Dbol Side Effects

Dbol side effects mainly include: androgenic, estrogenic, suppressive, and hepatotoxicity. But you can control all of them with proper knowledge. Either you already run Dbols or plan to do it soon – you’ll love reading this article.

There’s a high chance you’ve heard about Dbol – it’s an extremely popular anabolic steroid for growing muscle mass. Dbols is perhaps the most popular oral steroid on the market. And it has always been. It’s the first oral steroid that was popular in the world of bodybuilding and it remains nowadays.

Dianabol is very popular because it is powerful and effective. There’s barely any other steroid that can rival Dianabol. Well, except for Anadrol (Oxymetholone). Anadrol steroid is even more powerful than Dianabol (Methandienone) but that’s when the problem begins – Anadrol is more likely to cause side effects.

The reason why Methandienone is such a popular steroid is that it’s a steroid with a “sweet balance” between effectiveness and side effects.

  • When you run a steroid cycle with more powerful ones like Anadrol – the side effects can become too harsh to bear. On the other hand, if you’re running milder steroids, you won’t yield the same awesome results when it comes to packing on muscle mass and size.

So, no wonder Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) remains the most popular oral steroid in existence. It has bearable side effects and users can control most of them. Some genetically gifted guys, alongside a good diet plan and training regimen – avoid the side effects altogether!

What To Know About Dianabol Side Effects?

It’s very important to understand that the side effects intensity and appearance depend on a lot of different factors.

methandienone-dianabol-euro-pharmaciesMainly Dbol side effects depend on:

  • Dosage you run
  • Cycle length
  • Genetics (personal tolerance)
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Health condition
  • Diet you maintain
  • Workout schedule
  • Other steroids you add
  • Weight and height
  • Supplements you use
  • Many others factors


If you want to keep side effects at bay, you need to prepare for a cycle. For example, make sure you don’t have any health conditions that can aggravate the side effects. Especially those related to the heart, blood, or liver.

Make sure you have a good diet and a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you don’t abuse Dianabol either. Also have anti-estrogens handy, including medications for the Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) and on-cycle supplements.

When you are informed – you are prepared. Therefore, you can lower the side effects, risks, and intensity.

Explaining Dbol Side Effects

As I stated earlier – there are a few main categories with side effects of Dbols. Those side effects appear as a result of how Methandienone works when it reaches your system.dbol-side-effects-huge-arm

  • Testosterone suppression. Any steroid suppresses natural testosterone production. Dianabol suppresses it too. That’s because steroids increase exogenous testosterone and other hormones affecting HPTA. Moreover, Dbol increases estrogen a lot. This is why your body stops producing testosterone.
  • Estrogenic issues. Dbols are highly aromatizing. When it reaches your system, a good amount of Methandienone converts into estrogen through aromatization. As a result, estrogen levels increase.
  • Androgenic issues. A part of testosterone is converted into DHT – a male sex hormone that increases androgenic activity. A part of Methandienone converts into DHT too, increasing the androgenic activity in some parts of the body.
  • Hepatotoxicity. Dianabol is C17 alpha alkylated. This is what allows it to remain high in bioactivity when you use it as pill. Non C17AA steroids are not effective when you swallow them. So, C17 AA helps it remain active when you use Dbols as pills, but it increases liver enzymes. The steroid passes through the liver and this causes your liver to work harder.

How to Avoid Dianabol Side Effects?

You can avoid experiencing the side effects explained above. As mentioned, when you have proper knowledge of how to do it – you can combat those side effects.

  • Testosterone suppression. All steroid cycles must be followed by Post Cycle Therapy (PCT). PCT helps increase natural testosterone production. Moreover, adding an injectable Testosterone during the Dbols cycle would help too.
  • Estrogenic issues. Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) are products that help inhibit the aromatization process. They bind to aromatase enzymes and inactivate them. As a result, testosterone and methandienone cannot convert into estrogen.
  • Androgenic issues. Some people use 5alpha reductase inhibitors such as Finasteride. It reduces DHT levels because it inhibits the 5alpha reductase enzyme that converts into DHT. This reduces androgenic activity in the body. But Dbol has reduced androgenic activity so it’s unlikely to experience androgenic issues. Unless you’re genetically prone, use high dosages and/or long cycle lengths.
  • Hepatotoxicity. You can combat liver damage by running short cycle lengths, avoiding abuse, avoiding any other substance that can stress your liver even more as well as adding liver protection supplements. The supplements help your liver cleanse faster and short cycle lengths won’t stress it out for too long. Avoiding alcohol abuse, other C17AA steroids, or OTC meds is important because they would make your liver work even more.


Dbol Side Effects and Symptoms

Each of the categories I explained above has different side effects and symptoms examples. You should know that with proper use you are unlikely to experience hepatotoxicity issues. Also, because Dianabol is not highly androgenic, such issues are unlikely to be nasty. Nonetheless, because of high aromatization, estrogen related issues and natural testosterone production is very likely to occur. They include:

  • Testosterone suppression. Low Testosterone symptoms. Usually occurs after a cycle. Such as: muscle and strength loss, fat gains, depression, anxiety, irritation, insomnia, low sex drive, and others.
  • Estrogenic issues. High estrogen symptoms. Usually occurs while using Dbol. Such as: water retention, bloating, hypertension (high blood pressure), gynecomastia (male breast enlargement), and others.
  • Androgenic issues. High androgen symptoms. Usually occurs while using Dbol. Such as: oily skin and acne, hair loss (male pattern alopecia), aggression (roid rage), and various others.
  • Hepatotoxicity. Liver damage, cirrhosis, or other symptoms. Usually occurs when using Dbol for a long time and/or in very high doses. Symptoms include: stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, light colored bowel movements, loss of appetite, dark colored urine, jaundice, and others.

I really hope this post is going to help you have a better understanding of what type of side effects you can expect from running a Dianabol cycle. If you need more information about Dbols, on our blog posts you’ll find a lot of it. Or you can ask our professional bodybuilders.

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Dbols (Dianabol) is derived from testosterone and the chemical name is Methandrostenolone (Methandienone). Dr. John Ziegler created this anabolic and androgenic steroid to help American athletes enhance their performance. And he achieved tremendous success.

He tried to make a compound that is easy to administer (pills), is safer than testosterone, and is effective. He tried to reduce the androgenic and estrogenic nature. While Dbols are way less androgenic than testosterone, they are more estrogenic. However, this doesn’t make Dianabol unsafe. In fact, Dbol is fairly safe and extremely effective.

This anabolic steroid is more anabolic than testosterone and is a true performance enhancer compound. This is the first oral steroid to appear in the bodybuilding stage and become extremely popular. Even Arnold Schwarzenegger used Dbols cycles.


The main benefits of Dianabol are:

  • Enhanced protein synthesis
  • Improved nitrogen retention
  • Boosted glycogenolysis
  • More red blood cells count


As a result, Dbols pills help you achieve the following results easier and faster:

  • A rapid increase in muscle mass
  • Reduces fatigue and tiredness during workouts
  • Enhanced recovery of muscles
  • Huge boost in strength and power indicators

Why is Dianabol So Popular?

Except for the benefits I explained above, there are other reasons why Dbol is such a popular anabolic and androgenic steroid. Some that I can mention are:

  • Doesn’t require injections (it comes in form of oral pills)
  • Stacks extremely well with most other anabolic steroids (works in synergy)
  • Has much lower androgenic effects than other steroids (lower risks of side effects)
  • Most users tolerate it very well (fairly safe)
  • It kicks in the system very fast (you’ll get extremely fast results)

Dianabol is an awesome bulking steroid. People mostly use it at the beginning of a bulking cycle in order to get results early on the cycle.

It’s also one of the first oral steroids beginners use. It’s because it is easy to use, fairly tolerable, and highly effective. By far one of the most common uses of Dbol is as a bulking AAS during the off-season. That’s because Dbols can offer quick and awesome muscle mass growing results.


Does Dianabol Cause Side Effects?

