Side Effects Of Tamoxifen

Tamoxifen that is mostly sold under the trademark Nolvadex (but can be found as numerous other brands) is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM). The same class of drugs as Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate).

The compound is used for preventing and treating breast cancer in men and women – the estrogen related breast cancer. Tamoxifen Citrate is an orally active medication that is FDA approved for various other purposes. It is currently on the list of essential medicines of WHO for being a very effective and fairly safe drug.

Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex) is also very popular for bodybuilders. Among anabolic steroid users who use them for physique and performance enhancement purposes.


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That’s because Nolvadex was discovered to be very effective at lowering the chances of gynecomastia apparition. Is helpful during the use of aromatized anabolic steroids. It is even an effective treatment of gyno during the use of steroids.

That’s because these SERMs are effective in boosting testosterone levels and helping the body to get back to normal testosterone production after they were altered by the use of anabolic steroids during the cycle.

In short, Tamoxifen is very effective in lowering the chances of side effects from the use of steroids and dealing with them even if they do occur. Nolvadex does a great job in helping users to run steroids and keep their bodies safe from the negative impacts of steroids. Nonetheless, you may still be interested more about Tamoxifen side effects.

Nolvadex Side Effects For Men Vs Women

As mentioned, Tamoxifen is a product that is very well tolerated by most users. There are very rare and specific occasions when a male is receiving negative side effects from the use of Nolvadex.

Yet, remember that side effects of Tamoxifen are still capable of occurring so you should be informed and prepared.

Nonetheless, is extremely important to keep in mind that side effects of Tamoxifen are actually much more likely to occur in use in women than men.


That’s because of multiple reasons – mainly because of the difference in androgen and estrogen receptors in male and female bodies.

With this being said, women are more likely to get side effects. Plus to that, women usually need way higher doses than men. Plus to that, they may need Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) for many years of use, whilst men only run it for some weeks.

  • That’s why Nolvadex side effects are more of a concern for women than men.

Tamoxifen Citrate – Nolvadex Side Effects

According to the list of negative side effects of Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex) – the compound is capable of offering different side effects.

  • For example headaches, stomach upset, hot flashes, bone / joint pains, dizziness, and various others. These are pretty much the only side effects that males are reporting through their use of Nolvadex.

But even these side effects are received only when the dosages of the compound are too high. That’s a clear sign that Nolvadex dosage should be brought down.

  • Women who use Tamoxifen for longer periods and / or in higher doses might receive those earlier mentioned side effects. Plus it could include vaginal itching, edema, cholesterol changes, skin rashes, altered white blood cell count, pulmonary embolism as well as other side effects related to your cardiovascular and metabolic activity.

Liver toxicity too but in high doses for long periods. Nonetheless, there are very rare and infrequently reported side effects.


But then again, male users of Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex) are almost never reporting any side effects. In fact, even if they do get some side effects, they are very tolerated.

Sometimes side effects of Tamoxifen may include some headaches, stomach upsets, and dizziness. When the compound is used in severe high doses and / or for too long a time – dry / painful joints.

Then again, Tamoxifen side effects are reduced when dosage is reduced.

Tamoxifen Dosages For PCT

Nolvadex beligasReference – usually Tamoxifen is used in doses of 40 mg a day for the first 2 weeks of a total 4 weeks PCT plan. The last 2 weeks’ dosage is reduced in half to 20 mg a day.

  • Yet, dosages can be adjusted. Doses under 40 mg a day are extremely unlikely to offer any nasty side effects of Tamoxifen.

Although no clinical evidence is offered – there is a belief that Tamoxifen alongside Trenbolone or Nandrolone (NPP or Deca) may increase progestin related side effects.

That’s because they are all up regulators of progesterone receptors. Although this may not be true, being careful when running these compounds combined is advised.

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Exemestane is the active substance of the brand Aromasin – the oldest and most popular brand for this chemical, yet, it can be found as numerous other brands too. This is an orally active drug that is FDA approved and medically used for treating breast cancer in women, therefore is often seen as an anti cancer medication.

Nonetheless, is in the class of drugs known as Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) like Arimidex (Anastrozole) and Femara (Letrozole).

Exemestane (Aromasin), however, is different from the other 2 famous AIs because it is a suicidal AI, unlike the other 2 AIs mentioned. Being a “suicidal” AI, as soon as it binds to the aromatase enzyme – it permanently disables the aromatization.

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This means that Exemestane is not going to allow estrogen rebounding and is not going to temporarily stop estrogen receptors from aromatization like Anastrozole or Letrozole would, allowing for estrogen rebound. That’s why some steroid users may experience high estrogen related issues with other AIs after they stop the administration, but they can’t experience them with ExemestaneAromasin.

  • Exemestane is very effective at reducing estrogen because it lowers estrogen levels up to about 85%.

