
Tamoxifen Citrate (the most popular brand/trade name is Nolvadex, among others) is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM), therefore, an anti-estrogen. However, do not confuse it with Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) such as Arimidex (Anastrozole) or Aromasin (Exemestane) which are also anti-estrogens. The mechanism of actions of SERMs and AIs are completely different, although they both form up anti estrogens. Therefore, bodybuilders use SERMs like Nolvadex (tamoxifen) and AIs like Arimidex (Anastrozole) for different purposes.

While Nolvadex is a great anti-gynecomastia drug during the cycle of anabolic steroids and a medication for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT), AIs are meant to lower total estrogen levels. SERMs, on the other hand, do NOT lower serum estrogen levels.

The Selective part in the name of this type of drug is that it acts on certain parts of the body. Moreover, it doesn’t lower estrogen by binding to aromatase enzymes blocking the conversion of testosterone to estrogen as AIs do. It rather binds directly to specific estrogen receptors in specific tissues in the body. Mostly, it targets breast tissues, blocking the effects of estrogen. Also, it targets the pituitary gland, also blocking the effects of estrogen there. But there are other parts of the body in which Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) works by upregulating the effects of estrogen. For example, in the uterus. That’s why Nolvadex is offering the effects of both an agonist and an antagonist in specific parts of the body.

What is Nolvadex?



Nolvadex is the most popular brand name (among others) of the chemical compound and generic name of Tamoxifen Citrate. Most commonly it is available in tablets of 20 mg strength. This is a prescription medication that doctors prescribe to women suffering from hormonally positive breast cancer. The type of breast cancer that needs estrogen to form and grow. Since Tamoxifen binds to estrogen receptors in breast tissues, it blocks the growth of cancer. There are various other uses in medical settings too, but breast cancer treatment is by far the most common one.

  • But as I earlier mentioned, Nolvadex is a great drug for bodybuilders too, for those who use anabolic steroids. In one scenario it could help prevent or fight off gynecomastia caused by anabolic steroids and in another scenario it could boost the natural testosterone production during PCT plan.

Because of the way it works by binding to estrogen receptors in specific parts of the body, estrogen is unable to bind. Therefore, it reduces or might completely eliminate the effects of estrogen in those parts. Mainly in breast tissues. That’s how it deals with estrogen-positive breast cancer and with gynecomastia.


It’s important to understand though – Nolvadex (tamoxifen) is not going to directly reduce estrogen levels in the body. Again, it just binds to some specific estrogen receptors so that way, estrogen itself cannot bind there, as a result, estrogen is not going to be able to work in those parts of the body.

And then again, Nolvadex will block the estrogen effects on some parts of the body. But by binding to estrogen receptors in other parts of the body, it will actually enhance the effects of estrogen. For example, in the uterus and in the liver as well.

That’s actually beneficial for bodybuilders because when talking about estrogen activity in the liver – that’s beneficial. Enhanced effects of estrogen in the liver would have a positive impact on cholesterol health. That’s great because anabolic steroids have negative effects on cholesterol. It is a bonus effect of Nolvadex that steroid users welcome as they try to maintain healthy cholesterol values.

Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) vs Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs)

These are two classes of drugs that are both known as anti-estrogens and are both very popular among bodybuilders and performance athletes who are using anabolic and androgenic steroids (AAS). Yet, they are different.

Among SERMs I can mention:

  • Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate)
  • Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate)

Among AIs I can mention:

  • Arimidex (Anastrozole)
  • Aromasin (Exemestane)
  • Femara (Letrozole)

Both are very effective and both classes of drugs come with their own beneficial effects. Mostly, when talking about reducing or preventing estrogen related side effects of anabolic steroids as well as their effects in the PCT plans. That’s why both are anti-estrogens. But the way they are dealing with estrogenic issues (mechanism of action) is completely different.

Mechanism of Action


They act differently in the body and they affect estrogen differently.

AIs is the class of drugs that reduce serum (overall) estrogen levels in the body. They do it by binding to aromatase enzymes and blocking the conversion of hormones into estrogen. SERMs, however, only target estrogen receptors of certain parts of the body, binding to them and blocking the estrogen activity in those parts. While enhancing estrogen activity in other parts.

  • As a result, AIs are highly effective in controlling all high-estrogen related side effects considering that they reduce overall estrogen levels. However, SERMs like Nolvadex will only be effective at controlling gyno as they target breast tissue estrogen receptors. But they won’t be really helpful in dealing with other high-estrogen symptoms. In fact, only Nolvadex helps with gynecomastia because Clomid poorly binds to estrogen receptors in breast tissues not eliminating the risk of gyno.

Therefore, AIs are going to be useful to help with water retention that usually occurs when estrogen spikes because they lower estrogen. At the same time, SERMs are not lowering estrogen, therefore they are not going to benefit you for that side effect. Therefore, as long as you’re searching to deal with estrogen related issues, other than gynecomastia, you’re likely going to need AIs. SERMs will be helpful during the cycle (and in fact, only Nolvadex) for gynecomastia treatment. So, if you do not get any high estrogen related issues or they are very tolerable and the only one that concerns you is gyno, a SERM like Nolvadex can be everything that you need.


Yet, if you do not find that Nolvadex is offering the results that you need in terms of gyno (or again, getting other high estrogen symptoms), then you could add AI. That’s going to lower the overall estrogen and with the added bonus of better controlling all other estrogen side effects while both Nolvadex and AIs are dealing with gynecomastia.

Aromatase Inhibitors are inhibiting the aromatizing activity by binding to the aromatase enzymes. Therefore, those steroids that do aromatize will not convert into estrogen allowing users to continue using and experiencing the positive benefits without estrogenic side effects.

You may think that AIs are magic pills and why would you need Nolvadex when there’s AIs that can deal with all estrogenic issues? Because they come with their own downsides. While Nolvadex protects your cholesterol health, AIs can negatively impact cholesterol levels that are already negatively affected by the use of steroids. Moreover, AIs could lower estrogen too much leading to numerous other side effects. There are good reasons why bodybuilders prefer Nolvadex over AIs during the cycle of steroids. That’s why they keep AIs as a last resort option.

Nolvadex For Gynecomastia

Nolvadex for gynecomastia is working the exact same way as it works for treating hormonally positive breast cancer. It targets the breast tissues blocking estrogen activity. This is highly useful for preventing or dealing with already existing gynecomastia symptoms. That’s very helpful for bodybuilders who use anabolic steroids because a lot of them (such as testosterone, nandrolone, methandienone and others) convert into estrogen. A higher level of estrogen is causing gynecomastia.

Tamoxifen Citrate has been proven highly effective at reducing gyno because it deals with estrogenic activity in the breast tissues. Despite your body having higher levels of estrogen, gynecomastia can’t form or grow. That’s why on-cycle use of Nolvadex is going to protect you against male breast enlargement while you use aromatizable anabolic steroids. It is extremely effective, but remember that not everyone will have the same positive results simply because people react differently to different compounds.

For example, people who are very sensitive to aromatization using steroids that are powerfully aromatizing and/or using them in higher doses might find that Nolvadex is not enough.

Moreover, it’s important to understand that Nolvadex only blocks estrogen activity. There are 19-nor steroids such as Nandrolone and Trenbolone that will increase prolactin. That’s a hormone that also can cause gynecomastia if there’s an overflowing level in the body. If you experience gyno from high prolactin (while using Nandrolones and/or Trenbolone) rather than high estrogen, Nolvadex (tamoxifen) will not be effective. Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) will not be effective either. You will require Cabergoline that works for lowering prolactin levels.


Nolvadex for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) is also a very common drug that people use for dealing with natural testosterone suppression that occurs from the use of anabolic steroids. Therefore, Nolvadex is a very popular PCT medication. It can stimulate the production of natural testosterone after the cycle of steroids and it’s a very important drug for such purposes.

Nolvadex is popular for its amazing ability to stimulate testosterone levels by blocking the effects of estrogen. More specifically, it blocks estrogen action at the pituitary gland. This is enabling the pituitary gland to release a greater amount of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) which is extremely important for producing testosterone.

LH is essential for testosterone production and Nolvadex does a great job in boosting its levels. Therefore, Tamoxifen is going to be perfect at helping you to avoid the symptoms of low testosterone.

  • Most users will find that 4 weeks of Nolvadex use for PCT plan is going to be enough. However, longer or more powerful steroid cycles may often require longer PCT plans or may need to combine Nolvadex with other compounds such as Clomid and/or aromatase inhibitors and/or HCG.

The maximum Nolvadex dosage for PCT plan is 40 mg a day. Using higher dosage is not going to be helpful but it can rather be detrimental for your goals of boosting natural testosterone production. That’s because it may overstimulate your adrenal glands, producing more DHEA which converts into estrogen, thus hurting natural T production. Usually dosage is higher at the start of PCT and is getting lower toward the end of PCT plan when your body partially regains the ability to produce testosterone.

Nolvadex Dosage

The main and pretty much the only reason to use Nolvadex during the cycle of anabolic steroids is to protect or deal with an already existing male breast tissue enlargement – gynecomastia (gyno). While it could offer other benefits, using Nolvadex for other purposes during the cycle of steroids is not a good idea.

Nolvadex is a safer way to address gyno when you use aromatizable anabolic and androgenic steroids than AIs. But if you find that you need to deal with other high estrogen symptoms or Tamoxifen is not enough, you may still need AIs during the cycle of steroids.

It takes about 10-20 mg/day to protect you against gyno. In rare cases you may need 20-40 mg/day if you are sensitive and/or use very high doses of aromatizable steroids. The maximum dosage is 80 mg/day but that’s only in case you want to deal with already existing symptoms of gynecomastia. Commonly, alongside AIs.

Nolvadex PCT Dosage

Dosage of Nolvadex for PCT is usually the same as for gynecomastia. The most common dosages for both plans are 20-40 mg per day. This dosage is going to be enough to stimulate the release of natural testosterone after it was suppressed from the use of steroids.

The Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) usually is 4 to 8 weeks and very often, bodybuilders and other steroid users will stack it with other compounds. Most commonly with Clomid (Clomiphene citrate) or with an aromatase inhibitor (most commonly Aromasin) or even with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG).