All anabolic and androgenic steroids cause side effects. Dianabol has the potential of causing some side effects too. You need to know how to mitigate them – that’s an essential part of your Dianabol cycle in order to both achieve great results and keep side effects at bay.

With Dbols, estrogenic side effects are most pronounced. You can control them with the help of aromatase inhibitors (AIs) such as Arimidex or Aromasin.

The androgenic side effects are not as bad with Methandienone. That’s because it doesn’t have powerful androgenic effects. Nonetheless, some side effects may still occur. It’s just the thing that they won’t be as bad as with other steroids.

In terms of testosterone suppression – it’s exactly the same as all other steroids. Dbol inhibits it, but you can recover it back with a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan.

Dianabol side effects:

  • Estrogenic = water retention, gynecomastia, and high blood pressure among others. Controllable with aromatase inhibitors.
  • Androgenic = acne, hair loss, and aggression among others. Mostly depends on genetics. Less likely to occur compared to other AAS.
  • Suppression = low testosterone symptoms after the cycle discontinue. Controllable with a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) with Nolvadex and/or Clomid.
  • Hepatotoxicity = liver damage. It’s not the worst oral steroid in terms of negative impact on the liver, but you still need to be careful. Controllable with liver protection supplements.
  • Cholesterol = negative impact on cholesterol values. Controllable with a good diet and healthy fatty acids like Omega 3.

All side effects of Dbols depend on the dosage and cycle length. Appropriate administration would help avoid them.

How to Take Dianabol?

Dbols come in the form of pills so you need to swallow them with a full glass of water. Using on an empty stomach increases effectiveness, but chances of side effects too. Take with food if you notice side effects or stomach upset.

Methandrostenolone half-life is very short at 3-6 hours. That’s why I recommend AT LEAST 2 administrations per day. But preferably 3-4 administrations daily. It means that the total daily dosage is split and used throughout the day into 2-4 administrations.

Mainly because of liver toxicity but also due to other factors as well, such as cholesterol issues and an overall increase in other side effects, Dianabol cycle length shouldn’t go over 8 weeks period. Nevertheless, to keep it safer, I would recommend never exceeding the 6 weeks cycle. 4 weeks cycle length is common too.


Dianabol Dosage

Even low doses of Dbols are effective. Some people report good results at 15 mg/day, which is the lowest dosage. The maximum dosage is 100 mg/day, but that’s only for experienced professional huge bodybuilders. Rarely does someone exceed the dosage of 50 mg/day because even this dosage is likely to cause side effects. Not mentioning getting over it.

That’s why you’ll need 20-40 mg/day which is enough. Remember that regardless of your daily dosage – you need to split it up throughout the day. Most people use it in 3 doses. One right upon waking up, another one hours later before strength training, and the last one right before going to bed.

Dianabol Cycle


Dbols cycles range between 4-6 weeks and people use it during off-season for bulking phases. They use it as a kick starter of an injectable cycle. I highly recommend stacking it with testosterone. Advanced and professional users stack it with other bulking compounds like Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate). Never stack it with other orals during the same cycle though. It causes too much liver strain.

So, the Dianabol cycle can kickstart your cycle and can break through a plateau in muscle gains and strength. Always stack with testosterone for the best results and least side effects. I do not recommend Dianabol only cycle.

Example of a cycle for beginners:

12 weeks of Testosterone Enanthate 400 mg/week with the first 6 weeks Dbols 30 mg a day.

Example of a cycle for intermediates:

14 weeks of Sustanon 600 mg/week with the first 6 weeks Dbols 50 mg/day. First 13 weeks Deca Durabolin 400 mg/week.

Example of a cycle for professionals:

16 weeks of Testosterone Cypionate 1000 mg/week with the first 8 weeks Dbols 60 mg/day. Deca Durabolin 16 weeks unless going to PCT in which case you run it for 15 weeks only. HGH 6 IU a day entire cycle. Some optionally add Trenbolone Acetate the last 6 weeks at 50 mg/day.

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How to Blast and Cruise?

If you’ve been in the steroids game for a while, you might have heard about Blast and Cruise. The blasting and cruising cycle protocol is a newer way of using anabolic and androgenic steroids. I would only recommend this method only to people who already have enough experience with anabolic steroids. That’s because this cycling protocol is harsher with higher risks of side effects. Instead, it helps avoid the hormonal rollercoaster of Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) and helps maintain muscle mass.

In short, when you’re in a blast and cruise protocol – you never stop using anabolic and androgenic steroids (AAS).

Let me explain – people are “blasting” by using a higher dosage of anabolic steroids for a period (anywhere between 6-16 weeks). After that, people are “cruising” by using a lower dosage of steroids for a similar length of time. Then they are ready to start another blast.

This is the reason why I only recommend the blasting and cruising cycle protocol only to people who are having enough experience with anabolic steroids. Because of the continuous use of AAS, blasting and cruising may increase the risks of side effects and possible harm done to your body.

But the advantage of a blast and cruise protocol is that you don’t have to be worried about losing gains made during the cycle (during a blast). Moreover, you won’t experience withdrawal symptoms such as low mood, low sex drive, anxiety, and maybe even depression. That’s because you always maintain high levels of testosterone as you never stop using testosterone.

Let’s get into it a bit deeper.


Testorox-E250-Zzerox-PharmaceuticalsCruising is what changes it all. That’s because, during a cruise, you continue using anabolic steroids. In fact, you continue using only testosterone (some people add other steroids too, but that’s not a real cruise, and it enhances the risks of side effects). The maximum you might add is a low HGH dosage too, but it’s optional and depends on various factors.

  • So, when you’re cruising, you only run testosterone in a low-moderate dosage.

This way, you won’t need to have a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan. After a cycle (blast), you just discontinue the use of all steroids except for testosterone and drop down the dosage. During a cycle (blast) testosterone dosage usually ranges between 300 – 700 mg/week or even higher. Yet, during a cruise, you only run 100-200 mg/week.

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Because you continue using Testosterone (but in a lower dosage), you constantly maintain high levels of testosterone without the need for PCT. Your hormones won’t fluctuate as much as when you’re going through a cycle and then PCT. This way, you can maintain gains even better and avoid withdrawal effects.


The cruise period is meant to help your body recover from a blast while maintaining the gains.


Methandionex-10-Dianabol-Euro-PharmaciesBlasting is basically the cycle you plan to run. As we know a cycle length lasts between 6 and 16 weeks depending on a number of factors. The 12 weeks cycle lengths seem to be most common. So, during a blast (cycle) you’re using multiple steroids at the same time to reach your bodybuilding goals. During this period you’re increasing testosterone levels and commonly, stack it with other anabolic steroids. The number of anabolic steroids, the dosage of each one of them, the cycle length (blast period), and the type of anabolic steroids greatly vary from one person to another.

It depends on way too many factors, therefore, blasts can be very different from one another. Your level of experience, goals, response to each steroid, and many other factors are determining it.

  • Remember that the blasting period is when you’re growing and reaching your bodybuilding goals.

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However, it’s also the period when your body goes under a lot of stress. Multiple steroids in higher dosages stacked together for several months are beneficial for physique and performance enhancement but are detrimental to your organs.


Again, when you finish whatever blast cycle, you return back to the cruising dosage (low testosterone dosage alone). You stay on a cruise, usually, for at least as long as you were blasting. Or until your body is ready for the next blast.

Therefore, you allow your body to recover. The liver enzymes, lipids, kidneys, and other organs can return back to normal. While the testosterone helps maintain those gains during the blast.

Do I Need Post Cycle Therapy if I Blast and Cruise?


No, you don’t. That’s why some users decide to blast and cruise. They want to avoid the fluctuations of hormones during the period you’re in a cycle then running a Post Cycle Therapy. When you cycle, your hormones greatly increase. Then, to start a PCT plan, you need to make sure that all steroids are out of the body. During this period, your hormones greatly decrease.

