How Does Fat Leave The Body?

If you’re trying to get in the best possible shape, fat burning has undoubtedly been on your mind at one time. Being overweight has become a real problem of the 21st century, so most of us have those areas of our bodies that seem to gain fat faster than other areas. Whether it is your stomach, thighs, arms, or even your face – we’d love to get rid of it.

WHERE exactly fat is stored is different from one person to another. It is the genetic predisposition that dictates where exactly you store the facts. However, the most important question is: how to lose fat and how does fat loss occur? Pretty sure that at one point, you were wondering: how does fat leave the body? Lots of people get it wrong. So, let’s explain.

How Fat Burning Happens?

When we talk about fat loss, it is important to get the right answer to the question “How does your body burn fat?” because it is likely going to help you in your weight loss journey.

So, as we all know, there’s the term “fat burning”, but you just don’t set your fat on fire, literally, are you? (never even think about it). Moreover, the fat doesn’t literally just fall off, nor does it literally “melt”. So, where does it go?

In short, if you’re carrying little (or more) extra weight (fat), you’re actually taking more calories (energy) than your body uses. It’s important to understand that the body uses that energy in various ways, not only in physical exercise (but, of course, it uses most of it during physical exercises). It takes energy:

  • At rest. Your heart needs energy to pump blood. Your lungs need energy to breathe and your brain to think. The basic processes to simply live are known as “basal metabolism”.
  • When active. Regardless if you’re walking, running, or lifting weights – your muscles need energy to do it. Of course, however, each activity requires a different amount of energy though.
  • When eating. Indeed, even your digestive system needs energy to break down the food that you eat. And to store it, too!

So, you’re dieting. You’re cutting (calories). What happens to fat?

You burn fat (lose weight) when your body receives fewer calories than your body needs to maintain its current weight. Simple math. If your body needs a total of 3,000 calories per day in order to perform all the tasks (resting + being active + work + gym + whatever else), but you only consume 2,500 calories that day, for example, you’ve created a deficit of 500 calories that day. However, when this deficit occurs, your body still requires energy in order to perform all the tasks and functions. Therefore, it looks for fat reserves to turn into energy and continue living. Thus, it burns that stored fat.

Now, where do those fat deposits go?

Lots of people mistakenly think that it either goes as water when you’re sweating or as… poop (I know it sounds kinda gross). While, of course, a certain amount is lost through water escaping from your skin when you sweat, through your kidneys (when you urinate it out), and through your digestive (when you’re pooping it), but it’s only a very small amount of it. The actual answer to this question is: as carbon dioxide. You basically “breathe out” your fat.

That’s right. Oxygen gets in contact with the energy-storing white fat cells in order to break them down and provide the energy necessary for your body. Then, the body eliminates it when you’re breathing. This is why, if you think about it, it bucks up why exercise is such an important part of weight loss. You’re mostly breathing (the body uses fat cells as energy needs) when you’re exercising.

This is why there are people who may not sweat (or sweat considerably less than others), but still lose weight!

Burning Fat Through Exercise

When we start to work out, our muscles first burn through the stored glycogen for energy. But after about 30 to 60 minutes of aerobic exercise, it diverts to burning fat. Simply because, usually, there’s no more glycogen it can use for energy.

That’s all very simple if you think about it. As long as you consume the same amount of calories a day but have no physical activity, you’re likely to maintain or even gain weight. When you work out in a calorie deficit, the body does not receive enough energy (we receive it through food). So, in order to function it starts burning fat.

Therefore, if you add exercise to your calorie deficit regimen (both cardio and strength training) – you will start burning fat in no time. Plus, strength training helps gain muscle (while helping burn fat!).

Studies suggest that at least 30 minutes of cardio done 2-3 times a week, while also adding resistance training and weightlifting will greatly support your goals. Because you increase muscle mass and help burn more calories while raising your basal metabolic rate (the amount of calories you burn during rest). Such a combination will definitely help you lose weight in no time!

Best Way To Lose Body Fat

If you want to maximize fat loss, you need to know how your body uses calories for fuel and where it gets energy from.

We get calories (energy) from fat, carbohydrates, and protein. However, the human body is a complex “machinery”. It uses different sources in a variety of ways. We’ll all love our bodies to simply get rid of excess while sculpting a perfect physique on its own. But it doesn’t work like that, unfortunately.

