Superdrol Before and After

Superdrol is the anabolic steroids of “champions” taken in consideration that is one of the most powerful steroid that you can buy on the market. The compound is so powerful that beginners can’t use it, simply because it might have too profound effects on their bodies.

That’s why is recommended to use Superdrol after you had experience with other anabolic and androgenic steroids and your body got used to the effects of AAS and can tolerate more.

Lots of people are wondering what are Superdrol before and after results taken in consideration that is so powerful and so popular.


Buy Superdrol here.

  • The results are incredible, however you need to be very careful with it. Make sure you have a proper workout regimen and you’re dieting clean. When Methyldrostanolone (or Methasterone) – the active substance in Superdrol is added to your cycle, you can expect to pack on a solid amount of very lean muscles and become way more powerful.

According to most people who used it, they were capable to add anywhere between 10 to 15 lbs of lean muscle mass (Superdrol cannot aromatize, hence no bloating or water retention and puffy muscle look) and that’s in a short 4 weeks cycle. That’s an amazing Superdrol before and after result that most people can achieve.

Is quite obvious that the Superdrol before and after results greatly depends on the dosage of the compound too, most often is anywhere between 10-20 mg a day, this is the sweet spot for most people using it.

Here is an example of Superdrol before and after:


Yet, you can find lots of other examples similar to this. Most people who are using Superdrol are receiving amazing results. Those that do not have such results, either doesn’t use this anabolic steroid as they should, or due to poor genetics / tolerance to the product.

But taken in consideration that low tolerance is rarely a problem, learning as much as possible about Superdrol dosage and Superdrol cycle is very important.

What is very important to mention when talking about Superdrol before and after results is that this is a dry steroid without offering retention of water. It won’t cause water retention like for example Dianabol or especially Anadrol, so with Superdrol you won’t have the problem of water bloat.

Also, what cannot be seen in the photos is that Superdrol results are great in terms of strength gains.

The strength levels are getting over the roof and that’s what every Superdrol user is reporting.

  • Do not forget that the Superdrol results are very much depending on the amount of work and effort that you are putting. Immense doses with poor diet and training regimen won’t fulfill your expectations. Intense training along with diet are playing a really important role when talking about the results, exactly as the Superdrol dosage.

When everything is done properly, here is another example of what you may expect when talking about Superdrol before and after a few cycles:


Lots of users said that they were gaining crazy strength, mass and size. The addition of 10-20 lbs of muscle mass from a single Superdrol cycle of 4-6 weeks is very real.

But in addition to that, Superdrol is offering many benefits that you cannot see in the photos:

  • Faster recovery after each intense training session
  • Improved libido and overall sexual health
  • Booster mental capabilities: better overall well being
  • Improved energy, focus, stamina and endurance
  • Needless to mention the massive strength boost
  • Increased motivation to keep on working out, dieting and pushing further

Superdrol Before and After results sound too good to be true, yet they are totally realistic. That’s because this is a powerful product and you’ve got to pay attention how you use it and how you run the Superdrol cycle if you want to achieve these results and stay away from profound side effects and damages to your health.


Buy Superdrol here.

To obtain best quality steroid use our website, we offer Superdrol for sale of best quality and lowest price on the market.

Anavar Cycle For Women

Most women out there have a few stubborn pounds of fat that they cannot get rid of and always dreamed about losing them, yet, despite all the effort put in the gym and dieting, they never seem to go away.

That’s why so many women all over the world search for effective products to help them achieve this result and when doing a research, you would notice that the most effective compound that can help you achieve exactly that is Anavar.

  • That’s why not only men, but many women are interested in using anabolic steroids in order to improve their physical appearance.


Buy Anavar here.

Nonetheless, not all steroids that a man can use, would be good for a woman. That’s why the options for women are limited. Yet, they still have some. But taken in consideration that many women have used steroids for physique and performance enhancement for many years now, it was discovered that Anavar is best suitable for women.

That’s because Anavar isn’t only super effective at helping you to burn body fat, gain some muscles and enhance overall physique, but is also the safest steroid too.

What is Anavar and How Does Anavar Work?

Anavar is just the brand name of the active substance Oxandrolone. Everyone knows it by this brand name, although there are other brands containing Oxandrolone, yet they are not Anavar. This is the most famous brand and any other containing Oxandrolone is exact same Anavar, despite it having a different trademark name.