Then you start the PCT with Clomid and Nolvadex and they slowly start increasing again until reaching normal levels. Plus, Clomid and Nolvadex come with their own set of side effects that some people don’t love.

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Then, you stay off steroids for a while and you restart using steroids and this spikes your hormones again.

When you’re blasting and cruising, there’s no need to worry about the production of testosterone naturally. That’s no longer a problem as you use 100-200 mg/week of testosterone, every week. So, you’re replenishing your natural testosterone hormones with exogenous testosterone.

That’s why you can maintain gains better and avoid withdrawals.

In short, when you use steroids and then PCT your hormones go like this:

  • Very high (during a cycle), very low (pre PCT), normal (PCT and off period), and again very high (during a cycle), very low (pre PCT), normal (PCT and off period), etc.

When you’re blasting and cruising you can maintain way more stable testosterone levels. They go as:

  • Very high (during blast), high (during cruise), very high (during blast), high (during cruise), and so on and so forth.

Blast and Cruise Cycle Protocol

If you’re experienced enough with anabolic steroids and you want to start blasting and cruising for whatever the reason – be aware that there’s a high chance you’re going to need to remain on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for your life. It’s basically the same cruising.

So, people attempt to blast and cruise when they are aware they won’t come off steroids.


One of a lot of different examples of a blast and cruise protocol is:

Start blasting: Testosterone Enanthate 600 mg/week and Deca Durabolin 400 mg/week for 12-14 weeks. Dianabol 50 mg/day for the first 6 weeks of your blast.

Start cruising: At the end of the blast, you stop using Deca (you should be off Dianabol for many weeks by this period) and reduce the Testosterone Enanthate dosage to about 200 mg/week. Cruising for at least 8 weeks before being ready to start another blast. But to keep it safer, I would recommend cruising for at least as you’ve been blasting for. 12 weeks blast = 12 weeks cruise. 16 weeks blast = 16 weeks cruise.

Remember this is just an example of blast and cruise. For some people, 200 mg/week of Testosterone might be too much for a cruising period. Rarely is not enough though. But the blast period can be so different. From blasting period (6-16 weeks) up to types of steroids, their dosages, and so on and so forth.

But remember that once you start a blast and cruise cycle protocol, recovering back is extremely hard. The longer you’re on a blast and cruise – the less likely you’re to recover back. If you’ve been on it for like a year or even longer, the recovery is extremely hard. Sometimes – impossible. Some people can’t fully recover from blasting and cruising. So, they need to run TRT.


A blast and cruise cycle has its own advantages and disadvantages.


You never stop injecting testosterone and it may have a more negative impact on your health. You’re “tied” to testosterone. On the other hand, you can reach your goals much faster, you’re having steady gains without losing muscle mass and strength and you’re not going to go through hormonal imbalance. You won’t need a PCT plan either.

Whatever you choose – do it carefully. CycleGear.to is here to help you with anything you may need. Cycle advice, purest and quality anabolic steroids for sale, fast delivery, and great customer support including many other advantages. Wide selection of steroids, ancillaries, PCT – anything you need.

NPP Steroid – Durabolin (Nandrolone)

Nandrolone is an extremely popular anabolic steroid in the world of bodybuilding. Most people refer to this steroid as Deca Durabolin – the brand name. However, this is the trade name for Nandrolone with Decanoate ester. There is also the Durabolin brand name, the Nandrolone with Phenylpropionate ester. It’s also known as NPP for short. This is another very popular steroid that’s extremely effective.

In fact, some athletes and bodybuilders love NPP more compared to the Deca steroid. That’s because although both offer Nandrolone and you need to inject Deca less frequently, NPP is acting faster and it clears out of the system quicker too.

In the end, Nandrolone is an awesome anabolic and androgenic steroid for bulking cycles.

Although some people use it for cutting purposes, it’s best used for bulking up. In the end, which ester to use comes down to the user, their personal preference and goals.

Nandrolone steroid is extremely popular for bodybuilding purposes. It’s a steroid approved by the FDA and doctors prescribe it for various health purposes. This product comes only in the form of oil injection. Regardless if we talk about NPP steroid (Durabolin) or Deca steroid (Deca Durabolin).

Nandrolone is more anabolic than testosterone and far less androgenic. Additionally, it only aromatizes at 20% of the rate of testosterone. This is a steroid in the 19-nor family.

NPP Steroid Results


Image Credit: Total Shape

When talking about the results you can expect from using NPP (Nandrolone) you need to know that they are very similar to those of Deca. That’s because both offer the same active substance. However, because of the shorter half-life of NPP (2-3 days) compared to Deca (11-15 days), some people suggest that with NPP you can expect way less water retention and bloating.

Generally, side effects are better controllable because you’re getting peak levels faster and you can adjust dosages of NPP easier. The downside, obviously, is that you need to inject it more frequently. But from the side effects point of view – most people say that NPP is better.

Nonetheless, results are basically the same because you get the same active substance.

Durabolin Benefits

Here are some benefits you can experience from using NPP:


  • Massive amounts of lean muscle mass. That’s the main reason why athletes use Nandrolone. Packing muscle mass is much easier with Durabolin.
  • Increases nitrogen retention. This allows you to avoid muscle loss during cutting and helps you work out for longer periods. Your muscles won’t get tired as fast.
  • Increases levels of IGF-1. That’s an extremely important hormone for growing muscle mass and becoming stronger.
  • Joint pain relief. Nandrolone is perhaps the best anabolic steroid when it comes to lubricating joints and ligaments, and reducing pains.
  • Protein synthesis. Your muscles continue growing because they get maximum nutrients and proteins from the foods you’re eating.
  • Enhanced recovery. There’s barely anything better than Nandrolone when it comes to boosting recovery post-training.
  • Boosts RBC count. As soon as you use NPP, your red blood cell count is going to increase. This allows for more oxygen transportation to muscles.
  • Improves strength. Everyone running NPP steroids notices their strength levels start to increase fast. They notice an overall improvement in strength, endurance, and performance.

Durabolin Side Effects

Nandrolone is one of the safest steroids on the market. Nonetheless, you can still expect side effects in case you’re going to abuse it. Some people who are having hypersensitivity to this AAS can still experience some issues. Be careful and start slowly. Examples:

  • Testosterone suppression. Nandrolone is very suppressive to natural testosterone production and it doesn’t “replenish” it exogenously. That’s why it is very important to run a PCT plan and always stack it with testosterone.
  • Libido issues. Some people experience a decline in their sex drive, but that’s mostly because of low T levels. Might also be a result of high prolactin.
  • Prolactin issues. There are various different symptoms. If you notice high prolactin, better use some cabergoline.
  • Estrogen issues. Although NPP isn’t as aromatizable as testosterone, high estrogen issues are still likely to occur. Have anti-estrogens handy.
  • Androgen issues. Nandrolone is far from the most androgenic steroid. That’s why side effects related to high androgenicity are milder with NPP. Yet, they can still occur.

NPP vs Deca

Pheno-NPP-BeligasDeca-Durabolin-BeligasSo, it seems like these are 2 very similar products with similar results. Yet, what’s the difference?

First off, you need to know that NPP results are going to appear far quicker compared to Deca. You can see results as fast as 1-2 weeks with NPP. With Deca no faster than 4 weeks, but most commonly after 6 weeks of continuous use. NPP kicks in your system much faster, plus it clears your system faster too.

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It makes it a better option for those who are likely to pass an anti-doping test. However, Nandrolone in general isn’t a good option for those who are in sports performing anti-doping tests. NPP detection time is 10-12 months! Deca detection time is 18-20 months!

As you can guess, NPP requires way more frequent injections. While you can get along using Deca only once a week, you need to use NPP every other day.

One more thing – NPP commonly comes in strength of 100 mg/ml. Deca concentration is much higher than 200-400 mg/ml usually.

How to Use NPP Steroid – Durabolin?

