
Trenbolone Side Effects

You’ve got to learn as much as possible about Trenbolone side effects before you get to use this anabolic and androgenic steroid (AAS). Trenbolone is one of the most popular and effective steroids among athletes, bodybuilders, and gym rats because of its huge power. It has the ability to grow immense amounts of lean muscle mass without water retention while simultaneously burning fat. Needless to mention that this is exactly what everyone is searching for when it comes to transforming their bodies.

Also, because it can grow so much muscle and burn so much fat, all without water retention, it’s a highly versatile compound. Therefore, a lot of people successfully use Trenbolone during cutting and bulking cycles. It is the steroid that causes some of the most aesthetically pleasing results on the market. And not only that – it greatly boosts your strength levels too.

  • It’s different from other popular bulking steroids such as Dianabol or Anadrol in the way that it won’t cause excessive increase in overall weight, without the water increase. It will only add lean muscle tissue.
  • At the same time, it’s different from other popular cutting steroids such as Winstrol or Anavar in the way that it will help gain much more strength and lean muscle mass. While it is still highly effective at burning fat.

That’s all due to huge potency and power. Since Trenbolone is one of the most potent steroids on the market for hugely and rapidly transforming physiques, it also has the ability to cause other effects – negative effects. Therefore, Trenbolone side effects are infamous too.

Since it’s capable of causing some of the best results, it’s also capable of causing some of the most harmful side effects. Both physiologically and psychologically too.

More About Trenbolone



It’s important to understand that any steroid (any compound) that is capable of offering notable benefits, it’s also equally able to offer notable drawbacks (side effects). Trenbolone is not an exception. And since it is so powerful, you can expect mind-blowing results or nasty side effects.

That’s why using it correctly and carefully is so important. Trenbolone cannot aromatize into estrogen, but it can convert into prolactin. Moreover, it has an anabolic and androgenic strength rating that is five times higher than that of testosterone.

You should be aware that Trenbolone comes in three different esters. The most popular and the shortest ester is Trenbolone Acetate with half life of about three days. There’s also Trenbolone Enanthate with the same half-life as Testosterone Enanthate. The longest one is Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. The reason why Trenbolone Acetate (the shortest) is the most popular is because it’s so powerful, that people would rather use it more often than longer versions, but they can adjust the dosage easier and could get a faster idea of how it works for them. Additionally, Trenbolone side effects subside faster with the shorter esters.

Please note that different esters of Trenbolone will produce the same side effects and same benefits (overall results). That’s obvious considering they are all essentially the exact same product. Nevertheless, because of the varying length in esters as well as serum trenbolone levels peaking at different speeds, the timing of the side effects occurring and disappearing will be at different stages.

For example, users are going to experience Trenbolone side effects sooner during the cycle of Trenbolone Acetate than with Trenbolone Enanthate because of the shorter ester. The same level of effects on the Enanthate ester will require about 2 weeks longer than with the Acetate ester.

Explaining Trenbolone Side Effects…

We’re not going to include the full list of Trenbolone side effects. Everyone is different and reacts differently to Trenbolone (as to any other compound out there). This means that people may experience different outcomes, including different side effects at different intensities from using Trenbolone. Even if we talk about the same Trenbolone dosage.

Nevertheless, I am going to share here some of the most common and most popular side effects of Trenbolone among bodybuilders. If you experience some others and you are unaware of what to do, you could ask for help by fulfilling the cycle advice form on our site and our professional bodybuilders are going to help you.

Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Issues

trenbolone-side-effects-bodybuildingOne of the most dangerous side effects of Trenbolone is the effects it has on your cholesterol leading to an overall increase in cardiovascular strain. This could lead to ventricular hypertrophy and dangerous increases in blood pressure. You need to be very careful about blood pressure issues, keep cholesterol values in the normal range and overall avoid cardiovascular strain as much as possible.

All anabolic and androgenic steroids, in fact, are capable of causing cardiovascular strain and negative shifts in cholesterol values. Some do it more than others. And while Trenbolone is not the worst in this aspect, it’s definitely not the mildest steroid for your cardiovascular health, cholesterol, and blood pressure.

People who already suffer from cholesterol issues and/or have a genetic predisposition to cardiovascular complications should be extra careful or avoid the use of Trenbolone (and possibly other steroids) altogether.

