Is HGH Safe?

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a small protein that is made by the pituitary gland that is secreted into the bloodstream. This is a protein hormone that is extremely important for the body.

In fact, Growth Hormone (GH) is vital for every person and every animal. The compound is crucial in the proper development of the body and maintaining its normal function.

With this being said, being such an extremely important hormone is quite obvious that HGH is safe. However, HGH is safe only as long as it is used properly.Is-HGH-Safe-body

Remember that this is a hormone and as any other hormone in the body – is safe as long as it is maintained in a proper range. If there’s too much or not enough of a hormone (including HGH) in the body it is quite obvious that this may lead to negative side effects and be unsafe. Especially if improper levels are kept for longer periods of time.

Nonetheless, HGH is safe for most people. This is a well tolerated compound that has no life threatening side effects when not abused.

  • NOTE! HGH is a Growth Hormone, it makes everything in your body grow. In case you’re having cancerous cells, it can make them grow as well. That’s when HGH might not be safe. That’s why HGH is not safe only as long as you have cancer cells. But the compound won’t make your body develop cancerous cells.

HGH Dosage

The HGH is maximum safe when used in proper amounts. The lower the dosage – the safer it is.


Usually, side effects appear at doses over 4-6 IU for most people. They are even harsher at doses over 10 IU or even 15 IU. That’s why dosages over 15 IU a day of HGH are not recommended altogether.

Doses over 6-8 IU a day can be attempted only by people who previously had experience with the compound. Those people know how it works for them and how to adjust doses for their needs.

Dosages of 1-4 IU a day are mostly recommended to beginners. Doses between 3 and 6 IU a daily for those who want to grow muscles. That’s because, under 4 IU daily, HGH is most efficient for anti aging and weight loss purposes.

HGH Side Effects

HGH is obviously associated with some side effects. If you want to keep it safe, as said numerous times – start slowly and only increase if you’re sure you can do it.

The 2 main HGH “disadvantages” are

  1. The fact that it has a high cost to manufacture. So Human Growth Hormone is more expensive compared to your average anabolic steroid price.
  2. Specifically due to the high price – is highly counterfeited.

Nonetheless, these 2 issues are solved as long as you buy HGH from as we offer the lowest prices on the market for HGH. We keep it at the lowest possible price. Note that prices are dictated by manufacturers too. And we make sure to offer only the best quality product.

Buy Human Growth Hormone Here



Other HGH side effects are seen in people who use it in too high doses and/ or for too long periods of time. There are also rare situations in which a person has a natural low tolerance to the compound and gets side effects even in normal doses. But that’s rare.

Some of the side effects include:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome (painful wrists)
  • Sleepiness (feeling sleepy during daytime)
  • Water retention
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Painful joints
  • Enlargement of organs (HGH gut, enlarged feet, face, etc.) but that’s only in prolonged use
  • Various other negative side effects


Beltropin-hgh-beligasHGH is a safe compound as long as it is used properly but HGH is not safe only – is extremely beneficial too. There are good reasons why this compound ended up being so popular both for fitness and for non-fitness purposes.

A lot of people get a lot of benefits from using Human Growth Hormone and they report mild to no side effects at all.

Also, keep in mind that if you want to get the safest HGH products – you need to make sure to get the best quality ones. On you can effortlessly buy HGH for sale of the best possible quality.

Buy Human Growth Hormone Here

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