
Nolvadex Side Effects

If you’re planning to use anabolic steroids, you really should start learning about Nolvadex side effects. What’s the relation between the two? Find out here. In fact, not only about Nolvadex side effects but everything about it. That’s all because if you want to use any anabolic steroids, you’re going to need Nolvadex too.

This is an extremely important tool for bodybuilders who use anabolic steroids because it’s both dealing with gynecomastia during the cycle and is important for PCT.

Gynecomastia is common among steroid users because of the way steroids work and Nolvadex helps you prevent or deal with it. At the same time, PCT is important to restart natural testosterone production. So, even if you don’t experience gyno, you still need a PCT plan. We receive almost every day questions from customers as to what they need to use for PCT. Nolvadex is among the most popular and effective compounds for such purposes.

There’s also Clomid (clomiphene) for such purposes and some love Clomid more than Nolvadex. Yet, many prefer Nolvadex or use them both during PCT. Moreover, Clomid is not effective for gyno, while Nolvadex is. So, as you can see, Nolvadex is almost an indispensable tool among steroid users.

For this reason, we’re going to talk more about Nolvadex and more specifically about Nolvadex side effects. We’re going to indicate what Nolvadex does in bodybuilding as well as how to use it correctly to avoid Nolvadex side effects. But you still need to be aware of its side effects. It’s important to know what you can expect (both positives and negatives) when using a compound.

What Does Nolvadex Do?

nolvadex-tamoxifen-odin-pharmaNolvadex is the brand name of the active substance Tamoxifen (full name – Tamoxifen Citrate). You could find Tamoxifen as numerous other brand names. In the end, as long as you get high quality Tamoxifen, the brand/trade name doesn’t matter. Everyone calls it Nolvadex though because it’s the most popular brand name of this substance.

Tamoxifen is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM), therefore, Nolvadex side effects will be similar to other SERMs such as Clomid (Clomiphene). Yet, they are somewhat different considering they are still different compounds.

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) is acting as an estrogen antagonist in some parts of the body and as an estrogen agonist in different parts of the body. That’s why it blocks the estrogen activity in the breast tissues (thus blocking gyno formation in men or estrogen positive breast cancer in women) and at the pituitary gland (which helps boost natural testosterone production in men). At the same time, it enhances the estrogen activity in ovaries, for example, that’s why some women receive it as a prescription medication for infertility treatment.

  • For bodybuilders, Nolvadex is important, as said, due to its estrogen receptor blocking properties. Because it blocks estrogen receptors in breast tissues, gynecomastia can’t form or grow. Because it blocks estrogen receptors reaching the pituitary gland, it makes your gland secrete more LH and FSH – important hormones for producing testosterone.



When it comes to gyno, Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) is fairly popular as a medication that suppresses estrogenic action in breast tissue in order to prevent gynecomastia. It is working fairly well during the cycle when the user is exposed to anabolic steroids that aromatize into estrogen and experience high estrogenic issues.

It’s important to understand that it will not completely eliminate the possibility of gyno though. Moreover, it’s not going to be effective against gynecomastia that forms as a result of high prolactin levels. For such scenarios, users will require Cabergoline (Dostinex).

How To Use Nolvadex?

As with any other compound out there, in order to avoid the Nolvadex side effects, you need to make sure you use it correctly. This is the most important factor. Yet, of course, there are others too. Some people, for example, are having natural (genetics) overreaction (hypersensitivity) to it or allergies. At the same time, some people respond differently than others.

Moreover, it’s pretty obvious that in order to experience the best results, you need the best quality tamoxifen. That’s why, I strongly recommend to buy Nolvadex for sale. You won’t only save money for this product, but you make sure you get the best quality product. Therefore, you ensure it will work the way it is meant to work and it will also cause the least possible side effects.

nolvadex-side-effects-bodybuilding-usesNolvadex Dosage in Bodybuilding

Anyway, tamoxifen usually comes in tablets of 20 mg/tablet. You need to use it on a daily basis whether you use it for your gyno or for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan. The common dosage for bodybuilders is 1-2 tablets a day (20-40 mg/day). Someone, rarely, may use 3-4 tablets (60-80 mg) a day for gyno or PCT, but that’s uncommon.

You use it for as long as you deal with gyno if you use it for this purpose, or for as long as the PCT plan lasts (usually, 4 weeks in terms of PCT). A very common PCT plan with tamoxifen is:

The first 2 weeks of the PCT start with 20 mg/day of Nolvadex (2 tablets) and then the final 2 weeks go with 1 tablet (20 mg/day) of Nolvadex.

Needless to mention that the higher the dosage, the higher the chances of experiencing side effects. And of course, side effects can occur as long as you naturally (genetically) have hypersensitivity or allergies and/or if you get poor quality stuff.

The good news is that bodybuilders tolerate Nolvadex very well. Bodybuilders rarely report/experience Nolvadex side effects as long as they use it correctly. The compound is meant to deal with issues caused by other compounds, not cause them on their own. Even if side effects appear, they are very likely to be very well tolerated.

Explaining Nolvadex Side Effects

SHBG Increase

I have said that Nolvadex (tamoxifen) is working as an estrogen antagonist in the body, in some parts of the body. Nevertheless, it works as an estrogen agonist in other parts of the body. This means that it will actually boost estrogenic activity in those parts of the body.

When it works this way in the liver, for example, this leads to a higher increase in sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels. As we know, bodybuilders are looking for ways to lower it because SHBG is binding to testosterone, therefore, it’s lowering free testosterone in the body. Free testosterone (AKA unbound testosterone) is the type of testosterone that offers you all the positive effects of testosterone. Some notable high testosterone effects are increases in muscle mass, enhancement of strength and endurance as well as better libido, and numerous others. If you get more SHBG, you get less of these positive effects. That’s why bodybuilders want to actually lower SHBG and boost free testosterone levels.