You need to make sure that steroids are out of your system and you could start the PCT plan. Usually, it’s 4 weeks with Nolvadex at 40 mg/day for the first 2 weeks. Then 20 mg/day for the last 2 weeks. But you can adjust both the dosage and PCT length according to your response.


Nolvadex Side Effects

According to the list of Nolvadex side effects that you can find online, there are a lot of side effects. Nevertheless, it’s important to understand that the list is related to breast cancer treatment in women. Women are affected in different ways than men are (because they rely more on estrogen). Also, they generally may need higher dosage. And considering that they surely need longer cycles than men do – those side effects are mostly addressed to women who use Nolvadex for breast cancer treatment.

Steroid users running Nolvadex in lower doses for shorter periods are way less likely to suffer from side effects. Female body reacts very differently to this drug and they use it for much longer periods. Male steroid users only need it to deal with some estrogen side effects while on steroids. Due to this reason, it virtually eliminated the side effects of using Nolvadex in men. At least, as long as you do not abuse it.

Side effects can still occur. Mostly in those who use it in too high dosage and/or for too long periods. Or maybe those who have a natural low tolerance to this compound.

Possible Side Effects…

So, the main possible long term side effects that you should look out for when you’re using Nolvadex on cycle for gynecomastia treatment or during Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) to boost natural testosterone production are:

  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Stomach upset
  • Hot flashes
  • Acne – not particularly common in people who use it though. It is theoretically possible only because Tamoxifen increases testosterone production and this is what increases the chances of developing acne. Not everyone is predisposed to acne though. Plus, Nolvadex rarely boosts the levels so much so it could cause acne. Nolvadex actually balances out your hormones, which is often working the other way around and fights off acne!

Of course, the best way to reduce the risks of side effects is to avoid long term use and to keep Nolvadex dosage the lowest effective. Do not use doses higher than you need or in periods longer than you need.


nolvarowNolvadex is an extremely important tool in bodybuilding. It’s very popular among steroid users because, as explained above, it has a lot of benefits. Mainly, you may use it for 2 purposes. To treat gynecomastia during the cycle of anabolic steroids. Or as a part of Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) in order to boost natural testosterone production that was suppressed during the cycle.

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) is very well tolerated for most people. It rarely causes side effects. And that’s actually pretty obvious considering that steroid users run this medication in order to deal with the side effects and negative aspects of steroids. You could use it to prevent or deal with gyno during the cycle without negatively affecting cholesterol. Or you could use it to boost natural Testosterone production after the cycle.

It’s pretty obvious that if you want to get the best results, you need the best quality Nolvadex.


We, at offer the best quality Nolvadex for sale. You could buy Tamoxifen Citrate online without any issues including any steroids you may need. Moreover, you could learn about any compound that you need. And save money for them too as we offer the most competitive prices online!


Letrozole (Femara) is a non-steroidal and non-suicidal aromatase inhibitor (AI). This is a third generation of aromatase inhibitors. Letrozole is the active substance while Femara is the first and most popular brand name. While other brand names are available of Letrozole, Femara is the most popular one.

  • Letrozole (Femara) is very similar to Anastrozole (Arimidex) and Exemestane (Aromasin) since all three are the major Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs). The difference between Letrozole (Femara) and other AIs I just mentioned is that Femara is more powerful. In fact, this AI is the most powerful one on the market.

In medical conditions, all three of these compounds are used for treating estrogen receptor breast cancer in females. But since it’s such a powerful aromatase inhibitor, it’s usually utilized for the treatment of post menopausal women.

Since Femara (Letrozole) is an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) it is also an anti-estrogen. Anti-estrogens are containing Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) such as Exemestane (Aromasin), Anastrozole (Arimidex), and Letrozole (Femara) as well as Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) such as Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) and Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate). AIs and SERMs form anti-estrogens.

However, there’s a huge difference between the mechanism of action of SERMs and AIs. While SERMs are selectively binding to specific estrogen receptors blocking their activity, AIs are binding to aromatase enzymes, blocking aromatization and thus reducing estrogen levels.

Considering that these compounds are dealing with estrogen in different ways, each and every one of these anti-estrogens is used in bodybuilding purposes for various needs. While steroid users run AIs for similar purposes in order to lower estrogen, they may also use SERMs for different needs, such as for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) Plans.

Learning About Femara

If you plan to use or already use anabolic steroids, I strongly recommend learning as much as possible about anti-estrogens first. Both about all SERMs and all AIs.



In this article, however, we’re mostly going to pay attention and talk about this specific aromatase inhibitor. Letrozole with the brand name Femara. It is a popular drug in bodybuilding circles due to its estrogen controlling and reducing capabilities of Letrozole.

That’s a great thing among anabolic steroid users that are engaged in the use of aromatizing anabolic steroids. For example Testosterone, Dianabol, Deca Durabolin, or others. With the help of Femara (or at least other AIs), they can effectively control the issues of excess of estrogen hormone. Using aromatizing (AKA “wet”) steroids generally leads to an increase in estrogen levels. Too high estrogen levels are capable of causing various negative side effects such as bloating, gynecomastia, high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, low mood, and low energy levels including other symptoms.

Letrozole effects on serum estrogen levels are the strongest and most effective out of the three major aromatase inhibitors. It’s going to have the most powerful effect when it comes to lowering estrogen levels. According to studies, Femara’s effects in inhibiting the aromatase enzyme can be so strong that it is reducing estrogen levels too much. That’s why, the compound is often given only to post menopausal women, or when other AIs fail to reduce the estrogen efficiently. Generally, it is common for all AIs to reduce estrogen effectively and all three aromatase inhibitors work the same way. They are binding to the aromatase enzymes. This is not allowing the process of aromatization of other hormones to convert into estrogen. Therefore, it lowers estrogen levels in the body. But Letrozole is the most effective one.

Femara in Bodybuilding


All Aromatase Inhibitors are blocking aromatization, therefore reducing overall estrogen levels in the body. This is going to increase the endogenous production of LH (Luteinizing Hormone) as well as FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone). As a result of that, this is increasing testosterone levels in men.

That’s why some people use AIs for their PCT plans. But considering that Femara is suppressing estrogen so powerfully, it may not be a great option because it could suppress estrogen too much.

Anyway, bodybuilders and athletes that use anabolic steroids will usually notice estrogen levels increase. There are some anabolic steroids that do not convert into estrogen and they are not going to increase these hormone levels. But a lot of steroids, especially those used in bulking cycles, do aromatize. Some examples are Testosterone (all esters), Nandrolone (both Deca and NPP), Boldenone (EQ), Methandienone (Dianabol), and others. By using Femara in these cycles, you’re eliminating any possible risks of estrogen related side effects.

  • In short, Femara (and other AIs) are doing a great job in lowering estrogen and thus dealing with or preventing estrogen related issues. The most common ones are erectile dysfunction, water retention, bloating, low mood and/or energy as well as gynecomastia (gyno).

Letrozole (Femara) itself, in bodybuilding, is mostly seen as a last resort AI for emergency situations. Being so powerful, it can suppress too much estrogen which leads to issues. Other less powerful AIs like Anastrozole or Exemestane are enough for most people. But in case you need something more powerful to reduce estrogen, Femara is perfect.

Moreover, being so powerful, Femara is the perfect option for gynecomastia treatment. That’s why most steroid users run it in situations when other AIs are not effective in treating gyno. Femara is the only one that can save you from gyno surgery.

Femara Dosage and Administration

Women who are prescribed Femara (Letrozole) are usually prescribed 2.5 mg a day for a period that can be very different. The doctor determines the length.

However, it’s extremely important to understand that this dosage is huge! Using such a dosage is extremely likely to cause weakness and fatigue because it is extremely likely to lower estrogen levels too much!

Anabolic steroid users usually administer way lower dosages! Such as a quarter of the tablet (most Letrozole tablets come as 2.5 mg/tab) which is about 0.62 mg up to half a tablet 1.25 mg per administration. Most start using it when they notice that other AIs are not effective enough.

They tend to use one dosage as often as daily to only once or twice a week depending on how effective the product is to deal with their needs. Usually, men who start to experience gynecomastia (man’s boobs or bitch tits) linked with the use of anabolic steroids in higher doses start to use Femara.

Letrozole Side Effects

Femara (Letrozole) is amazing in lowering estrogen levels, as was said numerous times in this article. And I said it so many times because this AI is actually lowering estrogen even stronger than it is supposed to at times. Because it may lower estrogen levels too much, it’s pretty obvious that side effects are possible to occur.

The side effects of Letrozole or any other AI are usually related to the fact that the estrogen levels are too low. That’s why the side effects are very similar to those of other popular Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) such as Arimidex or Aromasin. But they are even more likely to occur with Femara because it is having even more intense effects and does an even greater job of lowering estrogen.

The chances of side effects of Femara in bodybuilders are lower than in females treating breast cancer. First off, because estrogen is way more important in women and they need higher levels of this hormone to properly function, and secondly because bodybuilders usually need lower doses of this compound for shorter periods than females treating breast cancer.

Remember that Femara is the compound that anabolic steroid users run in order to reduce the side effects associated with anabolic steroids. That’s why you should use it in the first place. To avoid other side effects such as gynecomastia and water retention. So, you only need to use it for as long and in the dosage that is effective. So, use it in a manner that will not cause suppression of estrogen to go too far.


Possible Side Effects

Although many mistakenly think that estrogen is a female hormone, it is actually very important for a man too. By lowering it too much, too sharply, and/or for too prolonged periods, side effects are almost inevitable.

By lowering too much estrogen, users tend to experience fatigue and weakness. Needless to mention that this is a huge problem among those who want to gain muscle mass and strength. That’s because fatigue and weakness could cause big problems for their workout schedules.

But there are other possible side effects too that are associated with the use of this drug (and lowering estrogen) such as hot flashes, depression, mood swings, headaches, joint pain, and others.

Estrogen is important for your Central Nervous System (CNS) and that’s why headaches, weakness, and fatigue are all possible to occur with this AI.

Femara is sometimes associated with joint pains because estrogen is important for bone health. Reducing this hormone could lead to reduced mineral content inside bones. But if you do not deal with this problem, it may actually lead to osteoporosis. Nonetheless, considering that anabolic steroid users running AIs such as Femara only use it for short periods of time in lower doses, and they tend to use it with anabolic steroids that actually boost the mineral content of bones, the osteoporosis risk is extremely low.


