Somatropin Side Effects
“Somatropin side effects” is the topic that we’re going to talk about here today because this is something extremely important for you to learn if you want to use this PED in the first place.
What is Somatropin?
Before we continue, let’s get out of our way of the basic things.
Somatropin is the synthetic version of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). HGH is a naturally occurring hormone but Somatropin (Somatotropin) is made in the laboratory. That’s pretty much the only difference because as soon as you use Somatropin – your levels of HGH start to increase. So, HGH is basically Somatropin.
This is a compound that comes only in the form of injection (intramuscular or subcutaneous, but mostly – SubQ). Scientists couldn’t find a way to make Somatropin (HGH) effective by administering it in any other way. Anyone claiming they offer HGH – Somatropin in other versions is a scammer. Supplement companies often claim to offer Somatropin as pills, but they offer nothing else than just herbal and natural compounds that should help you increase HGH naturally. But they don’t work the way HGH does and it’s far from its potency because by injecting Somatropin, you’re basically injecting this Growth hormone.
Why Use HGH For Bodybuilding?
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) got extremely popular in the late years because of its awesome benefits when it comes to general health benefits as well as physique and performance enhancement.
In medical settings, doctors prescribe it to patients suffering from naturally low levels of this hormone. But people often use HGH off label not for physique and/or performance boost, but rather just for health benefits. They are feeling better and younger by adding HGH to their regimen.
Bodybuilders and athletes, however, use HGH mainly for gaining lean muscle mass and burning off body fat, especially fat around the midsection.
HGH is an extremely important hormone for every human. Its levels start to decrease as we age and that’s resulting in… aging. HGH has a lot of different benefits such as improving mental abilities, enhancing your overall health, improving sleep quality, and much more. It is important for recovery, muscle growth, bone health, nails, skin, and hair health, for burning fat and so much more.
HGH has A LOT of benefits and that’s why it is so important for every person. Those who suffer from low HGH levels will benefit the most.
Nonetheless, bodybuilders and athletes still use Somatropin despite having normal levels of HGH as it will help them grow muscles, burn fat and recover way more, faster, and better than they normally would. It allows people to gain more muscle than they would ever be able to naturally.
Explaining Side Effects of Growth Hormones
HGH (Somatropin) is immensely important for everyone. Nonetheless, as with any other drug, it comes with the possibility of side effects. Those people who use HGH for way too long and/or in way too high dosages are most susceptible to experiencing side effects. That’s because their body receives way too high levels of this hormone. While this helps grow muscle and burn fat including numerous other benefits, too high levels of any hormone might lead to side effects.
- Those who are suffering from Growth Hormone Deficiency are less susceptible to side effects as their levels were low before using Somatropin so they just balance it out. But those who are not actually having low HGH levels are the ones who put themselves at risk of side effects by administering too much HGH.
That’s why Somatropin injections are not actually a suitable option for everyone. While even those who have normal HGH levels may benefit from adding it, they should be extra cautious. Moreover, there are certain people with certain medical issues that shouldn’t use this drug, at least, not without their doctor’s approval. It includes people suffering from diabetes, cancer, thyroid issues, and others.
In the end, using some synthetic HGH products (Somatropin) increases HGH levels a lot and definitely results in lots of benefits such as faster gains, faster recovery, and so on and so forth. But you may also experience side effects too.
What Are The Somatropin Side Effects?
There are numerous HGH side effects that are mainly associated with the excess use of synthetic HGH (Somatropin) injections. They usually include:
- Hypoglycemia (which can lead to diabetes)
- Water retention (bloating or edema)
- Carpal tunnel syndrome (painful wrists)
- An achy feeling when waking (pains in joints)
- Sleepiness (might feel drowsy and need to take naps)
But these are just some physical side effects that people may experience. There are also mental side effects too but they are varying from one person to another depending on lots of factors.
Other Somatropin side effects to mention:
- Tingling of skin
- Acromegaly (abnormal growth of some organs)
- Fatigue
- Mood swings
- Gynecomastia
- Muscle aches
- Nausea
- Headaches
- Changes in blood sugar insulin
- Changes in appetite
- And there are others
When talking about acromegaly – it is a condition that occurs only by overdoing HGH for a long period. This is a condition that causes excessive growth of the face, hands, feet, heart, or other organs. But with moderate use in moderate dosage, this is very unlikely to be experienced.
In the end, I strongly recommend watching out for any of these side effects whenever you start using Somatropin injections. If you notice these issues getting out of hand, you need to adjust the dosage or completely stop its use.
It’s important to understand that not everyone experiences side effects. Moreover, some may experience specific side effects while other people may experience others. So if you do have side effects, it definitely doesn’t mean that you’ll experience all of them.
There are two other side effects that are pretty popular when talking about HGH side effects. I decided to talk about them in a bit more detail.
HGH Gut (or Protruding Belly) is a popular side effect of HGH (Somatropin) that many people are afraid of. However, I have to warn you that HGH Gut is actually just acromegaly – abnormal growth of bodily organs. As earlier said – this is something that occurs only with long term exogenous HGH use and usually, in higher dosages.
That’s when a professional bodybuilder is having 3-6% of body fat with very visible abs, nonetheless, their stomach still looks like beer bellies. Usually, it occurs because those bodybuilders were using HGH in high dosages, for long periods, alongside insulin, all in an attempt to grow muscle as much as possible.
A lot of people have heard of a link between HGH and cancer. I have to warn you that there is actually a link between these two. Nonetheless, you should learn something before actually making a conclusion.
For example, we know that growth hormones are multiplying cells, thus HGH may increase the chances of cancer. Well, let me explain.
HGH is just a hormone so it wouldn’t cause cancer. At least, it will not directly cause cancer to occur. However, in fact, it can actually accelerate the growth of an already existing cancer. This means that if you already have existing cancer cells, then HGH, being a GROWTH hormone that works by multiplying cells (that’s how it speeds up recovery and helps you grow more muscles in the first place), it’s obvious that it may speed up the growth of those cancer cells too (alongside everything else).
But in the end, it’s pretty important to understand that when abusing anything, it can actually cause cancer. It’s not only anabolic steroids, Somatropin, or whatever else – everything. Abuse of anything is likely to cause side effects including cancer. That’s why I strongly recommend being very careful whenever you plan to use something for physique and performance enhancement.
Conclusion Somatropin Side Effects
In the end, there are a lot of different people who are using HGH for a lot of different needs. I don’t really recommend HGH – Somatropin injections to beginners and young people. I would only recommend it to those who need HGH for health purposes or for bodybuilders who want to take their physique and performance to the next level. However, they need to have years of experience under their belt.
Overall, Somatropin side effects are definitely possible to occur, but anything in abusive dosage can cause side effects. With proper use, HGH can actually be extremely helpful.
- Moreover, besides side effects, HGH has a pretty high cost and there are lots of sources that sell counterfeit HGH. These are some other “Somatropin side effects” too. However, in order to deal with these issues, buy Somatropin for sale from
While it’s expensive to produce HGH so it’s still more expensive compared to anabolic steroids, purchasing HGH for sale from our site, you make sure you get only the best quality Human Growth Hormone without the risk of getting a fake product. Moreover, we make sure that you get the best price for whichever brand of Somatropin you choose to get. Additionally, we can help you determine the best way to use HGH for you and your needs.