For this reason, using more fat does not necessarily mean that you will lose more. So, if you want to learn the best ways to lose fat, you should learn the basics of how our bodies get energy. So, the body receives that energy (body fuel) mainly from fat and carbohydrates, while protein mostly goes for muscle repair post-exercise. The body uses only a small amount of protein during exercise. However, it relies on fat and carbs. What’s the ratio of fat vs carbs it uses? It depends on the type of activity you do.

High Intensity Exercise

When you do high intensity exercise, such as running at a fast pace, your body will use carbs as necessary fuel instead of fat. Simply because of the way the metabolic pathways work. The metabolic pathways will break carbs for energy when it requires an immediate burst of energy.

Slow Intensity Exercise

When you do slow intensity exercise (usually longer but slower exercises), such as walking, the body will mostly rely on fat for its energy demands. Nonetheless, remember that what you aim for is to burn more calories (which comes from both fat and carbohydrates).

The Fat Burning Zone

There are theories that there are “fat burning ones” which can be described as “the best way to lose fat”. While it may be a myth, lots of people in the weight loss circles suggest that it exists and that you can reap more benefits if you follow it.

Studies indicate that lower intensity exercise will use more fat for energy which maximizes fat loss efforts. This means that you should be exercising at a heart rate of about 55-65% of your maximum heart rate. This will boost fat loss. This is the reason why smart watches and other gym equipment nowadays suggest that you’re in the fat burning zone by measuring your heart rate.

Still, it’s important to remember that regardless of how you work, it won’t result in fat loss unless you burn more calories than you consume.

But in order to maximize the calorie expenditure (burn), you need to find the right balance between low intensity and high intensity exercise. Moreover, implementing both every once in a while will definitely help. Have a variety of workouts, with a variety of paces, weights, exercises, time, etc. It’ll help prevent injuries and work multiple muscle groups while maximizing the fat burning process.

How Exactly To Lose Weight?

So, what’s the best way to burn fat? Regardless if you believe in the fat burning zone or not – the absolute basic thing when it comes to fat loss, regardless of body type, metabolism, and whatever else, you need to pay attention to the balance of calorie intake and burn. A calorie deficit is the only way to lose weight, regardless of how exactly you create that deficit. But, here’s how you can maximize that deficit, or at least enter it.

Work in a calorie deficit

While you can solely focus on the calories alone to lose weight, I recommend having a mixture of a healthy diet and exercise in order to both remain healthy and burn fat (lose weight).

High Intensity Cardio

With high intensity cardio, you’re at about 80-90% of your maximum heart rate. This means that such exercises are really challenging leaving you pretty breathless. They usually improve endurance and aerobic capacity while helping hit your fat burning goals.

For example – a 150 pound person running at 6 mph for 30 minutes would burn about 341 calories. If the same person walks at 3.5 mph for the same amount of time, they would only burn about 136 calories. The disadvantage of high intensity cardio, however, is that it is not suitable for beginners and for those with some kind of medical condition or injury.

There are various high intensity workouts you can add to your fat loss plan.

  • Exercise at a fast pace. Such as 20-30 minutes straight with little to no rest. Regardless if it’s an activity or a machine in the gym.
  • Tabata or HIIT (high intensity interval training). It combines short bursts of intense exercises with even shorter periods of rest.
  • Other Interval Training. Get highly intense short exercise bursts for 30-60 seconds, then a low intensity exercise for 60-120 seconds. Example: running at max pace for 30 seconds, then walking for 60 seconds and repeat.

Moderate Intensity Cardio

Many people consider the moderate intensity cardio one of the best ways to lose body fat. Usually, it means that you should continue your activity at 70 to 80% of your maximum heart rate, which is lower than high intensity cardio, but more than slow intensity cardio (continue reading).

During such activity, you’ll be breathing harder than normal, which can allow you to carry on a conversation (but not very easy). That’s different from high intensity cardio that won’t allow you to carry a conversion, for example.

A moderate intensity cardio comes with great benefits in working towards fat loss. Some examples are:

  • Overall health. It provides slightly higher exercise intensity which will definitely lead to various general health benefits, like lowering risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, and others.
  • Build up endurance. While high intensity cardio is beneficial, moderate intensity cardio will still help build up endurance and strength.
  • More variety. High intensity usually involves a fast pace or high impact, meaning that there’s a limited number of exercises and workouts you can implement, unlike moderate intensity ones.