So well, Oxandrolone is DHT derived compound but is super safe and mild in terms of side effects mainly because:

  • It cannot aromatize into estrogen
  • Extremely low androgenic activity rating of only 20 (compared to testosterone which is 100)
  • Much safer for liver compared to other orally active steroids

Yet, is still having a very high anabolic activity of 300+ (whilst testosterone is 100 too) and very effective. It boosts the process of fat burning, helps to flush out excess of water retention and aids the gains of new muscle tissues that are all clean.


As a result, Anavar is very safe in terms of virilizing side effects.

The process of virilization (masculinization) is considered the worst that a woman receives during the cycle with anabolic steroids. But Anavar is considered the safest here. Although virilizing side effects for a woman during the Anavar cycle are possible, the risks and chances are much lower compared to all other steroids.

Being so safe and so helpful for women, Anavar is often referred to as “the girl steroid”. That’s a good sign of how actually popular Anavar is for women.

Anavar is very appealing for women, it has fat burning properties, offers motivation, energy and stamina, makes you more powerful and increases endurance with muscle gains.

That’s why female powerlifters, women simply wanting to look better or athletes women use Anavar with great success.

Anavar Cycle For Women Explained


  • An Anavar cycle run by women shouldn’t ever go over 6 weeks, although you may also stop at 4 weeks. Usually beginners go for 4 weeks and professionals with vast experience use it for 6 weeks. Women always should have a break between each Anavar cycle of at least 10 weeks.

Anavar cycle for women, exactly as for men, should be accompanied with cycle supporting supplements, liver protective compounds and make sure that you are healthy enough before actually starting the cycle (in terms of liver, cholesterol and cardiovascular health).

  • In terms of Anavar dosage for women during the cycle – most women start at 5-10 mg a day. Most women stop at the dosage of 10-15 mg a day but that’s after they gradually worked their dosage up to this. Professionals may work their way up to 20 mg a day, but that’s a dosage not tolerated by all women, so make sure to be very careful.

The dosage of 20 mg a day is the high end Anavar dosage for women, so we do not recommend to exceed it.

Oxandrolone-ZPHCAnavar cycle for women can be extremely helpful when is run properly. Just make sure to learn how to do it and make sure you’re dieting and working out.

Also, split up total daily dose in 2 even halves because Oxandrolone has a half life of 9-10 hours only. If you use 20 mg a day, use 10 mg in the morning and 10 mg in the evening to maintain stable levels and receive best results.

Lastly, for best results, make sure to buy Anavar of best quality. You can use as we offer highest quality anabolic steroids for lowest prices, we can also help you guide through your Anavar cycle for women if you need.

Buy Anavar here.

How to Take Anavar?

Anavar that is containing the active substance Oxandrolone is one of the many brand names of the anabolic steroid, which was created many years ago for helping people suffering from different health conditions.

When this anabolic steroid is prescribed to a patient for a specific health condition, the proper dosage and how to take Anavar is explained to each patient as this is different for each person depending on various factors.

Nonetheless, Anavar is also an extremely famous steroid for bodybuilding purposes.

That’s because Oxandrolone is having an extremely favorable anabolic to androgenic ratio making it super effective for physique and performance enhancement purposes.

That’s why, in this article, we would share more information about how to take Anavar for physique and performance enhancement purposes.


Buy Anavar here.

General Information about How to Take Anavar

Anavar is an orally active steroid that should be taken by mouth with a full glass of water as it comes as pills / tablets. It would be recommended to use AnavarOxandrolone on an empty stomach in order to have a higher bioavailability, but if you do have stomach issues, take it with food or milk.

Oxandrolone is having a half life of around 9-10 hours, that’s why is highly recommended to use it multiple times a day to maintain stable blood levels.

Usually that’s 2 to 4 times per day. This means that the total daily dosage (regardless what’s it) should be split into 2 to 4 “mini doses” taken throughout the day, evenly apart in time.

In order to get maximum benefits, use it regularly and do not use Anavar (unless prescribed) without working out and having a clean diet. Is not an alternative to exercising and eating healthy – is just a booster.

Cycle lengths are in the range of 4-8 weeks. Never use AnavarOxandrolone in longer cycles than 8 weeks because is hepatotoxic.

  • Before you, start using AnavarOxandrolone, is extremely important for you to make sure that you do not have health conditions that are contraindicated to the use of Anavar. Some of them could be: any liver issues; heart diseases; cholesterol issues and others.
  • We highly recommend to have cycle supporting supplements, products that protect your liver and avoid anything that can damage your liver during the Anavar cycle.