In the end, it’s very important to understand that there are some people who are reacting negatively to Femara, but there are others who don’t. Everybody is different, having individual reactions to various compounds such as Letrozole. That’s why, it’s up to each one individually to decide whether they want to use the product or not. If you give it a try and get side effects, despite making sure you have high quality Letrozole and use it correctly, might try another compound.

Moreover, while it may sound strange to some of you, estrogen is actually important for erections and libido. This means that if you have too low levels of this hormone, you may notice some erections and libido issues. Many people may notice low mood and mood swings including depression with low levels of this hormone. Additionally, after all, this hormone helps you gain strength and muscle. Without estrogen, you could notice a halt in your muscle and strength gains.


The last side effect that we can associate with the use of Femara (Letrozole) is cholesterol issues. Again, because estrogen is an important hormone for your cholesterol values. If you don’t have enough of this hormone in your system, it could significantly affect your cholesterol. Especially when talking about a decrease in HDL (good) cholesterol levels. But it could also lead to an increase in LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.

That’s something extremely important to consider. Because anabolic steroids themselves are having the ability to impact your cholesterol levels in a negative way. If you use anabolic steroids for long periods and/or in higher doses – the risk of cholesterol issues increases. But when you lower estrogen, the risk of such problems may exacerbate.

For this reason, I strongly recommend users follow a cholesterol friendly diet with lots of Omega 3 fatty acids in their diet. Try to minimize saturated fats and simple sugars and implement cardio exercises that could help with it. Moreover, you may want to avoid the use of steroids in the first place if you already have cholesterol issues. Therefore, you won’t need AI either.


As long as you’re using aromatizing steroids, there’s a very high chance that you are going to need Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs). Femara (Letrozole) is the most powerful AI out there which means that it is going to do the best job of lowering estrogen. If other AIs fail to work in treating gynecomastia, Femara is your best bet.

Femara-5mgHowever, being so powerful, you need to be very careful with it. Because you may suppress estrogen too much leading to negative side effects. But on the other hand, I strongly recommend having an AI handy in case estrogenic issues from anabolic steroids spike. And there’s a high chance that they actually would.

Buy Femara (Letrozole) for sale from in order to make sure you get the best quality product for the cheapest price on the market. You may also get whatever other steroids you may need for sale.

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Nolvadex Side Effects

If you’re planning to use anabolic steroids, you really should start learning about Nolvadex side effects. What’s the relation between the two? Find out here. In fact, not only about Nolvadex side effects but everything about it. That’s all because if you want to use any anabolic steroids, you’re going to need Nolvadex too.

This is an extremely important tool for bodybuilders who use anabolic steroids because it’s both dealing with gynecomastia during the cycle and is important for PCT.

Gynecomastia is common among steroid users because of the way steroids work and Nolvadex helps you prevent or deal with it. At the same time, PCT is important to restart natural testosterone production. So, even if you don’t experience gyno, you still need a PCT plan. We receive almost every day questions from customers as to what they need to use for PCT. Nolvadex is among the most popular and effective compounds for such purposes.

There’s also Clomid (clomiphene) for such purposes and some love Clomid more than Nolvadex. Yet, many prefer Nolvadex or use them both during PCT. Moreover, Clomid is not effective for gyno, while Nolvadex is. So, as you can see, Nolvadex is almost an indispensable tool among steroid users.

For this reason, we’re going to talk more about Nolvadex and more specifically about Nolvadex side effects. We’re going to indicate what Nolvadex does in bodybuilding as well as how to use it correctly to avoid Nolvadex side effects. But you still need to be aware of its side effects. It’s important to know what you can expect (both positives and negatives) when using a compound.

What Does Nolvadex Do?

nolvadex-tamoxifen-odin-pharmaNolvadex is the brand name of the active substance Tamoxifen (full name – Tamoxifen Citrate). You could find Tamoxifen as numerous other brand names. In the end, as long as you get high quality Tamoxifen, the brand/trade name doesn’t matter. Everyone calls it Nolvadex though because it’s the most popular brand name of this substance.

Tamoxifen is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM), therefore, Nolvadex side effects will be similar to other SERMs such as Clomid (Clomiphene). Yet, they are somewhat different considering they are still different compounds.

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) is acting as an estrogen antagonist in some parts of the body and as an estrogen agonist in different parts of the body. That’s why it blocks the estrogen activity in the breast tissues (thus blocking gyno formation in men or estrogen positive breast cancer in women) and at the pituitary gland (which helps boost natural testosterone production in men). At the same time, it enhances the estrogen activity in ovaries, for example, that’s why some women receive it as a prescription medication for infertility treatment.

  • For bodybuilders, Nolvadex is important, as said, due to its estrogen receptor blocking properties. Because it blocks estrogen receptors in breast tissues, gynecomastia can’t form or grow. Because it blocks estrogen receptors reaching the pituitary gland, it makes your gland secrete more LH and FSH – important hormones for producing testosterone.



When it comes to gyno, Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) is fairly popular as a medication that suppresses estrogenic action in breast tissue in order to prevent gynecomastia. It is working fairly well during the cycle when the user is exposed to anabolic steroids that aromatize into estrogen and experience high estrogenic issues.

It’s important to understand that it will not completely eliminate the possibility of gyno though. Moreover, it’s not going to be effective against gynecomastia that forms as a result of high prolactin levels. For such scenarios, users will require Cabergoline (Dostinex).

How To Use Nolvadex?

As with any other compound out there, in order to avoid the Nolvadex side effects, you need to make sure you use it correctly. This is the most important factor. Yet, of course, there are others too. Some people, for example, are having natural (genetics) overreaction (hypersensitivity) to it or allergies. At the same time, some people respond differently than others.

Moreover, it’s pretty obvious that in order to experience the best results, you need the best quality tamoxifen. That’s why, I strongly recommend to buy Nolvadex for sale. You won’t only save money for this product, but you make sure you get the best quality product. Therefore, you ensure it will work the way it is meant to work and it will also cause the least possible side effects.

nolvadex-side-effects-bodybuilding-usesNolvadex Dosage in Bodybuilding

Anyway, tamoxifen usually comes in tablets of 20 mg/tablet. You need to use it on a daily basis whether you use it for your gyno or for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan. The common dosage for bodybuilders is 1-2 tablets a day (20-40 mg/day). Someone, rarely, may use 3-4 tablets (60-80 mg) a day for gyno or PCT, but that’s uncommon.

You use it for as long as you deal with gyno if you use it for this purpose, or for as long as the PCT plan lasts (usually, 4 weeks in terms of PCT). A very common PCT plan with tamoxifen is:

The first 2 weeks of the PCT start with 20 mg/day of Nolvadex (2 tablets) and then the final 2 weeks go with 1 tablet (20 mg/day) of Nolvadex.

Needless to mention that the higher the dosage, the higher the chances of experiencing side effects. And of course, side effects can occur as long as you naturally (genetically) have hypersensitivity or allergies and/or if you get poor quality stuff.

The good news is that bodybuilders tolerate Nolvadex very well. Bodybuilders rarely report/experience Nolvadex side effects as long as they use it correctly. The compound is meant to deal with issues caused by other compounds, not cause them on their own. Even if side effects appear, they are very likely to be very well tolerated.

Explaining Nolvadex Side Effects

SHBG Increase

I have said that Nolvadex (tamoxifen) is working as an estrogen antagonist in the body, in some parts of the body. Nevertheless, it works as an estrogen agonist in other parts of the body. This means that it will actually boost estrogenic activity in those parts of the body.

When it works this way in the liver, for example, this leads to a higher increase in sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels. As we know, bodybuilders are looking for ways to lower it because SHBG is binding to testosterone, therefore, it’s lowering free testosterone in the body. Free testosterone (AKA unbound testosterone) is the type of testosterone that offers you all the positive effects of testosterone. Some notable high testosterone effects are increases in muscle mass, enhancement of strength and endurance as well as better libido, and numerous others. If you get more SHBG, you get less of these positive effects. That’s why bodybuilders want to actually lower SHBG and boost free testosterone levels.


While this effect is mild, tamoxifen can still lower free testosterone, thus having the potential to hurt the gains. That’s the main reason why using it in the lowest effective dosage is the best idea. This is the reason why you wouldn’t ever hear of bodybuilders using Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) as a standalone compound. It’s simply ineffective and might even be detrimental to gaining muscle mass and strength, despite the fact that it is capable of significantly increasing natural testosterone production in men. But at the same time, despite the negative effect, Nolvadex is actually an indispensable tool for bodybuilders and those who use anabolic steroids for physique and performance enhancement purposes.

Nevertheless, remember not to overdo it or use it when it is not required. Nolvadex side effects can be bad only if you don’t use it correctly, but generally, it is a very important and helpful product. To understand it easier and explain it simply – a good amount of testosterone that you increase with Nolvadex will not take effect because of an increase in SHBG.


IGF-1 Suppression

Due to the same effect that tamoxifen has on your liver, we can also mention another negative effect of this compound when it comes to bodybuilding. For example, it has the ability to suppress the production of the extremely important peptide hormone IGF-1. Ask any professional bodybuilder about the importance of IGF-1 and you’ll never want to lower it.

IGF-1 is broken down from Human Growth Hormone (HGH) and by itself, IGF-1 seems to be even more potent than Growth Hormone (GH) when talking about the purpose of gaining muscle mass and packing on size. This means that with low levels of IGF-1, you’re likely going to struggle to gain any muscle mass. But on the contrary, high levels of this peptide hormone are going to have a huge contribution to the process of building a much better looking physique and doing it fast.

Because of the Nolvadex side effects on the liver, this may suppress some IGF-1 levels and as you can guess, it’s leading to a suppressed ability to build muscle mass. This, in combination with the fact that it raises SHBG – Nolvadex is great for PCT plans and gynecomastia, but it’s an extremely poor choice to grow muscle. It’s also an extremely bad idea to use it when it is not necessary or abuse it.

Liver Damage

As you can see, the Nolvadex side effects that I’ve mentioned so far are due to its negative effects on the liver. Does it mean that Nolvadex is liver toxic? Well, it depends. Yes, of course it is liver toxic as long as it causes any negative effects on this organ. Nonetheless, studies prove tamoxifen causes fatty liver (increasing liver enzymes) in women who usually use Nolvadex in much higher doses than what men need for their bodybuilding purposes and most importantly – for much longer periods.