Low Intensity Cardio

As its name suggests, the lightest form of exercise is the low intensity cardio. It usually uses only 60-70% of your maximum heart rate (MHR). During low intensity cardio, you’ll be feeling mostly comfortable and nothing is a real challenge. Such a cardio is pretty easy to maintain and it can still help burn fat. That’s why a lot of people (especially beginners) choose this one. While it’s more convenient, remember that the harder you push yourself, the more you maximize your fat loss.

A low intensity cardio is still much better than nothing. The low intensity cardio isn’t necessarily done in the gym. You’re actually doing low intensity cardio daily (I guess) because walking, gardening, or a simple stretch routine is low intensity cardio. Do yoga or pilates? You’re doing low intensity cardio.

Lift Weights

Many experts agree that lifting weights is perhaps the best way to increase fat loss. That’s because it also helps you build muscle. Lifting heavy and doing resistance exercises both can encourage fat burning and build muscle. Moreover, studies suggest that lifting weights can help burn fat even post-workout (unlike cardio). No doubt that cardiovascular exercises come with their advantages though. But if you want to maximize your fat loss benefits, enhance your physique appearance, and especially enhance performance – you should consider doing strength training.

Benefits of Lifting Weights

As said, lifting weights greatly helps you lose weight and burn fat in two ways. For example, it helps burn calories during your workouts (of course), however, higher intensity strength training can also increase the afterburn of calories. This means that the body continues burning calories even long after your gym session.

While fat loss and cutting may be your main goal, weight training helps you maintain muscle mass during your diet. Be sure that’s an important part of enhancing your physique. During calorie expenditure diets (low calorie), you may notice your body losing muscles. That’s because your body takes muscle tissues (instead of fat) in order to supply its energy (calories) demand. In order to maintain muscle mass, opt for strength training at least twice a week with at least 1-2 days in between. You’ll encourage fat burning and get stronger while looking more defined. With more experience, lift heavier too.

Moreover, something that lifting weights may help even more than cardio is kickstarting your metabolism. That’s very important to search for ways that can boost your metabolism when you’re burning body fat. The simple reason is that a diet-only approach will actually lower your resting metabolism (metabolic rate). However, if you’re lifting heavy in the gym, you can keep both your metabolism and muscle high even if you’re cutting fat and aiming to burn fat.

Stay Consistent

It’s important to understand that, unfortunately, results will not come overnight. Regardless if you cycle gear or not. Anabolic steroids can help you speed up your results, no doubt, but you shouldn’t expect to become the next Mr. Olympia in a month. Moreover, anabolic steroids can greatly help, but a combination of diet control and weight training (with cardio) for fat loss is still extremely important. But if you keep it consistent, you’ll surely soon start noticing a difference in the body. Of course, you’ll see faster and more results if you use the right anabolic steroids, you can buy for sale absolutely safe from

We can help you teach how to use the right anabolic steroids correctly for you and your goals. Moreover, we can also help ensure you get regular exercise into your life by sharing tips on how to stay on track and achieve your fat loss goals.

  • Switch up your routine. Try to stay away from boredom!
  • Focus on exercise. Make working out a priority!
  • Plan your time. A short workout is better than no workout!
  • Split it up. Maybe you can’t work out 2 hours at the gym – split it up!

Burn Fat and Lose Weight Fast

Follow these fat burning tips and you can be sure that you’re on the right track to hit your fat loss goals. If you’re cutting and struggling to shed excess fat, we have one thing that will surely help. Be sure to check our cutting products which will help cut fat quickly while protecting lean muscle mass and boosting your energy, stamina, and endurance.


The products and cutting steroids you can find on are the best on the market. While they can come with side effects, we can help you learn how to use them right for you and your goals. This way, you’ll ensure you both stay safe and use them efficiently.

How To Grow Huge Arms

We all dream about bigger, stronger, and huge arms. At least, I’m talking about us, men. I doubt there’s a man who wouldn’t want bigger and stronger arms. If someone says so, I suspect they are lying, simply being too lazy to work out. Muscular and huge arms go beyond having the great advantage of making you look overall great. Walking around with those big “guns” on the beach always makes you feel confident. But they have practical benefits too. Having a developed upper body strength with huge arms can greatly help with everyday tasks. Such as picking up your kids or moving heavy items.