All the rules above apply to everyone: beginners or advanced users; women or men regardless of the purpose of using Anavar.


How to Take Anavar: Womenhow-to-take-anavar-woman-body

Biggest problem of women taking Anavar is virilization symptoms. They stay away from such symptoms when taking Anavar properly (and having genetics that allows them to take Anavar).

Women should start at a dosage of 5 mg a day. Those who never experimented with it. More advanced users usually administer 10-15 mg a day of Anavar. Few professional sportswomen increase the dosage to 20 mg a day – that’s the absolute maximum a women should use.

Cycle length for women shouldn’t go over 6 weeks but we recommend 4 weeks, especially for beginners.

How to Take Anavar: Men

Despite the fact that men do have a much better tolerance to Anavar (Oxandrolone) than women, it definitely doesn’t mean that they can abuse it. Higher doses are administered, but staying away from overuse it mandatory.Oxandrolone-Ice-Pharmaceuticals-2-e1543923222705

  • Men who never used Anavar should start at approximately 20-25 mg a day.
  • Men who already did had a bit of experience, may increase the dosage, that’s up to about 40-50 mg per day of Anavar.
  • When you had enough experience, people usually use 50-70 mg a day.
  • But some professionals may increase the dosage to 100 mg a day – the maximum of Anavar for men.
  • Anything over 100 mg daily is abuse, yet doses over 70 mg a day are not tolerated / recommended to everyone.

Buy Anavar here.

how-to-take-anavar-man-bodyAnavar cycle length shouldn’t ever exceed 8 weeks, although you would see some men use it for 10 or even 12 weeks, the compound is hepatotoxic and we do not recommend doing so. Beginners start at 4 weeks, most people stop at 6 weeks.

Anavar is usually taken with other steroids (Testosterone and Winstrol are common) among men.

Anavar should be taken very carefully following all the guidelines and rules to avoid side effects and enhance effectiveness.

Buy Anavar for sale from to make sure you’re receiving best quality Oxandrolone for lowest price.

Buy Anavar here.


Buy Winstrol Online

Winstrol is a highly effective compound that can greatly help users boost their physique and performance to the next level. The active ingredient in Winstrol is Stanozolol and you could find this ingredient being sold as other brand names.

Regardless of the brand name (dependable on the manufacturing company), as long as high quality Stanozolol is offered, we are referring to the same Winstrol.

This is an anabolic steroid and a powerful one which is why it offers great effectiveness.


Buy Winstrol Online Here.

But as many other steroids, you cannot buy Winstrol without a prescription in your local store. Instead, you can buy Winstrol online for sale. There are different sources that offer Winstrol, yet you should be very careful because WinstrolStanozolol is an extremely famous steroid and various people try to make money out of it by selling counterfeit products to customers. So, you’ve got to learn carefully about how you could correctly buy Winstrol online.

To simplest answer to this is: Buy Winstrol Online from our website We are the best steroid store that won’t ever offer low or mediocre quality of steroids. We always have the best possible quality and therefore, you can be sure that you’re going to receive an effective steroid that would work as it should.

  • We are a store that also offers the lowest prices for anabolic steroids you can find on the market. By using our source, be sure that the quality vs price ratio is the best possible. There are many scammers, websites that offer counterfeit/ fake steroids, including Winstrol, which obviously won’t work as it should.


There are also sources that do offer good quality products, but the price they charge is extremely high. That’s why is so important to do a research and find out as much as possible about where exactly to buy a specific product.

Buy Winstrol Online Legal

Winstrol for sale is not legal nowadays as it got banned by most countries worldwide because is an anabolic steroid which can offer side effects. Whilst is true that they offer side effects – tell me a medication that can be abused and you won’t develop side effects?

Yet, if the product isn’t abused – side effects won’t occur or can be well controlled.

Now, there are supplements companies claiming they recreated Winstrol without Stanozolol. Without the active substance (offering natural ingredients instead) those people claim that the product is 100% side effects free and hence is 100% legal.

This may be true.

But those companies also claim that their Winstrol supplement is working the exact same way as actual Winstrol (Stanozolol) and that’s the problem, it doesn’t work anywhere near as actual Winstrol.

No anabolic steroids are legal, and those that claim to offer you legal steroids – they are offering just supplements that just cannot be compared in terms of efficiency.

