
Tbol Side Effects

Tbol (Turinabol) is an orally active anabolic and androgenic steroid that comes with its set of side effects, pretty much like any other steroid. Especially when talking about oral anabolics. Tbol side effects are various and they affect people in different ways. While some may experience some specific side effects, other people may experience others by using the exact same steroid in the exact same dosage. Moreover, it’s not set in stone that you will experience Tbol side effects. There’s just a chance you would. Additionally, some may not experience side effects at all, others may experience mild side effects while for others it could be really bad.


It truly depends on a lot of different factors but the most important factors to consider are:

  • Dosage (how much of it you use)
  • Cycle length (for how long you use it)
  • Personal tolerance to it (genetics)
  • Weight and height
  • Gender
  • Whether or not you have health issues that may influence it
  • Lifestyle choices and environment


Learning About Tbol and Its Side effects

In the end, it’s very important to understand that overuse of Turinabol, or improper administration can result in a variety of severe adverse effects. Pretty much as with any other steroid and, in fact, pretty much as with any compound out there.

It’s good to learn about Turinabol before actually using it. Pretty much as with any other steroid. If you are seriously contemplating taking this steroid, you should learn how to do it safely. But it’s important to learn about its benefits so you could decide if this compound is suitable for your needs in the first place, and to learn about its side effects so you could know what to expect in case something goes wrong.

But learning how to correctly use Turinabol and getting the purest and highest quality Turinabol is of the utmost importance. Improper use and/or using fake Tbol may exacerbate the risks of side effects.

Possible Tbol Side Effects

Anyway, I’m now going to talk about the potential side effects of Turinabol use. Only after reading about Tbol use, you may have a better idea whether you want to use it in the first place.


Estrogenic Side Effects

Turinabol is a derivative of Dianabol. And everyone knows that Dbol is highly aromatizing into estrogen. That’s why there are a lot of people who mistakenly think that Tbol will also aromatize into estrogen. Therefore, it should induce estrogenic side effects.

In fact, Turinabol is not aromatizing, thus will not increase the risks of estrogenic side effects even if you stack it with other aromatizing steroids. On its own, Tbol doesn’t increase the risk of estrogenic issues so it will not cause such side effects as gynecomastia (enlargement of breast tissues), water retention and bloating, erectile dysfunction due to high estrogen including other standard estrogenic issues.

Mood Swings and Mental Issues

Although the term “roid rage” is popular due to lots of men increasing aggressiveness while on a steroid cycle, that’s highly unlikely with Turinabol. In fact, it can occur, because increased aggression and temper occur due to an increase in androgenic activity while on steroids. And all steroids increase androgenic activity.

However, Tbol is mildly androgenic. This means that while it does have the potential to alter a person’s mood and temperament under specific conditions, Tbol will have only a mild effect. Moreover, it comes down from one person to another.

For example, steroids are frequently having the negative effects of increasing the preexisting personality peculiarities in the user. If there are none, you may not notice any changes at all. Yet, if the person is already having a short fuse (as genetics or whatever), then adding steroids may make “the fuse even shorter” and make the loss of temper under specific scenarios even faster.

On the other hand, a person who is having a pleasant personality, is calm, and with self control, is extremely unlikely to become aggressive and impulsive by taking steroids. Especially mild ones like Tbol. That’s because they were not inclined to behave that way from the beginning.

But then again, it does affect your hormones and this may affect your mental state to a certain degree. It can still somewhat increase aggressiveness, causes some mood swings, and maybe other mental changes.

Acne and Androgenic Issues

As said, Turinabol is mildly androgenic but like all other steroids – some androgenic activity is still present. All steroids are capable of causing (or better said – speeding) androgenic issues such as acne (starts with oily skin) and hair loss (male pattern baldness). These side effects can occur from any other steroid, but those with higher androgenic activity are more prone to offer nastier issues. Unlike Tbol that it is pretty mildly causing it.

Moreover, then again, it also highly depends on your genetics. For example, a person that is having the genetics of losing hair (suffers from baldness) or genetics to experience acne is likely to experience it with or without steroids. It’s just the fact that steroids may speed up this process. Also, while with Tbol you may experience it if you have the genetic predispositions, it’s mildly androgenic and mildly speeds it up (in comparison to other more powerful steroids).

