Dianabol Before and After

Whoever is interested in running a Dianabol cycle would definitely love to see some Dianabol before and after photos. I decided to make this post where you could find some real Dianabol before and after photos including a lot of helpful information about this oral anabolic steroid.

So, most likely you have heard about Dianabol (or as many people call it – Dbol) and you most likely have heard that it is going to be immensely helpful at building a lot of muscle, it gets you extremely strong and packs on lots of size and weight. This is most likely the reason why you’re interested in checking more information and photos regarding Dianabol before and after results.

It’s pretty important to understand that although Dianabol before and after photos you can see can be awesome, this is a steroid that comes with health risks. So, Dbol can deliver huge results, but I strongly recommend you be very careful with it. Except for that, Dianabol before and after results greatly depends on various factors such as individuals’ diet and workout plan.

  • So, let’s get going. In this article, you’re going to find a lot of information about “the King of oral steroids – Dianabol”. Check Dianabol before and after pictures of real users and find lots of helpful information about the results you can experience. First things first.

What is Dianabol?

Before you get to understand Dianabol results, you first need to understand what Dianabol is in the first place.

Dianabol (Dbol) is the most popular brand name for the active ingredient (substance) Methandrostenolone (AKA Methandienone). You could find this substance as other trade names which are basically the exact same compound. Dianabol is an anabolic and androgenic steroid coming as pills. This means that you need to use it orally, by mouth.

This is perhaps the most popular oral steroid that was used by lots of bodybuilders and athletes, including Arnold Schwarzenegger himself. This proves how effective Dianabol is for building muscle mass, strength, and overall increased performance. People use it with a high success rate for improving their physique and performance as it is actually a very potent steroid.


Despite its illegal status, lots of athletes and bodybuilders use it all over the world nowadays. Many people consider Dianabol a pretty safe steroid, but then again, only if you use it correctly.

Dianabol Benefits

Dianabol (Dbol) is working by increasing protein synthesis and the amount of free testosterone. It is the type of testosterone that is responsible for muscle growth and strength gain. There are people with high testosterone levels yet low free testosterone levels and that’s one of the reasons why they find it hard to gain muscle.

Except for that, Dianabol makes it easier to retain nitrogen in the body. People could benefit from glycogenolysis and supercharging any other steroids that they may be using.

All of this is very important because nitrogen retention and protein synthesis will speed up muscle growth and recovery. In addition to that, better glycogenolysis will increase the speed of turning carbs into energy. This increases performance and allows you to burn fat.

Overall, it helps you grow faster, get stronger, and overall perform better. It will cause less fatigue during and after workouts, increase strength and speed up recovery. Dbol will be helpful for improving the metabolic rate too.

Real Dianabol Before and After Results

Dbol is going to help you add a lot of muscle mass given a proper diet and workout plan. According to Dbol users, they can add as much as 20-30 lbs after only a few weeks of using this compound. That’s extremely beneficial for those people who notice a plateau in their gains naturally.

It’s important to understand that while some weight is going to be made from water and fat, you can get rid of that extra unwanted weight after the cycle very easily. Most people use Dianabol in order to add as much muscle weight as possible in the shortest time frame. This means that most people will usually eat a lot of calories above their maintenance in order to assist muscle growth and pack on size. Nevertheless, this may add some fat too. Yet, the steroid will help you add less fat than you naturally would. This is a powerful testosterone-like hormone that assists fat burning processes.

Water retention is possible because Dianabol is extremely aromatizable. This means that it is going to increase estrogen levels a lot. Lots of estrogen causes water retention and bloating. Therefore, some less muscle definition is possible, resulting in puffy muscles and watery gains.

The good news is that users can retain most of their lean muscle post-cycle as long as they keep up with their diet and exercise program, yet they will get rid of water retention and could reduce fat with a change in their diet.

Dianabol Results

Generally, while Dianabol results can be different from one person to another depending on a lot of different factors, there are 3 most important things you have to remember if you want to get the best results. Train hard, eat a lot and clean, and use Dianabol correctly. Without this, you just can’t expect any results. And while results can be different, there are a few things that are similar for everyone: you will get much bigger, stronger, and with lots of muscles!

Using Dianabol For The Best Results

As long as you do everything right, you can experience mind-blowing results. But you shouldn’t expect miracles as long as you don’t even work out or train properly.

  • Most people mainly use this compound as a bulking steroid. They use it for 4-6 weeks cycles or a maximum of 8 weeks. I don’t recommend anything over that because Dbol is hepatotoxic (toxic for your liver).
  • Additionally, dosage usually ranges between 20 mg and 80 mg a day. It depends on the level of experience, goals, and other factors. Beginners who never used Dbol should start at 20-30 mg/day.

In order to get the best results, many people stack it with testosterone. For this very reason, I actually recommend people who never used steroids start with testosterone as the first steroid cycle. Then they could stack Dianabol and Testosterone for the best results.

I recommend beginners to start at 20 mg per day. 30 mg a day is already pretty high with some good chances of developing side effects. Only people with more experience could try even higher doses.

Moreover, it doesn’t really matter what daily dosage you use, I recommend splitting it into several small doses throughout the day. That’s because Dbol half-life is 4-6 hours. So, if you use 20 mg/day, split it into morning and evening dosages.