Exemestane Bodybuilding

Despite the fact that Exemestane (Aromasin) is mostly considered an anti cancer drug in medical settings and is approved as a cancer treatment compound among women, this drug is very popular in bodybuilding. That’s because it is effective at lowering estrogen levels.

Those who run anabolic steroids are having high chances to get a spike in estrogen levels.

But most of the bulking compounds including Testosterone that is generally recommended to be added in all cycles – they do convert into estrogen in the body.

In case you run such steroids without controlling estrogen, there’s a high risk you would run high estrogen levels which results in different side effects like for example blood pressure, water retention, heart issues and one of the worst (as considered by bodybuilders): gynecomastia.


High estrogen levels would lead to many different nasty symptoms and side effects, even including interfering with normal testosterone levels.

Exemestane Side Effects

We mentioned why bodybuilders should run Exemestane (Aromasin) but you need to know how to run it properly in order to stay away from the possible side effects.

The gold rule – never use too much.

If you’re going to use Exemestane too much, that’s going to eliminate too much estrogen and without enough estrogen levels, that’s going to offer many nasty symptoms too such as: dry joints, negative effects on libido, low energy, insomnia, irritability, inability to gain muscles and strength including many others.

Exemestane in bodybuilding is used so it would CONTROL the estrogen. You need to make sure to use proper doses so the estrogen levels are within normal range. Not too much and or too little.

If the estrogen levels are maintained in normal range – you are unlikely to get Exemestane side effects.

Exemestane Dosage

The proper dosage of Exemestane for estrogen control on-cycle greatly depends on the amount of steroids, type of steroids and dosage of steroids used. It also depends on how prone you are to get estrogen related side effects, how you respond to this medication itself including a number of other factors.


That’s why Exemestane dosages are highly individual, depending on different things.

  • Generally, most bodybuilders start using Aromasin (Exemestane) in doses around 12.5 mg every other day. Because it is orally active, is easy to administer and because it has a half life of 25-27 hours, you can use it every other day or maximum once per day.
  • In case that’s not enough to deal with estrogen related side effects (or, as is recommended, you go for a blood work and the estrogen levels are still high), you may go for 25 mg every other day or 12.5 mg per day. Maximum a bodybuilder (who runs serious cycles) might need 25 mg per day of AromasinExemestane.

aromasin-exemestane-odin-pharmaKeep in mind that in case you get too low estrogen symptoms (for example joint issues) or blood levels – the dosages should be lowered.

In case you get too high estrogen symptoms (sensitive nipples or water retention) or blood levels – increase the dosage.

Exemestane can be obtained directly from for the absolute best prices you might find on the market.

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Anastrozole Uses

Anastrozole is a very popular medication and widely used all over the world for various different purposes. Anastrozole is the active substance of the brand Arimidex – the first and most popular brand for this substance.

Nonetheless, you might still find it as numerous other brand names. So, regardless if we talk about Anastrozole or Arimidex or any other brand containing this substance – they are all the same.

Anastrozole is considered a cancer drug because it was developed specifically for helping and treating breast cancer in women but after a while, bodybuilders using anabolic steroids found out that Anastrozole can be very effective for their needs. That’s why you may have heard that bodybuilders use cancer drugs for their needs and that’s true.

How did it end up this way? Check it below.

Anastrox-anastrozole-1-e1580983374247Anastrozole (Arimidex) is in the Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) class of drugs because the compound is working by binding to the aromatase enzymes and therefore, blocking the conversion of testosterone to estrogen as it blocks the process of aromatization.

  • As a result, user of Anastrozole is having less estrogen hormone floating in the body.

With this being mentioned, Anastrozole uses are related to lowering estrogen levels. Regardless if it is used by a man or a woman, regardless if it is used for medical purposes or for bodybuilding purposes – Anastrozole used by all these people is resumed to inhibition of estrogen.

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Anastrozole Uses in Medical Settings

Arimidex – Anastrozole is used for treating breast cancer and more specifically – hormonally positive breast cancer that requires estrogen to form up and grow. Not all cancers are formed up from estrogen, but in case the cancer is caused by estrogen, Anastrozole is going to be very helpful since it lowers the hormone’s levels.

Mainly is used for:

  • Early hormone receptor positive breast cancer. It lowers the risk of cancer returning or spreading.
  • Advanced metastatic hormone receptor positive or hormone receptor unknown breast cancer. When it is not possible to treat the cancer with surgery – Anastrozole is used as first line treatment.
  • Advanced or metastatic breast cancer that returns back after the initial treatment with Nolvadex. In such cases, Arimidex is a second line treatment.

There are rare instances when Anastrozole might be given to males with naturally abnormally high levels of estrogen and also very rarely given to women with ovarian cancer.

Sometimes, Anastrozole can be used for treatment of peripheral precocious puberty in boys, in combination with other compounds, but then again, that’s very rarely.