It’s like you would compare the speed of a pedestrian with the speed of a race car.


That’s why, is very important to make clear what you’re about to buy.

Unfortunately, there are risks when you attempt to buy Winstrol online, but all these risks come to absolute 0 (ZERO) as long as you would use our website.

Pro Winstrol BeligasWe are a source that care about customers and we would always try to make you happy, as we care about our reputation.

Be sure that the Winstrol (Stanozolol) compound you would obtain from our website is of the lowest possible price and best quality, meaning that chances of side effects are lower and chances of effectiveness are higher. Therefore, with a proper use you would definite look leaner, drier and harder.

Buy Winstrol here.

Winstrol is known to boost muscle mass (dry and lean muscles) whilst burning body fat and getting rid of water retention. Therefore, individual would definitely look much better.

Test Winstrol Cycle


stanoxyl 50

Winstrol which is the brand name for the main active substance Stanozolol is one of the most known and widely used performance enhancing steroid that you can find on the market. Winny (as is often called by many people) is considered an extremely helpful anabolic steroid for the purpose of physique and performance enhancement and since is pretty mild in terms of negative side effects, the compound is widely used both by men and women.

Buy Winstrol here.

Women using Winstrol generally use much lower doses compared to men and they do not stack it with other products, whereas men who want to real results usually stack Winny with other anabolic steroids.

In fact, a man running Winstrol only cycle is rarely done because a Winny only cycle is a mistake.

Winstrol should be run alone only by females and male beginners who want to check out how the compound would work for them.

Professional bodybuilders and athletes won’t ever run Winstrol alone. Not even moderate/ intermediate users won’t run Winstrol only cycle as that’s going to be a mistake.

What is the best Winstrol cycle then?


Although the best cycle is different for each person depending on various factors, one of the most famous and commonly used cycles is Test Winstrol cycle. Winstrol always should be stacked with Testosterone and there are multiple reasons why.

Except for the fact that a user would receive much better and faster results when Test is added, the user would have less risks of receiving side effects too.



Testosterone is an extremely important hormone for growing muscles and achieving all performance and physical improvement goals, the lower the number of this hormone – the harder it would be to improve physical appearance and enhance performance.

Buy Testosterone here.

Now, when Winstrol steroid is used, the natural ability of the body to produce testosterone is suppressed. Whilst running Winstrol, our bodies start getting lower testosterone amounts. The suppression rate depends mainly on dosage of Winny and cycle length, but genetics play a bit of a role too.

That’s the main reason why Winstrol solo cycle is a big mistake whilst Test Winstrol cycle is one of the most famous and commonly used ones.

Testosterone and Winstrol

Whilst you receive the benefits of running Winstrol, Test added to the cycle makes sure that you receive enough testosterone (and maybe even more, depending how much Test you add) and that’s making you receive expected results.

Other than that, Winstrol (Stanozolol) is a compound that is strongly binding to a hormone called SHBG – Sex Hormone Binding Globulin. This is a hormone that’s reducing the free testosterone in the body and makes the use of other steroids less effects. When Winstrol is used with other steroids, the binding ability to SHBG enhances the effectiveness of those steroids, in our case – added testosterone.

  • As a result, Test Winstrol cycle is highly effective in great improvement of physical appearance and boosting performance whilst remaining safe in terms of side effects.


There are also cases when another third or even fourth steroid is added to Test Winstrol cycle, but we need to warn you that only professionals with enough experience should do it.

You can buy both Test and Winstrol directly from our website in order to receive best quality products for the lowest possible prices. You may also receive other anabolic steroids of best quality if you need it.

Buy Testosterone here and buy Winstrol here.

Testosterone-Enanthate-BeligasPro Winstrol Beligas

Testosterone with Winstrol Cycle





A typical Test Winstrol cycle looks like:

12 weeks 500 mg of Testosterone per week of any ester. Usually, most people love long based testosterone esters such as Enanthate. Winstrol is added either in the beginning of a cycle but we recommend to add it in the middle of the cycle and to end the cycle with both steroids. Starting from week 6 of this cycle, add Winstrol (Stanozolol) 50 mg a day.

  • If you use Testosterone Enanthate (most common) use it twice a week. For example 250 mg on Monday and 250 mg on Thursday.
  • If you use oral Winstrol pills (most common) use it twice a day. For example 25 mg in the morning and 25 mg before working out.