As I said, men usually use Nolvadex only to prevent/fight off gyno and/or during the PCT plan, in both situations, they only use it for a period of 4-8 weeks. That’s why the previously mentioned issues with Nolvadex are rarely a problem for bodybuilders too. Liver toxicity including the previous Nolvadex side effects I’ve mentioned can become a problem only if you abuse it in terms of prolonged use and/or high dosage. Or if you have some hyper reaction to it, allergies, or already have liver issues and/or use poor tamoxifen quality.

Low Libido

Some men report low libido as a result of using Nolvadex. It seems that it has to do with the negative impact on free testosterone levels that Tamoxifen has. As a result of increasing SHBG, there are not enough free testosterone levels and a man might experience some sexual dysfunction including low libido and sex drive. This may also lead to erectile dysfunction too.

However, it’s important to mention that this is not true for everyone. While some men experience low libido, for others it’s the other way around. They experience a boost in their libido thanks to Nolvadex and that’s thanks to its ability to boost natural Testosterone levels. That’s why its effects can be very different from one man to another.

Mood Swings

Mood swings are actually, perhaps the most common Nolvadex side effects reported by bodybuilders using it or other SERMs (like Clomid). Due to the way they work, SERMs like tamoxifen can cause mood swings with reports of feeling emotionally unstable, low mood, or even depression. But then again, due to the way it works, some positive mental changes are occurring among bodybuilders too. Some people report feeling more motivated, better, or simply being able to enjoy life better.

Not everyone experiences the negative side effect or the positive ones. Not everyone experiences mood swings. Nonetheless, there are a good amount of reports of such issues. So, while using Nolvadex, it’s good to pay attention to what people around you are telling you in terms of your mood and behavior.


Some people are also reporting headaches while using Nolvadex. It’s another fairly common side effect that people may experience with any other SERMs out there. The good news though is that most people say that taking a pain relieving pill will do well in dealing with those headaches.

Hot Flashes

Another thing that I should mention about Nolvadex side effects is hot flashes. While that’s rarely a problem in winter, in the summer when the weather is hot it can be a real problem. Moreover, hot flashes may not be a huge problem during the day. But some bodybuilders find it hard to get quality sleep due to hot flashes. Try to keep cool with cool water, an air conditioner, etc.

Final Thoughts on Nolvadex Side Effects

It’s important to understand that Nolvadex is actually an extremely important and sometimes essential tool for anabolic steroid users. Both because it can help deal with gynecomastia and it’s an extremely helpful and therefore popular compound for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plans.sixpex-nolvapex

It can be extremely important when using steroids. Especially when you use it right. Yet, the overuse of Nolvadex can cause a host of side effects. The good news is that most men tolerate it very well and do not report any side effects at all. Even if someone does experience any, they are generally well tolerated. But if you experience some pretty bad Nolvadex side effects it’s most likely due to one of these reasons:

  • You abuse it (prolonged use and/or too high dosage)
  • You have a low tolerance to it genetically (naturally) such as allergies or overreaction
  • Tamoxifen that you use is of poor quality

While you can’t change anything as long as it is due to genetics (but that’s extremely and extremely rare), you should make sure you use Nolvadex properly and use high quality products. At you could buy Nolvadex for sale of the purest quality and learn how to use it right.


Anastrozole For Men

Anastrozole for men is actually an extremely important tool when it comes to fighting off the side effects of anabolic steroids. This is the reason why I recommend every man who intends to start an anabolic steroid cycle to read about Anastrozole too.

That’s because they are likely to need this product during their cycle in order to deal with the side effects. How does Anastrozole do it? What exactly does it do? Does it have side effects? You can answer these questions by reading this Anastrozole for men post.

Anastrozole is an anti-estrogen. This is the name of the active substance. But you might hear about it as Arimidex – the most popular brand name, among others. It is in the category of aromatase inhibitors (AIs).

Anastrozole (Arimidex) was actually a medication created for the purpose of treating breast cancer in women. And this is actually the main purpose of Arimidex in medical settings.

However, in some instances, men also receive a prescription for Arimidex (Anastrozole). Mainly when men are having too high estrogen levels causing negative symptoms. And that’s how we slowly get to Anastrozole for men in bodybuilding settings.

In short – anabolic steroids are very likely to increase estrogen levels. That’s why they are very likely to cause estrogenic issues during the cycle. In order to deal with such types of problems, men need to add an anti-estrogen such as Anastrozole to lower estrogen levels. This is the reason why Arimidex is almost always recommended to have handy whenever you plan to run a steroid cycle.

What is Arimidex – Anastrozole?


Anastrozole is working by blocking the aromatase enzyme. This enzyme is responsible for converting testosterone (and other male hormones) into estrogen (and other female hormones). Considering that you have an abundance of male hormones when you use anabolic steroids, it’s obvious that you’re likely to get an abundance of female hormones too. It’s because you have more male hormones in the body that convert into estrogen through the aromatase enzyme.

Considering that Arimidex blocks the enzyme, it has a direct impact on lowering the levels of estrogen that are circulating in your body. That’s critical in terms of treating breast cancer that grows due to estrogen. But it’s also critical for men trying to lower estrogen levels as they increase (and cause negative symptoms) when you may use steroids.

Arimidex (Anastrozole) is one of the most effective and most popular aromatase inhibitors out there.

  • There are others such as Exemestane and Letrozole. But while the former is more expensive than Anastrozole, the latter is way too powerful (might inhibit estrogen too much). That’s the main reason why Arimidex is usually the first go-to solution when it comes to aromatase inhibitors and attempting to deal with estrogenic side effects.



It’s important to mention though that not all steroids aromatize into estrogen. However, Testosterone does. Including Nandrolone, Dianabol, and others. Yet, Testosterone is a steroid that you need to use in all steroid cycles for obvious reasons. And it aromatizes into estrogen.

In short, whatever anabolic steroid cycle comes with some risk of estrogenic side effects as a result of aromatization. Therefore, Arimidex is a really high priority when it comes to steroid users. And that’s regardless if you’re a beginner or a professional steroid user.

It’s also pretty obvious that Anastrozole is even more important (and very likely for you to need higher doses) when you use higher dosages and/or multiple aromatizing steroids. That’s because there’s obviously a big difference in aromatization from 200 mg/week of Testosterone alone vs 600 mg/week of Testosterone with 400 mg/week of Nandrolone alongside 40 mg/day of Dianabol all at once, for example.

Arimidex For Men Uses

Arimidex – Anastrozole for men is a powerful anti-estrogen tool, as it is for women. But when it comes to its uses for men, it’s mostly for dealing with gynecomastia and water retention due to high estrogen levels. Arimidex during a cycle is universal among users – a strategy to protect against high estrogen symptoms.

When men use aromatizing steroids and they convert them into estrogen, they need to use Arimidex (or at least some other form of AI) to lower estrogen

This is going to help them stay away from or deal with the already occurring estrogenic side effects such as water retention (which can possibly lead to high blood pressure), erectile dysfunction, gynecomastia, and others.

Remember that Arimidex is extremely effective at inhibiting the aromatase enzyme, which lowers estrogen and high estrogen levels are what leads to these issues.


Anastrozole For Men Dosage

The most common Arimidex dosage for men is around 0.5 mg (half a tablet) up to 1 mg (one full tablet) once every few days. How often to administer it depends on the estrogenic issues (but estrogenic issues depend on your aromatizing steroids dosage, mostly). It can be once a week or every other day. The point is to mitigate the side effects.

Some people may attempt 1 mg of Arimidex on a daily basis. But I need to warn you that in most cases, this high dosage is unnecessary. In fact, using too much Arimidex can bring your estrogen levels too low, which may lead to other side effects.

Arimidex Side Effects For Men

Arimidex (Anastrozole) is likely to cause side effects if you crush your too much, too fast, or for too long your estrogen levels. Estrogen is often regarded as the female hormone. But it’s extremely important for a man too. Attempting to use as much Anastrozole as possible to lower as much estrogen as possible is a huge mistake that’s going to cause side effects.

Estrogen is an important hormone for building muscle, for your cholesterol, for bone health, and even for your sexual life (erection and libido). It’s also important for your metabolism and central nervous system.

That’s why, if you’re going to lower estrogen too much by administering too high Arimidex dosage, you can experience the following side effects:

  • Inability to gain muscle mass
  • Strength loss
  • Low libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Weakened bones
  • Joint issues
  • Sleep issues
  • Low mood
  • Negative effects on your lipids profile
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • And there are various others

Buy Arimidex For Bodybuilding


Anastrozole is a compound that you need a prescription for. But if you’re searching for it for bodybuilding purposes (as estrogenic protection and protection against anabolic steroid side effects) you obviously need to buy it from the same source where you got your steroids.

Make sure that at you are going to find the best quality anabolic steroids and all their ancillaries.



Aromasin is the brand and trade name for the active substance Exemestane. You could find Exemestane as numerous other trade names too. This is a suicidal Aromatase Inhibitor (AI). There are other notable aromatase inhibitors (AIs) such as Arimidex (Anastrozole) and Femara (Letrozole). But only Aromasin is a steroidal (suicidal) aromatase inhibitor.

In medical settings, AIs like Exemestane are drugs that help treat hormonally positive breast cancer in women. In the bodybuilding world, however, Exemestane (like other AIs) is helpful to protect and/or lower the side effects of anabolic steroids. More specifically – estrogen related side effects that occur from steroids converting into estrogen through aromatization.

  • Aromasin blocks aromatization and therefore lowers total estrogen levels. This lowers estrogen side effects.

Aromasin (Exemestane) is also having another use that other AIs don’t – uses during Post Cycle Therapy (PCT). That’s because Aromasin is the only AI that can help block Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) allowing for more free testosterone to circulate in the body. Therefore, it helps lead to a faster recovery after each steroid cycle.

Aromasin – Exemestane Profile

aromasin-exemestane-odin-pharmaWhat makes Exemestane superior over the other two popular Aromatase Inhibitors is the fact that this is a suicidal (steroidal) AI. This means that it permanently disables the aromatase enzyme as soon as it binds to it. All AIs disable aromatase enzymes when binding to them, thus lowering aromatization and total estrogen levels floating in the body. But only Aromasin disables them permanently.