As said, NPP comes only in the form of injection and most commonly, in concentration of 100 mg/ml. Regardless of concentration or goals, you need to inject NPP at least every 3 days. That’s the least frequent injection schedule. But for most results you need maximum stable blood levels, that’s why most use it every other day or even daily.

Regardless, make sure to run the proper weekly dosage. NPP dosage depends on various factors such as your goals, your level of experience and so on and so forth. Commonly, for beginners and/or for those who are in cutting cycles, dosage ranges between 200-300 mg/week. For intermediate users and/or those who want to bulk up dosages are ranging between 300 mg and 600 mg/week. Only professionals who are in serious bulking phases can attempt doses of 700 mg/week or even higher. But that’s very rarely due to increased risks of side effects.

Usually, beginners run 50 mg/EOD, intermediate users 100 mg/EOD and professionals 100 mg/ED.

Because it quickly kicks in the system, you have 2 advantages:

  1. You can run short cycles with NPP steroid.
  2. You won’t need an oral kickstarter with the NPP cycle.

Although you can run it for longer periods, it’s an advantage if you want fast results and short cycles of 6-8 weeks. Something you can’t go with Deca. Additionally, you won’t need an oral. You can still add it, but there’s no need to kickstart the cycle as you usually need with Deca steroid.

Always run Testosterone with NPP (and Deca), however. If you won’t, it would lead to low T levels.

Bulking NPP cycle example:

  • Test Propionate 100 mg every day with NPP 100 mg every other day both for 8 weeks. Have a PCT plan prepared after 5-7 days after the last injection.

Where to Buy NPP For Sale?


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NPP is a popular and highly effective steroid. You can buy Nandrolone with both esters directly from CycleGear.to. We’re an online anabolic steroid store with a wide variety of NPP products from various brands. We carry the lowest prices and we’re working with the best manufacturers on the market.

NPP is an awesome steroid. You can run it for your bulking or for your cutting needs too. Additionally, it remains fairly safe too when you run it properly.

Anavar For Women

Anavar has a great reputation among women for its ability to help achieve awesome fitness goals without nasty side effects. Anavar is the best steroid for women when it comes to losing body fat, increasing muscle hardness, and body dryness, whilst not causing nasty side effects. A lot of female athletes use this anabolic and androgenic steroid for cutting cycles for losing body fat. At the same time, Anavar would be helpful at preserving lean muscle tissue or even building muscles.

A lot of ladies out there use Anavar as a diet pill that helps with their weight loss goals. And they achieve mind-blowing results when they are doing it right, losing lots of weight and body fat. With an overall huge improvement in body appearance.

But if you’re a woman who never used this drug and planning to do so for weight loss and burn fat (and preserve/gain muscles) – you need to learn a few things about it first.

Anavar Benefits For Women:

  • anavar-10-oxandrolone-odin-pharmaAids fat loss fast and efficiently. Burns both visceral and subcutaneous fat. Even in problematic areas such as thighs fat, abdominal fat, love handles, etc.
  • Reduces excess weight. It has the ability to flush out water retention alongside body fat too. You would appear slimmer, drier, and harder.
  • Retains or grows lean muscles. It depends on the dosage and lifestyle choices, but Anavar is great at maintaining lean muscle tissues.
  • Greatly aids performance. It would help you improve strength levels, endurance, and energy levels. You can perform better both in and outside the gym.
  • Boosts post-workout recovery. It helps both during and post workout. You would recover faster allowing you to work out more frequently.

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What is Anavar?

Anavar is an FDA approved compound for treating various health conditions. Doctors can prescribe it for muscle wasting diseases, osteoporosis, and other health conditions.

But in bodybuilding settings, this is an amazing steroid for cutting purposes. Both men and women use it. Anavar is the most popular brand name. Oxandrolone is the chemical name. Whenever you want to buy Anavar, make sure it contains high quality and real Oxandrolone, regardless of the brand name.

Oxandrolone is a steroid derived from Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), therefore, cannot aromatize into estrogen. Moreover, it has a very favorable anabolic to androgenic ratings, on paper, of at least 320 and 24, respectively. It means that Anavar is anywhere between 3 up to 6 times more anabolic than testosterone and is 4 times less androgenic.

This is what makes Anavar so appealing to women. This steroid has a very low androgenic activity, which means that it’s much less likely to cause androgen related issues. In females, they appear as virilizing side effects (masculinization symptoms).

Due to low androgenicity, Anavar is a female-friendly steroid. At the same time, it remains very effective. That’s how Anavar for women ended such a popular steroid. Women have limited options when it comes to steroids because they are either not as effective, or much harsher in terms of androgenic activity (virilizing issues).

  • Moreover, Anavar is overall milder than other steroids. Except for lower side effects risks, it won’t make a woman look bulky. This might be nice in men but is often considered non attractive in women.

As we can see, this AAS is nearly perfect all around for ladies. Burns fat, grows lean muscles, makes you harder and drier, won’t make you look bulky, won’t cause nasty side effects and without harsh risks of virilizing issues. Perfect.


Does Anavar Cause Side Effects For Women?

We mentioned that Anavar is much safer than other steroids when it comes to side effects. Especially virilizing (masculinization) side effects. These are the worst and main side effects a woman should be worried about when using steroids. Nonetheless, we never mention that it’s side effects free. All steroids cause side effects, both for men and especially for women. Ladies are more susceptible to the side effects of steroids because these are male sex hormones. That’s why they cause masculinization effects in the first place.

  • So, Anavar is among the safest steroids for females but is not side effects free.

In order to control or avoid Anavar side effects, you need to use it carefully. Your genetics (personal tolerance) would dictate the side effects and it’s the only thing you have no control over. However, you do control everything else that would dictate the side effects: dosage, cycle length, lifestyle choices, and so on and so forth.

To avoid side effects, you need to start at a low dosage and slowly titrate it up.

Don’t increase too sharply because you don’t know how your body would handle it. Also, don’t run it for too long. Studies suggest that virilizing issues appear after about a year of continuous use of Anavar. However, doses in those studies were lower. That’s why, you use a slightly higher dosage for your fitness goals, but no longer than 6 weeks.

Virilizing symptoms do not appear overnight. They are gradual. So, if you notice them – discontinuing the cycle would help reverse them. Except for virilizing side effects, you might experience nausea, dizziness, stomach pains, headaches, and others.

By using Anavar carefully, you’ll avoid these issues.

How To Run Anavar?

anavar-for-women-amazing-body Oxandrolone half life is 9 hours. It comes as pills. This means that the total daily dosage is split into 2 tablets that you need to administer throughout the day. Such as every 9-12 hours. If you run 10 mg/day, take 5 mg in the morning and 5 mg in the evening.

Anavar dosage for women ranges between 5 mg and 20 mg/day. 10 mg per day is the sweet spot for most ladies. For first timers, I would recommend starting with 5 mg/day for a week or two and then might increase to 10 mg/day according to how you feel. Never run 15-20 mg/day for the first time when you don’t know how your body reacts to it.

Anavar cycle for women is 4-6 weeks. Stop sooner if you notice side effects. Nevertheless, never run it for longer than 6 weeks as it greatly increases the risks of problems appearing.

Don’t stack Anavar with other steroids as it would increase androgenic activity, thus, virilization risks. Might only stack with non-steroidal compounds if you wish.

We can help with an Anavar cycle for women if you wish. We can also help you buy Anavar for sale from CycleGear.to. This way you ensure maximum Oxandrolone quality for the lowest prices on the market.

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Best Muscle Building Supplements (Steroids)

We all know how hard it can be to grow muscles. Especially after a point when you plateau – gaining more seems impossible. At least, extremely slowly. Today we’re going to talk about the best muscle building supplements that would help you gain muscles fast and would help you break the plateau of gaining muscle mass. In fact, those are anabolic steroids. We just call them supplements. Androgenic and anabolic supplements are also called gear, roids, juice, and many more.