Masculinization (Virilization) In Women

Then again, all steroids have at least some androgenic activity. That’s why all anabolic agents are capable of causing virilization issues in women. Virilization is also known as masculinization – the process of “turning” a woman into a man. When talking about Tbol side effects, this is not an exception. It is milder in terms of these side effects, but since women are more susceptible to side effects, they can still occur nevertheless.

So, there are potential harmful impacts that are exclusively affecting females. These are, in fact, the most dangerous side effects of women using anabolic steroids. The androgenic side effects of Tbol for women (virilization AKA masculinization) include facial and/or bodily hair growth, a deeper voice, menstrual irregularities, clitoral enlargement, mood, and behavioral changes, among others.

As earlier said, androgenic issues can cause issues in men too. But they are far not as noticeable in men. Moreover, androgenic side effects cause a person to become more masculine if they occur. While men are less affected by this, making a woman appear more masculine is a problem.

Testosterone Suppression


Considering that you’re administering exogenous hormones while using anabolic steroids, they will all suppress your HPTA. Therefore, regardless of which steroids you use, your natural testosterone production will be suppressed. The suppression rate depends on the steroid type (power), cycle length as well as dosage. Using powerful steroids in higher doses for long periods it may lead to a complete shutdown of HPTA.

But if you use Tbol in low dosage and for short periods it’s not going to cause a complete shutdown of HPTA, but some suppression will still occur. Turinabol is not immensely powerful, that’s why the suppression rate specifically from this steroid isn’t going to be that bad either.

Yet, Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is still important. Not implementing a PCT after a steroid cycle is likely to make you suffer from low T which can come with nasty symptoms. That’s why I recommend adding a testosterone form to your Turinabol cycle and having a PCT plan. PCT will recover your HPTA much better, faster, and safer while testosterone during the cycle will enhance cycle effectiveness and will keep you away from low T.

Liver Toxicity

Pretty much as is the case with the great majority of other oral steroids, Tbol side effects do include the detrimental effect on your liver health. Turinabol is C17 AA, which makes it able to survive the liver by passing through it, therefore allowing oral administration. As a result, by administering hepatotoxic compounds such as Tbol, liver enzymes will inevitably increase.

While a little bit of an increase in liver enzymes may not be a huge problem, increased liver enzymes over the limit, especially for too long periods is capable of causing nasty health issues. The liver is self healing and repairing, but overworking it is likely to cause permanent and irreversible damage. Therefore, you need to keep your liver healthy at all costs. The liver is by far one of the hardest working organs in the body and it’s pretty obvious that it plays an extremely important role.

Because of this reason, it’s very important to make sure that you keep your liver in the best possible condition. While using Tbol, I strongly recommend adding liver-protecting supplements. May even use them after the cycle stops too while in your PCT plan. Considering that PCT is meant to recover the damage done to your body while on the cycle of steroids.

To keep your liver healthy you must avoid high dosages, and prolonged use of hepatotoxic steroids and I also recommend avoiding anything else that may further stress your liver. Alcohol, other liver toxic steroids, and numerous OTC drugs are prime examples of liver damaging products.


In the end, Turinabol may not be the most powerful steroid, but it also means that it’s far from among the most dangerous steroids either. Tbol side effects are mild because this steroid is mild. A general rule is that the more powerful an anabolic steroid is – the more and the nastier side effects will be.

  • Considering Turinabol is not really that powerful, its side effects wouldn’t be all that bad.
  • However, assuming that you won’t experience side effects is a huge mistake.

While some really may not experience any, it comes down to the Turinabol dosage and administration, as well as your genetics.

Again, I strongly recommend learning about Turinabol as much as possible in terms of how to use it, its side effects as well as benefits. I also strongly recommend making sure you get only the purest and highest quality Turinabol. Low quality and bunk steroids may cause even more side effects. They may make side effects even worse and even get side effects that are not specific to Tbol at all.

We can help you with both needs of learning and purchasing. Our professional IFBB Pros can help you with cycle advice on how to use it and you could buy Turinabol for sale directly from CycleGear.to. Be sure you will buy the maximum quality Tbol on the market, as well as the best quality of whatever other steroid and compound you may need and buy from this website.



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