Dumbbell Core Workout

Check Out The Best Dumbbell Core Workout Here! Do you know that a strong core is actually extremely important to any workout routine? Even when you’re doing biceps curls, you still should hold your core firmly. It basically means that almost regardless of the exercise type you’re doing or the workout routine you have, you’re almost always working your core. That’s why a strong core is so vital.

So, strengthening your core means that you are going to develop the muscles in your lower back, abdominal muscles, and pelvis. The core muscles that are basically keeping your entire body. Core exercises train the muscles in your core to work in harmony. With strong core muscles, you’re going to have a better balance and stability, and this will aid the function and movement. And not to mention the other benefits that we’re all dreaming about: having a more toned core definitely improves your overall appearance. Anyway, it’s not only about visual benefits. You will improve your balance, coordination, and posture.

  • One great way to work out your core which will help increase stability and balance is to add dumbbell exercises into your bodybuilding routine. That’s because these will help weighted ab exercises into your practice.

But another great thing about the dumbbell core exercises is that you can do them practically anywhere you want. You can do them regularly at home, at the gym, or even at your office during your lunch break! They’re a perfect strategy for a short workout, but they also can be perfect for a sweaty workout too. You can add them into a longer routine in order to get your heart racing too. Whatever the case, they are going to be awesome at building your core strength fast and efficiently.

Dumbbells For Abdominal Muscles

We all know that there are literally hundreds of ab workout exercises. But if you’re struggling with more ab workout ideas, or you simply need to build an even stronger core, read on for more helpful information regarding dumbbell core workouts. With the help of this post, your core is going to get an intense workout with a selection of exercises that are created specifically for targeting both your upper and lower abs, obliques as well as lower back. One of the great parts is that all you need is to use a set of dumbbells.


Why Do We Need A Strong Core?

I earlier mentioned the most important reasons why we need a strong core. It is important to strengthen your core because this is an essential part of a healthy (and good looking) body. Your core basically “holds” your upper body firmly. Without a strong core, you’d just find it hard to have a good posture. This isn’t only making you look in a bad light, but it can cause health (especially spine) issues.

Your core muscles are the ones that support your spine, they stabilize your body and structure and promote a proper posture. They are responsible for making you able to simply walk.

You do not even realize it but you actually rely on your core for all movements. From twisting to the side, reaching above your head, and moving heavy objects. You are using these muscles whenever you’re sitting down and standing up. As said, you use (or should keep them firmly) even when simply doing bicep curls. At first sight, they may seem to be unrelated, but since they are stabilizing your body and structure, they actually are.

In the end, never underestimate the effects of building a healthy and strong core. It is going to be an efficient way to prevent or actually relieve lower back pain, build muscle mass, and improve your physical appearance, flexibility, and stability.

The Importance Of A Full Body Workout

If you want to have visible abs, you shouldn’t just have ab exercises. I suppose you already know it. To have those abs, you would want to work out your entire body. When talking about a balanced fitness routine that is both healthy and beneficial, it should include cardio, flexibility, strength training as well as balance exercises.

By doing a full body workout, it is not only going to promote strength, toning, and flexibility in your entire body. But it will also prevent you from getting bored during workouts. Will also help you constantly challenge yourself to achieve new goals.

Searching For Professional Help?

Keep in mind that searching for professional help is always going to be beneficial! Regardless if you’re a fitness newbie, or perhaps you’re living with a health condition or maybe recovering from an injury. Even if you’re not a newbie and do not have any injuries or health conditions, you would still get a lot of help from professionals, regardless. It is always a good idea to consult the help of a professional such as a personal trainer in order to create your workouts for you. Even if you’ve been in the lifting game for a while, a professional can help you level up the current schedule. May offer helpful advice and insights specifically for you and your needs. But then again, especially if you’re a beginner.

Regardless of your health condition or level of experience, a personal trainer or a fitness professional is able to assess your current fitness level and experience, your needs and goals as well as your status and health, creating a personal plan. You already know that we’re all different and respond differently to different compounds, workout plans, and exercises.

That’s why it is so important to have an individual plan regardless of what we’re talking about: workout schedule, weights, reps, supplements, anabolic steroids, resting time, and so on and so forth.

But what’s also very important is that they will make sure that you are going to have the correct form and technique during your workouts. This is not only helpful for gaining muscles and burning fat as fast and as efficiently as possible. But it is also going to keep you safe because improper techniques and forms could lead to various issues in the long run. So, they would teach you how to build your lifts and progressively gain.


You should not ever underestimate the mental effects of working out. Training can be strenuous both for your body and mind. People are often getting tired mentally rather than physically. This causes them to give up and lose motivation.

A professional trainer, however, can help give you the motivation and feedback that can help you progress and modify your routine. Without realizing that, this is what you actually need.

The Right Weight For You

So, you plan to start your dumbbell core workout, but what weight is right for you? Of course, you need to go for a dumbbell weight depending on your strength level. Start with a low weight, for example, 5 pounds, and complete a few reps of an exercise. Do not start with “ego” weight. The technique is very important. You can increase the weight by 2.5 pounds until you are getting to a somewhat challenging, but not impossible weight. Remember that you should keep a good form (technique) and then complete a specific amount of reps.

You should choose a weight that depends on your goals. For example:

  • If you’re searching for strength training, you should go for a suitable weight that would help you do around 4-8 reps.
  • For building muscle, you need to choose a weight that will allow you to perform anywhere between 8 to 12 reps in good form.
  • In case you’re training for muscle endurance, then you should choose a weight that you can lift for at least 15 repetitions.

So, with this being said, I am going to share here some essential dumbbell exercises that you could (or maybe even should) include in your next workouts. Will share their benefits and how you could do them properly. But first…

Warmup, Warmup and again… Warmup

It’s actually very important to warm up your body before actually working out. I guess you saw fighters, football players, and all other sports competitors starting their game already sweaty. That’s because a warm-up is not only going to ensure you’ll perform better, but it greatly reduces the risk of injuries.

So, before you start training, start with a warmup of about 3-5 minutes. It could be a quick walk on a treadmill, maybe using a cross trainer or a rowing machine or maybe you could do a short circuit that will quickly get your heart pumping. A highly effective short circuit would be 30 seconds of each:

  • Jogging on the spot
  • Jumping jacks
  • High knees
  • Butt kicks

After these two minutes, rest for 20-30 seconds and repeat again. 2-3 circuits will get you ready for the workout.

The Best Dumbbell Exercises For Core Muscles

For each exercise that I am going to share here, it’s best to complete around 1-3 sets, each consisting of 8-15 reps. Or then again, the number of reps can be adjusted according to the weight that you choose. This depends on your goals.

In case you’re new to training or you’re recovering from an injury, it’s important to remember – start slowly and work your way up. Attempting too much weight or having improper technique can lead to injuries. In case you are not familiar with weights, as explained above, slowly add the weight after starting lightly. If you’re unsure about the form or technique, start by doing a few reps of each exercise without any weight at all. When you get familiar with the form and have a good technique, begin adding a lightweight. Then gradually increase the load, without sacrificing the technique.

So, check out some highly popular and highly efficient Dumbbell Core Workout Exercises.

Russian Twist

Start off by sitting on the ground and having your legs stretched out ahead of you. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor. While holding a dumbbell in front of your chest, slowly start hiding at your hips, bracing your core and leaning slightly back with your upper body. You should slowly twist your upper body to the right. Return to the starting position. Repeat the same movement on the opposite side.