Best-Muscle-Building-steroids-for-huge-arms We would share the best products for building muscle mass based on our own as well as other people’s experiences, reports, and reviews. The list of the best muscle building steroids in this article includes those compounds that are doing wonders in terms of hypertrophy (muscle mass increase). I would point to the best products out there, but I highly recommend everyone to do as much research as possible first. Do not use anything without learning first.

A lot of people use those anabolic steroids you’re going to find them below. They are amazing steroids that work wonders in terms of growing muscle mass and increasing strength levels. They do it fast and highly efficiently. However, they are capable of causing side effects too, so be careful!

  • Except for the fact that you need to use steroids correctly and carefully, you also must keep your diet on point and have a good training regimen. This is the only way to pack on muscle mass. Steroids won’t grow muscles without a proper diet and workout.

Nonetheless, when everything is done correctly, you wouldn’t find anything better when it comes to building muscles than the following 3 steroids I’m going to share below. There are numerous other anabolic steroids that are very effective, but these are among the best.

Best Products For Muscle Growth

We’re all dreaming about building muscle mass as much and as fast as possible. To do it, you’ve got to search for the best products that can help with such needs. But before you actually go and use them, remember that it’s extremely important for you to train correctly and have a spot on your diet.

Muscles grow when you’re “breaking” them in the gym when lifting weights and then they grow stronger when you give them proper nutrients from foods. Steroids just assist this growth by accelerating the process of muscle recovery through enhanced protein synthesis, nitrogen retention, and much more.


  • Point is that these are not “magic” products that would help you grow muscles without physical activity, the correct diet, and a “convenient” lifestyle for your muscles to grow.

Yet, they are working in “magical” ways for those who are doing it all right. They become “magic” products for breaking the plateau of muscle growth as well as speeding up the progress. You’ll grow muscles way much faster. Steroids greatly speed up the processes of recovery, bulking, cutting, and so on and so forth.

We’re not overpraising steroids. You can check it yourself. Lots of bodybuilders, athletes, sportsmen, actors, models, etc. use them with a high success rate. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone are just some big names among numerous others.

All you need is some money to buy steroids for sale, will to build muscles, knowledge of how to use steroids correctly, and a lifestyle that grows muscles (diet and workout). Watch yourself grow with the following products:

Dianabol (Methandienone)

Pro-Dynabol-BeligasDianabol is such a popular anabolic steroid that there’s a high chance you heard about it even if you don’t use steroids yet. Dbol is extremely famous for growing muscle mass. That’s because it helps build muscles extremely fast and efficiently. At the same time, it remains fairly safe in terms of side effects. Plus, it’s fairly inexpensive too. Therefore, anyone who ever thought about growing muscles fast, most likely heard about Dianabol.

This steroid name is actually Methandienone (AKA Methandrostenolone). Dianabol is the most popular brand name and many people call it Dbol for short. Due to its immense efficiency, it’s perhaps the most popular oral steroid.

Buy Dianabol Here

It does wonders for growing lean muscle mass, it’s an amazing weight-gainer that helps you pack on size really fast. On the top of it – you’re going to notice a huge strength increase too.

Moreover, it helps you build muscles without nasty side effects. Of course, if you attempt to abuse, the side effects can be bad. Nonetheless, with proper use, you can control or avoid the side effects altogether. That’s because side effects from Dianabol are much milder than what most people think.

Dianabol is easy to administer considering it comes as an oral steroid. Moreover, thanks to its awesome properties, you can expect an amazing body transformation from the first cycle! You’re going to enhance strength and performance as well as an overall improvement in testosterone as well as muscle size.

When searching for Dianabol, you need to know that other brand names are available too. Pay attention to the active substance that is Methandienone or Methandrostenolone.

In the end, with Dianabol (Dbol), you’ll soon start noticing:

  • Strength increase (lifting more weight)
  • Faster recovery (can work out more frequently)
  • Endurance boost (work out longer)
  • Added size and weight (more muscles)

HGH (Human Growth Hormone)

odintropin-100-hgh-odin-pharma-1Another steroid that is definitely among the best muscle building products on the planet is Human Growth Hormone. HGH in short. Considering that this is a hormone that helps growth (that’s why it got such a name), it’s quite obvious that it’s very important for building muscle mass too. When using HGH, the user increases total growth hormone levels and this leads to various benefits. Hypertrophy is just one example among many others. It has various health benefits too, such as bettering sleep patterns, improving skin and hair health, boosting metabolism and immune system, and many others.

Buy HGH Here

HGH became extremely popular really fast due to its awesome benefits. It’s almost an indispensable compound from modern bodybuilders that helps them be almost 100 pounds heavier compared to old-school bodybuilders who weren’t using HGH yet.

Growth Hormone is not an anabolic steroid. It’s not a sex hormone so won’t cause side effects specific to anabolic steroids such as androgenic, estrogenic, testosterone suppression, etc. Although it does come with its own set of side effects, they are generally very well tolerated by most people. Of course, as long as you use the product correctly.

This compound is highly effective at improving recovery, helping lose body fat, making you feel overall better, increasing energy levels, and obviously – growing lean muscle mass. In fact, the list of positive benefits of HGH is very long.

But most importantly, by boosting HGH levels, you’re capable of growing muscle mass that you couldn’t ever increase without this steroid. It alters genetic limits, allowing you to grow more and more. Plus, helps you work out longer and more frequently due to its properties.

  • HGH is awesome with limited side effects and great benefits. The problem with HGH is its price.


trenbolone-acetate-odin-pharma-1One of the best muscle building steroids on the market is definitely Trenbolone. Most people think of it as the most potent steroid on the market. And they rightfully think so. Although there are other steroids that display a higher potency on paper, Trenbolone still seems to be more efficient. The compound has an extremely high anabolic and androgenic rating – x5 compared to that of testosterone.

Trenbolone anabolic and androgenic ratings are 500:500, and plus to that, it doesn’t aromatize. This means that the muscles you grow with Tren are all lean and quality. This means that you’re going to be all dry, hard, and vascular. At the same time, Trenbolone hugely speeds up fat loss. You’re getting bigger without water retention or fat.

Buy Trenbolone Here

If there’s anyone who ever used Trenbolone – they know why it’s on the list of the best muscle building supplements. It’s an extremely famous steroid regarded as the most powerful and potent one. In fact, its potency is so huge that I wouldn’t recommend it to beginners.

Being super powerful is extremely effective. It helps get your strength levels over the roof. Helps add muscles and strength like nothing else. That’s why it is the favorite steroid among bodybuilders and powerlifters. But being super powerful also causes side effects. That’s why, the downside of Trenbolone – side effects. You need to use it with big care and only after having enough experience with other steroids.

But if you learn how to use Trenbolone – it can be pure gold for your needs. You can stack Tren both in bulking and cutting cycles.

There’s barely anything better than would help you get stronger, help lose body fat and concomitantly build muscles. It allows you to appear fuller, drier, and harder.

Best Muscle Building Stacks

Anabolic steroid stacks are the best when it comes to building muscle mass. A single steroid won’t help you grow muscles as a stack can. These products work in synergy helping you to build muscle even better. Any bodybuilder runs steroids in stacks (use multiple steroids in the same cycle) for maximum results.

When you combine anabolic steroids in the same cycle, you are going to grow muscles and strength and allow you to get your physique and performance to the next level.


One of the best muscle building stacks is:

  • Testosterone (usually, a long ester such as Enanthate or Cypionate)
  • Dianabol (Methandienone)
  • Trenbolone (whatever ester)
  • Human Growth Hormone
  • Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate)

However, I need to warn you that this cycle is only for professionals. It contains too much and too harsh steroids for a beginner to handle.

Other Steroids For Building Muscles

Below, we’re going to share some other notable anabolic steroids that can help you grow muscles. Dianabol, HGH, and Trenbolone are extremely effective, but those I’m going to share here are also highly popular and effective.

  • Anadrol: this steroid is actually called Oxymetholone. Anadrol is the most popular brand name. This steroid is actually even more potent than Dianabol and might help you grow even more muscles. The reason why we still chose Dianabol in our list is that Anadrol side effects are much harsher than those of Dianabol.