Anastrozole Uses in Bodybuilding Industry

Anastrozole for such purposes isn’t going to get prescribed by a doctor, but you can buy it from for a very low price without a prescription. Mainly, there are 2 uses of Anastrozole:

  1. As a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) medication in combination with others.
  2. And mostly – for estrogenic control during anabolic steroid cycle.


Anastrozole For PCT

Anastrozole is very rarely used for PCT plans because it doesn’t work too well for increasing testosterone levels after the cycle with steroids (at least, not as good as other options available) and plus to that, it may inhibit estrogens too much which leads to side effects.

Again, it is used for PCT with other products, but that’s rare.

Anastrozole For Estrogen Control


Mostly, Anastrozole is used for estrogenic control during the cycle. When a user of steroids runs them for a longer period and/ or in higher doses – you are very likely to develop estrogen related side effects because those steroids are converted into estrogen in the body and this leads to too high levels of estrogen.

Arimidex – Anastrozole is added on-cycle and the user continues the use of steroids, without having too much estrogen and thereby, without estrogen related issues.

Keep in mind that not all steroids convert into estrogen through aromatization and if you plan on running only these types of steroids, you may not need any estrogenic protection during the cycle.

But most steroids, especially those used for bulking (even including testosterone itself) do aromatize. That’s why you most likely would need Anastrozole or at least any other form of estrogenic protection during the cycle.

Running these types of steroids without protecting from estrogen, you are most likely going to develop high estrogen related issues such as:

  • Feeling emotional or even depression
  • Loss of energy and libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Water and fat gains
  • Gynecomastia
  • Hypertension and others

On the other hand, make sure you won’t overdose Anastrozole because this would lead to too much estrogen inhibition. This also comes with negative side effects (some of which are very similar to those of high estrogen levels). After all, estrogen helps you to gain muscles and strength.


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In the end, Anastrozole (Arimidex) is a very popular, very effective and very important medication. That’s both in medical settings as well as in the bodybuilding industry.

It has various uses, all related to lowering estrogen levels and in the end – is a very effective product.

You can buy Anastrozole for sale of the best quality and cheapest price on the market from this site We’re a trustworthy source of compounds required by bodybuilders.

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Everyone has the opportunity to buy Arimidex for sale from our source making sure that the prices are way lower compared to other places and the quality of this compound is best possible. Arimidex is an extremely important drug for athletes and bodybuilders using anabolic steroids and that’s why this compound is so popular in bodybuilding settings.

Nonetheless, Arimidex has other uses except for those in bodybuilding and for this reason, regardless of why you need it, you can now buy Arimidex for sale at the best prices saving a lot of money. We offer many different compounds for sale, including steroids for sale and all their ancillaries.


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General Info about Arimidex

Arimidex is actually just the trade name of the huge pharma company known as AstraZeneca. The actual substance name is Anastrozole. This compound is mostly sold by the brand Arimidex and that’s why it is mostly called by this brand.

Nonetheless, Anastrozole can be obtained as other brands and regardless of what is the brand – as long as the same active substance is maintained of the same high quality – we’re talking about the same product.

Arimidex (Anastrozole) is actually an orally active (coming as tablets) non steroidal Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) that is mostly used in medical settings for treating hormonally positive breast cancer after surgery in women. Since it is an AI, the compound is lowering the total levels of estrogen found in the body and there are certain types of cancers that require estrogen to form and grow.

In fact, Arimidex can be and is used whenever estrogen levels should be lowered because high levels of this hormone is leading to various health conditions, symptoms and unwanted effects. That’s why Arimidex (Anastrozole) is used in bodybuilding.

When a man is using androgenic anabolic steroids – they boost testosterone, but a part of those increased testosterone levels convert into estrogen and it leads to too high estrogen levels. Adding Arimidex to their cycle, men are capable of maintaining their estrogen levels within normal ranges.


Arimidex Uses

As said, this compound is aromatase inhibitor (AI) and is suppressing total levels of estrogen in the body. That’s why it is used when you need to lower estrogen levels. Is important to remember not to use too much of this product because it would suppress too much of your estrogen which also comes with side effects and symptoms.


In short, estrogen should be kept within normal range. Too much or too little of it and you have nasty symptoms. Arimidex is used to lower them down. As said, in medical settings to deal with estrogen positive breast cancer but it has various other uses too.

  • In bodybuilding, ArimidexAnastrozole sometimes is used as a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) medication to boost levels of testosterone after a cycle and to deal with estrogen related side effects.

Nonetheless, it is rarely used for such needs taken in consideration that it slightly boosts testosterone and inhibits too much estrogen. There are other options available for PCT, like for example SERMs such as Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) and Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate).