This is perhaps the most popular abdominal exercise. People often tend to either overestimate or underestimate its effects. Regardless of which group you are in, crunches can be effective for strengthening your core. Especially because now you have a dumbbell added. Start by lying on the floor. Keep your knees bent and pressed to the ground. Hold the dumbbell close to your chest with both your hands. Use your upper abs in order to lift your shoulders and torso towards your knees. Gently lower back, getting your shoulders and torso on the floor again which is the starting position. Repeat.

Dumbbell Swing

For this exercise, you need to start in a standing position. Hold the top of a dumbbell in both hands. Hinge at your hips while bending your knees slightly as you are swinging the weight between your legs. You should be using your hips in order to propel the weight up to the shoulder height. Slowly lower the weight in the starting position and repeat again.

Side Plank Raise

Start your side plank raise by lying on your left side with your legs extended. While leaning on your left forearm for support, you should stack your feet and place a dumbbell on your right hip. Lift your hips and legs as high off the ground as you can. Hold this position for a few seconds before slowly returning to the starting position. Of course, you should repeat this on the right side as well.

Dumbbell Rowboat

While sitting with your legs stretched out and holding a dumbbell in front of you, start to slowly lift your feet off the floor. Keep your core engaged as you are twisting to the right. Slowly return to the starting position and then repeat the movement on the opposite side.

Alternating Overhead Press

Begin with good form by standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and bend your elbows so your hands are at shoulder height with your palms facing forward. Straighten your left arm to raise the weight above your head. Engage your core in order to keep your lower back straight. Lower your arm to the starting position in a slow and controlled way. Repeat this with your other arm.

Squat To Overhead Press

You should start in a standing position by holding two dumbbells towards your chest. Your palms should be facing your body. Throw your hips back as if you are going to sit down and lower into a squat. Stand up straight. At the same time, you should lower your arms above your head with your palms facing away from your body. Return back to the starting position and then repeat.

Long Arm Dumbbell Crunch

The starting position is lying flat on your back with your knees bent. Begin by pressing the soles of your feet into the ground. Hold a dumbbell behind your head with both your hands. Engage your core muscles and lift the weight above your head as you are performing a sit-up. Engaging the core muscles again, slowly lower back to the starting position and repeat.

Leg Raises

Start by lying on your back and having a dumbbell held between your ankles. Lift your legs to approximately 45 degree angle while squeezing your legs together to lift the weight. Slowly lower your legs back to the starting position. Then repeat.

Standing Weighted Twist

Start in a standing position. Hold a dumbbell at your chest height with both hands. Rotate your torso to the right and then return back to the center. Then rotate to the left and return back. Repeat.

Lying Overhead Reach

Begin by lying down on your back and holding a dumbbell in each hand over your chest. Make sure that your knees are above your hips with your calves parallel to the floor. In this way, your legs are creating a 90-degree angle. This way, gently lower your arms to the floor behind your head and pause for a few seconds. Return your arms to the starting position slowly then repeat.

Tips For Having A Toned Stomach

Well, those are the exercises that would greatly help you build a toned and strengthened core. This ultimate dumbbell workout for your core is definitely going to help strengthen and stabilize both your abs and lower back. Introduce them in your workouts frequently and you’re going to see a huge change in no time. But in addition to the dumbbell core workout, there are numerous other things you can do for a better looking midsection. Some tips you can (and actually should) introduce to your bodybuilding regimen are:

  • First and foremost, perhaps the most important, follow a healthy and balanced diet. Make sure to include fiber, protein, and probiotics.
  • Try whatever it takes to get about 7-9 hours of high quality sleep every night. Sleep deprivation often leads to fat gains, especially in your stomach area.
  • Drink a lot of water every day. Never underestimate the importance of water. After all, the human body is all water up to 60%!
  • Stay away from sugary drinks. Liquid calories are a huge problem. Avoid fruit juices, soda, and alcohol.
  • When you are to drink hot beverages, you should stick to unsweetened tea and coffee. Make the habit of drinking only water, tea, and coffee – without sugar.
  • It’s best to balance out your workout routine with different activities that help you relax and avoid stress.

Build A Strong Core With Cycle Gear!

While we all know that exercising, dieting, and resting are the key elements of gaining muscle, burning fat, and developing a highly attractive physique, we often find it not enough. As long as you get these things on point, we can help you boost your goals.

Cycle Gear is here to support you as long as you really want to level up your progress. While making sure you drink lots of water, have a clean and balanced diet, and introduce these best dumbbell exercises for working out your abs and lower back building a solid core, you can introduce the products you can buy from Cycle-Gear.to for the best prices online.

A nutritionist can help find your best diet. A professional trainer can help find your best workout plan. But Cycle Gear can help you find the best way to cycle gear. We offer the best quality anabolic steroids for sale. This means that they are going to work the way they are supposed to and you could also save money. So, we teach you how to use them correctly, with a plan specifically for you and your needs, and you will achieve your goals in no time.

When using anabolic steroids of high quality correctly, they are not only immensely helpful at maximizing your gains and building stability in no time, but they can be safe too. If you really want to up your game, introduce the proper anabolic steroids which will greatly help you build muscle and get shredded fast. With quality products and proper knowledge of how to cycle that gear, you will get zero side effects.


Common Mistakes While In Training Regime

We all know very well that working out, gaining muscles, shredding fat, and overall getting fit is going to take some time and most importantly it takes patience. To achieve these goals you have to be very patient and consistent with what you do. There is a lot of work in there and we all completely get that. The problem is that when you do not have the right strategy on point, that’s going to make it a lot much harder for you to hit your goals. And of course, much longer. Therefore, in this article, I decided to talk about some common mistakes that people are making while they are in their training regime.

These mistakes can hinder your gains and can make it way harder to achieve your goals. By bringing them out in the open, I really hope you will find it helpful in avoiding them. This way, it can help you keep your plan on track and get ready for a shredded body for the next summer.

Guessing Your Starting Point

A lot of people who are just getting started in getting their dream physique make a very common and pretty big (in my opinion) mistake – they are just guessing their starting point. Yet, if you really want to get on the track of progress then it is time for you to be completely honest with yourself about your starting point. You should get the facts on point first. Regardless of how daunting and intimidating they may feel. This way you can arm yourself with the numbers to start your progress from. This means you should start with your current weight, body fat percentage, and maintenance calories.

After you have all the numbers, work out your nutritional needs and start putting together a workout plan that is going to suit your goals the best. Also, of course, you need a workout plan that would suit both your goals and your schedule.

This is very important because if you do not know where you began, how will you know how much progress you’re making? That’s important because oftentimes, it may feel or seem like you’ve not really made any progress, but those numbers may actually prove you wrong. This can help keep you motivated to continue your training regime. Losing motivation is perhaps the number one reason why people stop their training mode, which, of course, stops them from making any progress. Moreover, having the facts and numbers helps you with further steps too. Such as

Not Planning Ahead

Your physique reflects your routine and daily habits. You can easily assume the daily habits of a person simply by checking their physique. That’s why, it’s best to get your daily habits on track as long as you want to improve your physique.

In case you are feeling motivated first thing, get things done in the morning. As I earlier mentioned, motivation is an extremely important thing that you shouldn’t underestimate. It’s very important to understand that getting into shape and smashing through your goals is going to take motivation. Sometimes, it takes a lot of it. A lot of people will feel motivated in the morning but demotivated, drained, and tired by the evening. If you find this is true about you too, do not schedule your workouts after work. You just won’t do it.