In other words, Exemestane is going to prevent the already bound enzymes from rebounding. Other AIs only temporarily stop estrogen from aromatizing, but when you stop those AIs, the enzymes can rebound. Therefore, it leads to the process popular as estrogen rebound. It means a sudden spike in estrogen levels as soon as you stop the use of AI. Since Aromasin is suicidal, there’s no risk of estrogen rebound.

According to studies, estrogen levels can reduce by up to about 85% while using this steroid. By reducing estrogen levels, you’re getting protection against estrogen side effects during the use of anabolic steroids.


Exemestane – Aromasin Uses in Bodybuilding

You may wonder why Exemestane (Aromasin) or at least other versions of Aromatase Inhibitors are important for an anabolic steroid user. Well, there are certain anabolic and androgenic steroids (AAS) that convert into estrogen in the body. They are converted through the process of aromatization. They bind to aromatase enzymes and are converting into estrogen. Exemestane is blocking this process by binding to aromatase enzymes and thus lowers estrogen.

Some examples of steroids that convert into estrogen are all testosterone, nandrolone, and boldenone esters. But a very popular steroid that is converting into estrogen, even more, is Dianabol (Dbol). By using any of these steroids (or especially stacking them together and/or in higher doses) you’re likely to experience high estrogen levels.

By not controlling the estrogen, the user is at risk of developing various types of estrogenic side effects from the use of those aromatizing (AKA “wet”) steroids. High estrogen symptoms are usually leading to gynecomastia (man’s boobs), water retention, erectile dysfunction, high blood pressure, and others. Many people report feeling tired, decreasing mood and motivation, and various other symptoms.

That’s why they use Aromatase Inhibitors like Aromasin (Exemestane) to lower the estrogen levels to the normal range, thus eliminating those high estrogen side effects caused by the use of steroids.

Moreover, I said that bodybuilders also use Aromasin in their Post Cycle Therapy (PCT). This is because Aromasin is the only AI out there that has the ability to lower SHBG, thus increasing free testosterone levels. It helps for faster recovery during the PCT plan.


Exemestane – Aromasin Side Effects

It’s important to understand that when talking about Exemestane (Aromasin) in bodybuilding and steroid use, then the side effects of this compound are actually very rare. At least, when you use it in the proper dosage. The side effects among females are much more common. First, because females usually need higher dosages and for way longer periods for their medical needs. Moreover, their body reacts differently to an AI than a male because of the estrogen hormone role in their bodies.

It’s important to understand though that side effects are possible with Aromasin as with all other compounds. However, the side effects of not administering an AI during a steroid cycle for a male are much more of a risk.

Side effects are generally a sign that you use too much of this product. This is going to eliminate too much estrogen which has numerous negative effects.

Estrogen is not a “female” hormone as the common myth. It’s a very important hormone for males too. Without enough estrogen, it would negatively affect your mood, libido, strength and muscle gains, joints and bones, immune system, and so on and so forth. Basically, low estrogen symptoms among men.

Exemestane – Aromasin Dosage

Aromasin commonly comes in tablets of 25 mg strength. Bodybuilders need to find their own perfect dosage because it can vary quite a lot. The exact dosage that you need to run depends on the individual response, the aromatization liability of each person, the amount of aromatizing compounds that you’re using, and so on and so forth.

My recommendation – keep the lowest effective dosage. Do not use it if unnecessary. But if it’s necessary, do not run more than you need. The point of using Aromasin (Exemestane) is to keep estrogen levels within the normal range. You should avoid crushing it too much.

Experienced anabolic steroid users can find their dosage and stick with it without problems, but beginners should watch out for estrogen related side effects or even better – have blood work confirming high or low estrogen levels.

Dosages can vary anywhere between 12.5 mg (half a tablet) once a week up to 25 mg every other day or even daily depending on lots of different factors.

For example, if you notice joint issues then it’s a good sign you should lower the dosage. But if you notice estrogen side effects like puffy or sensitive breasts then you could increase the dosage.

Buy Aromasin For Sale

If you want to use Aromasin either during the cycle to control estrogen side effects from using anabolic steroids or during Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) to recover from the use of anabolic steroids – you need to make sure you get the best quality Exemestane.


BUY AROMASIN FOR SALE can help you supply the best quality Exemestane from the best manufacturers and we also promise the best (cheapest) prices. You’ll find lots of brands as well as lots of other compounds that can help you run the best anabolic steroid cycle.

Aromasin Side Effects

Aromasin is the brand of Exemestane. This drug lowers estrogen, but Aromasin is likely to cause side effects if you don’t use it correctly. That’s why I strongly recommend learning about this product before actually using it.

Let’s start from the very beginning. If you use anabolic steroids, you are going to need to add testosterone to your cycle to keep high T levels during the cycle to achieve your physique and performance enhancement goals. Testosterone (as well as other steroids like Nandrolone, Boldenone, and Methandienone) converts into estrogen.

Estrogen is a hormone that forms through the conversion of testosterone and other male hormones into estrogen, estradiol, etc. They do so by attaching to an enzyme in your body called “aromatase” enzymes. Therefore, when you use aromatizing (wet) steroids, you are likely to get high estrogen levels as they convert into this hormone through those enzymes.

If you end up with high estrogen levels (out of the normal range), you are likely to experience high estrogen symptoms and side effects. Some of the most notable side effects of steroids (high estrogen) are male breast tissue growth (gynecomastia), erectile dysfunction (inability to get and/or maintain an erection) as well as water retention (excess of fluids) which can lead to high blood pressure (hypertension).

Anabolic steroid users run a variety of different drugs and compounds to deal with those steroids’ side effects (related to high estrogen symptoms). The best way to keep high estrogen from causing negative side effects and symptoms, obviously, is to reduce estrogen levels.

To do that, you need an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) – a product that binds to aromatase enzymes and doesn’t allow steroids to bind to them. This way, they block the conversion of testosterone and other steroids into estrogen, thus lowering total estrogen levels.



Aromatase Inhibitors vs SERMs

It’s important to make sure you know the differences between these two categories of drugs. They are both anti-estrogens as they deal with estrogen. However, Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) only block the estrogen from reaching specific tissues (such as breast tissues) but don’t lower estrogen. Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) on the other hand, like Aromasin (Exemestane), bind to aromatase enzymes and therefore block the conversion of estrogen altogether. This lowers the total estrogen levels.

So, while SERMs like Nolvadex can help deal with gynecomastia, Aromasin can help deal with the entire specter of high estrogen issues.

Aromasin (Exemestane) specifically is a suicidal Aromatase Inhibitor (AI), unlike other AIs such as Arimidex (Anastrozole) or Femara (Letrozole). This makes it a better choice because as soon as it binds to the enzymes – it permanently disables that enzyme (destroys it). Therefore, Aromasin is definitely a very popular option among bodybuilders.

Explaining Aromasin Side Effects

Now, let’s assume that you use Aromasin, why does it offer side effects? Most likely – because you use too high a dosage.

According to studies, a single dosage of 25 mg of Aromasin (usually, Exemestane tablets come in strength of 25 mg/tab) is capable of reducing 80-90% of the estrogen. It has a half-life of only 9 hours, but because of its ability to permanently disable the aromatase enzyme, the levels remain low for up to 72 hours.

Now, assuming that your levels of estrogen are only slightly elevated or they are in the normal range altogether, yet you use Aromasin in high dosage. It’s fairly obvious – your estrogen is going to lower too much.

While too high levels of estrogen lead to side effects, too low levels of estrogen lead to side effects too. The point of using Aromasin is to keep estrogen within normal range and definitely not to lower it too much.

By using too high a dosage of Exemestane, you lower too much estrogen. Not enough estrogen levels is a really bad idea because estrogen is an important hormone even for a male.

Therefore, the reason why you get Aromasin side effects is most likely because of too high a dosage. There are some rare cases in which you may use proper doses and still get side effects. That’s rarely and only in case you’re allergic to this product, have some pre existing health issues, or abnormal natural reaction to it.

Due to all these factors, it’s important to start using Aromasin (Exemestane) in a low dosage and slowly titrate up as you get a feeling of how it works for you.


Examples of Aromasin Side Effects

As I said, the most common Aromasin side effects are related to low estrogen symptoms. Therefore, you can search for low estrogen symptoms- if you’re getting any of them while on Aromasin, it’s likely you use too high a dosage and estrogen is too low.Aromasin-side-effects-bodybuilding-man

Check some common side effects:

  • Hot flashes
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Excess sweating
  • Fatigue
  • Joint pain
  • Mood changes
  • Erectile dysfunction (yes, estrogen helps you get/maintain an erection)
  • Muscle/ energy/ strength loss (yes, estrogen helps with all of this)
  • Osteoporosis

In short, estrogen is an important hormone for you to grow muscles, gain strength, and feel good. It’s also a very important hormone for maintaining normal cholesterol levels. In addition to that, estrogen is a popular hormone that maintains your bones in good health. That’s why low levels of estrogen are likely to lead to thinning of bones (osteoporosis). This could make them susceptible to breakage.

In the end, the overall point of this is that you need to use Aromasin only if you have high estrogen. Also, use only in normal dosage.

  • Don’t attempt to crush your estrogen to avoid low estrogen symptoms.
    But don’t allow estrogen to remain high to avoid high estrogen symptoms.

In The End

Supo-Aromasin-BeligasAromasin (Exemestane) is a powerful estrogen lowering drug. You need to use it carefully only when you actually need to lower estrogen. Too high a dosage is likely to cause side effects associated with low estrogen. Not enough dosage (or not using it at all) when you do have high estrogen symptoms (usually, as a result of using steroids) is not a good idea either.

Make sure you buy the best quality Exemestane. This is the best way to make sure that Aromasin is going to work exactly as it should. On our site you’re going to get the best product ensuring the least possible side effects and maximum efficacy.

Lower quality products are likely to cause more side effects and they are less susceptible to work as they should. An additional bonus (except for many others) – you can buy it for very low prices. Cheaper compared to all other sources where you can buy Aromasin.



Isotretinoin is the chemical name of the brand Accutane. It was developed back in 1982 by Dr. Gary Peck, who has discovered that it is highly effective at treating cystic acne. He made it after discovering that vitamin A is doing a great job at inhibiting sebum production in high dosages. With inhibited sebum production, acne can’t form. Sebum is an oily and waxy substance that your body produces in sebaceous glands. When there’s too much of it, acne forms easier.