Test Winstrol Cycle is perfect in terms of physical enhancement both visual and performance.

You would improve speed, energy, agility, strength, endurance etc. and also grow more muscles whilst getting rid of water retention and body fat, looking way better. Just make sure to buy best quality anabolic steroids.

Winstrol Before and After

Winstrol is an orally active anabolic steroid that got a huge popularity among bodybuilders and other athletes for its amazing benefits when talking about changing physical appearance and making individuals way more powerful.

Since is such a popular compound, obviously many people want to use Winstrol themselves in order to change the way they look and with the help of Winstrol, you would definitely be able to achieve such results.

Winstrol-Oral-50mg-Dragon-PharmaBut before actually using Winstrol, lots of people are wondering about the Winstrol Before and After results. When doing a bit of research online, you would be able to find lots of different reviews, testimonials and reports from real people who used Winstrol and by reading those reports, you would notice how immensely helpful the steroid can be.

But as much as we all know, a picture of worth a thousand words and therefore, you may find good examples of Winstrol before and after pictures. By comparing those pics, you would see lots of people how immensely they changed their physical appearance.

Buy Winstrol here.


  • One of the best example of Winstrol before and after is Zac Efron’s body transformation. Back in the days when the movie “Baywatch” appeared, a lot of people noticed his huge physique transformation and that’s obvious taken in consideration that he truly had an amazing before and after transformation.


According to experts, the gains Zac managed to gain are resembling those that you would receive from cycling with Winstrol. This is the reason why Zac Efron body transformation is considered one of the most famous and amazing when talking about Winstrol before and after.

According to people who already used Winny and have experience with it, they suggest that you are going to gain lean muscle mass (not a lot of muscles as you would on wet steroids) and that’s in the time you are going to lose a dramatic amount of body fat. That’s how Winstrol works – it greatly helps to lose body fat in the time that it preserves or even help to gain more muscles.

Being a very powerful steroid, you would experience lots of benefits when cycled properly.

You need to watch out for the negative side effects which are possible when used Winstrol (Stanozolol) and some of the worst ones include: liver toxicity, dry and painful joints and cardiovascular related side effects. If you’re going to deal and with these Stanozolol side effects and use Winstrol as you should, then you would notice some huge differences to your physical appearance. Bodily outlook is going to be way better as you are going to look way more muscular, dry as well as overall ripped than ever before.

Here is another example of Winstrol before and after:


As much as we can notice, everyone using Winstrol is shredded and ripped. That’s because this is a DHT derived steroid which cannot convert into estrogen and is super effective at burning body fat and flushing out water retention.

You are not going to look “pumped” on Winstrol as the muscles wouldn’t be as huge as they would on “wet” steroids because of the much less water inside of the muscle cells. Instead, the muscles would look extremely defined. Winstrol is having diuretic properties and therefore, it makes you look way more shredded on the cycle.

This is the reason why Winstrol is not used in bulking cycles when you’re searching for as much as possible muscle growth, instead is used pre contest when the individual needs to look as shredded as possible with great muscle definition. That’s why Winstrol before and after results are considered so dramatic.


Except for great physique transformation that we can notice on the pictures, there are various psychological boosts that you cannot see in pictures. Winstrol is the amazing steroid capable to offer huge increases in energy levels and stamina. The compound makes you way more powerful boosting your strength and plus to that, you would notice a big increase in motivation and focus, which is super helpful for those who want to have a good workout regimen. Increase in endurance and faster recovery is also specific to Winstrol cycle.


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Use to get best quality WinstrolStanozolol products in order to acheive such amazing results.

Dianabol Review

Dianabol is considered to be the most popular anabolic steroid when it comes to physique and performance enhancement purposes. That’s why, Dianabol is such a famous compound among bodybuilders and athletes – is greatly helping people to rapidly build muscle mass and boost their strength levels. We all know that building size and increase strength levels can be an extremely hard process that would take a shitload of dedication and time just to see little benefits.

That’s why Dianabol is so helpful. Without so much time and without as strict dedication – your entire building size and strength process is getting easier. Dianabol is not only making it all faster, but is helping you reach new limits – limits that you wouldn’t have been able to reach naturally.


Buy Dianabol for sale here.

Some of the best things about Dianabol includes:

  • You can gain lean muscles really fast
  • You would greatly boost your performance levels
  • Huge increases in strength levels
  • No need to inject as Dianabol comes as pills
  • Side effects that can be controlled or completely avoided

What is Dianabol (Dbol)?