But it’s obvious that for that perfect balance when it comes to muscle gain and fat loss, you need a perfect balance of good food and great workouts. Therefore, it’s best when you plan out your nutrition too. Including what to eat, how often, and how much. Additionally, for example, calculating your maintenance calories and calculating the calories that you eat per day will greatly help you have a better idea of what to expect out of what you do based on the calories you eat and burn.


Training Impartially and/or Incorrectly

While it may sound like an obvious mistake for some, it’s not for others. So, I feel it is very important to share this mistake with you here. Especially because a lot of people do it.

We have seen a lot of people (and maybe we’re one of them) that are finishing a lot of gym sessions with a half hearted ab workout. Lots of people do not want to do cardio and lots of people do not want to do an ab workout. The main reason is because this is hard. Well, that’s what it’s supposed to be when working out. If it had been easy, there definitely would be way more people walking around with rock hard six packs. Everyone would love to have them, but not everyone can put that sweat into the gym. That’s why there are only a few with those six packs.

For example, you can see that most men absolutely love arm day. Many of them are very likely to have more than just one arm day a week. Nonetheless, on the other hand, we do not find too many who actually enjoy training their legs so much. It’s actually uncommon for men to train their legs. This is the reason why you can see a lot of men with bigger upper body parts than it’s the other way around.

Still, it’s important to understand that having an ab workout before you go home is no use as long as you have fat covering them. And fat doesn’t retract. An abdominal workout is not going to help you burn too much fat, it helps you gain the ab muscles.

It’s not just that, but the body requires balance…

You just wouldn’t only work one arm and not the other one, would you?

In the same way, you would need to train both sides of your body when you are working out. You should be training your lower body as much as you are working your upper body. Preferably, again, work all muscles, all over the body.

If you need more temptation then you should know that building muscle in your legs can also help boost the muscle in your upper body too! Another thing that you may not know is that training legs may lead to a higher calorie expenditure because they are larger muscle groups requiring more energy. This means that training legs may lead to more fat loss. In the end, after all, we’ve seen photos or maybe even real people who look great on the upper side and mediocre on the lower side. They don’t look good, are they?

Your Training Needs Motivation

In case you’re struggling for motivation, find whatever makes you feel better and motivated and keep on going. For example, a great trick is to think about that one person who inspires you in terms of physique. You could think about that person who you would love to work with too. It can be Arnold Schwarzenegger, “The Rock”, Ronnie Coleman, or whoever else inspires you. Trust me, this really works.

Trust me, you can be surprised by how hardcore you can go during your workout when you start thinking about them. Thinking that they are working out with you. Maybe even spotting for you, countering your reps, and pushing your muscles to the limit, breaking those muscles.

Not Getting Enough Sleep

For whatever reason, a lot of us are not sleeping enough and that’s one huge mistake. Training, eating, and sleeping are the three most important factors when it comes to achieving your physique goals. Staying in a proper training mode for achieving those fitness goals, of course, means that you should get enough quality sleep too. When we do not get enough quality sleep, we have disturbed ghrelin and leptin levels. These are two extremely important hormones in our training regime as they influence our energy and appetite.

Therefore, we all know that when we do not sleep well, we have less energy. This doesn’t only make you suffer from less energy, focus, and concentration, but makes your body retard the fat burning progress as well as your muscle gaining ability too. By not sleeping as much as we need or correctly, our body will struggle to metabolize efficiently. This is what leads to an increase in insulin resistance and stored fat.

In the end, not enough sleep shifts your body from a fat burning machine into a fat gaining one. More fat makes our workouts harder and even increases the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.

Struggling to Stick to a Program

As I said at the beginning of this post: patience and consistency are the keys to achieving results. However, when you are going hard with a particular program but do not really see any changes, it is very easy (and obvious) that you would want to try something new. I recommend you start by asking yourself why this program is not delivering those results. Oftentimes, you find a reason. Maybe you’re repeating the same weight with every workout? Maybe you’re resting for too long and scrolling on your phone or talking with your friend. Anything could be the answer.

It’s important to understand that the little details can make a huge difference to your workout. That’s why it makes a very big difference to your results from those workouts. So, even a small detail can count. You should be consistent with your workout but only to some extent. When you’re working out after a while, you need to switch up your workout program.

I guess you know the saying “To see the muscles grow you need to shock them”. That’s actually true. And you shock them with different types of exercises, different weights, different reps, sets, and so on and so forth.

Old Workout = Old Goals

It’s important to understand that a workout that may have worked for you previously doesn’t necessarily mean that it is going to work the same way the second time. It’s always best to evaluate your goals and get ready to take a new approach according to your goals. Go for new whenever you feel the need or feel like you’ve hit a plateau.

You’re Not Eating Right When Training

Eating, of course, plays a huge role in achieving your goals. So, one of the reasons why many people fail during their training regime is because they are making the mistake of not eating the right amount. Or simply put, not eating right.

As we all know, it is very easy to connect burning fat with eating less. This can often lead to eating the wrong types of food too.

And I’m not only talking about eating too much as many of you may have thought. Indeed, eating too much food and eating the wrong kind of food will definitely hinder your progress. Nonetheless, it can be the other way around too. For example, if you are eating very little, yet you are pushing yourself hard in the gym, you may see a lot of fat loss, but you may not see results in terms of building a great appearance and maybe even noticing performance decrease. That’s no surprise, actually. This is because your body needs the fuel. To perform and to grow.


While you’re working out a lot, eating a minimal amount is highly effective for fat loss. But this doesn’t mean that if you eat as little as possible – it is going to lead to the best possible results. Needless to mention this is a huge mistake, and that’s especially if you’re searching for ways to build muscle. Not enough eating also leads to loss of energy, motivation, and mood. This way you may stop working out altogether and even when you do work out, you don’t work out at your full potential, again, hindering your gains.

What you actually need to do is to focus on eating the right foods and the right amounts. You should hit the all important macros on a daily basis. If you’re looking to burn fat, maintain a right calorie deficit that is just below maintenance levels. This way you’ll be sure to burn fat and keep your muscle gains.

Maximize Your Training Regime Outcomes

If you want to maximize the outcomes from your training mode, be sure to avoid making these mistakes. Maybe you want to speed up your progress or you’re struggling to push through plateaus? You’ve come to the right place to deal with this!

The Cycle Gear team will not only help you get the best quality of anabolic steroids that ensure you will achieve your goals, but we will help you with anything regarding it. We can help you get quality steroids making sure they will work efficiently and remain safe. You can save a lot of money and get products easily, fast, and anonymously. Regardless if you’re searching to cut fat or bulk muscle, Cycle-Gear.to will help you with all your goals through a proper way of cycling gear of proper quality.

  • We are an all-you-need-stop for your physique improvement and performance enhancement. Order the right products today and add them to your training mode. You’ll see results in no time.


Bulking Diet and Anabolic Part

Regardless if you’re using anabolic steroids or not, a bulking diet is something that you will need to learn as much as possible about as long as you want to get big and muscular. Bulking is actually a word that you can see everywhere as long as you’re in the fitness community. Whether you simply want to look good or you’re a fitness fanatic, a gym-goer would always hear of the bulking diet or a bulking strategy.

Bulking is the period when you “bulk up” meaning that you gain muscle mass. You have to know how to implement the right bulking diet (strategy or phase) to do it right. Mainly, common bulking ways are:

Dirty Bulking

I generally think of Dirty Bulking as “bulking like an idiot”. I am sorry if this offends someone but dirty bulking is never the right type of bulking as long as you want to look great and perform great. In my opinion, it is the “bad” type of bulking because it involves consuming as much amount of food as possible to ramp up calories. Usually, it involves junk food too, simply to increase the amount of calories as much as possible. People following this plan are forcing their bodies to build muscle, but they accept a huge amount of fat gain too. As long as you are OK with gaining lots of fat – it may be for you.

