Superdrol Gains

Superdrol is a steroid that is likely to help you yield awesome gains as long as you’re doing everything alright. That’s because Superdrol is referred to as the “Super” version of “AnaDrol”. People who have experience with Anadrol will tell you how immensely powerful this steroid already is. Now imagine using a steroid that is the “super” form of an already powerful steroid.

If you ask someone who used Superdrol, you are going to hear two responses. That it is stuff they will never touch again because of its nasty side effects. Or it is a steroid that they absolutely love because it is able to deliver excellent anabolic and muscle gaining benefits. A lot of people suggest that this is actually one of the best orals that you could use for mass gaining. Therefore, the expectable Superdrol gains can be perfect.

Nonetheless, before you actually start using this steroid, I strongly recommend learning as much as possible about it. That’s because except for awesome Superdrol benefits, you may also experience side effects. Generally, the more powerful a steroid is, the more likely it is to experience side effects. And Superdrol is among the most powerful steroids on the market. This is why the gains and results from it can be crazy good, or the side effects can be crazy bad. Please, use it correctly.

What is Superdrol?

Superdrol is the brand of the steroid Methyldrostanolone or Methasterone (the same substance has two different names). This substance can have other brand (trade) names than Superdrol, but this is the most popular one. It is arguably the most effective and potent oral steroid that you may find on the market.


To give you examples: whereas people use other steroids usually in a dosage of around 50 mg/day, up to 80-100 mg/day, Superdrol dosage is 10-20 mg/day up to a maximum of 40 mg/day. Also, whereas cycle lengths with other steroids are around 6 weeks up to a maximum of 8 weeks, cycles with Superdrol are around 3-4 weeks up to a maximum of 5-6 weeks.

Methyldrostanolone is a methylated version of Drostanolone (Masteron). But this made huge differences between them, not only in the form of administration. It made Superdrol one of the most anabolic steroids on the market and it is still unable to convert into estrogen through aromatization.

This is the reason why Superdrol while remaining an awesome steroid for bulking, a lot of bodybuilders use it as a part of their cutting cycles. They are able to yield some very dry and hard gains without any bloating or water retention.

So, Superdrol gains are dry, hard, and lean, making it highly suitable for those who want to avoid puffy muscle appearance to their physique.

How Does Superdrol Work?

The steroid works in a similar way as other steroids when it comes to enhancing anabolic activity in the body. It leads to protein synthesis and nitrogen retention including various other processes that will help turn your body into a muscle gaining machine.

Superdrol Benefits

Increases Lean Muscle Mass

As said, Superdrol is the steroid that will promote nitrogen balance and lead to a greater rate of protein synthesis. This is extremely important for promoting anabolic activity in the body. This is what helps encourage recovery and repair of the damaged muscle tissue while creating new, bigger, and stronger muscle tissues. So, you tear them during workouts, and Superdrol helps you get the muscles bigger and stronger.

Improves Strength

It will also help you “damage” more muscle tissues during workouts that will then recover becoming bigger. That’s because it will help you become way stronger by lifting heavier weights. People who use Superdrol will easily break their personal records. They are becoming bigger and stronger. You will be able to add 10-30% to your maximum lifts.

Promotes Fast Recovery

As said, we are damaging our muscles in the gym and then we grow bigger muscles thanks to recovery. Therefore, recovery is a vital thing when it comes to growing muscles. If we do not recover properly, we do not grow. So, we need to destroy muscles and we need to recover.

The problem is that if you’re only working out hard but do not have a proper diet, your body may enter into a catabolic state. This means that you will actually lose muscle. In order for your muscles to function to the best abilities and to train properly, you need proper recovery.

Superdrol is the type of steroid that will greatly increase your rates of recovery. This means that you will become bigger and stronger. Additionally, because you recover much faster even after very intense workouts, you will be ready to work out again much sooner and still be highly productive. Needless to mention that this will lead to faster and more gains.