  • Deca Durabolin: this steroid is actually containing Nandrolone Decanoate active substance. Deca is what most people call it for short. This is one of the most famous steroids in existence. I would actually recommend Deca for those who need to grow muscles rather than Trenbolone without competing on a stage.


  • Winstrol: this steroid is also highly effective at growing muscles and boosting strength, but it’s a better option for cutting. The active substance is Stanozolol. It’s better for those who want to maintain lean muscles while losing body fat, rather than growing as many muscles as possible.


All these products would help you with your fitness and bodybuilding purposes like nothing else in the world. It can help you go over your DNA limits both in terms of how muscular and how strong you can become.

In the end, I have not mentioned Testosterone anywhere. That’s because Testosterone is a base steroid in all steroid cycles. It’s actually the first steroid for beginners and is a “must” in all steroid cycles. It increases effectiveness and reduces the side effects of other steroids.

Best Steroids For Building Muscle For Women

Women searching to grow lean muscle mass shouldn’t go for those steroids that men do. That’s because women are way more susceptible to side effects. Therefore, I do not recommend women to use some steroids that men can use. Men have a much higher tolerance to anabolic steroids.

Anavar-Lite-10mg-BeligasIn fact, anabolic steroids are “sex hormones”. They are very likely to enhance male sexual characteristics. Women using them risk their feminine traits due to the risk of “virilization” issues. For example, Trenbolone has such a powerful androgenic activity that I wouldn’t ever recommend it to women. It would turn a woman into a man and do it really fast!

Those women who want to keep their feminine traits but want to grow muscles, shouldn’t run steroids that men do. Most anabolic steroids remain exclusively for use in men when it comes to physique and performance enhancement purposes.

Buy Anavar Here

In the end, the best steroid for women is Anavar.

Although there are better options for women when it comes to growing muscles such as Winstrol or Dianabol – Anavar is the best for women. That’s because of its efficiency versus low side effects profile among women. It’s helpful for growing muscles, enhancing overall performance, losing body fat, and improving a woman’s overall body appearance.

Buy the best steroids for sale at CycleGear.to


Does Testosterone Make You Taller?

Testosterone is a vital hormone present in both men and women. Nonetheless, men have higher levels than women of testosterone. A man’s testicles are mostly responsible for the production of testosterone in men. The male’s body starts increasing the production of testosterone at puberty and then it starts to gradually decline from the age of 30 and older. Testosterone is an extremely important hormone for a man. It’s linked with a lot of things in a male body and that’s why you may wonder if testosterone makes you taller.test-400-gold-euro-pharmacies

Well, it’s actually hard to answer that question considering that:

  • Yes, it may help.
  • No, it may not be helpful.
  • No, it may be detrimental to your height.

Strange, isn’t it? Let’s explain.

Buy Testosterone Here

Testosterone hormone is heavily linked with sex drive, with the production of sperm, increases bone and muscle mass, and has a great impact on the mood of a man. When lower testosterone levels “kick in” – the man surely experiences some symptoms.

However, we stop getting taller way sooner than when low T kicks in.

Positive Impact of Testosterone on Your Height

So, I said that testosterone helps you grow. And it actually does. Testosterone is playing a crucial role in growing taller during puberty.

In fact, testosterone is not the only hormone important for you making you taller. There’s also Human Growth Hormone (HGH) that is produced in the pituitary gland. It’s an essential hormone for you to grow taller. It’s actually extremely important for many other things as it helps everything in your body grow.

As for testosterone – this hormone (as well as estrogen) is determining how fast a child grows throughout puberty. These hormones are stimulating the growth plates, which are responsible for the formation of new bones.

That’s why there are some situations when doctors might prescribe testosterone (and/or HGH) to children short of stature, failing to grow, or something similar.


However, testosterone only helps you grow taller when it’s within normal range and only when you’re still in your puberty. Testosterone is not going to have any effects on your height if your growth plates stopped. That’s why we get to the next answer…

Testosterone Has No Impact on Your Height

A general consensus is – no, testosterone doesn’t make you grow taller. If your growth plates stopped, then you won’t grow further. And commonly, growth plates close at the age of 15-17 for boys and 13-15 for girls. That’s why men tend to be taller than women. They have a few more years until their growth plates close.

Therefore, if you’re using testosterone for growing muscles or for TRT after your plates close – no, testosterone won’t make you taller.

However, testosterone still has numerous positive benefits. It’s extremely important for those who have low testosterone levels. People use Testosterone to increase levels and they have huge benefits. With low T levels – you are likely to experience nasty symptoms.


At the same time, even people with normal Testosterone levels benefit from Testosterone injections when it comes to muscle mass and strength gains. Testosterone is extremely effective for fitness and bodybuilding needs.

But there’s a moment when Testosterone can actually be detrimental.

Negative Impact of Testosterone on Your Height

Then again, if your growth plates are closed – testosterone isn’t going to have any effect on your height. Won’t make you grow taller or make you shorter. Nonetheless, there’s a moment when testosterone can actually make you shorter as it may have a negative effect on your height. Then again, that’s in puberty when your growth plates haven’t closed yet.

Let’s explain. Testosterone is a hormone that can help you grow. However, a part of testosterone converts into estrogen (E2). But estrogen is suppressing the growth plate function. It stops the rate of longitudinal bone growth. Moreover, it irreversibly stops the growth plates from dividing and developing.

  • That’s one of the reasons why men tend to have a few more years with open growth plates. They have less estrogen in their bodies compared to women.

Now, when there are lower/normal testosterone levels in a male body – there’s less estrogen too. This prevents growth plates from closing. However, if a person attempts to use testosterone during his puberty while growth plates are still open – this is going to lead to a spike in estrogen. Hence faster close of growth plates.Ultima-SuperTest-450

That is the reason why many males with lower testosterone levels are actually growing taller.

Buy Testosterone Here

  • In the end – I wouldn’t recommend using testosterone for growing taller. Yet, testosterone is still extremely important for all males. If you have low Testosterone levels or want to take your physique and performance to the next level – Testosterone Injections can be extremely effective. At CycleGear.to you can buy Testosterone of the highest quality.

Testosterone Injection Site

Testosterone is the base in all steroid cycles, it’s highly important for everyone who wants to run anabolic and androgenic steroids. It’s also the only steroid I recommend to beginners for their first steroid cycle. Yet, it seems like many beginners have a hard time finding the best testosterone injection site.

I would try to offer a step by step detailed guide on how to perform a self-administration of testosterone injection. This is extremely important for anyone who wants to run steroids. As mentioned, Testosterone is the first steroid during the cycle and is important in all further cycles as well. Moreover, you can’t run oral anabolic steroids only. It’s highly important to add some injections too. So, learn how to perform a self administration of testosterone and that would be similar to administering all other injectable steroids.

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Best Testosterone Injection Site?

The “best” testosterone injection site is a matter of preference. You need to find the area that is least painful and easier for you to inject. If you have a friend to help with that – great. If you don’t, then the best testosterone injection sites are large muscles. They usually are deltoids, quadriceps, or perhaps the most popular – the glut (upper back area of the thigh- butt cheeks).


Never Performed Self-Administration? Read Below

Ok, so, you might be nervous about self-administering testosterone but in reality, there’s absolutely no need to worry. A lot of people all over the world perform self injections effortlessly. As with anything – that’s a problem until you’ve done it for the first time. Lots of people say that their first injection took them 20 minutes, but later they are done in 10 seconds. Pain free and effortlessly. What you’ve got to do is to keep calm and understand that there’s actually nothing to be worried about. Then, start performing step by step.

Determine the Testosterone Ester and Concentration

Testosterone injections are coming in varying concentrations and they are having various esters. For example, there’s Testosterone Propionate that you need to inject on a daily basis or at least every other day. At the same time, there’s Sustanon (a blend of multiple testosterone esters) that I would recommend injecting every 2-3 days. And there’s also popular Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Cypionate that you can administer only once a week, but I would recommend twice weekly.