However, the problem is that this type of bulking is completely unnecessary and most of the time – it is unsuccessful. It may be successful only for those who are consuming large amounts of calories, but at least they are paying attention to what exactly they eat.

Clean Bulking

Now that’s the type of bulking that we’re going to talk about here. This is the right and proper way to bulk up. I often call it “bulking like a boss”. It involves the practice of eating a surplus of healthy-only foods in order to boost your calorie intake. While you are still likely to gain some fat, it is usually nothing too much and easy to lose. It involves eating in a controlled calorie surplus over your maintenance calories and, of course, eating clean.

This type of bulking is great for anyone who wants to gain muscle mass and become big and strong. It is especially great for those who have a hard time gaining muscle. So, bulking is great for everyone who wants to become big and strong, but it’s also helpful even for those who are naturally slim guys, including those who are “hard gainers”.


Now that you know more about the different bulking methods people tend to follow, we’re going to talk more about the bulking phase in general.

It’s also important to remember that regardless of whether or not you are using anabolic steroids, a bulking diet is what you need to gain muscle. Anabolic steroids can greatly speed up your process and they can help get over a plateau or get way bigger than you would ever be naturally. Nonetheless, they do not make you grow out of anything. Your muscles grow thanks to the foods you eat. So you need to pay attention to it. A bulking diet is still necessary, regardless if you use anabolic steroids, or you don’t.

Anabolism and Anabolic Part

So, steroids are very effective at helping you to gain muscle because the more anabolic you are, the less of a surplus you’re going to need to increase muscle mass. And as we all know, all steroids are great at providing the best anabolic environment. Nonetheless, what exactly does anabolic mean? You need to keep it simple and remember that “anabolic” means muscle growth while “catabolic” means muscle breakdown.

Nonetheless, anabolism is not only when you’re on anabolic steroids. They help boost the anabolic part, but they are definitely not a substitute for foods. Since anabolic steroids are… anabolic, it means that they build muscle. Nonetheless, our bodies are also producing anabolic and catabolic hormones and enzymes.

A good example of that is Testosterone, Growth Hormone, Insulin, and IGF-1 – these are all natural hormones that our bodies produce naturally, and they are all anabolic. By using exogenous testosterone (yes, it’s an anabolic steroid), you’re increasing the level of this hormone, thus increasing the anabolism in your body. That’s why anabolic steroids are helpful in gaining muscle and assist your bulking strategy.

Yet, as said, you can remain in an anabolic state without steroids, of course. For example, besides hormones, there are enzymes such as luke mTOR – this is indirectly anabolic because they are starting anabolic processes in your body. These enzymes work by increasing protein synthesis and this definitely boosts muscle mass.


People Who Gain Easily and Those Who Don’t

Well, we are all different as you know. Therefore, not everyone is producing the same level of endogenous (natural) anabolic hormones. It greatly depends on a lot of factors such as your genetics, health conditions, environmental factors, diet, lifestyle, and many other factors. And because of all of these, unfortunately, some people are gaining muscles much slower than other people. Some of us are able to naturally produce a lot of muscle by almost only looking at a dumbbell and having a mediocre diet. On the other hand, some people naturally have low levels of anabolic hormones so they are natural “hard gainers” even with a great diet and great workout plan. While they still have great results, their results are much slower and never the same as the results of people with naturally high levels of anabolic hormones.

People with naturally higher levels of anabolic hormones and androgen receptors will usually build way more muscle and will build way easier and way faster as well. These are the “easy gainers”. Nonetheless, those who are the opposite, with lower levels of natural anabolic hormones will be the “hard gainers”. That’s when anabolic steroids come in. By increasing the level of these hormones exogenously, those people greatly increase their muscle building potential.

But remember that there are also other factors affecting how much muscle you can build. Myostatin expression levels as well as the ratio of fast-twitch fibers will play a huge role here. For example, those with a lot of myostatin level and/or slow-twitch fibers will not have as much growth potential as those with fast twitch fibers. I’m just trying to be honest and I tell you that with lots of slow twitch fibers, you have no chance of becoming the next Mr. Olympia.

Catabolic Hormones

Now that you understand what anabolic means, the opposite of it is catabolic. While you may already have a good idea of what it means, I still think that you should have a better understanding of it. So, for example, some of the hormones that our bodies naturally produce are catabolic. They are the types of hormones that are going to break down muscle and tissue. They will also break down stored energy so your body can use it for fuel to continue working and functioning.

Some good examples of such hormones are glucagon, adrenaline, and cortisol. Therefore, most commonly, the more of these hormones your body naturally produces, the harder it is for you to add muscles. For a bodybuilder, it is great when they suppress these hormones.

Hormones and Diet

After all of this, I’m pretty sure you would love to understand what this all has to do with bulking. For example, one thing that you should understand is that food is not only energy. The foods that you eat, unsurprisingly, will impact a lot of things in your body, and that’s including the hormones and enzymes too. Being on a bulking diet means that you are in a calorie surplus. It is a diet that includes lots of carbs and proteins. If you’re on such a diet, you can expect:

  • Likely to increase testosterone levels
  • Likely to increase insulin levels
  • An increase in IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor 1)
  • Decrease in cortisol
  • Likely decrease glucagon
  • Decreased adrenaline levels
  • mTOR is likely to work at a significantly higher rate

This is part of the reason why people who are eating in caloric surplus usually have more energy levels and are stronger than those who are eating in calorie restricted diets.

Normal and Extreme Anabolic

In order for you to understand it all better, I am going to share here an example that would indicate how strong and effective the relationship between food and the anabolic part is. For example, those people who use anabolic steroids are able to burn fat while making huge gains. That’s something that you are highly unlikely to achieve when you are natural. Doing so means that they are able to build muscle despite the fact that they are “under eating” – having a calorie deficit diet.

But why someone who is not using anabolic steroids can’t do that? You may notice that lots of bodybuilders are able to build muscle despite the fact that they are still maintaining a huge calorie deficit. This allows them to burn a lot of fat while gaining muscle, thus allowing them to be muscular and have a body fat percentage of under 7%.

It doesn’t matter how genetically gifted you are and how great of a diet and workout plan you have – you are not going to be able to do that naturally. As I explained earlier, anabolic steroids and other Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) are going to take your anabolic biochemistry to a level that you can’t achieve naturally.

That’s why, anabolic steroids will greatly enhance your anabolism, thus allowing you to achieve goals that you will never be able to achieve naturally. This is something that you can call an “anabolic extreme”.

Should You Be Bulking?

As long as you plan to become stronger and/or bigger with more muscle – a bulking diet is likely what you’re searching for. A bulking diet is very important regardless if you’re on steroids or not, as long as you plan to become bigger. Although anabolic steroids can help you gain muscle when you’re in a calorie deficit as long as you eat and train right, the proper bulking diet is going to help you achieve way more and way faster muscle mass growth. So:

  • Those people who use anabolic steroids may be able to maintain and may even gain muscle even when they are eating in a large calorie deficit diet.
  • Bodybuilders and those who use steroids may build a good amount of muscle while in a moderate deficit.
  • If you’re genetically gifted, you could achieve gains at maintenance level calories without steroids. Adding steroids will greatly speed up the process and help you add more muscle than you could achieve naturally.
  • If you’re natural and have average genetics then you will need a good amount of surplus to build a small amount of muscle.
  • For the hard gainers, you would need a huge surplus to gain at least some muscle unless you’re resorting to anabolic steroids.

