Stanozolol Tablets
Stanozolol is an extremely popular steroid among bodybuilders coming in the form of tablets. It is very popular by the brand name Winstrol or as many people call it Winny. However, Stanozolol tablets are not the only way of administering this steroid. Stanozolol also comes in the form of injections. Which version to choose is up to you.
Here I am going to share some more information about Stanozolol tablets. I am going to share what Stanozolol is in the first place, how Stanozolol tablets differ from Stanozolol injections including other important information about this steroid.
What is Stanozolol?
- Stanozolol is the active ingredient (chemical name or substance). The brand name is Winstrol – that’s how most people know it. There are other brand names available. What really matters is to make sure you get quality and pure Stanozolol, regardless of the brand name.
Stanozolol is a C17 alpha alkylated derivative of the powerful male sex hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) that possesses low androgenic activity and very high anabolic activity. The pharmaceutical company Sterling-Winthrop Laboratories created Stanozolol in 1962. Hence the name Winstrol. They created it to increase lymphocyte count for dealing with anemia and osteoporosis and was also given as a treatment for autoimmune disorders including a list of other health conditions.
Nowadays, Stanozolol is not a prescription medication for medical conditions anymore. It’s only for veterinary use. Nonetheless, bodybuilders, athletes, and numerous other fitness enthusiasts use it nowadays for physique and performance enhancement.
Stanozolol (Winstrol) cannot aromatize into estrogen and has unique abilities to burn fat and flush water out of the body. Alongside favorable anabolic to androgenic ratio, Stanozolol has become the second most widely used oral steroid on the market. The only other more popular oral steroid is Dianabol (Dbol) with the active substance Methandienone or AKA Methandrostenolone.
Yet, while Dianabol is great for bulking cycles and rarely used for cutting, Winstrol really shines when you use it for weight loss and cutting cycles. Stanozolol can help gain lean muscle and strength, but it’s best utilized during cutting cycles for developing a dry, hard, and vascular appearance.
Stanozolol Tablets vs Stanozolol Injections
As said, Stanozolol comes in two different forms: tablets and injections. Considering that you can easily swallow pills, it’s no wonder that Stanozolol is by far the most popular in the form of pills. I also mentioned that Stanozolol (Winstrol) is the second most popular steroid among bodybuilders. This means that it is the most popular oral steroid out there for cutting and weight loss purposes.
Still, some people suggest that Stanozolol injection is a slightly more powerful version and they yield more results from injections. Moreover, they believe that injections are less liver toxic considering that it comes as injections rather than pills.
While some people still use Stanozolol injections for these reasons, there is no evidence proving that. Oral Stanozolol tablets are still very highly bioactive and effective while Stanozolol injections are still liver toxic. So, there are basically almost no advantages of injections over pills at all.
Both oral Stanozolol tablets and Stanozolol injections are going to work the exact same way without any differences at all.
Difference Worth Knowing
The only difference that’s worth noting: Stanozolol tablets have a short half life of about 9 hours. In comparison to injectable Stanozolol, that’s much shorter because injections offer a half-life of 24 hours.
For this reason, I strongly recommend splitting the daily Winstrol dosage into at least two different halves taken throughout the day when talking about pills. Such as in the AM and in the PM. But if you use injections, you are good enough to use them only once a day. But you still need to use it every day (and I recommend it around the same time of the day).
In the end, there’s still one downside of the injection of Stanozolol (Winstrol Depot) except for the fact that you need to inject it in the first place. The injectable version of this steroid is different from other injectable anabolic steroids (although you still need to use it in the same way as other injectable steroids – as an intramuscular injection) as it is an aqueous (water) suspension. It’s a watery solution instead of an oily solution. It has no ester attachment. That’s the main reason why it doesn’t have the classic long half-life of injectable anabolic steroids but only 24 hours. But due to this, it’s also more likely of causing pains at the injection site. Many people report PIPs from using it as an injection. One of the most painful injectable steroid out there.