  • Instead, ArimidexAnastrozole is one of the best things (and therefore most famous) for estrogen suppression during aromatizable anabolic steroid cycles.

Not all steroids aromatize and therefore they don’t convert into estrogen. But a lot of popular steroids, especially those used for bulking, do aromatize. They are: all testosterones, nandrolones and boldenones including Dianabol and others.

When you run such steroids, you’re most likely going to get your estrogen levels too high and that’s why Arimidex is so helpful. It lowers estrogen and therefore reduces the risks or treats some estrogen related issues such as:

  • Water retention
  • Hypertension
  • Heart strain
  • Blood lipids
  • Gynecomastia
  • Loss of libido
  • Loss of energy
  • Moodiness


We recommend everyone who uses anabolic steroids that aromatize to buy Arimidex or at least some other AI to use during their cycle or at least to have handy in case estrogen related symptoms start occurring.


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And we’re the best steroid store offering the best quality compound for extremely low prices. We make sure that all products you can buy from us are 100% quality and with reduced price – just compare the prices with other sources. Buy Arimidex for sale here and you won’t regret it!

Buying Clomiphene

Every anabolic steroid user should be buying Clomiphene for a proper Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) protocol. There are PCT protocols without Clomiphene (such as NolvadexTamoxifen Citrate alone), but most people go for either a combination of 2 products, either Clomiphene alone.

Clomiphene Citrate is the active substance in Clomid brand (including many others) and this is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) that is used either during the administration of aromatizable steroids to deal with estrogen related issues, either for PCT plans. But since it is a weak estrogen protective product, buying Clomiphene is mostly for PCT plans.

There are also medical uses of Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate), but when prescribed, it is recommended to use it exactly as recommended.

Nonetheless, you may still profit from buying Clomiphene from as you would save money.


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In whatever the case, we highly recommend users to buy Clomid for sale directly from this website as we’re offering best quality compounds (many others except for Clomiphene) for the best possible prices online. So regardless what’s your purpose of buying Clomiphene, you can be sure you save money for it here and obtain the best quality.

But then again, this is an extremely important compound for anabolic steroid users. That’s because Clomiphene is a compound very effective for PCT plans. It was discovered by bodybuilders who use steroids that Clomiphene Citrate is doing an amazing job in artificially keeping their testosterone levels high after the cycle.

Let’s explain a bit.

Why is PCT Required? Why is Clomiphene Required?

When a person uses anabolic and androgenic steroids (AAS), the natural testosterone production is suppressed. That’s because the body receives signals that too many hormones are produced, so it stops producing it on its own. When you stop the administration, the body naturally regains the ability to produce hormones, but it requires many months – up to a year.

Until this moment, your body lacks hormones and this leads to many nasty symptoms such as loss of energy, muscles, strength, libido and many others – in short, the exact opposite of what you were searching for when administering anabolic steroids.

In order to speed up the recovery and to keep you away from crashes – Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) protocol is implemented which does an amazing job in keeping those negative side effects away.

Buying-Clomiphene-for-pct-plans Clomiphene is artificially boosting your testosterone levels (not replenishes them, as synthetic testosterone does) and allows a way faster recovery. Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) – the other SERM works in a similar way, that’s why they are both used together.

Why Should I Buy Clomiphene Here?

We’re a source that is offering Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) and their ancillaries and we are having a reputation to maintain. In short, we never compromise on quality and never overcharge for products – that’s how we managed to get this reputation online.

We offer a lot of different compounds such as anabolic steroids and PCT medicines including others (as well as Clomiphene) and absolutely all products that can be obtained from this site are of the best quality. All products are manufactured under all the strictest GMP standards ensuring the maximum quality and that everything written on the bottle of the product is exactly what you would find inside of it.


That’s why there’s no need to be worried about the quality of a product, but if you’re still having some questions – you always can take a product to an independent laboratory test where you would be given the answer to “what’s exactly in there?” they would reveal the substance, quality, amount, dosage etc.

When talking about the prices – compare them with other sources online and you’ll notice that for the same amount of Clomiphene (or other compounds) from the same brand etc. you’ll be saving when doing business with us.

And one last thing to mention specifically about Clomiphene Citrate – do not forget that this is an extremely important compound when running steroids (or prohormones and even some SARMs). That’s because all of them suppress the natural testosterone production so you need a proper PCT plan.


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So, make sure you buy an extremely important product and buy it of the best quality and you can buy it of best price directly from

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Clomid Vs Nolvadex

If you’re reading this, then you most likely know the importance of PCT or Post Cycle Therapy after the end of an anabolic steroid cycle. We’re offering a lot of information about anabolic steroids, but you should be informed about PCT medicines too, taken in consideration that anyone who is thinking to jump into the world of steroids – definitely should learn and research about PCT.

PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) plan is extremely important because is used by bodybuilders (and any steroid users) to speed up their bodies’ recovery after an anabolic steroid cycle.