In short…

Those people who do not have the natural anabolic gift will need a huge amount of food in order for their bodies to be able to create muscle tissues. The problem here is that the more foods you eat – the more likely you are to add fat. A higher surplus leads to a higher amount of fat.

This is because insulin is an anabolic hormone to both muscle cells and fat. While it helps grow muscle, it assists in fat gain too. That’s the worst part for hard gainers. They are only able to gain some muscle mass with a big part of fat. While adding some fat amount during a bulking diet is normal for all people, hard gainers usually add way more. Moreover, hard gainers are those who are likely to lose muscle during a calorie deficit. Again, while being in calorie deficit it’s normal to lose some muscle for everyone, they are likely to lose more.

So, if you’re a hard gainer, I am really sorry. Your best bet is anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids, generally, are a good option for those who reached their natural potential, regardless of their body type, and want to get through the plateau.

That’s just the hard truth. It may sound harsh, but that’s reality. Similarly to if you’re 6’5”, you’re unlikely to be an NBA player, if you’re a natural hard gainer, you’re unlikely to be on the Mr. Olympia stage.

Ready to Get Muscular and BIG?

If you want something that would increase testosterone levels, and shred through fat and muscle muscle mass fast, then you need Cycle-Gear.to.

We have everything that you may need for your bulking, cutting, and shredding needs. Cycle Gear offers the best quality anabolic steroids – the only compounds that are able to cut through your genetics and break through plateaus. We offer anabolic steroids for sale meaning that you can save a lot of money. What’s even more important – we offer only the best quality gear, ensuring they will work exactly as they should.

You need a great bulking diet and a proper working plan. By adding an ultimate stack for big muscle gains from our site, you’re almost guaranteed to get HUGE. At Cycle-Gear.to you can also learn the best way to use those anabolic steroids for your needs. So, we got you covered with everything that you may need for your goals.



Isotretinoin is the chemical name of the brand Accutane. It was developed back in 1982 by Dr. Gary Peck, who has discovered that it is highly effective at treating cystic acne. He made it after discovering that vitamin A is doing a great job at inhibiting sebum production in high dosages. With inhibited sebum production, acne can’t form. Sebum is an oily and waxy substance that your body produces in sebaceous glands. When there’s too much of it, acne forms easier.

Anyway, remember that except for Accutane, there are numerous other brand names available for Isotretinoin. That was after Roche’s patent expired. Another popular brand is Roaccutane including other generic names. ultima-accutane-20

So, make sure to buy quality and real Isotretinoin in order to make sure that the product would be effective at dealing with your acne issues.

At Cycle-Gear.to we’ve proven numerous times to a lot of different customers that we offer only the best quality products. At sale prices. So, you can buy Accutane for sale from our site and ensure you’re getting the best Isotretinoin quality for the lowest price.


Why would you need Accutane? Well, I would actually recommend you stay away from it in case you don’t need it.

However, there are a lot of bodybuilders who use anabolic steroids that need Accutane. That’s because the use of steroids is having negative effects on their skin. The anabolic and androgenic steroids are causing oily skin, damage their skin appearance and might even lead to acne related side effects. So, they use Accutane (Isotretinoin) as a method to fight off those negative effects of steroids.

What is Accutane?

Accutane or Roaccutane including other brand names (Isotretinoin) is a medication that is mainly used for treating severe acne cases. It treats bad cases of cystic acne with high success and is helping skin renew itself more rapidly. However, in medical settings, doctors can prescribe it to prevent or even treat certain types of skin cancers. It may be effective at treating other skin related diseases.

Isotretinoin is related to vitamin A as it is a type of retinoid. Small quantities of retinoids are naturally found in the body too. In many countries, Accutane is an over the counter product. However, in the USA, it’s a prescription drug.

  • If you’re looking to prevent acne, as a result of using steroids you won’t get a prescription for it, most likely. But even if you do get a prescription, it’s much cheaper to get it from CycleGear.to!

Anyway, Accutane is working as an isomer of Vitamin A. By doing so, it drastically reduces the amount of oil (sebum) that the oil glands release into the skin. Without the same amount of sebum (oil), it’s way harder for acne to form. Thus, acne is drastically reduced.

Most patients using Isotretinoin report awesome results.

If lower doses are not effective, almost everyone reports awesome results by increasing Accutane dosage. The higher the dosage, the higher risks of Accutane side effects. But the higher the dosage, the more effective the product is and the risks of recurrence drastically drop too.


Why Does Acne Appear In the First Place?


To understand how Accutane works, you first need to understand why acne appears. Well, as said, acne is appearing, mostly, because of too much secretion of oil (sebum) by oil glands. Accutane helps prevent this. However, why do oil glands produce so much sebum? Usually, because of hormonal imbalances. But it’s important to understand that there are different other causes and different types of acne as well.

But generally, acne is a chronic skin condition, as you already know it. It causes black and/or whiteheads, pimples and overall greasy skin that doesn’t look good. People who suffer from acne usually suffer from anxiety because of these issues, leading to low self esteem and other psychological issues. That’s especially noticeable in teenagers. That’s because teenagers usually go through a hormonal roller coaster. During that time (teenage years) the androgens and testosterone levels spike. That’s why acne forms.

It appears as a result of hormonal imbalances as well as because of increased androgens. Moreover, acne is mostly appearing on those parts of the body that contain most oil glands for example on the face, back, and chest.

A similar situation we can notice when users add steroids to their cycles. That’s because steroids are anabolic and androgenic which means that their testosterone and androgen levels suddenly spike as they add the steroids.

  • It’s important to understand that although most cases of acne are genetic (like 80%), there is evidence proving that your overall diet, level of hydration, and other lifestyle choices (like smoking and others) have a strong impact on the severity of acne as well as the risk of appearance.

Due to side effects, Accutane (Isotretinoin) should be kept as a last resort to fight off acne when all other treatment fails. First, you should implement natural treatments.

Accutane Dosage in Bodybuilding

Chances of acne are increasing when adding anabolic steroids to your regimen. All steroids are increasing the risks of acne, but some of them are more likely to make you suffer from acne than others. Generally, those that are having higher androgenic activity. Since Trenbolone is a steroid with some of the highest androgenic activity, Trenbolone is one of the worst in terms of acne.

The dosage of steroids and the cycle length obviously play a role too. This means that by using lower doses you’re having lower chances of acne appearing and even if it does – not as bad. So, it’s important to pay attention to the type, dosage, stack, and length of cycle that you use when you’re having acne issues.

It’s the androgenic part that mostly triggers increased acne. Hormonal changes can trigger it as well.

Nonetheless, in the end, all anabolic and androgenic steroids increase the risks of acne. That’s why bodybuilders attempt to use Accutane to prevent or deal with acne. Especially since those who use anabolic steroids, mostly use them to look good. It applies to bodybuilders, models, physique competitors, and many other athletes.

In the end, you have to consider the steroids, whether or not you are genetically prone to acne, and so on and so forth.

Anyway, Accutane dosages among bodybuilders are generally much lower than dosages for the general public who are getting Isotretinoin as prescription drugs.

  • Most steroid users run it once a day in a dosage of 10-20 mg/day for 6-8 weeks. Or only as long as the steroid cycle lengths. Very rarely longer or in higher doses.
  • Physicians, however, prescribe doses of 50-150 mg/day to people with acne. That’s why the chances of side effects are much lower among bodybuilders and steroid users. Use the entire daily dosage with a large meal.


