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Upper Body Workout You Can Do Anywhere

Regardless if you’re working out in the gym, at home, or anywhere else, if you want to grow an amazing upper body, there’s one move that will come up again and again. Everyone who’s in the fitness industry does this movement for their upper body workout for an awesome physique. We’re talking about the press-up. Nobody asks any questions in terms of its credibility or wonders why it is so helpful. Everyone knows that it is just a perfect movement for the upper body workout.

The press-up and all its variations are perfect as one of the greatest moves of all time among people in fitness circles such as bodybuilders and athletes. It is a very popular exercise starting from children up to military personnel. Everyone does it as it is an upper-body blaster that is sure to have you build some serious mass. Another great thing about it is that you don’t need a lot of time – just five minutes can be enough.

It will work perfectly as a warm-up before the real thing workout or you could add it into your workout as a part of your exercises. So, you can hit it several times per workout if you really want to add inches to your chest, becoming bigger and stronger.

Here comes the great part about this upper body workout

We’re going to share a 5-minute workout you can do anywhere, that will absolutely help grow your upper body as it works your chest, shoulders, arms, and core.

All you need to do to smash through this upper body workout is to set a timer for five minutes and perform as many rounds as you can. Rest as you can and keep on smashing those reps, as many as you can. Try to keep a proper form to maximize the chest pump. If you want to take it to the next level, you can have 2-3 rounds of this 5-minute workout (of course, with long enough rests in between these “sets”).

So, let’s check what this upper body blaster can offer, including different types of press-ups.

Typewriter press up

You start the typewriter press up in the typical press-up position, however, you have slightly wider hand placement. From there, get your weight down towards one side and then bend at the elbow to lower your chest down towards your hand. As you’re keeping your chest close to the ground, shift your weight over the opposite side. As you do, you’re strengthening one arm and bending the other. You basically move laterally back and forth, repeating this motion.

Hindu press up

As you’re staying in the typewriter stance, push your hips upwards in order to create the inverted “V” shape. As you’re bending at your elbows, lower your nose to the ground between your hands. From here, shift your weight forward and push the ground away from you until your hips are on the ground and your torso is upright. Drive the hips back to reverse the movement. Repeat it.

Press up

When you complete the Hindu press-up, you can go for the regular press-up. I guess you know how to do it, but there are still a lot of people who do it wrong. Get yourself into the plank position with your core engaged and hands beneath your shoulders. Next, bend your elbows to lower your chest to the floor, as you keep your elbows closer to your body. Get back to the starting position as you push yourself upwards and keep the elbows close to the body.

Upper Body Workout Conclusion

In the end, there are just three press-up exercise variations that will make your chest and shoulder burn in just 5 minutes. Follow this upper body workout that you can do anywhere and you’ll make sure to build muscle and strength in no time. You won’t only reap the benefits of a larger chest, but the press-ups will also offer other benefits too. You would manage to burn calories, improve balance and posture, enhance flexibility, and help strengthen your shoulders and lower back, making them less prone to injury. Additionally, do not need any equipment and you only need just 5 minutes of your time. May have 2-3 sets if you’re a next-level athlete or want to get it to the next level.

Get an even bigger and stronger upper body

So, you have got a new workout plan and it may help you yield a lot of gains. Nonetheless, you may find that even those 5 minutes can be too harsh. Moreover, you may want to make sure that you’re doing everything you can to grow the biggest muscle as fast as you can while getting stronger and stronger.

That’s where Cycle Gear comes in. You can have your upper body workout before starting to cycle the gear from us and count your reps. Then you can get the best quality products from Cycle-Gear.to (for the best prices on the market) and do the exact same upper body workout again and count the reps. You’re going to see that you’re improving your performance a LOT! Besides getting stronger and improving performance, endurance, stamina, and recovery, you would notice you’re growing bigger and bigger muscles.

In the end, regardless of whether your goal is to build muscle, get shredded, cut fat, or all combined, Cycle Gear has you covered. All of our products are 100% real and the highest quality on the market. You can get them for sale for the lowest prices while ensuring you get the best quality products. If you’re worried about the side effects, be sure that if you use them correctly (and since you use the best quality steroids and other PEDs), you’ll get no side effects while getting some serious gains. Cycle-Gear.to is here to help you achieve your goals in the fastest and safest possible ways, providing the best quality products for the best prices as well as free cycle advice, in case you’re unsure how to Cycle your Gear.


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