Anyway, remember that except for Accutane, there are numerous other brand names available for Isotretinoin. That was after Roche’s patent expired. Another popular brand is Roaccutane including other generic names. ultima-accutane-20

So, make sure to buy quality and real Isotretinoin in order to make sure that the product would be effective at dealing with your acne issues.

At we’ve proven numerous times to a lot of different customers that we offer only the best quality products. At sale prices. So, you can buy Accutane for sale from our site and ensure you’re getting the best Isotretinoin quality for the lowest price.


Why would you need Accutane? Well, I would actually recommend you stay away from it in case you don’t need it.

However, there are a lot of bodybuilders who use anabolic steroids that need Accutane. That’s because the use of steroids is having negative effects on their skin. The anabolic and androgenic steroids are causing oily skin, damage their skin appearance and might even lead to acne related side effects. So, they use Accutane (Isotretinoin) as a method to fight off those negative effects of steroids.

What is Accutane?

Accutane or Roaccutane including other brand names (Isotretinoin) is a medication that is mainly used for treating severe acne cases. It treats bad cases of cystic acne with high success and is helping skin renew itself more rapidly. However, in medical settings, doctors can prescribe it to prevent or even treat certain types of skin cancers. It may be effective at treating other skin related diseases.

Isotretinoin is related to vitamin A as it is a type of retinoid. Small quantities of retinoids are naturally found in the body too. In many countries, Accutane is an over the counter product. However, in the USA, it’s a prescription drug.

  • If you’re looking to prevent acne, as a result of using steroids you won’t get a prescription for it, most likely. But even if you do get a prescription, it’s much cheaper to get it from!

Anyway, Accutane is working as an isomer of Vitamin A. By doing so, it drastically reduces the amount of oil (sebum) that the oil glands release into the skin. Without the same amount of sebum (oil), it’s way harder for acne to form. Thus, acne is drastically reduced.

Most patients using Isotretinoin report awesome results.

If lower doses are not effective, almost everyone reports awesome results by increasing Accutane dosage. The higher the dosage, the higher risks of Accutane side effects. But the higher the dosage, the more effective the product is and the risks of recurrence drastically drop too.


Why Does Acne Appear In the First Place?


To understand how Accutane works, you first need to understand why acne appears. Well, as said, acne is appearing, mostly, because of too much secretion of oil (sebum) by oil glands. Accutane helps prevent this. However, why do oil glands produce so much sebum? Usually, because of hormonal imbalances. But it’s important to understand that there are different other causes and different types of acne as well.

But generally, acne is a chronic skin condition, as you already know it. It causes black and/or whiteheads, pimples and overall greasy skin that doesn’t look good. People who suffer from acne usually suffer from anxiety because of these issues, leading to low self esteem and other psychological issues. That’s especially noticeable in teenagers. That’s because teenagers usually go through a hormonal roller coaster. During that time (teenage years) the androgens and testosterone levels spike. That’s why acne forms.

It appears as a result of hormonal imbalances as well as because of increased androgens. Moreover, acne is mostly appearing on those parts of the body that contain most oil glands for example on the face, back, and chest.

A similar situation we can notice when users add steroids to their cycles. That’s because steroids are anabolic and androgenic which means that their testosterone and androgen levels suddenly spike as they add the steroids.

  • It’s important to understand that although most cases of acne are genetic (like 80%), there is evidence proving that your overall diet, level of hydration, and other lifestyle choices (like smoking and others) have a strong impact on the severity of acne as well as the risk of appearance.

Due to side effects, Accutane (Isotretinoin) should be kept as a last resort to fight off acne when all other treatment fails. First, you should implement natural treatments.

Accutane Dosage in Bodybuilding

Chances of acne are increasing when adding anabolic steroids to your regimen. All steroids are increasing the risks of acne, but some of them are more likely to make you suffer from acne than others. Generally, those that are having higher androgenic activity. Since Trenbolone is a steroid with some of the highest androgenic activity, Trenbolone is one of the worst in terms of acne.

The dosage of steroids and the cycle length obviously play a role too. This means that by using lower doses you’re having lower chances of acne appearing and even if it does – not as bad. So, it’s important to pay attention to the type, dosage, stack, and length of cycle that you use when you’re having acne issues.

It’s the androgenic part that mostly triggers increased acne. Hormonal changes can trigger it as well.

Nonetheless, in the end, all anabolic and androgenic steroids increase the risks of acne. That’s why bodybuilders attempt to use Accutane to prevent or deal with acne. Especially since those who use anabolic steroids, mostly use them to look good. It applies to bodybuilders, models, physique competitors, and many other athletes.

In the end, you have to consider the steroids, whether or not you are genetically prone to acne, and so on and so forth.

Anyway, Accutane dosages among bodybuilders are generally much lower than dosages for the general public who are getting Isotretinoin as prescription drugs.

  • Most steroid users run it once a day in a dosage of 10-20 mg/day for 6-8 weeks. Or only as long as the steroid cycle lengths. Very rarely longer or in higher doses.
  • Physicians, however, prescribe doses of 50-150 mg/day to people with acne. That’s why the chances of side effects are much lower among bodybuilders and steroid users. Use the entire daily dosage with a large meal.


Accutane Side Effects

Most side effects from Accutane (Isotretinoin) are directly related to the dosage. So, watch out for the dosage you use. That’s because higher doses can result in vitamin A toxicity.

Most Accutane side effects disappear quickly after you stop the use. Nonetheless, some side effects can be permanent. The permanent effects, however, are not a problem for bodybuilders. That’s because studies suggest Isotretinoin may stop long bone growth in young people who are still growing. This may result in stunt growth. Nonetheless, bodybuilders usually stopped growing long before they started the use of steroids.

Other side effects are related to sexual issues, skin issues, psychological effects, vision issues, and gastrointestinal effects too.

Some studies suggest that Isotretinoin could lead to reduced libido and erectile dysfunction. Then again, that’s rarely a problem with bodybuilders who usually have solutions on hand.

Skin issues are those related to dry lips, skin, and nose. Nonetheless, dry lips is also a sign that the product works as almost everyone suffers from this side effect using Accutane.

Psychological side effects may appear too, but then again, that’s rarely a problem among bodybuilders.

Some people report dry eyes which is a common effect among Accutane users. Some suggest that this may lead to some vision issues like decreased night vision, blurred vision, and others – but that’s very rarely.

Diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain are sometimes side effects of Accutane, but using it with a large meal is very likely to help you avoid this issue.

Pregnant women should not use Isotretinoin because of the high risks of causing birth defects. Obviously, bodybuilders have no such issues, yet women should be aware of it.

  • Other side effects are possible too as this is not the full list but it got you covered with most of them.

Buy Accutane For Sale

Accutane is an awesome compound when it comes to dealing with acne. It’s actually one of the best anti-acne solutions in existence. If you’re having acne that you can’t treat for a while then Accutane can be an awesome solution.

Roaccutane-10mg-1However, it’s usually the last solution because of the possible side effects. So I recommend starting with natural remedies and trying everything you can to clear acne. If you did and nothing helps, then you could try Accutane. Just use it carefully if you’re using it for preventing or dealing with acne as a result of using anabolic steroids.

Moreover, make sure you get the best possible quality of Isotretinoin in order to ensure it’s going to be helpful and won’t cause nasty side effects. Make sure you use it correctly too.

  • In whatever the case, at you can buy Accutane for sale including numerous other ancillaries that you may need during the cycle of anabolic steroids. You can buy here everything you need for a steroid cycle. We could also help you with information and everything else that you need in regards to AAS.


Arimidex Side Effects

Arimidex, exactly like any other drug, is capable of causing side effects. The severity, intensity, and overall occurrence of Arimidex side effects greatly depend on the dosage and personal response to this drug.

If you’re using anabolic steroids you already know what Arimidex is. Or at least, you definitely should. I always recommend everyone to have testosterone in their steroid cycles. But testosterone is a steroid that aromatizes into estrogen. That’s why I always recommend my clients to have Arimidex handy. You need to use it whenever high estrogen symptoms appear.

But before you actually use Arimidex (or any other product) I highly recommend learning about it first. You should know what to expect from using Arimidex, including its side effects too. I’m going to share below some of the most common side effects that it may cause. Will also include mild side effects and severe side effects of Arimidex.

But before I continue, I need to warn you to first learn about Arimidex in general. Arimidex is the brand name (the most popular one among many others) but the active substance is Anastrozole. This is an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI), thus an anti-estrogen drug. It reduces serum estrogen levels by binding to aromatase enzymes, not allowing aromatization (the process of testosterone turning into estrogen).

Side effects of Arimidex greatly depend on the dosage, age, other health conditions, other medications, and so on and so forth. They are very different from one person to another.


Estrogen and Arimidex

As said, Arimidex (Anastrozole) reduces estrogen levels. This is a vital hormone for men. It’s also an important hormone for growing muscle mass. Administering too much or too high doses of Arimidex, your estrogen levels go too low. Without normal levels of estrogen, you start to experience some negative symptoms. Pretty much as you do when you get too high levels of estrogen.arimidex-1mg-astrazeneca-1

  • So, the point is to keep estrogen within the normal range. For bodybuilders, the levels of estradiol (estrogen) anywhere between 20-40 picogram/ml (pg/ml) are perfect.

You shouldn’t allow aromatizing steroids to increase estrogen too much leading to high estrogen symptoms. But you shouldn’t administer too high doses of Arimidex (or other AIs) that would lead to low estrogen symptoms.

Therefore, it is evident that Arimidex side effects are strongly related to low estrogen symptoms. This is usually a result of too high Arimidex (Anastrozole) doses.


Mild Arimidex Side Effects

Here are some mild side effects of Arimidex that people report:

  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Hot flashes
  • Joint/back pain
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Insomnia
  • Low libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Decreased strength

The list goes on but these are the most common. If you experience one or multiple of these side effects, there’s a chance you’re crushing too much E2 (estrogen). Usually, side effects go away within a few days or a couple of weeks after stopping the use of the drug.

