
4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone is obviously a chemical. It is the name of the substance you would find in the steroid Turinabol. Or you may know it as Oral Turinabol, Oral Tbol, or Tbol. Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone is the active substance in this orally active anabolic and androgenic steroid. You may find it as numerous other brand names, but nobody calls it by its chemical name for obvious reasons and Turinabol is the most popular brand name among many others.

In the end, regardless of the brand name, it’s all the same as long as we talk about Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone which is a derivative of Dianabol (Dbol). Nonetheless, it is very different from Methandrostenolone (AKA Methandienone). Except for it not aromatize into estrogen, Tbol is also less anabolic and androgenic than Dianabol and with a longer half-life. Therefore, it’s also an oral steroid, but it produces slower and quality gains. While it won’t help gain the same amount of strength and muscle as Dbol would, the gains are lean and you will experience fewer side effects than with Dianabol.


Tbol vs Dbol

Overall, many people think of Turinabol as the little brother of Dianabol. And in a way, they are actually right. Tbol is a milder version of Dbol that won’t produce the same gains but won’t cause the same side effects either. It’s a bit safer than Dianabol in terms of androgenic side effects and it’s not going to cause any estrogenic side effects. Including all other side effects being somewhat milder.

Although they are structurally very similar, with the difference being that Tbol has the added 4chloro alteration, there’s a big difference between these two oral steroids. Turinabol has an extremely low androgenic rating (almost zero) and a mild anabolic rating (53) without estrogenic activity as it cannot aromatize into estrogen. The gains are slow and dry.

  • While Dianabol is extremely aromatizable with higher anabolic and androgenic ratings, it can help add a lot of muscle mass and strength (with water retention) very fast. But it’s also way more likely to make you experience side effects too.

Turinabol History

Tbol is an anabolic steroid that was created by a pharmaceutical company in East Germany in the 1960s specifically for the purpose of physique and performance enhancement. The company was searching for ways to get a competitive edge of athletes in the Olympics and they did. Turinabol was the secret key to the success of East German Olympians from the 60s through the 80s.

Turinabol was also made in a way that it could pass the anti-doping tests. Yet, nowadays anti-doping tests will trace down Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone. In fact, there were actually lots of athletes and sportsmen caught using this steroid. One of the biggest examples is Jon Jones getting caught using 4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone (Turinabol).

It’s worth mentioning that it is one of the very few steroids in history that was created specifically for the purpose of physique and performance enhancement and not for medical use as most steroids.

Turinabol Benefits in Bodybuilding

It’s important to note that since Turinabol is not having great anabolic activity and is not aromatizing, it is not a great bulking steroid at all. Nonetheless, please do not make the mistake of thinking that it does not have any benefits. Tbol benefits can be amazing as long as you know why you need to use it and how to run it in cycles.

Among “benefits” we also can consider the fact that Turianbol is not going to cause nasty side effects. This steroid won’t cause estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia, water retention, erectile dysfunction, or hypertension. Although an increase in blood pressure can occur (as with any other steroid) because of the effects on cholesterol, it’s way safer than other steroids. It’s also safer in terms of cardiovascular strain, androgenic activity, testosterone suppression, and other types of steroid side effects.


But when it comes to estrogen related side effects, you won’t need any aromatase inhibitors. Tbol won’t cause or aggravate estrogenic side effects if you already run aromatizing compounds such as testosterone. This means that you are going to get tighter muscles without a puffy look. It’s not a great mass builder, so you can get great results without lots of weight gain. That’s especially advantageous for those who want to enhance performance without gaining weight. Such as those who want to compete in a certain weight class. Tbol will be great at enhancing speed, agility, stamina, endurance, recovery, and strength. But it’s still going to help you increase lean muscle mass.

Also, as I said, it’s a steroid that is pretty low in terms of side effects. Can be a great addition to a stack too. It has the ability to strongly bind to SHBG. This can lead to an increase in free testosterone and overall results while boosting other steroids that you may stack with.

Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone in Medicine

As I already said – Turinabol is a steroid that was created solely for the purpose of physique and performance enhancement. Therefore, it never had any medical uses. Nevertheless, in bodybuilding circles, it’s a really popular compound.

Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone – Turinabol Side Effects

Oral Turinabol (Tbol) is an orally active anabolic and androgenic steroid that is often put in the same category as Anavar (Oxandrolone) and Primobolan (Methenolone) when it comes to side effects. That’s because these steroids do not aromatize into estrogen and are fairly mild in terms of side effects.

Since these steroids don’t aromatize- no estrogenic issues will occur. Moreover, they are also milder in terms of androgenic activity, meaning that it’s safer for people prone to androgenic issues such as acne, hair loss, and aggression including others, and for women who are at risk of developing virilizing (masculinization) issues with anabolic steroids.

Moreover, it’s worth mentioning that all anabolic steroids will alter the production of endogenous testosterone. This means that testosterone suppression will occur with all steroids and there’s no way to avoid it. However, different steroids cause different suppression rates and Tbol is among the mildest. But it’s still suppressive enough to require a PCT plan after each Turinabol cycle.