Now, I’m pretty sure you are wondering about those Dianabol results week by week. So check it below.

Dianabol Results After 1 Week

By using Dianabol for the first week, you will probably notice some increase in strength already. Nonetheless, it is important to understand that this is just one week of using Dbol. Most people report that they need to use it for about two weeks in order to really start feeling it and seeing results.

You will not see huge physical results, although you may notice that your weight already increases. Again, all because it’s just the first week. People report about 4-7 lbs of total weight increase. Most of it is going to be muscles, but some fat and/or water retention is possible to occur too.

Dianabol Results After 2 Weeks

After two weeks of using Dianabol, there’s a high chance that you will notice huge improvements in terms of performance. You may notice that you are getting way stronger than you were and there’s a high chance you’ll get mental benefits too. Such as more motivation and more drive in the gym.

When it comes to physical changes, there are good chances you’ll notice some results and that’s because it’s not uncommon to add at least 6 lbs in total weight, with some people adding as much as 12 lbs. You notice getting heavier and more muscular.

Dianabol Results After 4 Weeks

After four weeks of using Dianabol, you will already notice some pretty big changes when it comes to physique transformation. During these four weeks, you will notice a great increase in performance and you may notice that you can longer and more often. If you trained like a champ and ate right, there’s a high chance that you will add 15-20 lbs by the end of the fourth week. That’s about 7-9 kg. And remember that most of the gains are muscle with only a fraction of it being water and fat.

Considering that you already added a lot of weight and muscles, a lot of people stop Dianabol at this point. Especially beginners. Extending the cycle length may offer more results, of course, but this will extend the side effects too. A month of Dianabol is much safer than using it for two. Yet, those who are willing to take the risks and/or those who have more experience with this steroid are doubling up the cycle length. But it’s not uncommon for many to stop after 6 weeks when attempting to increase the Dianabol cycle length. Remember that 8 weeks is a long cycle. It’s actually the maximum anyone could attempt. 4-6 weeks is much safer!

Dianabol Results After 8 Weeks

So, you said to yourself that you will take the risk and will continue running Dianabol despite its possible side effects. If you’re lucky enough and you can complete the 8 week cycle without issues (not everyone can because side effects can become too bad), at the end of the cycle you’re going to be feeling like a monster in the gym and a god outside the gym.

At that moment you will notice that you could attack every single set with an intensity that you could never sustain in the past while the weight just keeps on increasing. After eight weeks of using Dianabol, you are likely to be anywhere between 25 and 35 lbs heavier. And then again, with most of it being raw muscle. It’s pretty obvious that being so much heavier, your physique will undergo a lot of changes.

It’s important to understand though – the total amount of weight that you can gain as well as the fat/water versus muscle ratio that you gain depends on a lot of factors. Your age, genetics, personal response to this compound, environmental factors, training experience, intensity and frequency, cleanliness of your diet, and many more will determine the final Dianabol results. This is why Dianabol before and after photos can vary, but you will still notice most of them getting awesome results.

Yet, remember that it is normal to gain some water and fat. People with experience suggest that about 10-20% of total weight is normal to be made of fat and water. After stopping the Dianabol cycle, they indicate that they could lose all the fat and water while maintaining the most raw muscle. Some suggest that losing muscle is expectable. But if you continue a proper diet and workout plan, there’s nothing to be worried about.

Dianabol Before and After Side Effects

It’s important to understand that except for benefits and results, people can experience side effects too. That’s the number one reason why I do not recommend longer cycles or higher doses. Higher doses and/or longer cycles can offer more/better/faster results, but they exacerbate the risks of side effects.

That’s why it’s much better/safer to have an adequate break in between cycles while using this steroid correctly. Remember, muscle gain is not a marathon. It requires proper knowledge, dedication, and patience.

If you use doses higher than your body can tolerate and/or longer cycles, you could notice a really bad increase in estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia, water retention, hypertension, erectile dysfunction, and others. People generally use anti-estrogens during the cycle to control them.

Yet, there’s no way to control androgenic side effects such as acne, hair loss, aggression, and others as long as you’re prone to them. This steroid, like any other, can speed them up if you have the genetic trait to develop them. Additionally, as with any other steroid, you will notice a decline in natural testosterone production. That’s why you need a PCT plan unless you continue using exogenous testosterone after the cycle.

The reason why many people suggest that you lose most gains made during the cycle with Dianabol after you stop its use is that they stop the cycle without a PCT. This makes them suffer from testosterone deficiency and low testosterone levels, of course, leads to a decrease in performance with overall muscle loss and fat gains. That’s why a PCT is so important.


In the end, as you may notice, Dianabol before and after results can be awesome, but it greatly depends on a lot of factors. It’s important to make sure you do everything alright not only for the worth of maximizing your gains and results but also keeping you healthy. You definitely wouldn’t wish to wreak havoc on your body and health.

To do so, you need to learn as much as possible about Dianabol and how to use it. Moreover, you need to make sure you buy Dianabol of the highest quality.

Cycle-Gear.to is here to help with all your needs. Except for offering the best quality anabolic steroids for sale, including Methandienone (AKA Methandrostenolone), we can also help determine the best way to use Dbol specifically for you, your needs, and your goals. Additionally, by doing business with us you will get cheaper prices for the best quality steroids, cycle advice, convenient delivery options, and payment methods including various other advantages.


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