Hard and Dry Gains

It’s pretty obvious that when you’re trying to bulk up, your aim is to look big and muscular. Nonetheless, we would also love to look dry and muscular because a lot of fat and water covering the muscles isn’t aesthetically pleasing. Plus, harder and drier muscles may make you look even bigger.

The problem is that most bulking steroids are going to make you become swollen and bloated with a lot of water retention. This could result in you looking “washed” out. Of course, that’s not a really good look.

Superdrol, on the other hand, is a bulking steroid that is going to help you yield hard and dry gains. Therefore, all the gains that you will yield will not cause bloating or water retention. Users of Superdrol are going to have significant definition and vascularity. They will look muscular and jacked, without bloating or a “puffy” muscle look.

Improves Athletic Performance

Another awesome Superdrol benefit is the fact that this compound is doing an awesome job at increasing your overall athletic performance. It is not only going to make you significantly stronger allowing you to perform more reps and sets easier and adding more weights to your lifts, but there are other factors it will greatly help with. Some examples are an increase in endurance, energy, and stamina which will surely lead to even more Superdrol gains.

Therefore, this steroid will help you step up whether you play sports or search for more intensity in the gym. That’s all because your muscles will not get fatigued as fast as they normally would. This is because Superdrol not only promotes nitrogen retention and protein synthesis but also increases in production of red blood cells. The cells withinside muscles need oxygen for energy and the more energy they have, the better they work. And the more red blood cells you have, the more oxygen they can carry. So it increases the number of red blood cells which will carry more amounts of oxygen and nutrients through your bloodstream that your cells in muscles need to perform longer and better. In short, you will get more “fuel”.

Superdrol Gains and Results

In the end, Superdrol is a steroid that will help you pack on muscle mass in a very similar way as a “wet” off season bulking steroid would. But the great advantage is that all the gains from this steroid will be dry and hard. It will help you maintain an awesome looking physique without water retention and muscle puffiness.

When it comes to Superdrol gains, people often report 10-30 lbs of lean muscle mass addition really fast. A Superdrol cycle only lasts 3-5 weeks. This means that adding about 5 lbs of lean muscle per week isn’t anything unheard of.

But do not forget about the other part – you won’t only gain muscles (lean and quality muscles) and overall weight without water (which means that you are very likely to maintain all of them post-cycle), it also helps you burn fat too. So, your physique will definitely get to the next level with great vascularity and muscle hardness.

Additionally, there are Superdrol gains that you “can’t see” visually. I mean, better stamina, endurance, energy, and more strength are great benefits that will make you feel better, increase confidence, and will still help lead to more benefits.

How to Yield The Best Superdrol Gains?

There are various “rules” you need to follow for yielding the best results from this steroid. For example, if you’re suffering from some side effects while using it, they may become too much for you to continue, of course, it hinders your gains and results. So, it’s imperative for you to learn as much as possible about Superdrol’s side effects before using it and how to control them.

Moreover, it’s pretty obvious that the better your diet and workout plans are, the more gains you can experience. While it will most likely help everyone, it greatly depends on your genetics, but it depends even more on your eating habits and training intensity. You can’t gain muscles without properly dieting and working out. The point is that Superdrol will help you as long as you have a proper lifestyle.

Another thing is – it’s pretty obvious you need to learn more about how to use it correctly. Without a proper cycle (in terms of stacks, dosage, cycle length, etc.) you obviously can’t get the best results. Each person is different, therefore, there are different ways to use it. There’s no suitable cycle for everyone. We can help you determine the best Superdrol cycle specifically for you and your needs.

Additionally, it’s also pretty obvious that you need quality Superdrol (methasterone or methyldrostanolone). A bunk or poor quality stuff is not going to work as it should, possibly causing even nastier side effects. Buy the best quality Superdrol for sale directly from You will ensure maximum quality and will also save money as we have the most competitive prices for anabolic steroids on the market.


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