Additionally, all steroids cause some cardiovascular strain and Tbol is no different. Cardiovascular strain mostly occurs because of negative effects on cholesterol. You need to make sure you keep your cholesterol levels in range and overall pay attention to your heart health and cardiovascular health. Especially if you add orally active steroids. Turinabol is hepatotoxic as all oral steroids. While the hepatotoxicity rate is milder than that of Dianabol, for example, it’s still going to negatively impact your liver. This usually leads to even more negative effects on cholesterol. Protect your liver during the Tbol cycle.

So, while Turinabol remains a steroid that is capable of causing the common steroids’ side effects with the exception of estrogenic side effects – they are likely to be milder.

Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone – Turinabol Half Life

Turinabol (Tbol) has a half-life of 16 hours. This is actually considered a pretty long half life for an oral steroid. In comparison to other oral anabolic steroids, that’s actually way longer. For example, Dianabol half-life is only 3-6 hours.

Because of this very long half-life, many people suggest that you can get along by using it only once per day, ingesting the full daily dosage, at the same time of the day, every day. Nonetheless, in order to make sure you maintain optimally high and stable blood levels, many people choose to split the daily dosage into two doses in half. Such as using it every 12 hours.

Turinabol Dosage

Before you actually get to use Tbol, it’s important to understand that you shouldn’t see Oral Tbol as a mass gaining agent. Turinabol dosage is ranging between 20-80 mg a day. Some professional bodybuilders with lots of experience attempt 100 mg a day, but that’s a huge dosage I definitely wouldn’t recommend to everyone. In fact, doses of 50 mg/day and higher are already likely to cause negative side effects.

For this reason, beginners should start at a dosage ranging between 20-40 mg/day. More advanced users could go for doses between 40 mg and 60 mg/day while doses higher should only go for people with vast experience with this steroid under their belt.

In addition to that, some women also go for Turinabol because of its low androgenic rating. Doses of Tbol for women should start at 5 mg a day and they rarely go any higher. Doses of 10 mg a day are already very big for women. Remember that anything within 5-10 mg a day is already likely to cause virilization issues in women.

So that’s:

  • 5-10 mg a day for women
  • 20-40 mg a day for beginners
  • 40-60 mg a day for advanced users
  • 60-100 mg a day for professionals

Turinabol Cycle

4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone is a milder steroid, but it’s still suppressive to natural testosterone production. This is why using it alone is not a good idea. Only women should use the solo Tbol cycle in an attempt to lower virilization risks. Men using it alone are likely to experience low testosterone symptoms. This hinders a man’s gains and health. Moreover, you won’t benefit from Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone ability to boost the efficacy of other anabolic steroids.

So, women use it alone, but men should stack it with testosterone and maybe other steroids too. But do not stack with other oral steroids. This could cause too much liver toxicity. No two oral steroids shouldn’t go together in an attempt to keep the liver healthy. One exception could be Proviron only because although it is an orally active steroid, it’s not 17-AA.

Also, remember that the Turinabol cycle for bulking might not be the best idea. Instead, this steroid is doing great for cutting cycles, fat loss periods, and for pre-contest needs.

Tbol cycle length usually ranges between 6-8 weeks. Rarely does someone use it for less (such as 4 weeks). Mostly – only women. Men, on the other hand, usually go for a Tbol cycle of 40-60 mg a day for 6-8 weeks. This is a common way to administer Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone. Either you use it alone or as a form of stack. But then again, I would recommend stacking.

Such a cycle is going to offer a pretty nice boost in strength, lean muscle, stamina, recovery, agility, speed, and overall performance. It’s also helpful in developing a harder and drier physique. With a calorie deficit diet, it’s going to boost fat loss too. It can be a great compound when you are searching to remain below 10% of body fat with a great performance boost.

Tbol Cycle Example

A simple example of the Tbol cycle is:

12 weeks of Testosterone Enanthate. 150 mg Monday and 150 mg Thursday. 300 mg per week total Testosterone dosage. The first 8 weeks with Turinabol 20 mg 8 AM and 20 mg 8 PM, every day. 40 mg per day total Turinabol dosage. Post Cycle Therapy 2 weeks after stopping the use of Testosterone, or about 2 days after the use of Turinabol if you plan to use it without testosterone. Liver protecting supplements and other cycle support is very welcome. Anti-estrogens are handy if you add Testosterone.

Those with more experience may adjust the dosage and cycle length and may also add other compounds. When it comes to cutting, some popular steroids include Masteron and Primobolan. No orals to keep the liver healthy. Others can add Trenbolone as long as they have more experience with steroids.

Buy 4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone Online

Turinaboll-20mgKeep in mind that there’s no medical use of Oral Turinabol (Tbol) which means that there’s only UGL Turinabol. You have to be very careful where you buy 4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone from because many sources sell fake/bunk steroids as many manufacturers produce low quality/bunk Tbol.

At we promise the best quality of all anabolic and androgenic steroids. Therefore, you can buy Turinabol for sale and we guarantee that you purchase the best quality of Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone on the market. In addition to that, you can save a lot of money too as we are the store that offers the best prices from whichever brand you choose from our site.

We may also help you determine the best way to use Turinabol for you and your needs as long as you plan to run it.


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