Accutane Side Effects

Most side effects from Accutane (Isotretinoin) are directly related to the dosage. So, watch out for the dosage you use. That’s because higher doses can result in vitamin A toxicity.

Most Accutane side effects disappear quickly after you stop the use. Nonetheless, some side effects can be permanent. The permanent effects, however, are not a problem for bodybuilders. That’s because studies suggest Isotretinoin may stop long bone growth in young people who are still growing. This may result in stunt growth. Nonetheless, bodybuilders usually stopped growing long before they started the use of steroids.

Other side effects are related to sexual issues, skin issues, psychological effects, vision issues, and gastrointestinal effects too.

Some studies suggest that Isotretinoin could lead to reduced libido and erectile dysfunction. Then again, that’s rarely a problem with bodybuilders who usually have solutions on hand.

Skin issues are those related to dry lips, skin, and nose. Nonetheless, dry lips is also a sign that the product works as almost everyone suffers from this side effect using Accutane.

Psychological side effects may appear too, but then again, that’s rarely a problem among bodybuilders.

Some people report dry eyes which is a common effect among Accutane users. Some suggest that this may lead to some vision issues like decreased night vision, blurred vision, and others – but that’s very rarely.

Diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain are sometimes side effects of Accutane, but using it with a large meal is very likely to help you avoid this issue.

Pregnant women should not use Isotretinoin because of the high risks of causing birth defects. Obviously, bodybuilders have no such issues, yet women should be aware of it.

  • Other side effects are possible too as this is not the full list but it got you covered with most of them.

Buy Accutane For Sale

Accutane is an awesome compound when it comes to dealing with acne. It’s actually one of the best anti-acne solutions in existence. If you’re having acne that you can’t treat for a while then Accutane can be an awesome solution.

Roaccutane-10mg-1However, it’s usually the last solution because of the possible side effects. So I recommend starting with natural remedies and trying everything you can to clear acne. If you did and nothing helps, then you could try Accutane. Just use it carefully if you’re using it for preventing or dealing with acne as a result of using anabolic steroids.

Moreover, make sure you get the best possible quality of Isotretinoin in order to ensure it’s going to be helpful and won’t cause nasty side effects. Make sure you use it correctly too.

  • In whatever the case, at CycleGear.to you can buy Accutane for sale including numerous other ancillaries that you may need during the cycle of anabolic steroids. You can buy here everything you need for a steroid cycle. We could also help you with information and everything else that you need in regards to AAS.


Cutting Cycle Diet and Train Plan

If you’re aiming to lose weight and fat then cutting cycles is what can help you best. Cutting is an extremely popular workout technique specifically because it allows you to burn excess fat and maintain lean muscle tissues.

This is a fat loss phase that bodybuilders and fitness lovers use to get their muscles visible. They attempt to lose as much fat as possible and maintain muscles as much as possible. Usually, people undergo a cutting technique after a bulking one when they grow muscle mass as much as possible, but it usually involves gaining some fat too. Cutting, on the other hand, aims to maintain that muscle you gained during the bulk cycle, and burn extra fat.

  • That’s why many bodybuilders start cutting a few months prior to a major event. Fitness enthusiasts usually do it in the summer to get as lean as possible.

Cytomel-T3-BeligasA cutting cycle involves a weight loss diet and a different training program than the one you usually go for in a bulking cycle. Without a proper diet and workout plan, you risk losing muscles, or not going through a really effective fat loss phase.


You may plan to use anabolic steroids that could greatly assist you in your cutting cycle. They actually do a great job. They aid you to maintain lean muscle tissue, offer energy that often users lack during a cutting cycle (due to receiving fewer calories than their body requires), and make everything in the body work harder allowing you to burn fat easier and faster. Nonetheless, using anabolic steroids without a proper cutting plan isn’t a good idea. They help you reach these goals, but you can’t use steroids without a cutting plan and expect to achieve your body dream goals.

I’m going to share some basics about following a cutting diet and training plan.

Bulking vs Cutting

Before we continue, you should be aware of the differences between bulking and cutting so you would know where to start. Some people may need to start with a cutting plan, others with a bulking plan. It highly depends on 2 main factors (including others): your goals and body fat percentage.

For example, I highly recommend people with a high amount of fat start with a cutting cycle in order to burn off excess fat and then aim at growing lean muscle tissues. By the way, it’s a myth that fat transforms into muscles. Their compositions are extremely different. On the other hand, if you’re fairly skinny, then a bulking plan is a much better option for you.

Based on this, you are likely to follow the same goals.

Go for cutting if you aim to lose fat whilst maintaining muscles.
But go for bulking if you aim to gain as much muscle, strength, weight, and size as possible. Cutting Cycle Diet and Train Plan vs bulking

Both these workout techniques require you to get enough sleep (7-9 hours a day) and a clean, healthy diet (calculating macros). Both require you to train intensively and be consistent. With both cutting and bulking cycles, you need to listen to your body because people are all different with different responses. Moreover, start slowly and gradually get to the next level.

However, there’s still a huge difference between them. You need a different diet plan. During a cutting, you need less calories and different macronutrients (less fat and carbohydrates). Also, you do need to follow a different training plan. For example, you usually have less weight training with less heavy weights, instead, you have less rest time between sets and exercises with overall much more cardio exercises in order to keep your heart beat up.

Cutting Diet Plan

Let’s talk about the diet that you need to follow during a cutting cycle and then we’ll get into the training part.

As said, the cutting diet is different from the bulking one and this is the biggest difference between the two training techniques. While bulking you consume more calories than your body requires, on a cutting you should consume less.

Remember that you need a cutting diet in order to cut fat while you maintain muscle mass. That’s why I don’t recommend a drastic decrease in the calories you consume. You risk losing muscles alongside fat. At the same time, you should make sure you still consume fewer calories than your body needs as it’s the only way to lose weight and fat.

  • PS: The main difference between weight loss and cutting diet is that during weight loss you don’t really care about muscle maintenance. That’s why it usually involves fewer calories and less weightlifting training. Cutting cycles requires less weight and strength lifting than bulking, but still need more than weight loss diets. Moreover, you also need more protein and carbs during a cutting than in a weight loss diet in an attempt to keep the lean muscles.

Do not assume that you shouldn’t lift weights regularly during a cutting cycle. You risk losing muscles during a calorie deficit diet.

By the way, a cutting cycle usually lasts anywhere between 1 and 4 months. It depends on various factors such as your goals, how lean you are before starting, your response, etc. Mostly, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts run their cutting cycle prior to an event in order to get leaner with muscle definition.

Cutting Cycle Diet and Train Plan bodybuilder

How to do a Cutting Diet

A cutting diet plan is created on an individual basis based on various factors such as preferences, goals, gender, age, health conditions, etc. Nonetheless, there are some basic rules that everyone needs to follow in order to even call it a “diet” plan.

The main difference between the cutting and bulking plans is in the calories that you’re consuming. You need more calories than the maintenance calories your body needs to survive for bulking. However, fat loss only occurs when you’re constantly consuming fewer calories than your body needs.

You should pay attention to the macronutrients that you eat too as they have slightly different ratios from the macronutrients on a bulking cycle.

Calculate the Calories you Consume

Determine the calories that you need and by eating less you would start to lose the excess of fat. The total number of calories that you need to eat a day depends mainly on your:

Lifestyle (Exercise Level)

Based on those, you could determine the maintenance calories (the calories you need per day in order to maintain your current weight). You could also use a calorie calculator online.