Overall, having bigger, more athletic, and huge arms will both give you confidence by boosting your self-esteem and will help your daily needs. Another advantage of growing huge arms, usually means that you’re increasing overall muscle mass. This works as a domino effect leading to other benefits such as improved muscular endurance, tone, and strength; lowers chances of injuries; increases metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories even when resting. This allows you to enjoy more food without getting fat.

Arms Muscles

As you may already know, there are two main muscles in your upper arms: biceps (in the front) and triceps (in the back). The biceps and triceps are opposite functioning muscle groups. This means that they will require different exercises to build strength and muscle.

So, if you’re asking yourself how to get bigger arms, you’ve come to the right place! We’re here to share some of the best exercises for bigger arms!

Growing Huge Arms

It is important to start with one set of each exercise 2-3 times a week, with at least one day of rest in between working out each muscle group. Usually, the resting time can be even longer. As you’re going to build strength and muscle, you could increase your sets to 2-3 each set. You need to aim for 12-15 reps with good form. Therefore, you need to choose the correct weight.

I can’t stress enough the importance of correct form. You grow bigger arms when you focus on form. Do not aim for too heavy weights, otherwise, you can’t do it in good form. You’re not there to lift as much as possible – you’re there to build muscle and strength. And you do it much better at doing 10 reps with perfect form, rather than doing 15 reps with poor form. At least, you’re going to see better results!

Best Exercises For Biceps

The biceps brachii, AKA biceps, is a double-headed muscle that runs from your shoulder to your elbow in the front. It is the core muscle for lifting and pulling in your arms. Studies suggest that the best exercises for biceps involve lifting or curling weight towards your shoulders. Here we are going to share various exercises that target your biceps helping you to grow bigger arms.

Concentration Curl

Concentration curl is a great place to start growing huge arms and is also great even if you’ve stuck growing. According to studies, this exercise has the most significant muscle activation for biceps. It isolates the bicep and works out this muscle alone!

Cable Curl

There are various ways to do a cable curl, each is effective as long as you do them right. It all depends on your preference. You can use a resistance band as long as you safely attach it to something, or you could use a low pulley machine with a cable and a handle.

Barbell Curl

Barbell curl is a classic and a must exercise as long as you want to grow huge and bigger arms. Having great form is essential in barbell curls with many beginners making lots of mistakes here. You should keep your back straight, avoiding moving any other body parts than your arms. You need your biceps to do all the work, not your back. So you need to start with a lighter weight.

Chin Up

Chin ups may be for more advanced ones, but they can greatly help break through plateaus. You will need a strong chin up bar that is far enough off the grounds. You need to make sure your arms are fully extended without your feet touching the floor.

Best Exercises For Triceps

The triceps brachii, AKA triceps is a group of three muscles that are also running from your elbow to your shoulder, but in the back of the arms. They help strengthen your arm and stabilize your shoulder. Check below some of the best exercises that target your triceps, helping you to grow bigger triceps and, therefore, bigger arms.

Triangle Push Up

The triangle push-up is the most effective exercise to work out your triceps according to studies done by the American Council of Exercise (ACE). Another great advantage – you don’t need any equipment. You can do triangle push ups anywhere and at any time. It may be hard for beginners to start doing it. You could start with your knees on the floor. Still, make sure you keep your torso in good form.

Tricep Kickback

The same study suggests that tricep kickback is a close contender to triangle push ups for the top spot when it comes to targeting tricep muscles. Want to effectively work out your triceps? Make sure to include it in your training.


Dips are highly effective exercises for working out your triceps. You could do it at home too. Just place your hands palm down behind you as you use a flat bench or chair.

Overhead Extension

If you find it hard to do triangle push ups or dips, you may start with overhead extension with the correct form and proper weight. It is a great exercise to build big arms for both beginners and advanced lifters. You can do it with a single dumbbell, one arm, or both arms. Regardless, make sure you start with a lighter weight until you have the correct form. Increase the weight as you’re getting used to the exercise, but make sure you still keep the correct form.

Bonus Information For Huge Arms

As you grow bigger and have huge arms, you shouldn’t “sleep” on other muscle groups in your body. After all, you need rest after working out each muscle group. But while your arms (both biceps and triceps) rest, you can work out other muscle groups. Moreover, strengthening your back and shoulders will surely help grow bigger arms too, lowering the risk of injuries. And do not forget about working out your legs too!