Therefore, it is very important to determine what type of Testosterone you have in order to determine the frequency of administration. As a reference:

Other than that, various brands and various testosterone esters offer varying testosterone concentrations. For example, Testosterone Propionate usually offers 100 mg/ml injected, but Sustanon usually offers 250 mg/ml injected. But it depends on the brand too. Some brands offer Sustanon 400 mg/ml or even 500 mg/ml. Some brands offer Testosterone Cypionate at 200 mg/ml while other brands offer the same Testosterone Cypionate but at a concentration of 300 mg/ml.

Be careful to understand and determine the correct dosages and frequencies of administration in order to avoid fluctuations. Or avoid unnecessary too frequent administration. That’s because it’s not enough to use Testosterone Propionate once a week. Your T levels would get high and low. At the same time, there’s no need to use Testosterone Cypionate every day – although you can do it, that won’t offer further benefits.


Use Correct Accessories

For performing an injection, obviously, you need a needle with a syringe, alcohol wipes as well as some Band-Aid, and/or a cotton swab. It’s essential to use a sterile, suitable needle. The same applies to the syringe. It’s very important that anything you use during a self administration of testosterone injection – it’s never been used before. Pretty much as with any given injections. Obviously, you shouldn’t use the same needle, syringe, or wipes twice.

Moreover, I recommend you to have twice as many needles as you have syringes. Use one thicker needle for drawing up the dosage out of the vial (testosterone bottle) and then change that needle with a finer one for injection. It helps reduce pains (while piercing the bottle cap, the needle might deform a little bit), risks of injections, and makes it easier to draw the testosterone. That’s since testosterone is a viscous and oily solution that might not be as easy to draw.

So, use a thicker needle, for example, 20-21 gauge for drawing up. Then use a finer one for painless injections, for example, 22-23 gauge.

In terms of syringes – it depends on the amount of testosterone you want to use. 1 ml syringes are enough in case your dosage is 1 ml or less. Of course, you’ll need bigger syringes if you plan to use more than 1 ml per injection. But They don’t really matter as long as you can draw the proper amount of solution.

Keep it Clean

Before you start doing anything at all, I highly recommend you wash your hands. And wash them carefully with antibacterial soap and enough clean water. That’s going to reduce the risk of infection. It’s vital for you to reduce the risks of infection as much as possible. Therefore, keeping your hands clean while performing an injection is very important.

Draw Testosterone

Now that you have proper knowledge about frequency and concentration as well as how to correctly use the accessories – you can start the performance. Obviously, the first thing you need to do is draw the medication from the bottle (vial).

Once you determine the exact dosage you want to use, draw the exact same dosage in your syringe. For example, if your testosterone concentration is 200 mg/ml but you want to get only 100 mg of testosterone, you will need 0.5 ml of it. Proceed to wipe the lid of the bottle with an alcohol wipe. Obviously, for the same reason of reducing infection.

But before you start drawing up your dosage from the bottle, firstly draw air into the syringe. Draw air that is equal to the volume of the dosage you plan to use. If that’s 0.5 ml, for example, draw air up to the 0.5 ml mark.

With the air inside the syringe, insert the needle through the lid and into the medication. Push down the air from the syringe into the medication by depressing the plunger. This is a very helpful step because by putting air into the bottle it would increase the air pressure inside. With increased pressure, it’s much easier to draw up the medication in the syringe. As said, testosterone is quite a viscous and thick oily solution, and sometimes is hard to draw it up. By following this step, drawing up is much easier.

Lastly, turn the bottle upside down with the syringe straight up and draw out the exact dosage of testosterone that you pre-determined.

Aspiration of the Syringe

The aspiration of the syringe is actually a very important step. You might have noticed (in hospitals or at least in movies) that doctors are keeping the syringes straight up, flick the solution and then get the air out. That’s very important with all injections. Make sure that there are no air bubbles inside the syringe. If you inject it with air bubbles, it could lead to embolism. That is a serious medical condition. So, make sure there are no air bubbles inside the syringe before you proceed to inject the testosterone solution. You do so through aspiration.

While holding the syringe up (with the needle that you plan to inject with), flick the side of the syringe. This would help get all the air bubbles to go up to the top. When all the bubbles are on the top and the solution is completely clean, slowly depress the plunger until a tiny drop of the solution comes out at the tip of the needle. Depress the plunger slowly and carefully to avoid losing too much solution.

There you are – your solution is ready for injection.

Prepare the Injection Site

Before you actually inject it, you need to prepare the injection site. Then again, for reducing the infection risks. Also, determine the injection site you want to use for administration.

Keep in mind that testosterone injections are usually intramuscular. Therefore, the needle should go directly into a muscle. Usually, large muscles are preferred spots, as said earlier. While there are other places to inject testosterone, there are 2 most popular spots. That’s because those are accessible sites for performing an intramuscular injection. They are:

  1. The deltoid (upper arm)
  2. The glut (upper area of the thigh)

They are also among the best testosterone injection sites because they allow you to avoid hitting a vein.

After you determine where you want to inject, wipe the area with a sterile alcohol pad. Make sure to wipe it all around where you want to inject to avoid infections. Alcohol on the pad is going to kill the bacteria on the skin. The bacteria are likely to get inside when piercing the skin if left unwiped.

The glute (buttocks) is perhaps the most popular testosterone injection site. Go for the top outside section of the glute. It means the top left corner or the top right corner depending on the glute you choose. That’s because this area has great accessibility to muscle tissues and they won’t allow you to hit a nerve or a blood vessel.

How to Inject Testosterone?

At first, it might be problematic. Many people have issues with it in the beginning, but that’s actually easier than it sounds. Simply hold the syringe with the solution inside like a dart above the already wiped injection site at a 90 degree angle. Plunge the syringe into the flesh and do it quickly – no need to slowly watch the needle piercing the skin. Although, make sure it pierces it at the correct angle. So, you’re almost all done.

Before you actually depress the plunger, I would recommend actually drawing the plunger back a little bit. Make sure that you’re not drawing blood because if you do – you’ve hit a vein. That’s why you need to remove the needle and do it again at a different spot. If you draw a bit and there’s no blood – start depressing the plunger at a slow and controlled pace. Fully inject the solution inside the syringe.

Tips for those who find it hard to inject it:

  • Numb the injection site prior to injection. It could be by holding ice for a minute or two or some OTC creams.
  • Focus on breathing. Don’t let anxiety get over you. You might start shaking which makes things worse.
  • Stretch the skin at the injection site. Spread the skin at the injection site to help the needle get easier.
  • Look away. Some people get anxiety simply because of looking. Try to look away when plunging and when getting it out.

Take Care of Injection Site Post Injection

Before you actually pull the needle (after fully depressing the plunger and fully injecting the solution), press around the injection site with a cotton swab. This would be helpful in preventing the emerging needle from pulling on the skin and causing unnecessary pains. Keep the cotton swab until the bleeding stops. Apply a Band-Aid if needed. Make sure the entry point of the needle isn’t left open and you don’t touch it with anything that could cause infections. If you somehow touched it – wipe with the alcohol pad.

Make sure to dispose of all the used accessories in the proper container so nobody has access to them. Make sure you won’t ever reuse them.


Make sure that you always maintain testosterone or whatever other medication at the recommended temperature, light, and dryness. Check the expiration date on the bottle. Never use it if expired and never keep it in high/low temperatures or in direct sunlight.

If you have questions about specific testosterone dosage for you, fill up the free cycle advice on our site CycleGear.to.


Buy Testosterone Injections Here

Tips For Reducing PIP (Post Injection Pains)

  • Shake the solution a little bit before drawing/injecting.
  • Try to heat up the loaded solution a little bit. At the room temperature or slightly above.
  • Numb the injection site with ice or lidocaine or some other similar creams after injection.
  • Although some go for subcutaneous injections – intramuscular are always the best.
  • Keep the muscles relaxed as much as possible. Best after a hot shower.
  • Massage the injection spot, both before and after injection.