You would need fewer calories to lose fat. Using the exact same amount or even more won’t allow you to lose the extra fat. However, consuming too little calories (way below maintenance calories) your body would take its energy needs from muscles. Hence, you’ll start losing muscles too.

I recommend everyone to keep their calories around 10-30% under the maintenance for cutting. Same 10-30% rule should go for bulking, above the maintenance. When you’re bulking, consuming even more calories would add too much fat.

Assuming you need around 2,500 calories as maintenance, you’ll need to eat no more than 2,250 calories a day for cutting cycles. But don’t attempt consuming less than 1,750 calories a day in order to avoid muscle loss.

Cutting Cycle Diet and Train Plan results

Determine your Macronutrients

Now, you would need to pay attention to what exactly you’re eating in order to fulfill the macronutrients. If you attempt eating junk food (processed food and fast food) but still try to stay within the calories range you would still have a bad time.

That’s because you may not get the nutrients that you need. Plus, junk food offers no vitamins and minerals that you need. So, following a clean and healthy diet is imperative. Add a lot of vegetables to your diet!

So, the macronutrients that I was talking about are: fats (9 calories per gram), carbohydrates and proteins (4 calories per gram each). Assuming that you follow the 2000 calories dieting plan for losing weight (during a cutting), then out of 2,000 calories (100%), you need around 10-20% fats, 30-50% carbs, and 30-60% protein.

Following this, you can determine the amount of protein, fats and carbs that you need during a cutting cycle. The ratios are a bit different during a bulking diet as you may eat a bit more fats and carbohydrates.

You are going to need around 1 gram of protein per lbs of bodyweight (2.2 grams of protein per kg of bodyweight).

So, if you’re a 160 pound man (72 kg) then you would need around 160 g of protein x 4 calories = 640 calories. Assuming that you’re on a 2,000 calories cutting diet and you eat 15-30% of fat then that’s 33-67 grams of fat per day (33-67×9 = 297-603 calories). Let’s assume 60 grams of fat x9 calories = 540 calories. So, you have 540 calories from fat, 640 calories from proteins. You’re left with 1180 calories that you should get from carbohydrates.

This is just an example of a cutting diet plan.

Cutting Exercise Plan

Cutting Cycle Train Plan

During a cutting, you shouldn’t try to break personal records. It’s a time that your body is deprived of calories so you may notice reduced energy and strength. While anabolic steroids that you add during a cutting cycle greatly helps, you would still perform much better with heavy weights during a bulking cycle.

So, during a cutting you still need strength and weight training in order to avoid muscle loss. But usually, the weights are lower. Moreover, you need resistance exercises that help maintain muscle mass during a calorie deficit. Continue with your strength training, but do not expect gains considering you eat less calories than your body burns.

  • You may reduce the weights and the frequency of strength/weight training during a cutting cycle in comparison to a bulking cycle. Nonetheless, still follow one.

Instead, you should mostly focus on those exercises that increase your heart rate. Those are exercises that help you burn a significant amount of calories. And that’s what you aim for during a cutting cycle – to burn calories that allows you to burn excess fat.

Change your training routine from the bulking cycle for making it more active that allows you to keep your heart rate increased. So, you’re reducing the weights but you also reduce the rest times and you could also use some super sets that could greatly help.

Overall, focus on cardio exercises that could greatly help. Also, an excellent way to burn calories in a short period is HIIT workouts (high intensity interval training). Try to increase your overall activity level such as more walking, cycling, etc. even when you’re not working out.


It’s imperative to follow a good cutting lifestyle (technique) even if you’re using anabolic steroids. We, at Cycle-Gear.to can help you determine the best anabolic steroids for your cutting cycle, but you should workout properly and follow a good diet plan. Remember that you’ve got to rest and get enough sleep too!

We can also help you to receive your best quality anabolic steroids for sale. While running them properly and properly following a cutting plan, you’re sure to achieve your goals.



Check below some more helpful tips for your cutting plan:

  • Go for foods rich in fiber. Those foods that offer a lot of fiber (like some specific vegetables) help you burn fat and contain more nutrients that help you stay fuller for longer periods.
  • Drink a lot of water. It’s essential for you to stay hydrated for speeding your metabolism and aiding fat loss.
  • Avoid unhealthy foods. It goes without saying that it’s very important to do so. When tempting, allow yourself one day every 2 weeks (or no more often than weekly) when you eat more calories with “less healthy” foods.
  • Avoid liquid carbs. A lot of people don’t even think of how much calories and carbs beverages can contain. They also increase the level of hunger too. Avoid them.
  • More cardio. You should go for more cardio than when you’re bulking. Go for high intensity cardio and aerobic exercise.
  • Weight lifting. While you may not lift as heavy weights and not as often, it’s still very important to continue weight lifting to avoid muscle loss.
  • Steroids help. Anabolic steroids are a great source of energy with fat burning abilities and muscle maintenance. However, make sure you run them properly to avoid side effects.

Bulking Cycle

When you’re searching to achieve your dream body, it’s highly important to understand that there are many different strategies that you could implement. Mostly, this means that you would want to gain muscle mass and burn body fat. And while you burn fat through cutting cycles, you’re gaining muscles and strength with bulking cycles.

If you’re searching to burn fat then you should focus on cutting.
But if you want to put on weight and get overall bigger by gaining muscles and strength you need a bulking cycle.

It’s extremely important to remember that regardless of whether you’re bulking or cutting – you need to implement those strategies to help you achieve your goals. Using anabolic steroids alone is not enough. While there are different steroids for bulking and for cutting that can help you achieve those goals, running a proper “bulking” cycle in terms of workout and diet is essential. Steroids only “boost” their efficacy.

DianabolIf you want to bulk up, it’s important to understand how to do it correctly.

For example, if you are unsure whether you would need to bulk (gain muscles) or to cut (burn fat) because you would love both then check your body percentage. If it’s more than 20% I would recommend cutting. If it’s less than 10% I would recommend bulking.

What if it’s in between? Then you have to decide for yourself what you want more, to burn fat or gain muscles. Some people suggest that you can burn fat and gain muscles at the same time (body recomposition) but considering different nutrition (diet) plans and different workout (training) plans for bulking vs cutting – you need to stick with one for achieving your goals.


For How Long Should I Bulk Up?

There are different durations when it comes to bulking vs cutting. In fact, there are different durations when it comes to bulking based on different people.

Nonetheless, bulking up usually goes for at least 8 weeks. Gaining muscles requires time and thinking that you can gain a lot super fast, even if you started your steroid cycles, is a big mistake. As said, your Testosterone or/and Dianabol cycle is great at adding muscles. You would achieve your goals much faster than an ordinary guy without the use of steroids.

Nonetheless, you won’t achieve anything as long as you don’t workout and don’t eat correctly. With this being said, it’s quite obvious that the answer to the question “for how long should I bulk up?” depends on many factors. It depends on your goals as everyone has different levels of bulking dreams, depends on your diet, your genetics, the steroids that you use, and the workout plan.

That’s why some people may bulk for only 8 weeks and find it enough. Others bulk for 12-16 weeks and still don’t think it’s enough. That’s why there are a lot of people who continue bulking up for years (but running bulking steroid cycles intermittently in order to avoid steroid’s damage and side effects).

Can I Build Muscle (Bulk) and Burn Fat (Cut) At The Same Time?