Additionally, keep in mind that these are just a few examples of exercises to grow huge arms. There are numerous others as well. Alternating and changing exercises will help cause different micro tears of muscles leading to bigger growth.

Moreover, if you want to grow bigger arms and especially do it faster, you just can’t skip the nutrition needs. You should push your muscles to the limit in the gym, but then you need to rest properly and make sure that you eat the right foods to make sure you build muscle effectively (in your arms and anywhere else). Without proper “fuel” (foods), you just limit the results of your workouts!

Huge Arms Top Tips

Follow these tips if you want to grow huge arms while performing those exercises:

  • Boost your protein intake. Aim for 1.4-1.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily! Foods high in protein are your best friends!
  • Increase the complex carbs intake. Go for quality and complex carbs that are essential to build muscle!
  • Avoid simple carbs! Sugary drinks, baked goods, cookies, candies, and others have lots of calories without nutritional benefits!
  • You need healthy fats! Avoid fats from processed foods or french fries. But you need healthy fats you can get from peanut butter, avocado, or salmon!
  • Calories, macros, and micronutrients. You need enough micronutrients, you need a perfect balance of macros, and an increase the calorie intake!
  • Get enough rest and sleep! Working out your arms on a daily basis won’t make them grow bigger! They need rest to grow!
  • Go for quality anabolic steroids. We all know they are highly effective. But they need to be of the best quality and you need to know how to use them to stay away from side effects.

Use Cycle Gear!

As you may already know, anabolic steroids are the best things out there that help you grow huge arms. Unlike common myths, you do not need to inject them into your arms for them to work. They are “hormones” that will work unrelated to where you inject them. Moreover, some are oral steroids. The point is – they are extremely effective, helping you to grow huge arms and do it extremely fast.

They may come with side effects indeed. However, as long as you use, you make sure you buy the best quality steroids on the market. This both ensures the best effectiveness and the lowest chances of side effects. Moreover, by using Cycle Gear you can learn which steroids to use and how to use them safely, this way, you’ll get the best results and very mild to no side effects at all!

In short, we’re here to help you with anything that you need in order to grow huge arms in the best and the fastest possible ways!


Creatine Benefits

You’ve most likely heard about creatine or creatine monohydrate before. It is one of the most popular supplements for bodybuilding. Anybody searching to gain strength or muscle, lose fat, or enhance their physique and performance is mostly familiar with creatine. But what is it exactly?

Creatine, alongside other pre and post workout formulas such as protein, electrolytes, recovery drinks, and others, is a popular bodybuilding go-to because of its muscle building abilities. This supplement is usually available in powder form, but there are also creatine capsules, pills, baked goods, or chewables. It can help you get shredded or simply get in better shape. Regardless, you just can’t ignore the results of creatine. Let’s take a closer look at it first.

What is Creatine?

You may not realize it but creatine (monohydrate) is actually produced by our bodies naturally. Creatine is mostly needed when you’re lifting heavy weights during your gym sessions, mostly stored in your muscles. That’s why creatine and bodybuilding go hand in hand. The supplement also works to support the production of adenosine triphosphate (aka ATP).

ATP is something like a fuel for your muscle cells. It’s different from glycogen which is also a fuel for your muscle cells, but glycogen is used as a more general energy source. You don’t need heavy weights to use glycogen. You use it doing any type of activity. However, ATP is mostly used during anaerobic activity. That’s an activity involving sprinting (max speed) or heavy weight training.

Creatine will mostly help you during that feeling when you’re almost out of fuel. It will help your body by helping you push through extra reps, lift heavier weight, complete an extra lap during running, or have a bit of higher speed during a sprint.

You know that in order to have a successful fitness plan, you need a protein rich diet. High protein foods (such as eggs, beef, and chicken) will help support the body’s production of creatine. A higher level of this compound will aid your usual workout.

The truth is that your body only creates a very small amount of creatine. If you want to boost the results, you may want to get a decent dose of creatine. How do you do that? Creatine supplements.

Moreover, your muscles will use and will need creatine regardless if you use or not anabolic steroids. That’s why you’ll need to search for ways to boost creatine as long as you want to boost your muscle building potential.

Obviously, using both steroids and creatine will maximize your gains!


What Does Creatine Monohydrate Do?

