
Cabergoline Side Effects

Cabergoline is a powerful prolactin inhibitor and a potent dopamine receptor agonist therefore side effects are possible, as with any other drug. You can find it in numerous brand names such as Caber, Cabaser, Dostinex, and numerous others. This is a fungi derivative as it was discovered while scientists were experimenting with ergot alkaloids (fungus).

In medical settings, doctors prescribe Cabergoline to people suffering from prolactin causing tumors, hyperprolactinemia (too high prolactin levels), stopping breastfeeding in women, Cushing’s and Parkinson’s disease, and numerous other issues.

In general, most Cabergoline uses are related to high prolactin levels as this compound effectively reduces them. It works by reducing the secretion of prolactin from the pituitary’s lactotroph cells.

cabaser-1mg-1Prolactin is the hormone that allows women to produce milk when breastfeeding. That’s why women use Cabergoline to stop producing milk in certain circumstances. However, prolactin has important roles in men too. For example, it’s the hormone that makes men lose interest in sex. Because prolactin spikes as soon as a male ejaculate, men lose interest in sex immediately after it.

In other words – the less prolactin you have, the less the sexual refractory period and the more sexual drive (libido) a man has. Cabergoline is the compound that reduces prolactin.

  • That’s very helpful in bodybuilding because a lot of men using specific steroids increase prolactin levels leading to various issues.


For example, Trenbolone and Nandrolone are the most prominent examples of steroids increasing prolactin (a part of these steroids converts into prolactin in the body). This leads to too high prolactin levels and its related side effects. So, bodybuilders using steroids add Cabergoline to lower prolactin levels and deal with low sex drive, gynecomastia caused by high prolactin, and other issues.

Cabergoline Bodybuilding

Except for that, bodybuilders use Cabergoline for a myriad of other purposes. For example, Caber has been proven helpful at improving motor skills and increasing endurance. It helps an athlete perform much better. Some use this drug for aiding weight loss goals as it reduces cravings for foods. Moreover, because of its dopamine agonist effects, users sleep much better too. Their sleep is deeper and they sleep longer. Anyway, Cabergoline is most effective as a prolactin inhibitor. Therefore, bodybuilders use it either to prevent or deal with high prolactin levels.

So, it seems like we have a compound that helps you sleep better, perform better, lose weight and prevent side effects from steroids. Even if you don’t use steroids to increase prolactin, Cabergoline is still going to work awesome for reducing sexual refractory period and improving libido and sex drive. Seems like an overall perfect compound right? Well, no.


Cabergoline can be awesome and extremely helpful, but it can cause nasty side effects too.

As with any other compound in existence, you need to be careful how you’re using this product. That’s because you can develop side effects.


Similar to any other medication out there, Cabergoline is able to cause different side effects. Especially prescription medication and Cabergoline is a prescription drug due to possible side effects. We sell it for sale because it’s an important ancillary for anabolic steroids. It’s especially capable of causing side effects if you don’t use it correctly. That’s why I urge you to learn how to use Cabergoline before actually doing it.

Side Effects Explaining

Cabergoline inhibits prolactin, that’s leading to numerous effects in your body. The point of using Caber is to maintain prolactin levels within the normal range. If you’re using too much of this compound, there’s a high chance you’ll end up with too low prolactin levels.

That’s very similar to estrogen and aromatase inhibitors (AIs). If you take too high doses of Arimidex (Anastrozole) or Aromasin (Exemestane) then you’re very likely to inhibit too much estrogen. When you have low estrogen symptoms – you experience side effects. When you have too much estrogen – you experience side effects. You need to use whatever AI in the correct dosage to keep estrogen in the normal range.

The same applies here – Cabergoline reduces prolactin hormone. You only need to use it when it’s in too high levels and use it in the proper dosage. You need to avoid too low or too high prolactin levels because this leads to side effects. The point of Cabergoline is the same – to keep levels of prolactin within range. You shouldn’t use too much or not enough of it.


  • This is the reason why I highly recommend having blood work often pre / during (preferably several times) / after the cycle. You’ll have a better idea of your hormones and dosages that you use for each steroid and ancillary you use.

What Are Cabergoline Side Effects?

Most common Cabergoline side effects are very closely related to low prolactin levels. That’s a clear sign that you’re using too high a dosage of this compound. As with anything else, too high doses are likely to cause side effects.

Cabergoline-Side-Effects-examples-bodybuildingLow Prolactin Levels lead to the following symptoms:

  • Decreased sex drive
  • Difficulty getting an erection
  • Difficulty reaching an orgasm
  • Headaches
  • Weight gain
  • Anxiety
  • Mood changes
  • Various others

Is quite obvious that you need to maintain normal prolactin levels to avoid this.

Other side effects that may occur are:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling weak or tired

Anyway, some of the most commonly reported side effects from Cabergoline use are stomach issues. Such as stomach upset, stomach cramps/pain, and others. Could be related to the fact that it’s a fungus derivative medication.

According to people who used it – using Caber with food is going to greatly decrease the chances of such issues. That’s why I recommend using Caber before going to bed with a light meal. It seems to be the best way to avoid the side effects.

  • Needless to mention you need to learn how to use it correctly to avoid side effects. Using a proper dose greatly lowers the chances of side effects.

Administering Cabergoline

Cabergoline comes in the form of tablets. As said, better use it after eating before going to bed. It has a half life of 3 days, that’s why you don’t need to use it more often than twice a week. If your prolactin levels are barely above the normal range, you can get along using it only once a week.

Dosage per administration starts at 0.25 mg, up to 0.5 mg, and up to a maximum of 1 mg per dose. Nonetheless, most people say that 0.25 mg twice a week is enough for their needs. 0.5 mg twice a week is enough for most, in more than 90% of cases. 1 mg twice a week is a very high dosage (likely to cause side effects) that rarely someone needs. I wouldn’t recommend higher doses at all.

Cabergoline is very powerful so you need to use it in conservative methods.


dostinex-05-mg-8-tablets-cabergolineIn the end, Cabergoline is a product that you can use safely as long as you use it correctly. It has a lot of advantages when it is in the right hands, but it can have potentially nasty side effects in the wrong hands. That’s why I recommend everyone to use Cabergoline when you actually need it and when you actually know how to correctly use it. Otherwise, stay away from it.

Moreover, in order to avoid Cabergoline side effects and to get the best efficacy from it, the expected results, get maximum quality Cabergoline. Because this stuff is fairly expensive – lots of manufacturers produce lower quality Caber.



You can save a lot of money and be sure you get the purest Cabergoline on the market by purchasing it from We’ll have everything you need for a cycle of anabolic steroids.

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