So, we’re going to talk about Clomid Vs Nolvadex – some of the best products out there for PCT and therefore the most popular ones.

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We all know that anabolic steroids are dangerous and that’s true, however, if they are used properly, steroids can actually do wonders for your physique and athletic performance, but to do them properly, you need Clomid Vs Nolvadex information.

  • You may wonder which is better but we need to warn you – some people suggest Nolvadex is way better than Clomid, others say that Clomid is doing wonders whilst Nolvadex is not. But mostly – people use both compounds in combination!


What is Clomid?

Clomid is actually the trade name of the active substance Clomiphene Citrate and is classified as a powerful Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) and therefore an anti estrogen. The compound is used in medical settings for treating infertile women offered as a prescription fertility aid.

Nonetheless, is administered by men after anabolic steroid cycle because it inhibits the negative effects of estrogen caused on HPTA (Hypothalamic Pituitary Ovarian Axis) and therefore, this is offered more release of gonadotropins Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) which leads to artificially maintaining high levels of testosterone and allows the user to recover faster.

  • In short, Clomid is great at increasing the production of endogenous testosterone levels and allowing a faster recover, due to stimulation of LH and FSH after blocking estrogen at HPTA.

What is Nolvadex?

Nolvadex is also a trade name of the active substance Tamoxifen Citrate and is also classified as a powerful Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) and therefore an anti estrogen. This product is used for same reasons in medical settings as Clomid. There are just little differences between their uses.

In fact, there are very little differences between Nolvadex and Clomid, since both are SERMs. Both are working very similarly and therefore both are used for PCT.

  • In the end, both these drugs are producing same results with little difference in mechanism of action.

Differences Clomid Vs Nolvadex

  • The starting dosage of Nolvadex PCT is 40 mg a day (average) whilst the starting dosage of Clomid PCT is 50 mg a day (average).
  • Nolvadex is way more beneficial for preventing gynecomastia than Clomid.
  • Some people tolerate Clomid better than Nolvadex (and sometimes vice versa).
  • Nolvadex is good in terms of cholesterol, but is bad in terms of increased SHBG and there’s a risk chance of estrogen rebound with it and a risk of reducing IGF-1 levels.
  • Clomid is capable to desensitize GRH when used for a long time.
  • Nolvadex is up regulating progestin receptors and that’s why is not recommended to be used with or after 19-nor products (like nandrolones).
  • Clomid is capable to offer emotional side effects that can be pretty bad.


Clomid Vs Nolvadex: Which one is better?

In terms of PCT – is hard to determine which of these 2 compounds is better because it highly depends on various factors such as your personal response to each of them, what compounds have you used in your steroid cycle, how many cycles you’ve used in the past, what dosages you used, for how long you used them and so on and so forth.

That’s why we cannot determine which is better. Some people who are too emotional might need Nolvadex, but those who run Nandrolones would find Clomid way better.

However, in the end, most people who run Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) protocols they combine the 2 compounds together and that’s because they are working like salt and pepper together in synergy offering best results.

If you can’t stand one, go for another, but most recommend a combination of Clomid Vs Nolvadex for PCT.

You can buy best quality products here, directly on for the best PCT plan out there that is going to save you money as we have the cheapest prices on market!

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Post Cycle Therapy

If you’ve been researching about anabolic steroids you most likely heard about Post Cycle Therapy. You may have heard someone in your local gym mentioning it, you may have read about it on different messaging and forum boards and generally, it seems like there’s a very strong connection between anabolic steroids and Post Cycle Therapy.

That’s because – that’s true. Below we would explain what is Post Cycle Therapy (PCT), why is so important, and try to explain why there are so many contradictory views about it.

PCT is what you may read most often and that’s because it stands for Post Cycle Therapy and the reason why you may hear of it so often is because PCT is extremely important and an essential part of an anabolic steroid cycle.

In fact, not a part of actual steroid cycle, but essential plan to follow after an anabolic steroid cycle is completed.

The reason why is so important and “essential” is because without adding the PCT plan, the user would be left with a hugely suppressed HPTA that is slowly going to get back to the normal functioning. But the recovery is going to take way too much and until you recover, you won’t only lose your gains – but you would also experience nasty symptoms.

pct (2)

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  • PS: The reason why there’s a common misbelief that all gains are lost after a cycle is because people do not implement Post Cycle Therapy plan. Indeed, without a PCT, there’s a huge chance you would lose those gains.

If you’re healthy enough and start with an anabolic steroid cycle, the PCT plan after the cycle would make sure to keep your levels of Testosterone high, recover HPTA faster and overall make you feel normal and keep your gains.

  • PS2: PCT plan is not going to work this way if you were suffering from low Test levels or something similar even before using steroids.