As said, one of the main benefits of creatine is the extra power it offers you during weight lifting or other strenuous activities. Higher creatine levels will help you lift heavier and/or extra rep(s). But there’s more. It will help with more intense workouts and extra muscle growth. By increasing your muscle growth, it’ll help boost your metabolism too. And with faster acting metabolism, you’ll burn more fat, easier and faster. Therefore, it helps you achieve a fat free physique by staying lean. Another important aspect – it helps speed up the recovery times of your muscles.

But this supplement has helpful benefits beyond bodybuilding. For example, studies suggest that creatine may reduce the risk of neurological disorders later in life such as Alzheimer’s disease. And there are other benefits too.

How To Take Creatine?

If you’re new to taking creatine, you should know that there are two methods you can use. Either start slowly and continue with it throughout your entire administration, but most people choose the process referred to as the “creatine loading phase” when they first begin.

That’s a space of time where you take a higher dosage than normal, in order to stock up your stores. That’s why it goes by the name “loading phase”. So, you know what creatine does, but you need to know how much to take for it to be efficient.

The loading phase involves higher doses administered for 5 to 7 days. The perfect amount you should take per day is 20 to 25 g. But, after this period (after the loading phase), you need to maintain those creatine levels much lower – closer to 5 g per day. However, it is important to know that during the creatine loading phase, you’ll need to separate your servings throughout the day. You shouldn’t take your daily dosage in one go. Instead, space that daily amount into a 5 g dose every few hours.

Moreover, you should know that creatine works best when it is paired with a quick absorbing carbohydrate. Usually, it goes well with juice or honey. That’s because this will help you carry it to your muscle cells way faster. Also, this supplement is absorbed by your body way faster right after your workout. I recommend using this time frame in order to get the best results.

In the end, I also must mention that the creating load phase is not necessary. It’s optional. The only difference is that if you wait, you’ll need to wait longer to see results.

When To Take Creatine? Before or After a Workout?

So, now you know what this supplement does and how to take it. However, you should know the best time to take it too. Well, it can be best administered both before and after your gym sessions. If you do this, you’ll boost the endurance and strength of your muscles before working out hard, and you’ll help speed up recovery time, helping muscles get bigger and stronger after training.

Why wouldn’t you reap the benefits of creatine both ways? What can you do? Use before for better performance. Use after for faster recovery and growth. Or use both before and after for maximum results.

What Should You Know About It?

Can it have a huge impact on your workout? Yes, it can. You’re likely to see great benefits.

Is creatine safe to use? Yes, it is safe, especially because we naturally produce it. It becomes unsafe as long as you continue the loading phase (too high dosage) for too long periods.

Does creatine really work? Try it out yourself and you tell us! If it wouldn’t work, it wouldn’t have been so popular!

Can (Should) I take creatine with anabolic steroids? Another yes. In fact, you both can and actually should take it even if you use anabolic steroids. While anabolic steroids will help even more due to various factors, using both anabolic steroids and creatine will help supersize your muscle gains, simply because they work in two different ways. Same as taking anabolic steroids and protein – you still need lots of protein to see muscle growth when using steroids. In short, if you use both anabolic steroids and creatine, you’re likely to see mind blowing results and do it really fast.

However, there are a few precautions that you should pay attention to.


Creatine volumizes your muscles. This means that they will suck water into them. When you’re in your initial loading phase, this can also occur in your stomach. This may cause a bit of a bloat. You may also notice a quick weight gain because you’re likely to hold some water too. If you’re feeling you’re too bloated or retaining too much water, reducing your dosage can greatly help. For example, instead of continuing with 25 g a day, cut back to 10 g per day. If you’re still experiencing this effect, lower the dosage to 5 g a day and space the creatine dosage even further. In short, as with anything else, pay attention to “what your body tells you”. It takes a bit of trial and error to get the perfect dosage for you.

However, before you get carried away, you should also take a look at your diet. A lot of people tend to change their diet right when adding this supplement, and that diet change could be the cause of bloating. Moreover, if you eat a lot of pork and red meat – you’re already consuming a good amount of creatine. So, you may not need as much creatine as you may think. On the other hand, if you’re following a vegetarian diet, there are high chances you’ll need a full recommended dose.


Much like protein, creatine will greatly help you speed up muscle growth and help you get strong with a great endurance level. While there are some possible side effects, they are so rare and usually so mild that the benefits of creatine monohydrate certainly outweigh the creatine side effects for bodybuilding.