Testosterone Propionate

Testosterone Propionate is the testosterone version that is capable of helping you grow muscles really fast. That’s because Propionate is the fastest acting Testosterone ester. Therefore, it is capable of offering amazing results in terms of muscle gains at the early stages of an anabolic steroid cycle.

Test Prop kicks in the system of a user really fast – that’s the main advantage and at the same time, the main disadvantage of this testosterone form. We’ll talk about this in this article.

What is Testosterone Propionate?


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Testosterone Propionate is the fastest acting esterified testosterone. It is also the first esterified testosterone created. The only testosterone version with an even shorter half-life and faster release time is Testosterone Suspension which has no ester attached.

Scientists attach the esters to the hormone to increase the half-life. Therefore, Testosterone Suspension with no ester offers a half-life of only a few hours. Testosterone Propionate half-life is 1-3 days. All other versions of Testosterone offer longer half lives.

This anabolic and androgenic steroid is short-acting, coming in the form of an oil solution. This steroid administration method is an intramuscular injection. Using this steroid, you’re just increasing your total testosterone levels. Pretty much as any other testosterone version.

Testosterone Propionate vs Other Testosterone Versions

There’s no other difference between Testosterone Propionate and other versions except for the half life. The release time of the main compound in the system after administration. This means that the ultimate results in terms of side effects and benefits won’t be different from one version to another. They depend on the dosage, cycle length as well as your genetics and lifestyle.

Nonetheless, due to different release times, there are still some advantages and disadvantages that I was talking about earlier.

  • The advantage of Test Prop over other Testosterone versions is that you quickly get results from using it. It kicks in the system fast. It also flushes out of the system fast too. Except for the fact that it would end up in a shorter detection time, the side effects would disappear quicker too in case you stop its use.
  • The disadvantage of Test Prop over other Testosterone versions is that you need to administer it more frequently to maintain stable testosterone levels in the blood. While longer versions can be used only 2 times a week, Test P injections are every other day at least. But I recommend it daily. Other than that, it contains less oil. That’s why the injections are generally more painful than other testosterone forms.


So, you get the same results of the Testosterone Propionate cycle compared to any other Testosterone version. The difference is that the results are seen faster and side effects disappear sooner with a shorter detection time. However, you need to use it daily and might experience more PIP (post injection pains).

Testosterone Propionate Cycle

Most commonly, Testosterone Propionate comes in bottles of 10 ml containing 100 mg/ml. Use the solution as an intramuscular injection at least every other day. Nevertheless, it is best to use it every day to avoid fluctuations. Around the same time of the day, each day.

Beginners have better chances with other Testosterone versions because of less painful injections using them less frequently. But that’s a matter of preference. Also, intermediate users and especially professionals often stack Testosterone Propionate with other steroids. Yet, it doesn’t require a kick-starter of a cycle as with longer versions of testosterone.

Generally, cycle lengths are shorter. From 6 weeks up to about 10 weeks. 8 weeks Testosterone Propionate cycle length is the most common. During all cycles better have Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) handy such as Arimidex or Aromasin. Fish oil, liver protection, and other supplements can be helpful too.


Beginner Cycle

Test Prop for 6 weeks in dosage of 50 mg (0.5 ml) daily or at least 100 mg (1 ml) every other day.

Intermediate Cycle

Test Prop for 6-8 weeks in a dosage of 50-100 mg daily (0.5 – 1 ml). Can stack with other steroids. Usually, cutting ones.

Professional Cycle

Test Prop for 8-10 weeks in dosage of 50-150 mg daily or up to about 200 mg every other day. Mostly stacked with other anabolic steroids.

Buy Testosterone Propionate For Sale

Propha-testosterone-propionate-beligasCycleGear.to is the best online anabolic steroid store for purchasing Testosterone Propionate or whatever other version. We offer:

There are many other anabolic steroids too. We work with the best manufacturers, and we keep the cheapest price for each anabolic steroid from whatever brand you choose.

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Winstrol Cycle

The Winstrol cycle (sometimes called Winny) is an extremely popular anabolic steroid cycle in bodybuilding. That’s because it is a steroid that can be administered in the form of intramuscular injection and oral pills offering some really powerful effects in terms of fat burning and muscle building.

  • Using a Winstrol cycle, users won’t get the bloating as it is not a “wet” steroid. Therefore, users can grow lean muscles and burn fat, getting shredded and ripped.
  • However, if you wouldn’t run a correct Winstrol cycle and abuse it, the steroid is likely to cause negative side effects.Winstrol-25mg-100tabs-hutech-480x484-1

In order to get maximum benefits from a Winstrol cycle and the least side effects, you’ve got to use this compound correctly.

NOTICE! It is important to know that Winstrol is a powerful steroid. It is not suitable for beginners. Stanozolol has high toxicity and powerful effects. Therefore, Anavar is a better option for beginners. It offers similar results of burning fat and building muscles, but it is milder. Therefore, it won’t offer as many results but won’t offer as many side effects either.

Buy Winstrol Here

  • PS: Winstrol is mostly used as pills because injections are not having advantages over pills, plus they might be painful. Also, Stanozolol is liver toxic. That’s why, absolutely any cycle with Winstrol should be accompanied by a liver protection supplement such as NAC, Milk Thistle, or whatever other.

Solo Winstrol Cycle

As mentioned earlier, it is not recommended to run Winstrol as the first steroid cycle. That’s because of its ability to cause nasty side effects. But except for that, Winstrol is not recommended to be used alone. Only women are recommended to use Winstrol solo. Yet, if you still go for it, be very careful.


If you never used steroids in the past and you want to start with Winstrol, better to use a very low dosage for a short period. Usually, that’s about 10 mg a day for 6 weeks. Never go over 20 mg/day, which already might be too much.


Almost no intermediate users ever use the Winstrol cycle alone. But if you do, 20 mg/day or a maximum of 30 mg/day is all we can recommend. Again, for no longer than 6 weeks.

  • PS: PCT plans for men after a solo Winstrol cycle should start about 3-7 days after the last dosage.



Winstrol dosage for women shouldn’t ever exceed 20 mg/day. In fact, that’s a dosage only for professionals. Beginners should start with 5 mg/day and the sweet spot is 10 mg/day. Anything over 10 mg/day is for professionals while higher than 20 mg/day is abuse! 4 to 6 weeks is the proper Winstrol cycle length for women.

Testosterone and Winstrol Cycle

Winstrol, like any other steroid, is always stacked with testosterone for best results. A third or even fourth steroid is added if the user has enough experience.


Beginners start with lower doses of 20-30 mg/day of Winstrol and about 200-300 mg/week of Testosterone (usually Enanthate or Cypionate). Winstrol is used for 6 weeks, while Testosterone for 8-10 weeks.


Intermediate users stack Winstrol and Testosterone in higher doses such as 50 mg/day of Winstrol and about 300-500 mg/week of Testosterone. Usually, the Winstrol cycle length is 6 weeks while Testosterone is commonly for 8-12 weeks.


Adding Other Steroids

As it was mentioned, you can add other steroids too. However, the most common ones are injectable steroids. No other orals because Winstrol (Stanozolol) is liver toxic. 2 oral steroids would put too much stress on your liver. Additionally, other injectable steroids are usually cutting steroids. That’s because Winstrol is mostly a cutting steroid that is highly effective for cutting purposes.

The most common additions to a Testosterone and Winstrol cycle are:

Which of these steroids to add depends on which ones are most suitable for your needs. It also depends on your level of experience because I definitely don’t recommend Trenbolone to beginners.

An example of a highly professional Winstrol cycle: (I don’t recommend it to beginners!)

winstrol-50-stanozolol-odin-pharma winstrol-injectable-stanozolol-odin-pharma




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Also, a Winstrol cycle is maximum effective and least likely to cause side effects when you use high quality Stanozolol.

CycleGear.to is offering the best quality Winstrol for the least possible prices!