PCT is not required only for those who are going through Blasting and Cruising, but this protocol requires you to be on pinning for almost the rest of your live, that’s why Post Cycle Therapy is so popular.

Post Cycle Therapy is a plan that is implemented after the anabolic steroid cycle in order to help the body get back its normal Testosterone levels naturally. It helps HPTA recover faster and more efficiently.

That’s because anabolic steroid are suppressing the natural testosterone production. PCT is used for recovering them back.


The reason why there are lots of people thinking differently about Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is because there are many different PCT plans that are required for different anabolic steroid cycles (depending on the amount of Test suppression during the cycle), different PCT medicines and different people responding differently to them.

With so many differences, is obvious that there are controversies. But there’s one general consensus – with steroids, PCT is a must.

Running Steroids – Run PCT!

Anyone saying that PCT is not required don’t know what they are talking about.

It doesn’t matter if you run injectable steroids or oral steroids. It doesn’t matter if you run mild products. It doesn’t matter if you run a short cycle length of only 8 weeks – all of them require you to use PCT.

Depending on the type of steroids you use, start PCT after all anabolic steroids are flushed out of your body. Some are getting flushed in a matter of hours, other in a matter of days or even weeks.

You don’t need PCT only if you are on TRT or cruising year round (but if you stop cruising – you still need PCT!).


Starting A Steroids Cycle? Have PCT on Hand

Those who used steroids already know that an anabolic steroid cycle can be very unpredictable. Especially when running them for the first times. That’s why you don’t know when you may need to stop.

Therefore, is extremely important for you to have PCT drugs on hand even before you start your anabolic steroid cycle. Just in case.

There are 3 Types of PCT Compounds

When you’re thinking about PCT, there are 3 classes of drugs you can go for.

  1. SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators). They are the most popular and we consider them a must of any PCT protocol. They are unique in terms of working as estrogenic agonist as well as antagonist in different parts of the body and they are doing an amazing job in increasing LH and FSH, therefore helpful to restart your HPTA. Most popular ones: Nolvadex and Clomid.
  2. AIs (Aromatase Inhibitors). Generally, these compounds are used for preventing aromatization during the cycle of wet steroids. But sometimes are used for PCT needs too. Most popular ones: Aromasin, Femara and Arimidex.
  3. HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin). Mostly HCG is used during the cycle to keep testicles function properly, but sometimes is run as PCT (rarely because it can increase estrogen) and can be effective for PCT.


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A PCT Example? (Dosage and Cycle)

The Post Cycle Therapy plan is highly depending on the anabolic steroid cycle you were running. The harsher the cycle, the harsher the suppression of testosterone. Obviously – you need a stronger PCT plan. It depends on steroids used, dosages, cycle length etc.

Plus, it also depends on how you respond to different PCT products.

But in most cases, Nolvadex and Clomid are used.

  • Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) is used 40 mg 2 weeks when starting the PCT then 20 mg for 2 weeks (total 4 weeks). However, many people report side effects, that’s why they start at 20 mg and then lower to 10 mg or start right off at 10 mg per day. Cycle length – 4-8 weeks.
  • Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) is commonly reported 100 mg for 2 weeks when starting PCT then 50 mg for 2 weeks (total 4 weeks). But then again, that’s when many people get side effects. That’s why, many people start at 50 mg a day and then lower down. Is also possible to start at 25 mg a day and run it for the entire cycle length (4-8 weeks) without any issues.

In fact, most commonly, these 2 popular PCT products are combined together during PCT plan.






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Cytomel And Weight Loss

Cytomel is the brand name of the substance Liothyronine Sodium which can be sold as many other trade names too. This is the synthetic version of T3 thyroid hormone and hence, when supplementing yourself with Cytomel, you’re actually supplementing T3. With increased levels of T3 thyroid hormones, the body is leading to enhanced metabolism and that’s why Cytomel and weight loss as are closely related to each other.

We all know that thyroid hormones are playing an important role in weight loss. So does your metabolism. Liothyronine (Cytomel) increases T3 and that’s why is so popular and helpful for fat and weight loss needs.

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Cytomel – Liothyronine Sodium is given to patients suffering from underactive thyroid gland or hypothyroidism including other health conditions when low thyroid hormone levels are observed.

Nonetheless, when we talk about T3 Cytomel and Weight Loss then this compound is often used in combination with Clenbuterol in order to offer huge weight loss results.

When the compound Cytomel is administered in combination with Clenbuterol that is capable to offer exceptionally drastic weight loss outcome.

Other than that, we considering Cytomel and weight loss, lots of athletes and especially bodybuilders suggest stacking it with some anabolic steroids too (usually cutting agents) in order to avoid the lean muscle mass loss which is possible during the administration of Cytomel that boosts your metabolism making everything work harder in the body. In order to meet its energy demands, your body may start taking it from lean muscles (especially when dieting) and that’s why adding steroids is going to help to keep you away from muscle loss and boost the fat and weight loss.

