
Trenbolone Enanthate

When talking about Trenbolone Enanthate specifically, it’s fairly hard to say where exactly it places itself in terms of popularity among other Trenbolone versions. Talking about Trenbolone Acetate, Trenbolone Enanthate, and Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. Nonetheless, most people still agree that Trenbolone Enanthate is close to Trenbolone Hexa (Parabolan) in terms of second most popular after Trenbolone Acetate.

Trenbolone Acetate is definitely taking the first place among athletes and bodybuilders for the most popular Tren version. While for other anabolic steroids is the other way around, in terms of longer steroids being more popular among bodybuilders, Trenbolone is different. Tren Acetate, with the shortest ester, is the most popular because of Trenbolone power and potency.

Trenbolone Popularity

Trenbolone, being arguably one of the most powerful steroids (if not the most) on the market, will be “hard” on your body. So most go for the Acetate version that enters your system faster (offering you a faster idea of how it works for you) and flushes out of your system faster too (in case you get side effects, they will quickly disappear than with longer Tren versions). Considering the huge potency of Tren, side effects are likely to occur, so that’s a big advantage. Moreover, with shorter versions, you could easily adjust the dosage that is most suitable for you and your needs.

Yet, you need to inject Trenbolone Acetate every day or at least every other day. Injecting it less often will not be enough to maintain stable levels of Tren in the blood. That’s why some people choose Trenbolone Enanthate. Thanks to Enanthate which is a long ester, it extends the half-life of Trenbolone to 7-10 days. Trenbolone Acetate half-life is only 2-3 days. Therefore, you can get along injecting Trenbolone Enanthate only twice per week.

As you can see, both longer and shorter versions come with their own advantages and disadvantages.

Trenbolone Enanthate Ester


In terms of pharmacokinetics and release rate, Trenbolone Enanthate is identical to Testosterone Enanthate or any other anabolic steroid that has the Enanthate ester. That’s why you inject them in very similar ways.

Considering that steroids with Enanthate ester are coming in the form of injections (oily solutions meant to inject intramuscularly) – you also use them in the exact same way and same frequency.

So, you just split your planned weekly dosage into two administrations and use them twice per week, evenly apart throughout the week.

For example, if your weekly dosage of Trenbolone Enanthate is 400 mg, I recommend using 200 mg on Monday (or Tuesday) and 200 mg on Thursday (or Friday, respectively).

I also should mention that esters that get attached to the main hormone (regardless if it’s Trenbolone, Testosterone, or any other) – they are serving just to increase the release rate and half-life of the hormone. The esters do not alter the potency, strength, or pharmacodynamics of the main hormone.


  • Trenbolone Acetate has a half-life of 3 days, Trenbolone Enanthate half-life is 7-10 days, and Trenbolone Hexa (Parabolan) half-life is 14-15 days.

Therefore, you need to have different injection schedules and they will fully enter and fully flush out of your system at different rates. But in terms of how Trenbolone will work – there’s no difference, as long as we talk about the same dosage.

Trenbolone Hormone

Trenbolone itself, as a base hormone, is an extremely powerful anabolic and androgenic steroid. It cannot aromatize into estrogen. Yet, it expresses an anabolic and androgenic activity that is 5 times the strength of Testosterone.

Therefore, Trenbolone (Tren) is capable of greatly changing your physical appearance. While it helps burn fat, Tren is one of the best steroids for strength increase and lean muscle mass growth. Therefore, it helps you develop one of the most visually pleasing body appearances. You will appear fuller, bigger, leaner, shredded, drier, and more vascular.

However, being so powerful, it’s also capable of causing pretty nasty side effects. The common anabolic steroids side effects are more likely to appear with Trenbolone than with most other steroids.

For this reason, Trenbolone was only approved for human use as Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate for a short while then it got discontinued. The only Tren version that is still approved nowadays is Trenbolone Acetate, but it is used just in livestock. Trenbolone Enanthate never had any official uses, nonetheless, it’s still an extremely popular steroid in bodybuilding. As said, Tren Acetate seems to be even more popular.

Despite Tren not being approved for human use, it’s still an extremely popular steroid in bodybuilding and athletic circles. While side effects are possible to occur, a lot of people suggest that using it correctly, you’re likely to avoid or tolerate them very well. At the same time, Trenbolone Enanthate (or Acetate) is extremely appealing due to its awesome benefits in terms of body recomposition.


What is Trenbolone Enanthate?

As I already said, Trenbolone Enanthate is a long ester version of the extremely powerful anabolic and androgenic steroid Trenbolone. Trenbolone itself is a derivative of Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) because it’s also a 19-nor anabolic steroid.

They are called 19-nor steroids because they lack a carbon at 19 position on their structure. This is why Trenbolone is also a progestin steroid. Because of the structural modifications from Nandrolone, Trenbolone is completely immune to aromatization (converting into estrogen). In addition to that, Trenbolone is even stronger at binding to the androgen receptors.