While this effect is mild, tamoxifen can still lower free testosterone, thus having the potential to hurt the gains. That’s the main reason why using it in the lowest effective dosage is the best idea. This is the reason why you wouldn’t ever hear of bodybuilders using Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) as a standalone compound. It’s simply ineffective and might even be detrimental to gaining muscle mass and strength, despite the fact that it is capable of significantly increasing natural testosterone production in men. But at the same time, despite the negative effect, Nolvadex is actually an indispensable tool for bodybuilders and those who use anabolic steroids for physique and performance enhancement purposes.

Nevertheless, remember not to overdo it or use it when it is not required. Nolvadex side effects can be bad only if you don’t use it correctly, but generally, it is a very important and helpful product. To understand it easier and explain it simply – a good amount of testosterone that you increase with Nolvadex will not take effect because of an increase in SHBG.


IGF-1 Suppression

Due to the same effect that tamoxifen has on your liver, we can also mention another negative effect of this compound when it comes to bodybuilding. For example, it has the ability to suppress the production of the extremely important peptide hormone IGF-1. Ask any professional bodybuilder about the importance of IGF-1 and you’ll never want to lower it.

IGF-1 is broken down from Human Growth Hormone (HGH) and by itself, IGF-1 seems to be even more potent than Growth Hormone (GH) when talking about the purpose of gaining muscle mass and packing on size. This means that with low levels of IGF-1, you’re likely going to struggle to gain any muscle mass. But on the contrary, high levels of this peptide hormone are going to have a huge contribution to the process of building a much better looking physique and doing it fast.

Because of the Nolvadex side effects on the liver, this may suppress some IGF-1 levels and as you can guess, it’s leading to a suppressed ability to build muscle mass. This, in combination with the fact that it raises SHBG – Nolvadex is great for PCT plans and gynecomastia, but it’s an extremely poor choice to grow muscle. It’s also an extremely bad idea to use it when it is not necessary or abuse it.

Liver Damage

As you can see, the Nolvadex side effects that I’ve mentioned so far are due to its negative effects on the liver. Does it mean that Nolvadex is liver toxic? Well, it depends. Yes, of course it is liver toxic as long as it causes any negative effects on this organ. Nonetheless, studies prove tamoxifen causes fatty liver (increasing liver enzymes) in women who usually use Nolvadex in much higher doses than what men need for their bodybuilding purposes and most importantly – for much longer periods.

As I said, men usually use Nolvadex only to prevent/fight off gyno and/or during the PCT plan, in both situations, they only use it for a period of 4-8 weeks. That’s why the previously mentioned issues with Nolvadex are rarely a problem for bodybuilders too. Liver toxicity including the previous Nolvadex side effects I’ve mentioned can become a problem only if you abuse it in terms of prolonged use and/or high dosage. Or if you have some hyper reaction to it, allergies, or already have liver issues and/or use poor tamoxifen quality.

Low Libido

Some men report low libido as a result of using Nolvadex. It seems that it has to do with the negative impact on free testosterone levels that Tamoxifen has. As a result of increasing SHBG, there are not enough free testosterone levels and a man might experience some sexual dysfunction including low libido and sex drive. This may also lead to erectile dysfunction too.

However, it’s important to mention that this is not true for everyone. While some men experience low libido, for others it’s the other way around. They experience a boost in their libido thanks to Nolvadex and that’s thanks to its ability to boost natural Testosterone levels. That’s why its effects can be very different from one man to another.

Mood Swings

Mood swings are actually, perhaps the most common Nolvadex side effects reported by bodybuilders using it or other SERMs (like Clomid). Due to the way they work, SERMs like tamoxifen can cause mood swings with reports of feeling emotionally unstable, low mood, or even depression. But then again, due to the way it works, some positive mental changes are occurring among bodybuilders too. Some people report feeling more motivated, better, or simply being able to enjoy life better.

Not everyone experiences the negative side effect or the positive ones. Not everyone experiences mood swings. Nonetheless, there are a good amount of reports of such issues. So, while using Nolvadex, it’s good to pay attention to what people around you are telling you in terms of your mood and behavior.


Some people are also reporting headaches while using Nolvadex. It’s another fairly common side effect that people may experience with any other SERMs out there. The good news though is that most people say that taking a pain relieving pill will do well in dealing with those headaches.

Hot Flashes

Another thing that I should mention about Nolvadex side effects is hot flashes. While that’s rarely a problem in winter, in the summer when the weather is hot it can be a real problem. Moreover, hot flashes may not be a huge problem during the day. But some bodybuilders find it hard to get quality sleep due to hot flashes. Try to keep cool with cool water, an air conditioner, etc.

Final Thoughts on Nolvadex Side Effects

It’s important to understand that Nolvadex is actually an extremely important and sometimes essential tool for anabolic steroid users. Both because it can help deal with gynecomastia and it’s an extremely helpful and therefore popular compound for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plans.sixpex-nolvapex

It can be extremely important when using steroids. Especially when you use it right. Yet, the overuse of Nolvadex can cause a host of side effects. The good news is that most men tolerate it very well and do not report any side effects at all. Even if someone does experience any, they are generally well tolerated. But if you experience some pretty bad Nolvadex side effects it’s most likely due to one of these reasons:

  • You abuse it (prolonged use and/or too high dosage)
  • You have a low tolerance to it genetically (naturally) such as allergies or overreaction
  • Tamoxifen that you use is of poor quality

While you can’t change anything as long as it is due to genetics (but that’s extremely and extremely rare), you should make sure you use Nolvadex properly and use high quality products. At you could buy Nolvadex for sale of the purest quality and learn how to use it right.


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