Needless to mention that Stanozolol tablets are just so much better options in this aspect. That’s why there are so many people who choose Stanozolol tablets over injections.
When To Use Stanozolol Tablets?
As I said, you need to use Stanozolol tablets at least twice a day for maintaining stable levels of Stanozolol in your bloodstream. This means that you split the daily dosage into two parts and use them a few hours apart. You should keep this schedule for the entire time that you use the Winstrol cycle. Usually, that’s 6 weeks for both men and women. Maximum 6 weeks for women and 8 weeks for men though. Yet, I have to say that 4 weeks is very likely to be enough, especially for beginners.
- Anyway, if you’re wondering at which point you should use Stanozolol tablets – remember what I earlier said – this is the most popular oral steroid for cutting cycles. Rarely does someone use it for bulking cycles. There are various reasons why. But this is just an awesome compound for cutting cycles that are able to do wonders.
You could use it in the first weeks of a cutting steroid cycle (because Stanozolol tablets shouldn’t be used alone) or in the last weeks of your cutting cycle. It depends on what you’re aiming for. You need to stack with testosterone because this way you avoid low T symptoms that may occur because Winstrol will suppress your natural T production.
Despite the fact that Stanozolol is a DHT based compound, it has an androgenic activity that is much lower than this androgen. But since it is a DHT derivative, Stanozolol is not able to convert into estrogen. It lacks aromatization. This is the reason why aromatase inhibitors are not going to be required while using Stanozolol tablets (or injections). It will not increase estrogen levels, that’s why it’s not going to cause gynecomastia or water retention. In fact, it can work the other way around because Stanozolol has diuretic effects. And since it’s a DHT, it may have some very slight ability to suppress estrogen. These are some reasons why instead of a bulking cycle, Winstrol is best for a cutting cycle. It offers awesome lean muscle and quality looking muscle without the excess of water retention (puffy muscle look).
Additionally, Winstrol has unique abilities to burn fat. Taking all of these factors into consideration – it’s a perfect steroid for cutting cycles. It is capable of getting rid of water retention and fat while making you appear strong, dry, and hard. It increases muscle definition and enhances hard looking muscularity – exactly what people are searching for in cutting cycles.
How to Use Stanozolol Tablets?
With great care! Stanozolol is a powerful steroid that you will regret if you abuse it. You should take tablets (or administer injections) with great care. In terms of timing, dosage, and cycle length including others.
Moreover, if you plan to use tablets because you want to burn fat and develop a leaner muscle appearance, it’s obvious you need to keep your diet on point and have a proper training plan. Stanozolol tablets (Winstrol) are extremely helpful, but only when you’re doing it all right.
Therefore, in order to keep side effects at bay and yield maximum benefits, you should always stack it with base testosterone, you should prepare a PCT plan after each cycle and add liver supplements because Winstrol is hepatotoxic in whichever form of administration.
Use Winstrol for no longer than 8 weeks, but it’s much better to use it for only 6 weeks. Dosage ranges between 20 mg and about 80 mg a day. 20-30 mg/day is for beginners. 40-50 mg/day is for more advanced users and it’s the sweet spot for most users. Higher doses than 50 mg/day can only be attempted by professionals with enough experience with this powerful steroid.
Buy Stanozolol Tablets For Sale
In the end, Stanozolol is an awesome steroid for those athletes who are having sufficient muscle bulk. Nonetheless, they want to improve their endurance, increase muscle relief, burn extra fat, and get rid of excess water while increasing muscle hardness and definition.
To achieve all of that, you need to buy Stanozolol tablets of high quality. Well, at you can buy everything that you need when it comes to anabolic steroids. We offer pure Stanozolol both in the form of tablets and in the form of injections.
As said, ultimately, whether you go with Stanozolol tablets or injection is a matter of preference. On our site, you can find both versions of the highest quality and lowest price. We could also help you determine the best way to use Winstrol for your needs. Just fill out a cycle advice form and a professional bodybuilder will help you.