Dianabol is an orally active anabolic steroid that is very commonly referred to as Dbol shortly. The compound is super famous for building size and increasing strength since this is one of the best steroids for doing it, and doing it real fast.

The active substance in Dianabol (Dbol) is Methandienone (also called Methandrostenolone), so it doesn’t really matter how you call the product as long as the chemical name is Methandienone – it will work the same. Dianabol is just the first and most famous brand for the active substance which was developed back in 1950’s to help treat hypogonadism and other health issues.

Dianabol was then given to athletes and in short time it was clear that due to Dianabol’s high anabolic activity, lots of bodybuilders and athletes greatly benefit from its administration.

Overall fast increase in strength levels with ability to gain huge amounts of muscle mass in a short period of time.


Dianabol Benefits and Side Effects

Without offering too much explanation how exactly Dianabol is working in the body, we are going to get straight to the most important points and tell you that Dianabol comes both with benefits and side effects. Therefore, in this Dianabol review, I am going to tell you what to expect from using it – what are the possible outcomes.

The compound is super helpful for certain needs but do not forget that it comes with certain risks. For example, the compound is great for bulking and for packing on size, but is causing a lot of water retention and that’s not really good for cutting cycles.

  • Dianabol benefits: fast muscle gains; overall mass gainer; big increases in strength levels; protein synthesis boost; powerful performance enhancer; greatly improves recovery; is reducing fatigue and could stimulate fat loss.
  • Dianabol side effects: hepatotoxic (damaging liver); water retention; hair loss; suppresses testosterone production; acne; gynecomastia risk; cholesterol and cardiovascular negative effects.

With all of this being said, it highly depends how exactly you’re going to use it. Is important to run it with liver protective compounds, have a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) after each Dbol cycle and there are certain other rules to follow.



How to Use Dianabol?

Dianabol comes as pills and due to short half life of 3-6 hours, the compound is used 3-4 times per day as “mini doses”. The total daily dosage is split in 3-4 doses and used throughout the day every few hours.

  • Beginners shouldn’t use more Dianabol dosage than 25 mg a day, sweet spot for most people is 50 mg a day, rarely professionals use higher doses of 80 mg a day.
  • Dianabol cycle length for beginners is 4 weeks, most people use it for 4-6 weeks whilst some few professionals use it for 8 weeks.

Longer cycle lengths and/ or higher doses greatly increase the risks of side effects, especially when talking about hepatotoxicity.

Dianabol is most often stacked with other steroids, especially with Testosterone base steroid. That’s because of its ability to suppress testosterone production. That’s why, Dbol alone cycle is rarely used.

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Dianabol (Dbol) is by far one of the most famous steroids that you may find for growing muscle mass and increasing strength levels. If you’re searching for such needs, make sure to buy the best quality compound.

We offer best quality Dianabol for lowest possible prices. Use our source of steroids and you won’t be disappointed with the quality, nor with the price.

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Dianabol Pills For Sale

We’ve all been searching for Dianabol pills as we all heard how immensely helpful this steroid can be. Simply by swallowing some pills, our bodies are reacting in all possible ways to make us stronger and bigger. But those are “special” pills containing Dianabol and that’s an anabolic steroid that is considered most famous among bodybuilders and anyone else who wants to build muscle mass and do it fast.

Dianabol is notorious for multiple reasons but since is such a great and effective anabolic steroid, lots of legends used it as well. Some good names to mention here who used Dbol includes: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sergio Oliva and there are lots others.


  • Dianabol pills seem to be extremely helpful and anyone who has ever used them can confirm this. Obviously, the Dianabol pills won’t work in a magical way making you muscular and stronger whilst watching TV and eating McDonalds. The compound is not an alternative for working out regularly and eating clean, but is a great booster.
  • By having a healthy diet in combination with great work out program you are already going to have some effects, but when Dianabol pills are added to the plan, the results are going to appear way faster, you would see way more results and your body transformation is going to be way more astonishing.

Buy Dianabol pills for sale here.



Dianabol steroids are capable to offer you results that you cannot reach naturally. Each person is having a “limit” of amounts of muscles they have. By administering Dianabol pills, this limit is altered and you can pack on way more muscles. Also, since Dbol is an extremely fast working steroid, the results would appear in extremely short times and that’s another thing that attracts so many customers.

