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Cold Shower Benefits For Bodybuilding

A cold shower can provide a lot of benefits, both for bodybuilding and for general health. That’s why if you can’t remember the last time you had a cold shower or even bath, it is the right time for you to start thinking about it. Especially if you’re looking to maximize your bodybuilding goals. A cold shower has so many benefits that its use dates back decades ago. So, while a lot of us in the present day love the idea of a steaming hot bath, you should really start valuing cold baths more. In the past, cold showers were a norm since cold water was far easier to have access to than heating it.

So, if you heard of ice baths, you may already know their benefits to elite athletes. But today, we’re going to take a closer look at it and determine how a cold shower or bath could support your bodybuilding goals.

There are a lot of other benefits besides the ones we’re going to share here. But I’m going to share three main reasons why a cold shower could benefit you a lot in your mission of growing muscle, strength, and burning fat.

A cold shower boosts your metabolism

Have you heard about the rumors that the cold has a great effect on your metabolism? Well, they are more than just rumors – that’s actually the truth. If you haven’t heard about this before, then you are seriously missing out.

The cold boosts your metabolism as it burns fat for heat. If you were to get into a cold bath, your body would start burning fat faster, simply because it uses fat to keep your body warm (at normal temperature). This is known as thermogenesis.

In order to maintain homeostasis, fat burning dramatically increases. According to studies, the submersion in cold water of 14°C (57 °F) will increase your metabolic rate by a whopping 350%. Not only that, but both bathing and showering in cold water have been proven to stimulate the brown adipose tissue (BAT) which is popular simply as brown fat. You may think that’s a bad thing as it stimulates fat. But brown fat actually is the one you would love to have because it plays an important role in the conversion of fat to heat.

The cold can boost your testosterone levels

OK, this may not be a great advantage if you’re already using testosterone injections as they keep testosterone levels elevated regardless of what you do. Nevertheless, it will still help in numerous other ways. According to research, there are connections between a cold shower/bath and high testosterone levels. I’m quite sure you already know the crucial role testosterone plays in helping you build muscle, cut fat, and perform in the gym.

The reason why it helps so much is because (studies prove) testes are working at their best in colder temperatures. A cold shower or bath has the ability to reduce cortisol (the stress hormone) which leads to a negative impact on testosterone production. In short, reducing cortisol helps boost your testosterone levels. But reducing cortisol is a great benefit in itself as you’ll experience faster and better muscle growth, among numerous others.

For example, lowering cortisol helps engage the parasympathetic nervous system. This is extremely important to support a quality night’s sleep. Need I say more about how extremely important it is to get enough decent sleep to support your gains?


Extremely beneficial to start the day

As I just earlier mentioned, a cold shower could greatly help you sleep better. But a cold shower could also help you… wake up. While this sounds strange that the same thing helps both sleep and wake up, that’s actually true. And I guess I don’t really need to explain how a cold shower can help you wake up. Just imagine getting that cold water on your face, you immediately wake up. So, if you struggle to get going in the morning, a cold shower would really help to wake up your body… and mind.

I know what you’re probably thinking – “I won’t be doing that, it’s just not comfortable. And… brrrr.. No”. Well, then you’re going to miss a lot. Doing that is going to stimulate the release of antidepressant endorphins (which helps you start the day in a good mood, and as you may already know, that can change your entire day, and your entire life). But that’s just part of the benefits. It will activate the nervous system, increase your metabolism for the day, spike your heart rate to get you going, and boost blood flow which helps recover your muscles, reduces soreness, and as said – burns fat.

Do not worry, you do not need a 20 minute cold shower. A quick 5 minutes will be more than enough to benefit your mind and body.

What Else Can You Do To Support Your Gains?

It is pretty obvious that a cold shower helps only support your gains. It boosts your metabolism, and natural testosterone production and has other benefits. But there are certainly other things that you can do in order to support your bodybuilding efforts and workout. While it is quite obvious that you need to work out hard, regularly, and correctly there are other things you should do besides a cold shower. Some of the basics are:

Stay hydrated

Water is crucial to support the repair and recovery of your muscles. It is actually important to stay healthy.

Get plenty of rest

While you work out, you tear those muscles. But then they need to grow back stronger. It occurs as you rest. You need a lot of sleep so your muscles have time to recover. And generally, similar to drinking lots of water, no need to mention its importance in staying healthy.

Eat well

Should I say more? I mean… It is extremely important to have a healthy and balanced diet. Overeating or undereating will definitely lead to negative effects. Not eating quality foods will develop nutrient deficiencies, impacting your muscles’ ability to recover, your hormonal balance, your fat burning abilities, and so on.

Yet, these are the crucial ones without which you just can’t achieve any bodybuilding goals. A cold shower is not crucial. But it is definitely beneficial. Among numerous other things that you can try that greatly help support your goals. Some of them are:

Try supplements

Creatine and protein are widely studied and were proven to have a huge effect on improving muscle strength and growth when used during regular resistance training. They reduce muscle damage and inflammation. These are just examples among lots of others such as L Carnitine for fat burning, L Arginine, L glutamine, and so on. We can also include various vitamins and minerals here. Omega 3, vitamin D, B, and numerous others.

Androgenic and anabolic steroids

We’ve all heard about their ability to build muscle and boost strength. That’s not a myth and they are so popular because they are indeed so helpful. In fact, there’s nothing better than steroids for growing muscle, boosting strength, burning fat, and generally supporting all your physique and performance enhancement goals. Yes, they do have side effects, but what doesn’t? If you’re going to use high quality steroids and learn how to use them right, you can get the best benefits and stay away from the side effects. Lucky you, at Cycle-Gear.to you can do both – buy the best steroids on the market and learn how to use them correctly.


Having a Cold Shower… In The End

In the end, there are a lot of different ways to optimize your workouts and muscle growth. I only shared some of the most popular methods. But there are some crucial ones such as eating well, getting plenty of rest, and hitting the gym hard and regularly. But there are numerous other things that will significantly influence your bodybuilding routine and goals. Taking a cold shower or even a bath every once in a while will make such a change.

  • Another sure way to hugely boost your goals is our 100% quality bodybuilding steroids that will support muscle growth, strength, fat burning, and so on. Whether you’re cutting or bulking, Cycle Gear is here to support and provide the help you need for achieving the performance and physique you’re dreaming about.

We provide lots of products and lots of information – all you need to get going. For example, do not forget that the post workout routine is just as important as the pre workout routine. You should allow your body time to both prepare and restore itself. While you prepare with a pre-workout, the post-workout is crucial to recover and maximize your efforts from the time you spend in the gym.

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