With this being said, Trenbolone is not going to produce any estrogenic side effects. At the same time, Trenbolone is possessing extremely powerful and strong anabolic and androgenic activity. The anabolic and androgenic ratio is 500:500. In comparison – the anabolic to androgenic ratio of testosterone is 100:100. That’s why Trenbolone is five times more powerful than Testosterone and that’s why it’s such a powerful steroid. Another part of the reason why it’s so strong is that its chemical structure allows it to have a stronger resistance to the metabolism in the body. This greatly maximizes the anabolic abilities of the compounds.

  • Since it comes with Enanthate ester, as I earlier said, it slows the release rate of the Trenbolone in the body. This extends the half-life of Trenbolone Enanthate to about 7-10 days.

With all this information, I guess it’s pretty clear why Trenbolone Enanthate is such a popular and effective steroid among bodybuilders and athletes. Being so unique and versatile in terms of capabilities, you could literally use it for any goals you may have such as bulking, lean muscle mass growth, cutting, weight loss, strength gain as well as other goals that may be more specific.

Trenbolone Enanthate Cycle


Remember though, due to long ester and slower activity in the body, Trenbolone Enanthate is usually used in longer cycles. It takes 3-6 weeks to fully kick in the system and make you yield results. Therefore, the cycle length is usually no less than 10 weeks, up to about 16-18 weeks. Yet, the most common cycle lengths are 12-14 weeks.

Additionally, because of this ester and longer half-life, users will usually inject Trenbolone Enanthate (intramuscularly) twice a week. Each injection should be spaced evenly apart in even dosages. So, if you plan to use 400 mg/week of Trenbolone Enanthate, for example, it would be enough to use 200 mg on Monday, for example, and the other half of 200 mg on Thursday or Friday.

I strongly recommend stacking Trenbolone Enanthate with Testosterone as a base in any cycle. Pretty much as with any other steroids – Testosterone is important in any cycle.

You need a PCT plan after each Trenbolone Enanthate cycle pretty much as with any other steroids too.

Moreover, more advanced users can stack Trenbolone with other steroids. But I have to warn you that Trenbolone with Testosterone is an extremely powerful duo. It is very likely to be extremely helpful on their own.

Using Trenbolone

Trenbolone dosage is ranging between 200 mg and 600 mg a week. Some people use even higher dosages but that’s greatly increasing the risks of side effects. Side effects can occur even if you stick to the dosages within this range.

I strongly recommend beginners start at 200 mg/week and might increase the dosage only if they notice that the compound works very well for them.

Nonetheless, remember that Trenbolone is a powerful anabolic steroid. It is considered good enough only for users that are having an intermediate to advanced level in terms of steroids. Many tend to think that it’s best to take the first step with Trenbolone Enanthate because of the convenience of using it only twice a week. In contrast, Trenbolone Acetate requires injections every day or at least every other day. But the disadvantage of starting with a longer version of Trenbolone (such as Enanthate or especially Hexa) is that Trenbolone is such an extremely powerful anabolic steroid. It carries some potential side effects that can be pretty powerful too. That’s why Trenbolone is the steroid that many consider a “harsh” anabolic steroid. Therefore, beginners to Trenbolone might find Trenbolone Acetate a better option.

While they need to use it more often, the faster half-life of Trenbolone will ensure faster results from Trenbolone and faster clearance from the body. You will easily adjust the dosage, get a faster idea of how it works and, in case you get undesirable side effects, it will quickly disappear when you stop Trenbolone Acetate.

Who Uses Trenbolone Enanthate?

With Trenbolone Enanthate, the time it requires to reach the peak and optimal plasma levels is much longer than with Trenbolone Acetate. With Trenbolone Acetate users will notice gains by weeks 1-3. But with Trenbolone Enanthate they will require 4-6 weeks (depending on each individual) until the hormone “kicks in”. That’s when it would offer results.

It also gets out of the system slower in case you develop side effects. While with Tren Acetate it is unlikely for side effects to persist for a week, with Tren Enanthate it can last as long as 2-3 weeks.

Therefore, Trenbolone Enanthate is what you would consider an advanced Trenbolone user. People who know how Trenbolone works for them will go for Enanthate for less frequency of injections. Those are people who use Tren Acetate previously.



Trenbolone Results

Trenbolone will not aromatize and will not cause hepatotoxicity. It offers the amazing benefits of burning fat while growing immense amounts of muscles. At the same time, it will greatly enhance strength levels. But it does offer the common anabolic steroids side effects. Such as testosterone suppression and androgenic issues in men. Especially virilization issues in women. As well as high blood pressure including negative effects on cholesterol values and the cardiovascular system and others in both genders. The difference is that with Trenbolone – all the effects are more intense and more powerful.

Buy Trenbolone For Sale

At you can buy the best quality Trenbolone that will ensure maximum efficacy.

TRENBOLONE_ENANTHATE_200mgUnfortunately, bunk Trenbolone floats on the market so you need to be careful where you’re buying your Trenbolone from.

We’re an anabolic steroid store that works only with the best manufacturers. Therefore, we guarantee that the quality of our products is the best possible. In addition to that, you could also save some money as we offer steroids for sale.

So, learn how to use Trenbolone Enanthate (we can help you with that) and buy Trenbolone Enanthate of the best quality from and you will surely love the effects of this steroid in terms of body recomposition!


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