In short, Dianabol pills are so popular because of multiple factors combined: easy to administer as it comes as pills, huge results in terms of muscle addition, fat loss and strength increase, fairly safe in terms of side effects and damaging your body if used properly, extremely fast results that doesn’t make you wait too much and as an added bonus – cheap steroid when purchased from our website

We are the best steroid store where you can get Dianabol pills for sale, as well as numerous other anabolic steroids for sale online.

We guarantee customer satisfaction as we make sure that each and every customer doing business with us is going to be happy. We offer Dianabol pills for sale and this means that you are going to receive the lowest priced Dianabol pills that you can find anywhere else.

As in terms of quality – there’s no need to be worried. Best quality Dianabol pills are offered. Excellent quality that wouldn’t ever disappoint you. You can be sure that everything what is written on the label of the product is exactly what you are going to receive.


We are aware of products that are either under quality or under dosage, or maybe even not containing what they should. We wouldn’t ever do anything like that.

  • For example, if Dianabol pills presented say they contain 50 mg per pill, then you can be sure you get a quality of Methandienone (Methandrostenolone) no less than 98% and each pill is going to have no less than 50 mg of this substance.

There are a lot of sources that offer overpriced Dianabol pills, Dianabol that is under quality or under dosed or full scammers who take your money without sending you anything at all or no Methandienone.

When you want to get real physique and performance enhancement, make sure to get real products. There are supplements companies trying to sell Dianabol with “100% natural ingredients, making them 100% legal and 100% side effects free”. Whilst that’s all true, they are 0% effective.


Buy Dianabol pills for sale here.

You can buy Dianabol pills for sale from our website, and you can find all other needed steroids for sale too. You may find lots of other valuable information here about Dbol or any other and you can ask our customer support any questions that you may need to find an answer.

When to Take Dbol?

Dianabol is an extremely famous anabolic steroid for physique and performance enhancement purposes and this is the reason why there are a lot of people who seem to ask a lot of questions about this compound. Taken in consideration that this is the most famous steroid for such purposes and there are so many people who want to improve their physical appearance, the steroid is very widely used, but there seem to be a lot of questions.

Very well, Dianabol (or shortly Dbol) is an anabolic steroid that is very often being used by bodybuilders as well as other athletes in order to help them build muscle mass and enhance strength levels. Dbol is famous because is super helpful at improving the physical appearance of the user as well as making the user stronger – all in a very short space of time.


Buy Dbol here.

  • Nonetheless, is important to understand that the way how this steroid is going to work for you highly depends on various factors such as your genetic make up, how you would use it and so on and so forth. Therefore, the compound can be more helpful for someone than for another person, but it also can be offering much more side effects for someone than for others.

Luckily, Dianabol is still considered pretty safe, at least when used properly. With a correct use, it can become very helpful and can be safe. That’s as long as you use supplements with it, follow certain rules and precautions that would make the use of Dbol safer and decreasing the chances of receiving side effects.

Whilst you may find a lot of questions about Dianabol steroid being answered when searching through this website (and you may also find Dbol itself being sold for sale here), one very common question among beginners seem to be:

When To Take Dbol?

That’s the question that we would try to answer in the best possible way.

  • First of all, we’ve got to understand what exactly is meant by “when” to take Dbol?

If you’re referring by timing as when in the day, then we recommend you to use it every 6 hours or so. This means that your total daily dosage should be split in a total of 4 “mini doses”.


Obviously, people sleep more than 6 hours and that’s why, use Dbol as soon as waking up and right before going to sleep. The other 2 doses are split throughout the day. Some people split the total daily dose in 3 “mini doses” taken throughout the day. That may be pretty good either, but using it rarer won’t make you have stable blood levels because of Dianabol’s short half life of only 3-6 hours.

With fluctuating levels, you may not receive best possible results. Following this guide, you get best possible stable levels and you get best possible results.

Some people suggested that the “mid day mini dosage” to be taken one hour before working out.

  • Nonetheless, if you’re searching for “When to Take Dbol?” searching for cycle type and information then we recommend you to use it during the bulking cycle.

Dianabol is not recommended to be used for cutting cycles because of its high aromatization and therefore estrogenic activity. This would lead to negative side effects that are not suitable for cutting cycles when you want to get rid of water and fat.