In order to minimize the risks, I strongly recommend performing regular cardio exercises and supplementing daily with Omega 3 (fish oil), and generally having a cholesterol friendly diet. All of this can be helpful to decrease blood pressure and minimize the damage to your heart blood pressure. Please understand that these measures are not going to completely reverse the cardiovascular strain from Trenbolone. Nevertheless, they could be helpful in reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, dangerous cholesterol values, hypertension, and other heart related issues.

PS: Most oral steroids are causing even more damage to your cholesterol and cardiovascular health because of the negative effects on the liver. This leads to more cholesterol issues causing more cardiovascular strain. Trenbolone doesn’t affect your liver. Some suggest that all steroids can affect the liver, but most injectables like Tren do it to a very little extent.

Testosterone Suppression

Absolutely all anabolic and androgenic steroids are going to suppress your natural testosterone production. That’s because the administration of exogenous hormones will cause your body to stop endogenous production. That’s an anti damage mechanism of the body against too much flow of hormones (leading to cardiovascular strain, as explained above).

Of course, the higher the dosage of steroids, the more the suppression. But there are also some steroids that are likely to suppress HPTA (hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis) more than others. And since Tren is such a powerful anabolic steroid, it has the ability to completely “shut down” the production of testosterone. It will severely affect your HPTA even at very low doses. That’s how immensely powerful this steroid is.

This is the reason why I strongly recommend having exogenous testosterone in all Trenbolone cycles. While the body is recovering its natural ability to produce testosterone levels after all steroids are out of the body, it takes a lot of months to recover back to normal levels. During that time, you experience low testosterone which can be extremely bad. Some of the most prominent issues include: depression, low libido, low energy levels, erectile dysfunction, fat gain, muscle loss, strength loss, decreased overall well being, and many others.

Adding testosterone during the cycle and having Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) will greatly help. PCT will recover back the levels much faster and will keep testosterone higher. You do not need a PCT plan if you’re in TRT or cruising which basically means your body always receives exogenous testosterone.

Possible Gynecomastia

Trenbolone is immune to the aromatase enzyme. It is not going to aromatize into estrogen, therefore, will not increase estrogen levels. That’s another good news about Trenbolone that so many people love about it. It won’t cause high estrogen symptoms that usually include water retention, feeling emotional, bloating, and gynecomastia.

Nevertheless, there are some cases when males report gynecomastia while on Trenbolone despite having normal estrogen levels. It could be due to the fact that Trenbolone is still increasing progesterone which essentially mimics the effects of high estrogen levels. If you’re using aromatase inhibitors, they are likely to be ineffective since your estrogen levels are not high. Moreover, it’s very important for you to be careful with anti-estrogens as they may crush too much estrogen.

While many people think that estrogen is a female hormone, it’s actually very important for males. Estrogen helps you grow muscle and gain strength, keeps cholesterol in the normal range (that is already affected by the use of steroids), and keeps your joints and bones healthy including other benefits. Do not crush your estrogen under any circumstances.

Another reason why you may experience gyno while using Trenbolone is due to high prolactin. Trenbolone is a 19-nor steroid (a derivative of Nandrolone). It may increase prolactin levels too high in some men. High levels of prolactin can lead to gynecomastia, erectile dysfunction, and low sex drive among others. There’s Cabergoline that is helpful for lowering prolactin levels, therefore, helping with these issues. Of course, if you get these issues due to high prolactin.

Oily Skin and Acne

Trenbolone is a highly androgenic steroid. It is 5 times more androgenic than testosterone. High androgenic activity can lead to excess sebum production. This leads to oily skin which may lead to acne.

Androgenic issues are highly dependent on the genetics of each person. Dosage will also play a role too. But highly androgenic steroids such as Trenbolone are more likely to cause androgenic issues like acne.

Some people may not experience oily skin and/or acne at all. Others may use natural methods such as anti-acne soaps and solutions and find it enough. There are various methods to deal with acne. But in case nothing helps, some bodybuilders have success with Accutane (Isotretinoin). It’s a product that helps reduce sebum buildup. But I need to warn you that this drug comes with its own set of side effects. If you go for it in an attempt to deal with acne, be careful and follow the instructions religiously.

Hair Loss

Again, all steroids can cause androgenic issues considering they are all possessing some androgenic strength. Yet, Trenbolone has some of the highest androgenic ratings out there (500). It’s pretty obvious that this is the steroid with the highest chance of causing the nastiest androgenic issues. Especially those who are prone to these issues. Androgenic issues include acne and male pattern baldness as well.