T3 Cytomel and Weight Loss Results

A lot of people reported amazing weight loss results when they were using Cytomel, especially when stacked with Clenbuterol and/ or cutting anabolic compounds. Most commonly, people run Cytomel and steroids together for 2-3 weeks, then Clenbuterol is added. All of that after the individual has been dieting and working out for at least some months and the results start to plateau.

  • By introducing these compounds in a proper manner, the individual would notice mind blowing results. A lot of people use Cytomel for different results but generally that’s for losing weight and shredding fat. And a lot of people all over the world report great results.

But then again, is important to understand how to properly use it.


How to Make Cytomel Maximum Effective For Weight Loss?

Is generally not recommended to start administering Cytomel for weight loss if you are not working out and not dieting. If you get it prescribed then that’s a whole different story. But Cytomel and weight loss needs are good only to those that workout and are dieting.

  • First of all because there are no magical compounds that would work for weight loss.

Every compound is added to “boost and make more efficient” your dieting and training.

  • But secondly – Cytomel increases levels of T3 only.

It gets mostly effective after you’ve been dieting for a while because after months of dieting, you may start noticing there are no further results. There’s a high chance is due to the fact that your body lowered the production of T3 in attempt to lower the metabolism.


This is a defense mechanism of our body against starvation as it “thinks” you have nothing to eat. To protect you against starvation, the body lowers production of T3, which hence lowers metabolic rate.

If you just started dieting – your body would work “at full strength” when comes to weight loss. If you were dieting for a while and your body “stops the weight loss processes” by adding Cytomel that’s going to increase levels of T3 and you would keep losing weight further.


That’s why Cytomel is so helpful for weight loss in those cases when a professional athlete is trying to lose the last digits of body fat.

Cytomel and weight loss are closely related, but only as long as this compound is properly administered. With an incorrect use, you would most likely go more into Cytomel and side effects”.

Also, for this medicine to be effective, you need best quality Liothyronine. We’re a source offering absolutely best compounds and for the lowest prices. Use our site to get your needs and we make everything possible to make sure that this is your best decision.

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Levothyroxine VS Liothyronine

Hypothyroidism is a common health condition throughout population all over the world and luckily – scientists developed treatments for it. Levothyroxine and Liothyronine are 2 of the most popular products given to treat hypothyroidism, underactive thyroid and other health conditions related to not enough thyroid hormone levels, even including the severe ones such as myxedema coma.

These compounds are used with very high success rates and sometimes, these compounds are used together too, taken in consideration that they are both offering similar results.

With all of this taken in consideration, is pretty obvious that a lot of people may want to find more information about Levothyroxine Vs Liothyronine.

Levothyroxine Vs Liothyronine: What Makes Them So Similar

Levothyroxine and Liothyronine are both compounds that are coming in form of pills that are administered by mouth in most cases (although both have intravenous injection versions too) in order to increase the levels of thyroid gland hormones.

When the individual is receiving more thyroid hormones, the body starts working according to that.


Levothyronine and Levothyroxine are both having similar mechanism of action – increased levels of thyroid hormones and therefore, that’s leading to similar results, regardless if we’re talking about the adverse effects or about the positive effects.

Levothyroxine Vs Liothyronine: What’s the Difference?

They may sound alike, they may come in similar administration forms and may offer similar benefits and side effects, nonetheless, they are 2 different compounds.

Well, our thyroid gland is naturally producing the thyroid hormones called triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). Naturally, the thyroid gland is producing more T4 than T3 and that’s because, most of the T3 that is found in our bodies is a result of conversion from T4 to T3.

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Well, Levothyroxine Sodium is the synthetic version of the thyroxine (T4) hormone and Liothyronine Sodium is the synthetic version of the triiodothyronine (T3) hormone.

That’s why you may notice Levothyroxine being shortly referred to as T4 and Liothyronine referred to as T3.

Both are used in medical settings for treatment of hypothyroidism related issues and both are used for weight and fat loss purposes, despite the fact that none of them is approved for such needs. Nonetheless, people who had experience with these compounds suggested that they can be extremely effective in dealing with weight loss and fat loss needs, as it helps customers to achieve more and faster weight loss results than they could reach naturally.

  • Now, Levothyroxine T4 is the preferred version for medical purposes and that’s because Liothyronine T3 is considered a more powerful version that is going to have a greater effect on the body and is being flushed out of the body faster.

Doctors suggest Levothyroxine T4 requires a less often administration compared to Liothyronine T3 and won’t offer such a great effect on the body.

  • However, on the other hand, bodybuilders and athletes are searching exactly for such great effects for losing body fat. In fact, T3 is more powerful and is more effective at helping to lose weight. In addition to that, by using T4 and in case the conversion to T3 doesn’t occur – you would be disappointed.