Regardless if you go for pills, capsules, supplements, or mostly – powders, be sure it can help you boost your gains and workouts. With very little risk of side effects.

But if you’re even more serious about bodybuilding gains – have a look at our best anabolic steroids for sale. These are products proven to work the best possible way to achieve your goals – better than creatine and any other supplement out there. While they come with higher risks of side effects, we can help teach you how to use them safely and maximize your gains.

  • By adding creatine, protein, and anabolic steroids to your regimen, you can be sure that you’ll supersize your gains like you never did before. Proper supplements administration with proper anabolic steroids administration with a good diet and workout plan will help you like nothing else! Just make sure to buy quality anabolic steroids. That’s why we’re here. At we offer the best quality steroids for the best prices and help you learn to use them safely and efficiently.


Alcohol and Building Muscle

What’s the relationship between alcohol and building muscle? Is there any connection between the two? Can you drink alcohol and still make gains? It is a very popular topic on the internet nowadays. Besides, it seems there’s an ongoing debate on this topic as there are mixed opinions.

In the end, there are a lot of newbie bodybuilders wondering if they should give up the beer in order to achieve their gym goals. While some suggest you should give up, others claim that moderate amounts have health benefits. The third group of people may suggest that it depends on the type of alcohol you drink.

Where’s the truth? Let’s check in more detail the alcohol and muscle growth topic.

Alcohol and Muscle Growth

We all know very well that alcohol can cause a myriad of negative side effects leading to a lot of health issues. Nonetheless, alcohol is still available (for adult people) and lots of people suggest that it may even come with benefits. One sure thing, regardless of whether you plan to grow muscle or just remain healthy – regular alcohol consumption is indeed as bad as you know it and it won’t cause any benefits, only leading to harmful effects. Under no circumstances encourage regular alcohol consumption.

Generally, alcoholic beverages are solutions that contain ethanol. This is a psychotropic substance that has a depressant impact on the nervous system. Compared to other substances, ethanol has a relatively lower toxicity while still providing a psychoactive effect.

This toxicity is what makes alcohol, in any quantity, harm muscle growth and strength as long as you want to make gains. It doesn’t mean that one beer will ruin all your gains. It means that it definitely won’t help it, and has the potential to halt your progress.

So, how much of an impact does alcohol have on muscle growth?

  • One drinking session will lead to mild intoxication. It has a similar effect (impact) as skipping one workout session.
  • A drinking session where you become severely intoxicated can significantly reduce your performance in the gym. It can last for a few days up to two weeks!
  • Regular consumption of alcohol, even in small quantities, besides toxicity and negative effects on health, will lead to a plateau in 80% of athletes with a 100% chance of decrease or at least plateau muscle growth.

Scientists found a significant decrease in testosterone levels and an increase in stress levels during the day after drinking alcohol. Each one harms the muscle building process. It also decreases HGH levels – another key hormone when it comes to muscle growth. Another reason why alcohol harms muscle building processes.

That’s the opposite of taking anabolic steroids and HGH. That’s why bodybuilders use testosterone (among other steroids) and/or growth hormones. Higher levels = bigger/faster gains.

Alcohol’s Impact On The Body

Impacts on Muscle Protein Synthesis

If you’ve followed our posts so far, you may have noticed we’re often talking about muscle protein synthesis. This is a crucial element when it comes to the muscle building process. Quality foods, an active lifestyle, enough sleep and rest, stress-free life, and anabolic steroids all help increase muscle protein synthesis. This helps you increase the rate and amount of muscles you can build. Protein synthesis is the process of mixing amino acids in a specific sequence to build muscle.

According to studies, consuming alcohol even in moderation will slow this process by 20%. Therefore, the process of muscle building slows by 20%!

Reduces Growth Hormone Levels

Alcohol also suppresses the secretion of Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) and Growth Hormone (GH) according to another study. Two days after consuming alcohol, the levels tend to stay lower.

Drastic Impact on Testosterone Levels

Regular alcohol consumers tend to notice very low testosterone levels. Needless to mention the importance of this vital hormone for muscle growth. But besides decreasing your testosterone levels, alcohol also can increase your estrogen levels. Regular consumption of alcohol can shift to a negative ratio of testosterone and estrogen, leading to a lot of issues. The reason alcohol increases estrogen is because:

  • Increases the number of proteins that bind to testosterone (making it useless)
  • Conversion rate of testosterone to estrogens increases (higher estrogen levels)
  • Some alcoholic beverages such as beer contain estrogen-like substances (increasing it)
  • Alcohol and its metabolites stimulate estrogen receptors directly (more active)

Because of higher estrogen levels and lower testosterone levels, your overall health condition will worsen, both physically and mentally. Because of lower T levels, your swimmers will take a hit too. Moderate alcohol consumption weekly will lead to lower sperm quality in healthy young men!