If you’re prone to this issue, anabolic steroids and especially Trenbolone will accelerate hair loss. There’s a chance that the hair loss process will reverse after the cycle, it depends on various factors.

Some bodybuilders add Finasteride in an attempt to avoid hair loss. This is a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor that blocks the conversion of testosterone into DHT thus decreasing the follicle damage on the scalp because DHT is the “enemy” of the hair follicles on the scalp.

Yet, it’s important to understand that Finasteride is not a good option for bodybuilders because it may negatively affect muscle hypertrophy and strength including other negative effects. I strongly recommend reading as much as possible about Finasteride before even thinking of using it.

Increases Aggression


Trenbolone is a powerful androgenic steroid and an increase in androgen can shorten your temper. Any steroids can cause it. We’ve all heard about “roid rage” when talking about steroids. While it may not be a problem with many steroids, it can be one with Trenbolone considering that it’s immensely androgenic.

The increase in aggression, as with any other androgenic side effects, highly depends on the genetic makeup of each individual. This means that a calm person is unlikely to suddenly become aggressive. Nonetheless, a person who is already having a pretty short fuse may become overly aggressive.

This is one of the reasons why Trenbolone is nicknamed by many people “the relationship breaker”. Except for increasing aggression, it may cause other mental issues too. Some people notice an increase in anxiety, depression, and paranoia.

Remember that a bit of aggression increase during intense workouts can actually be helpful, but if the aggression is getting out of hand in your personal life and/or at work, it can become a huge problem.

It may be worth listening to people around you when they tell you that something has changed. Especially if you notice the changes occurring while you’re on the cycle. If people around you are telling you that you’ve changed, there’s a chance that it’s actually true.

Other Mental Side Effects

I’ve mentioned that Trenbolone side effects also include mental issues too. It’s actually one of the worst steroids when it comes to mental side effects. So, it’s not only causing some possible physical side effects that you should be aware of, but as I said earlier, you should listen to people around you (as you may often not notice it yourself) that you’re experiencing some mental issues too.

Some people report feeling an increase in irritability, paranoia, depression, anxiety, and others (more than on other steroids). These mental Trenbolone side effects are most likely occurring because of the stimulating effects of Trenbolone. It affects the central nervous system and is leading to an increase in adrenaline output. This helps you burn more fat easier and faster, but it can lead to mental issues.

It could deplete serotonin in the brain triggering panic attacks, bouts of depression, and other issues.

It’s still unclear as to why Trenbolone has more stimulating effects than other steroids and why exactly it causes more mental issues than other anabolic steroids. But we do know that it has more notable stimulating effects and is way more androgenic. That could be the reason. And not everyone experiences mental issues, but if you do, it could be enough to avoid Tren for optimal mental well being.

Moreover, either mental issues are causing insomnia or it is insomnia that is aggravating mental issues – you should make sure you get plenty of sleep. Many people report sleep disturbances while on Trenbolone. Needless to mention the importance of quality, good and restful sleep. Both for your gains and mental health.

In the end, having a calm lifestyle, enough exercise, and a good diet can all be helpful in avoiding insomnia and/or mental side effects.

Tren Cough

Dry coughing violently and uncontrollably that usually lasts for up to a minute or two is such a common side effect of Trenbolone that it got its own name “Tren cough”. This occurs right upon administration and users report experiencing chest tightness and a metallic taste in their mouth when it occurs.

As said, coughing occurs right after administration and only occurs for a short period. While it is not dangerous at all, it can be worrying and even frightening if you are not expecting it and don’t understand what’s going on. Trenbolone users report that Tren cough is so common that about every fifth injection is going to cause this coughing.

In fact, injecting whatever anabolic and androgenic steroids can cause coughing. Nevertheless, it’s far more common with Trenbolone than with any other steroid, for whatever reason. While it’s not fully known why Trenbolone causes this short term yet pretty severe coughing (more than other injectable steroids), some theories suggest that it is because of its huge androgenic abilities.

Some suggest that its strong androgenic nature causes vasoconstriction on the bronchus muscular wall (in the lungs) triggering coughing. It could be because of it activating the inflammatory lipids (prostaglandins).

Some people report that by injecting Trenbolone very slowly may help avoid this issue. Even if it doesn’t, it’s important to understand that Tren cough is not dangerous and it doesn’t require any special attention as it stops on its own.