Dianabol, instead, is doing a great job in bulking cycles and that’s why we recommend to use it when you start a bulking cycle, instead of a cutting one. Also, we recommend you to start using Dianabol when you’re absolutely sure that you’re ready to do so.

Dianabol is a steroid that cannot be used by everyone. For example, if you have some health issues then we do not recommend to use it. Especially people with liver issues, cholesterol issues or heart issues. You should take Dbol when you have read and informed about this steroid enough.


  • Last thing to mention is that you need to take Dbol at the beginning or in the middle of a total 4-6 week bulking cycle. Many people are using the compound at the beginning of a bulking cycle as a “kick starter” to their cycle to start building muscles fast and gaining strength.

But you may also wait to use it in the middle of a bulking cycle. That’s because when the individual is stopping to make gains, Dianabol is going to come in and would make you continue grow further.

Buy Dianabol here. is the best source for anabolic steroids.


Sustanon 250 Gains

Sustanon 250 is a very well known anabolic steroid in the world of bodybuilding because is a very helpful compound for physique and performance enhancement. The compound is considered to do near- miracles if is being used properly. A lot of people doing research for helpful compounds find Sustanon being on the list and that’s why, you may be wondering what are Sustanon 250 gains?

Sustanon 250 is known to be as a truly amazing steroid that is having great properties which help you receive almost immediate mind blowing results. The gains would occur really fast and according to people who already used it, you would start feeling it working within 24 hours and within the first week you may start noticing the first benefits.


  • Many people may be skeptical about adding synthetic steroids because we all know that they come with negative side effects. However, that’s another reason why Sustanon 250 is considered such a famous anabolic steroid – the negative side effects are considered to be mild and very tolerable if used properly for most people.

With this being said, users of Sustanon 250 won’t get negative side effects too much whilst would still gain a lot of muscles and get crazy benefits. Is obvious the product is meant to be correctly administered in order to achieve all of this.

You cannot receive any muscle gains from Sustanon 250 if you won’t properly use it, won’t have a proper diet with a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise regimen.

What is Sustanon 250?

If there are still people who wonder what exactly is Sustanon 250 and why is capable to offer so many benefits then you should know that this is a mixture of 4 different synthetic testosterone esters. That’s why is an androgenic and anabolic steroid (coming as oily solution meant for intramuscular injection). This steroid is containing:


  • Testosterone Propionate that has a half life of 1-3 days and comes as 30 mg per mL.
  • Testosterone Phenylpropionate that has a half life of 3-5 days and comes as 60 mg per mL.
  • Testosterone Isocaproate that has a half life of 6-9 days and comes as 60 mg per mL.
  • Testosterone Decanoate that has a half life of 13-15 days and comes as 100 mg per mL.

As much as we can notice, each mL of Sustanon 250 is containing various different doses of each testosterone ester. And each testosterone ester has its own half life.

Buy Sustanon here.

With this being said, when Sustanon 250 is being used, the compound is entering the blood system fast and is fully released from the system slow, whilst maintaining stable blood levels.

Increased Testosterone Levels

Because Sustanon 250 enters your system fast, gets out slow and is maintaining high testosterone levels, your body is going through various different processes and they are all helpful for the growth of new lean muscle mass, for boosting strength levels and performance including many other benefits.


Sustanon 250 gains are pure and quality because your muscle gains are going to be long lasting and without as much water retention as you would with other steroids.

It all occurs because of higher testosterone levels, this leads to faster and more efficient protein synthesis rate, more nitrogen retention and so on and so forth. That’s leading to amazing gains in terms of performance, strength, muscle mass and so on and so forth.

Buy Sustanon here to increase testosterone levels.

Plus to that, the individual is boosting his mood and confidentiality including overall mental abilities such as focus, feeling of well being including many others. That’s all making the Sustanon user keep on pushing and gaining even more results.


  • Generally, a man with higher testosterone levels is receiving huge gains in all sorts of ways. Higher libido, sexual health boost are some other benefits of using Sustanon either. Plus to that, the steroid is extremely often used during the anabolic steroid cycle stacks in order to avoid low testosterone levels, reduce the side effects of other steroids, and increase their effectiveness.


Buy Sustanon 250 here.

In the end, Sustanon 250 gains are extremely helpful if you would do everything properly. Try to stay away from abusing the anabolic steroid and use it as it should be administered and you would really love the results.

Buy Sustanon 250 from this website and you won’t be disappointed by price vs quality ratio.