Based on these factors, Levothyroxine is more popular and more widely used in medical settings for health purposes but Liothyronine is more popular and more widely used for physique and performance enhancement purposes and more specifically – for helping to lose fat and weight.

Levothyroxine Vs Liothyronine: Conclusion

In the end, which compound to choose from depends on your needs mostly. There are some rare instances when both compounds are administered, but this should be a doctor’s decision who is having enough knowledge and experience.

  • In the end, if you’re searching for treatment of a health condition then you would most likely need Levothyroxine T4.

Nonetheless, you need to talk with a doctor first as he’s going to be the one who can help you best.

  • On the other hand, if you’re searching for weight loss purposes then you would be more happy by the use of Liothyronine T3.

Nonetheless, you need to research and learn about this compound and its administration as much as possible, to avoid negative side effects.


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If you’re sure you want to use Liothyronine Sodium T3 for losing body fat and weight and you are sure you know how to properly do it, then you can buy best quality Liothyronine for sale directly from

Clenbuterol Stack

Clenbuterol is a powerful and popular fat burning compound that is used all over the world by both men and women, both beginners and professionals despite the fact that is completely banned in USA and obtained only via prescription only for breathing disorders in other countries.

Clenbuterol for weight loss is amazing, however, is also very possible to offer negative side effects. That’s why we recommend everyone to be very careful when running such a potent compound. You need to make sure to learn how to properly run Clen (short for Clenbuterol) and research about Clenbuterol dosage and Clenbuterol cycle.

Also, buy Clenbuterol for sale directly from to ensure you get maximum quality compound for lowest possible price on market, to achieve best possible results with least possible money.

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Clenbuterol Dosage

This stimulant agent Clenbuterol is not a compound that you can play around with, use it carefully and you need to always start at a low dosage and then slowly, gradually and methodically increase its dosage.

You need to start at 20 mcg a day, and under no circumstances ever go over 200 mcg a day (in fact, even this dosage is way too much for most users).

Generally, the most effective dosage for men is ranged between 60 and 100 mcg per day, but for women, Clenbuterol dosage of 10 – 40 mcg a day is still going to be enough.

There are a lot of methods to administer Clenbuterol. That’s mainly based on the fact that human body tends to build up tolerance to the compound real quick. That’s why one of the most popular one is the 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off regiment which would break down the tolerance build up.


The problem with the tolerance is that there is a deregulation of the CNS (Central Nervous System) beta-2 receptors towards the continuous use of Clenbuterol for most people which occurs specifically after 2 – 3 weeks of using it. In order to keep it working further, users either need to add anti histamines and/ or increase dosage and/ or stop administration for 2 weeks.

With this in mind, is pretty obvious that people find the Clenbuterol 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off method easier and safer for them.

Clenbuterol Stack

Regardless of dosage and cycle with Clenbuterol, this compound is often combined with other compounds. There are some products used as a part of Clenbuterol stack to reduce the side effects, and there are others during Clenbuterol stack to enhance effectiveness.

Supplements required to be used on a daily basis to reduce side effects include:

  • Liver protection
  • Potassium
  • Electrolytes
  • And definitely Taurine

Clenbuterol depletes taurine, electrolytes and potassium – that’s why is highly recommended to implement them during Clenbuterol stack.

This is the best news about Clenbuterol – you can run it as a solo drug for achieving great results (except for those supplements earlier mentioned). Using it with supplements you would ensure you are safe, but you can use it solo for achieving great results. There’s no need for you to add anabolic steroids if you don’t want to, but you might if you want to for achieving even better/ faster and more results.


Those who are into using anabolic steroids, Clenbuterol stack is fitting almost perfectly in any given steroid stack. You could use it along with Testosterone in almost any given circumstances!

  • Since is a compound used for weight loss purposes, Clenbuterol stack is mostly going to be good for cutting cycles and that’s why is mostly used alongside cutting steroids such as Anavar, Winstrol and Trenbolone for ultimate cutting cycle.
  • Nonetheless, Clenbuterol stacks very well even with any wet anabolic steroid too such as Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Equipoise or any other because it would keep your bulking cleaner.

Another great news is that Clenbuterol is not that liver toxic as orally active steroids which is why it can be stacked with both injectable and oral steroids and as mentioned with both bulking or cutting compounds.

  • Common Clenbuterol stack for women: Clenbuterol 20 mcg a day with gradual increase in dosage with 30 mg a day of Anavar.
  • Common Clenbuterol stack for men: Clenbuterol 20 mcg a day with gradual increase in dosage with 50 mg a day of Anavar, 300-500 mg a week of Testosterone.

There are lots of Clenbuterol stacks – all depending on your goals, needs, size, gender, tolerance and so on and so forth.


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