Virilization in Women

Then again, all anabolic and androgenic steroids are capable of causing virilization side effects in women. That’s because all anabolic agents have at least some androgenic properties. Virilization is basically the process of turning a woman into a man (masculinization). It compromises her “femininity”.

Now imagine how likely Trenbolone is to cause such issues because of its immense androgenic activity. That’s why I strongly recommend women avoid Trenbolone, at least, as long as they do not want to look like males. Those who want to keep their femininity intact should avoid Tren because it is capable of causing virilization side effects even in lower doses.

Some examples of such side effects include:

  • Clitoral enlargement
  • Deeper voice
  • Breast shrinkage
  • Jaw hypertrophy
  • Hair shedding
  • Abnormal hair growth on the face and/or body
  • Menstrual issues
  • Including many others

There are anabolic steroids that are producing much milder side effects in women than Trenbolone. Those are the steroids that I would recommend if a woman is absolutely sure she wants to use steroids for building muscle and burning fat. While all steroids can compromise their sexual characteristics, they won’t be as bad as Trenbolone. Therefore, they are much more suitable options for women. Some examples of the best steroids for women are Anavar (Oxandrolone) and Primobolan (Methenolone), among a few others.

Other Trenbolone Side Effects

It’s important to understand that these are just examples of Trenbolone side effects. There are others as well, some that were not mentioned here. A few other examples can include:

  • Excessive sweating, especially night sweats (because of the stimulative effects)
  • Erectile dysfunction and/or infertility (because it makes your body stop producing testosterone)
  • Darker urine (your body flushing Tren out, may need to drink more water)
  • Increases risk of prostate size increase (because of the androgenic activity)
  • Drop in endurance (you may notice it is harder to perform cardio exercises)
  • Including other side effects as well

In the end, it’s important to understand that Trenbolone side effects are sometimes inconsistent. There are some people who may experience virtually all of the above side effects. But there are those who may experience only a few or no side effects at all.

But one thing remains unchanged – Trenbolone side effects are generally considered harsh. At least, harsher than with other anabolic steroids. Personal response to it (genetics), the way you use it (dosage, cycle length, stacks) as well as environmental factors (dieting, working out, sleeping, etc.) will play critical roles in determining how strong or mild the Trenbolone side effects are going to be.

If you stack Trenbolone with other anabolic steroids, the side effects can be worse. If you use higher doses and/or longer Trenbolone cycles – side effects can be worse. These are just examples. For all these reasons, I only recommend Trenbolone to people who previously had experience with other milder anabolic steroids. And when they want to take things to the next level, they resort to Trenbolone.

Avoid Trenbolone Side Effects

The main things that you can do in order to avoid Trenbolone side effects are:

Make sure you get high quality Trenbolone

Needless to mention that low quality Tren is not going to be as effective. But the worst is that bunk products can cause more and/or nastier unwanted side effects. Use for the best quality anabolic steroids. Including the best quality Trenbolone for sale.



Have experience with other steroids first

Considering that Trenbolone side effects are similar to other steroids, but they are just more intense and more likely to experience, it is wise to start your anabolic steroids journey with milder steroids first.

Follow a proper lifestyle

It’s pretty obvious that you won’t be gaining muscles and burning fat without having your diet on point, working out religiously, and getting enough sleep. But a proper lifestyle will also help you avoid the side effects too. For example, a cholesterol friendly diet can help reduce cardiovascular strain.

Start your first Trenbolone cycle properly

You can get an idea of how Trenbolone works for the first time but for that, you need to start it slowly. By requesting cycle advice on our site, our professional bodybuilders will help you determine the best way to use Trenbolone. But if that’s the very first time you plan to use it, I recommend Trenbolone Acetate. You need to inject it every other day, which is inconvenient. But if you do it, you get a fast idea of how it works for you. Plus, if you get side effects, reducing the dosage or stopping it would reduce the side effects fast.

You need to stack it with testosterone only. As said, stacking with other side effects may exacerbate the risks of side effects. Yet, testosterone is important. So you stack it with testosterone only to keep it safer. As for Trenbolone itself – use a maximum of 50 mg every other day in an 8-10 weeks cycle. In fact, you could start with an even lower dosage to make sure you keep it safe. Such as 25 mg every other day. It may seem like a low dosage, but it is enough for a beginner to cause great benefits and even some side effects. Not to mention if you attempt even higher doses.

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