Well… Yes and no. While some people can make this possible to shed off body fat and build muscle mass at the same time – that’s extremely hard. Of course, anabolic steroids greatly help with this goal as they burn fat and grow muscles but it very much depends on a lot of other factors.

Your genetics play a role, for how long you’ve been working out and dieting and so on and so forth. While you can achieve it, it requires you to be even more careful when it comes to your diet, your recovery, nutrition, workout and exercises, and so on and so forth.

But the main thing to think about is: to lose fat your body needs to burn more calories than you eat. To grow muscles your body needs more calories than it burns in order to add muscles. Now, you need to remain somewhere in the maintenance calories that is not going to be highly effective in bulking, nor in cutting.

Bulking Types

There are three main bulking types that you should be aware of:

  • Clean Bulk. As the name suggests, when you’re clean bulking, it means that you’re eating clean. This means that you are not eating processed foods (which I wouldn’t recommend anyway) and you’re focusing on high quality proteins. Usually, you’re getting protein right after your workouts (and a normal amount of carbohydrates and fat) to help with hypertrophy (muscle growth). Usually, clean bulking means that you’re going about 10% above your caloric needs. Considering the little extra calories and clean diet, you add muscle mass without too much fat.
  • Lean Bulk. Lean bulking is very similar to clean bulking but with a little bit more calories and more leeway in your diet. You would still need to focus on getting enough protein and eating well, but you can go for about 120-130% of your caloric needs.
  • Dirty Bulk. Dirty bulking is not the best idea unless you’re really skinny or don’t really care how you’ll end up looking because it assumes you’re going to put on some good amount of fat as you bulk. Usually, people who “dirty bulk” try to eat as much as possible without really taking care of the calories, carbohydrates, and fats they eat. While I still recommend you watch out for what you’re eating, people on dirty bulk try to eat as much as possible. Usually, these people require a cutting cycle later to reduce the unwanted fat gains.


What Should I Do During My Bulking Cycle?

So well, you’ve learned that using bulking steroids alone is not enough, you have to work a lot for your goals. And here I’m going to share a few examples of what your plan should look like. Before we continue, I need to say that I would recommend bulking only if you’re fairly lean. A little excess of fat is OK, but if you’re really overweight then bulking might not be the best plan for you.

As you can guess, during a bulking plan you can add some fat too. That’s unless you’re clean bulking which is hard and is adding muscles harder compared to lean and dirty bulking. But these bulking plans, as said, add more fats.

Again, adding some fat during the bulking plan is fine. You would shred it with a cutting cycle later. Just make sure you’re not adding way too much and way too fast fat.

You should pay attention to 3 main things: your nutrition (diet), your exercises (workouts), and your sleep (rest).

The key elements to growing muscles are: you need to tear your muscles as effectively as possible (during workouts) and then allow them to recover as effectively as possible (with a good diet and enough rest – sleep). Overtraining tears too much muscles. Undertraining won’t tear them enough. Overeating adds too much fat, undereating won’t assist muscle recovery.

Nutrition During Diet

Progressively Increase Calories

As you’re gaining more weight, your maintenance calories are different. So are the calories you require for bulking up. You need to eat more calories (aim for 10-30% of your maintenance per day) than you burn off.

You can simply calculate your maintenance calories based on your weight, height, age, daily weekly activity level, etc.

So, if your maintenance calories are 2,000 per day, for example, then you’ll need to aim to eat 2,200-2,600 per day. Eating more is a dirty bulk with very high chances of adding more fat. Eating less won’t help you grow muscles!

Calculate Your Proteins

Proteins are highly important for growing muscle mass, for recovery, strength, etc. Don’t overeat proteins because it may lead to GI (gastrointestinal) issues. Definitely don’t under eat proteins as you won’t grow.

Aim to eat around 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight (that’s around 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight).

Calculate Carbohydrates

Carbs are very important for energy and energy is extremely important for high intensity weight training. It’s that type of training that you need to undergo for growing muscles. Therefore, during a bulking cycle, you need to grow muscles by eating enough carbs. I would recommend around 2-3 grams per pound of body weight when you’re bulking. Increasing macronutrients is vital for packing on muscles.

  • PS: When you’re using anabolic and androgenic steroids, they greatly assist your recovery and they help you make the most out of your foods. Therefore, adding a bit more carbs, proteins and calories can be helpful in a faster muscle growth cycle.

Add Supplements

Sometimes, you may not make up with the micro and macro nutrients that your body needs so you could add supplements. There are weight gaining shakes, protein shakes and other supplements meant to help you achieve your bulking goals.

Moreover, I highly recommend adding vitamins and minerals that may assist your growth. While you may not tell that they are working, people often can tell that they lack vitamins and minerals when they don’t use them.

Sleep and Rest

Yes, it may sound a cliché but it’s actually vital for you to get 7-9 or even more hours of sleep every day. As said, an extremely important part of the muscle growth process is the recovery, and when do our bodies recover best? That’s right when we’re sleeping. Getting a good night’s sleep is going to provide recovery for the nervous system, muscles, adrenals, and everything else that is so important for you to keep on growing muscles!


Exercises During Workout

Train Frequently

It’s extremely important to understand that there’s a big difference between exercising for weight loss, for health purposes, and for growing muscle mass. If you’re aiming to train for hypertrophy (muscle development) you should know how to do it correctly. For example, by training a muscle more frequently is a great way to help it grow. Make sure you’re not overtraining though.

However, by training more frequently instead of training volume is a great way. What I’m trying to say is that it’s much better to train your biceps two times a week for one hour, rather than training it one time a week for two hours, for example. This can lead to excessive soreness, overtraining, and even injury.

If you want to grow your leg muscles, it’s much better to exercise 15-20 total sets one day and 15-20 sets another day. Rather than going for 30-40 total sets in one session.

I guess you got the idea. So, if you’re working out 2-3 times a week, it’s better to slowly increase the frequency up to 5-6 times weekly.

Try Different Rep Ranges

For most people and most exercises, the training movements anywhere between 8 and 15 rep range is going to cover most bases for muscle growth.

However, there are different exercise types such as bench press, deadlifts, and others that are good enough to remain within the 5-10 reps range. At the same time, there are others that you could try going up to 20-30 rep ranges.

It depends on the type of exercise and what works better for you. Anyway, make sure that if you’re not able to rep even 5-8 times then it might be too much weight (not enough train movements). On the other hand, if you’re able to do it more than 20-30 times then it might be too light weight (not enough weight).

Train More Volume

So, you are training frequently and you’re training within proper rep range, but you should also start training in more volume too. Since you’re in a caloric surplus with enough fats, carbohydrates, and calories – you can also train in higher volumes. Because of proper nutrition and sleep, your body still recovers. Especially when you add anabolic steroids to your plan.

You could start by training anywhere around 12-20 total weekly sets. Then you can slowly increase after you notice you can do it. For that, you should monitor your muscle soreness, recovery, and the overall progression you’re making in the gym.

Start with a program with a lower end of the volume range when you’re a beginner and then slowly start to push the progress.



In the end, remember that you’ve got to do it all right. The closer attention you pay to it, the more and faster results you’re going to experience. Anabolic steroids assist in adding more strength, faster recovery, and taking the most out of your foods, but then again, don’t rely on steroids only. Your diet and workout plan should be perfect, for perfect results.

If you’re still struggling with a proper nutrition and workout plan then it might be worth talking with a nutritionist and a personal trainer.

However, if you’re having questions about anabolic steroids, we at CycleGear.to are always ready to help you.

