

If you are serious about getting more energy levels that can support your health and your bodybuilding goals, however, I recommend you to pay attention to our anabolic steroids which are of the best quality and are sure to help you out. While they do not help reduce the cravings for sugar, they help get rid of extra body fat and support your muscle gains. When you start noticing results from the efforts you put in the gym and in the kitchen (by resisting the temptation to eat sugary foods), you’ll want to get to the next level. And there’s nothing else better than the anabolic steroids you can get for sale from Cycle-Gear.to.