Serious Arimidex Side Effects

Serious side effects from using Arimidex (Anastrozole) can occur too. However, they are very rare and mostly occur if you overdose on Arimidex, use it for way too long, have an allergic reaction to it, or have pre existing health conditions that Arimidex may make them worse.

Some serious side effects that we can report are:

  • Osteoporosis
  • Heart disease
  • Allergic reaction (common allergic reactions which may be mild or severe)
  • Liver issues
  • Blood clots
  • High cholesterol issues

The Takeaway

The good news is that bodybuilders very rarely report any side effects from using Arimidex. As long as they don’t abuse it. First, they need only small doses for controlling estrogen and second, they don’t need too high doses.arimidex-beligas-1

  • I recommend you to start with a very low dosage of Arimidex (Anastrozole) of around 0.5 mg up to 1 mg maximum only when you notice high estrogen symptoms during the cycle of aromatizing steroids.
  • Common high estrogen symptoms are water retention, erectile dysfunction, gynecomastia, and others. I suggest you learn about them too.
  • Keep estrogen within range, don’t let it go too high or too low. Start slowly and don’t increase without the need to actually do so. Listen to your body symptoms or best – go for blood work.

Aromatization level is very different from one person to another. Some might need Arimidex 1 mg EOD while on 300 mg/week of Testosterone. Others don’t need to use Arimidex at all while on 600 mg/week of Testosterone. If the second group of people would use Arimidex 1 mg EOD, they would definitely develop side effects.


Buy Arimidex (Anastrozole) for sale from to receive the purest and best quality drugs ensuring the lowest side effects with proper administration.

Cabergoline Side Effects

Cabergoline is a powerful prolactin inhibitor and a potent dopamine receptor agonist therefore side effects are possible, as with any other drug. You can find it in numerous brand names such as Caber, Cabaser, Dostinex, and numerous others. This is a fungi derivative as it was discovered while scientists were experimenting with ergot alkaloids (fungus).

In medical settings, doctors prescribe Cabergoline to people suffering from prolactin causing tumors, hyperprolactinemia (too high prolactin levels), stopping breastfeeding in women, Cushing’s and Parkinson’s disease, and numerous other issues.

In general, most Cabergoline uses are related to high prolactin levels as this compound effectively reduces them. It works by reducing the secretion of prolactin from the pituitary’s lactotroph cells.

cabaser-1mg-1Prolactin is the hormone that allows women to produce milk when breastfeeding. That’s why women use Cabergoline to stop producing milk in certain circumstances. However, prolactin has important roles in men too. For example, it’s the hormone that makes men lose interest in sex. Because prolactin spikes as soon as a male ejaculate, men lose interest in sex immediately after it.

In other words – the less prolactin you have, the less the sexual refractory period and the more sexual drive (libido) a man has. Cabergoline is the compound that reduces prolactin.

  • That’s very helpful in bodybuilding because a lot of men using specific steroids increase prolactin levels leading to various issues.


For example, Trenbolone and Nandrolone are the most prominent examples of steroids increasing prolactin (a part of these steroids converts into prolactin in the body). This leads to too high prolactin levels and its related side effects. So, bodybuilders using steroids add Cabergoline to lower prolactin levels and deal with low sex drive, gynecomastia caused by high prolactin, and other issues.

Cabergoline Bodybuilding

Except for that, bodybuilders use Cabergoline for a myriad of other purposes. For example, Caber has been proven helpful at improving motor skills and increasing endurance. It helps an athlete perform much better. Some use this drug for aiding weight loss goals as it reduces cravings for foods. Moreover, because of its dopamine agonist effects, users sleep much better too. Their sleep is deeper and they sleep longer. Anyway, Cabergoline is most effective as a prolactin inhibitor. Therefore, bodybuilders use it either to prevent or deal with high prolactin levels.

So, it seems like we have a compound that helps you sleep better, perform better, lose weight and prevent side effects from steroids. Even if you don’t use steroids to increase prolactin, Cabergoline is still going to work awesome for reducing sexual refractory period and improving libido and sex drive. Seems like an overall perfect compound right? Well, no.


Cabergoline can be awesome and extremely helpful, but it can cause nasty side effects too.

As with any other compound in existence, you need to be careful how you’re using this product. That’s because you can develop side effects.


Similar to any other medication out there, Cabergoline is able to cause different side effects. Especially prescription medication and Cabergoline is a prescription drug due to possible side effects. We sell it for sale because it’s an important ancillary for anabolic steroids. It’s especially capable of causing side effects if you don’t use it correctly. That’s why I urge you to learn how to use Cabergoline before actually doing it.

Side Effects Explaining

Cabergoline inhibits prolactin, that’s leading to numerous effects in your body. The point of using Caber is to maintain prolactin levels within the normal range. If you’re using too much of this compound, there’s a high chance you’ll end up with too low prolactin levels.

That’s very similar to estrogen and aromatase inhibitors (AIs). If you take too high doses of Arimidex (Anastrozole) or Aromasin (Exemestane) then you’re very likely to inhibit too much estrogen. When you have low estrogen symptoms – you experience side effects. When you have too much estrogen – you experience side effects. You need to use whatever AI in the correct dosage to keep estrogen in the normal range.

The same applies here – Cabergoline reduces prolactin hormone. You only need to use it when it’s in too high levels and use it in the proper dosage. You need to avoid too low or too high prolactin levels because this leads to side effects. The point of Cabergoline is the same – to keep levels of prolactin within range. You shouldn’t use too much or not enough of it.


  • This is the reason why I highly recommend having blood work often pre / during (preferably several times) / after the cycle. You’ll have a better idea of your hormones and dosages that you use for each steroid and ancillary you use.

What Are Cabergoline Side Effects?

Most common Cabergoline side effects are very closely related to low prolactin levels. That’s a clear sign that you’re using too high a dosage of this compound. As with anything else, too high doses are likely to cause side effects.

Cabergoline-Side-Effects-examples-bodybuildingLow Prolactin Levels lead to the following symptoms:

  • Decreased sex drive
  • Difficulty getting an erection
  • Difficulty reaching an orgasm
  • Headaches
  • Weight gain
  • Anxiety
  • Mood changes
  • Various others

Is quite obvious that you need to maintain normal prolactin levels to avoid this.

Other side effects that may occur are:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling weak or tired

Anyway, some of the most commonly reported side effects from Cabergoline use are stomach issues. Such as stomach upset, stomach cramps/pain, and others. Could be related to the fact that it’s a fungus derivative medication.

According to people who used it – using Caber with food is going to greatly decrease the chances of such issues. That’s why I recommend using Caber before going to bed with a light meal. It seems to be the best way to avoid the side effects.

  • Needless to mention you need to learn how to use it correctly to avoid side effects. Using a proper dose greatly lowers the chances of side effects.

Administering Cabergoline

Cabergoline comes in the form of tablets. As said, better use it after eating before going to bed. It has a half life of 3 days, that’s why you don’t need to use it more often than twice a week. If your prolactin levels are barely above the normal range, you can get along using it only once a week.

Dosage per administration starts at 0.25 mg, up to 0.5 mg, and up to a maximum of 1 mg per dose. Nonetheless, most people say that 0.25 mg twice a week is enough for their needs. 0.5 mg twice a week is enough for most, in more than 90% of cases. 1 mg twice a week is a very high dosage (likely to cause side effects) that rarely someone needs. I wouldn’t recommend higher doses at all.

Cabergoline is very powerful so you need to use it in conservative methods.


dostinex-05-mg-8-tablets-cabergolineIn the end, Cabergoline is a product that you can use safely as long as you use it correctly. It has a lot of advantages when it is in the right hands, but it can have potentially nasty side effects in the wrong hands. That’s why I recommend everyone to use Cabergoline when you actually need it and when you actually know how to correctly use it. Otherwise, stay away from it.

Moreover, in order to avoid Cabergoline side effects and to get the best efficacy from it, the expected results, get maximum quality Cabergoline. Because this stuff is fairly expensive – lots of manufacturers produce lower quality Caber.



You can save a lot of money and be sure you get the purest Cabergoline on the market by purchasing it from We’ll have everything you need for a cycle of anabolic steroids.


Cabergoline is a very powerful dopamine receptor agonist popular for inhibiting prolactin hormone levels. You can find Cabergoline as numerous brand names such as Dostinex, Caber, Cabaser, and many others. This is actually a derivative from a specific type of fungi. People use it for reducing prolactin levels as there are numerous studies proving Cabergoline is very helpful for it.

There are also other compounds for reducing prolactin levels such as Bromocriptine (an older medicine). However, Cabergoline is much popular both in medical settings and in the world of bodybuilding. It’s because Caber displays less side effects and is also having a much longer half life too.

If you’re unsure why you need Cabergoline or why bodybuilders use it in the first place – think of it as something like Arimidex (Anastrozole) or Aromasin (Exemestane) and estrogen.

  • As you should know by now (if you want to use steroids or already doing it) these are Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) that help reduce estrogen levels.

Estrogen is a hormone that increases during the cycle of anabolic steroids. That’s because some specific steroids (like testosterone and others) convert into estrogen in the body. So, you use Aromatase Inhibitors to reduce levels of estrogen whenever you need it. That helps reduce high estrogen related symptoms during a cycle of steroids.

Prolactin is another hormone that can increase during the cycle of anabolic steroids. Again, because some specific steroids (like nandrolone and trenbolone) convert into prolactin in the body. So, you use Cabergoline to reduce levels of high prolactin whenever you need it. That would help reduce high prolactin related symptoms during a cycle of steroids.



Cabergoline in Medicine

Cabergoline is approved by the USA FDA. While bodybuilders use it for their needs to lower the side effects of anabolic steroids, doctors can prescribe it to patients suffering from various health conditions. Mostly, when too high prolactin hormone levels are the main culprit causing the health condition.

This product was invented by an Italian drug company in the early 1980s. Currently, the company is owned by Pfizer and they sell Cabergoline as Dostinex brand name. You could find it as numerous other brand names. Those Italian scientists discovered it while doing some experiments with ergot alkaloids (fungus).

It was soon enough to discover that Cabergoline can be very effective in the medical setting. Physicians can prescribe it to patients suffering from prolactin producing tumors, hyperprolactinemia, Cushing’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and many others.

By far one of the best known uses of Cabergoline in the medical world is in cancers and tumors related to high prolactin levels. But then again, there are numerous other medical purposes.

Cabergoline in Bodybuilding

As earlier said – Cabergoline is most popular in bodybuilding settings for the purpose of reducing levels of prolactin. There are specific steroids that convert into prolactin in the body and this may lead to side effects.


Push Harder

However, there are several different ways that you can use cabergoline for bodybuilding needs. Other ways that athletes use it is to give them an “adrenaline rush” during the sporting event. Caber does it because is a dopamine agonist. But increased dopamine is having other advantages too. For example, dopamine is known to enhance the overall motor skill and offer an edge over the competition you’re in. Because of extra dopamine, you are going to work out much harder because you would ignore more pain. Therefore, in theory, you could push your muscles to the limit as you could do extra reps and may lift more too. Inevitably, this offers more and faster results.

Reduces Junk Food Cravings

Another use of Cabergoline for fitness purposes is because it mimics the mechanism of dopamine that we are experiencing when we eat food. We all know that crazy cravings for pizza, ice cream, hamburgers, and so on and so forth. Well, when you add cabergoline to your cycle, the dopamine that you get from eating that pizza is released. Therefore, you’re getting the “pleasure” chemical without eating. Or eating a small bite, rather than eating 2 large pizzas and then feeling guilty. No need to mention that this is extremely helpful in reaching your weight loss goals faster, allowing you to stay leaner. Generally, reducing the cravings for junk food is always a good idea.


Better Sleep

Lastly – a much better sleep. Again, because of the fact that Cabergoline mimics dopamine, you are very likely to get a much better sleep due to this product. A lot of people in bodybuilding settings report that they are sleeping like babies while using Caber. Your overall sleep quality highly improves. I guess there’s no need to mention the vital importance of sleep when you are searching for physique and performance enhancement purposes. A release in dopamine helps you sleep longer, more and deeper. Overall sleep quality can improve.

Reduced Prolactin

Anyway, the main reason why bodybuilders use Cabergoline remains the fact that it reduces prolactin. As mentioned, prolactin is a hormone that can spike when you use specific steroids such as Trenbolone and Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin – Deca or Durabolin – NPP). That’s why steroid users mainly use Cabergoline when they run a compound that increases this hormone.

For example, Trenbolone or Nandrolone are going to turn into prolactin in the body (as said, in a similar way testosterone turns into estrogen in the body). If you use any of them (or especially combined) in high doses and/or for long periods of time – your prolactin is very likely to increase. Of course, it comes down to personal response to it. Some people get high prolactin from using only one of them in low doses for a shorter period. But others may not experience any high prolactin symptoms even in higher doses.

  • High prolactin in men is likely to lead to a decrease in sex drive too. In fact, steroid users noticed that cabergoline can help normalize sex drive and libido even if you do not use products that increase prolactin. It helps whenever you’re “playing” with your hormones and they are fluctuating.

How Cabergoline Works?

Cabergoline (Dostinex, Caber, Cabaser, etc.) is a dopamine D2 receptor agonist with a long half-life. It means that it would have a long activity in the body whenever you administer it. This way, scientists found out that it reduces the secretion of prolactin in the lactotroph cells found in the pituitary glands. When you administer Cabergoline, the pituitary glands won’t secret any more prolactin hormone. Not the same levels. Obviously, this overall reduces the levels of prolactin.

Prolactin itself is a protein hormone that is most popular for making women produce milk. Thanks specifically to prolactin mothers are able to breastfeed their babies. Usually, if a woman needs to stop producing milk in a medical way (with the help of medications), usually due to health conditions, physicians prescribe Cabergoline.

Nonetheless, there are many other functions that prolactin has and as you can guess, you can find this hormone both in men and women.

Cabergoline in Men

So, prolactin is the main hormone for producing milk. Men do not produce milk as we don’t breastfeed, why do we have prolactin then? Well, as said, increased prolactin’s most popular function is to enable female mothers to produce milk so they could breastfeed their babies. But it responds to other things too.


For example, it responds to the “satisfactory” feeling in men, especially after ejaculating. As we all know, men immediately lose interest in sex as soon as he ejaculates. For a certain period of time, a man doesn’t want to have sex. They completely change. It’s the prolactin responsible for men changing that much. The man has an urge to have sex with a girl, and then immediately leaves/ kicks the girl out / falls asleep after ejaculation.

Why? As soon as a man ejaculates, the prolactin levels immediately spike. Until those levels of prolactin reduce back to normal, it’s called the refractory period. This is the reason why younger men, usually, are ready to have sex again much sooner than older ones. Their young bodies can reduce the levels of prolactin much faster as everything in the body is working faster, harder, and more actively.

Now, imagine using cabergoline that decreases the level of prolactin (by not allowing the pituitary gland to secrete the same level of this hormone). Obviously, by using cabergoline, you greatly reduce the refractory period. You’re ready for sex much sooner and your overall sex drive is much better.

  • That’s the most popular effect of prolactin in men. It mostly “works” during and after ejaculation. Levels of prolactin slowly decrease in the “sexual refractory period”. Therefore, there’s a very close connection between prolactin and sex drive.

Sex Drive, Anabolic Steroids and Cabergoline

So let’s get it clear and summarize it.

Men who are “playing” with their hormones, especially when using anabolic steroids that increase prolactin levels, usually suffer from reduced sex drive (libido).

It happens because prolactin is the hormone that makes a man lose interest in sex. The levels of this hormone spike as soon as a man ejaculates.

Cabergoline is a compound that greatly helps reduce the prolactin in the body according to numerous studies and anecdotal experience.

As a result, it’s quite obvious that by administering Caber, you are able to increase libido and regain the ability to have sex again quicker with an overall better sex drive.

Cabergoline mostly helps when you administer anabolic steroids that convert into prolactin such as Trenbolone and/or Nandrolone. Nonetheless, usually, men can experience altered sex drive during a cycle and/or when coming off a cycle. Sometimes, the sex drive can be really high, but there are other situations in which the sex drive is very low.

Therefore, in case you are suffering from low libido and sex drive then you can consider using Caber. You can use it both during your cycle and during Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) to balance out the prolactin levels and improve your libido.

There are other uses of Cabergoline among steroid users too. Such as prolactin based gynecomastia and others.


Cabergoline Side Effects

It’s very rare when bodybuilders using Cabergoline complain of side effects. Most side effects from this compound appear in women and other patients with a specific health condition. That’s because patients with medical conditions usually need a higher Cabergoline dosage and they usually use it for much longer periods than bodybuilders.

Nonetheless, some bodybuilders still report some side effects. The most common Cabergoline side effects are stomach upset, which even rarer leads to possible stomach cramps and/or nausea and headaches. These are usually gastrointestinal issues and they have a tight connection with the dose that you administer as well as whether you use it on an empty stomach.

Usually, most men experience no issues when using proper Caber dose with food. I personally use Cabergoline right before going to bed as needed (1-3X per week) with a light meal. It works the very best way for me.

Other side effects are highly unlikely unless you use too high a Cabergoline dosage. Again, think of it as Aromasin, for example, and estrogen. By using too much Aromasin, you’ll kill too much estrogen. Without enough estrogen levels in the body, you’ll likely experience some side effects.

The same here – with too high Cabergoline dosage, you’re likely to “kill” too much prolactin. With way too low prolactin (too much lowering) you’re likely to experience some side effects too. For example, without enough prolactin, you’re likely to experience some sexual dysfunctions and/or to inability to reach an orgasm.

Low prolactin levels are also likely to lead to anxiety and depression too among other symptoms.

How to Administer Cabergoline?

Cabergoline usually comes in the form of tablets that you need to swallow. A common dosage is 0.5 mg per tablet, but there are other strength versions too.

Be cautious to use the proper dosage. Too high doses are likely to decrease too much prolactin. Not enough doses are likely to keep prolactin too high.

There’s no need to use Cabergoline daily. It’s a much better option than Bromocriptine because it’s stronger and because it has a much longer half life too. Bromocriptine half-life is 12 hours. Cabergoline half-life is 72 hours!

Some people get along with using Cabergoline only once. Once during the entire cycle. Others don’t need to use it at all. As said, it all depends on personal response, doses of compounds you use, cycle length, amount of steroids, types of steroids, and numerous other factors. It can reach as much as 3 times per week with a dosage of around 0.5 mg.


But that’s a huge dosage. Most bodybuilders only need a moderate dose of 0.25 mg only twice a week. That’s 0.5 mg per week, which is enough! Cabergoline is actually a very powerful prolactin inhibitor. You need to make sure you know what you’re doing if you plan to use it. When you run it for the first time, start very conservatively.

I recommend starting with 0.25 mg per dose and waiting at least 3 days before taking another dose in case you notice symptoms improvements. Or have blood work proving high prolactin levels.

Increase dosage if you notice symptoms improvements but not enough. Or again, if blood works prove you need a higher dosage.

Buy Cabergoline For Sale

Many bodybuilders complain that cabergoline is expensive so they don’t run it. Except for it being a huge mistake that you’re very likely to experience nasty side effects – it’s also a mistake thinking that it’s so expensive. Those people assume it’s expensive taking into consideration there are only a few pills per pack. While it may cost you a few dollars, obviously, as you can see on our site – you need to understand that you only need to use it very conservatively. Once a week or twice a week administration with very low doses is very likely to be enough! That’s why you don’t need to buy too many pills of Cabergoline.dostinex-05-mg-8-tablets-cabergoline-1


Cabergoline is also available in liquid form too, but you would mostly find it as pills because this is the way to administer Caber. The liquid version is usually for research purposes. Strength per tablet is anywhere between 0.25 mg and up to 2 mg of Caber. Yes, you can cut those tablets if you bought higher strength per tablet than you need.

Moreover, from our steroid store you’ll get the best prices for Cabergoline on the market! Make sure you would get only maximum quality Caber so there’s no need to worry about its efficacy.

With there’s no need to worry about spending too much either. We’re a store that can help you with anything you need regarding a cycle. Just ask away!

  • In the end, Cabergoline is an awesome product for a user of anabolic steroids. It offers great protection against high prolactin related side effects such as reduced sex drive and gynecomastia. It can also help with some cognitive benefits too! Even if you don’t use steroids, a low dosage of Cabergoline can greatly help improve your cognitive and libido health!