Dehydrates You

Ever woke up the next morning after a heavy drinking with a pounding headache and a super dry mouth? That’s dehydration. Alcohol dehydrates you but you just can’t imagine the importance of proper hydration. When we drink alcohol, our kidneys attempt to flush it from our system (because our body “thinks” of it as a toxic substance, which it really is). As a result, it leads to dehydration because our kidneys are over-stimulated.

You need to already know that water plays an essential role in building muscle mass. If you’re dehydrated, muscle growth stops. Simply because our muscles can’t get what they need in order to grow as no water carries the nutrients they need. In fact, in severe cases of dehydration, it could even lead to the breakdown of muscles. Even low alcohol drinks may limit muscle recovery, thus, muscle growth.

Not only that but consuming alcohol also leads to a deficiency in specific vitamins and minerals. In particular – Vitamin A, all Vitamins B, and vitamin C as well as calcium, phosphates, and zinc. Each and every one of them is extremely important for making gains and building muscle. They are very important for creating anabolic hormones too.

Creates Fat

As said, alcohol will increase estrogen levels – the hormone that aids fat formation and leads to bloating and other negative effects. This alone suggests that alcohol supports fat formation. But besides that, did you know that alcohol is actually full of calories? While it has no nutritional value at all, just one gram contains seven calories. Studies suggest that most energy you consume from alcohol (from its calories) will turn into fat. Simply because those are “empty” calories without any nutritional value.

(Our bodies are smarter than we think, huh? – it just proves that alcohol is a toxic substance and our bodies attempt to get rid of it!)

In addition to that, we all know that drinking alcohol increases appetite and cravings for junk food – another way it leads to fat creation.

Reduces Sleep Quality

Alcohol helps you sleep, right? Wrong! Contrary to many people’s beliefs, drinking alcohol disrupts your sleep and does not allow you to spend as much time in REM sleep – the most important part of your sleep where all the “magic” happens and your body recovers. While you may be out after a few beers, you may notice that you’re not fully rested the day after drinking. That’s because it reduces sleep quality!

So, the beneficial impact of sleep on your overall body and mind is not as effective and your muscles are not healing as they should.

Increases The Risk Of Cancer

While it’s obvious that it won’t cause cancer overnight, why risk it? The research indicates there’s a link between alcohol consumption and increased risk of cancer developing.

Impacts Your Brain Function

Research suggests that alcohol consumption affects the brain. Well, we all knew that even without research, didn’t we? Yet, studies suggest that chronic alcohol consumption kills most brain stem cells, reducing the production of new nerve cells. It leads to various mental issues such as less cognitive function, memory loss, inability to focus, and others.

Negative Liver Impact

It’s not uncommon for alcoholics to suffer from liver issues, such as liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, and liver failure. Alcohol, as said, has a mild liver toxicity score. Nonetheless, regular use is enough to cause various liver issues. Negative effects on the liver will work as a domino effect leading to other issues such as increasing inflammation processes in the body, negative impact on cholesterol and cardiovascular system, negative impact on hormonal balance, and numerous others.

Moreover, if you’re combining alcohol with other liver toxic substances (such as some OTC medications, recreational drugs, or specific anabolic steroids) – liver toxicity increases even more.

While some oral steroids, for example, also can negatively impact your liver, they work the other way around and greatly support your muscle gains. Moreover, we strongly recommend keeping short the cycles with liver toxic steroids.


In the end, while a cold beer may not seem like a big deal, it can still have a negative impact on your gains, stopping you from smashing out your best performance (both in the gym and the bedroom). It can decrease or halt muscle gain, add some pounds of fat, impact your sleep, and negatively affect your liver. That just doesn’t make it worth it.

Instead, you could make some serious gains by increasing your testosterone levels and overall lead to a great enhancement in performance in the gym (and bed) by using our products. We can help teach you how to use them right and safely so you can get the best results as soon as possible.


  • You can get all you need and even more with Cycle Gear. Get 100% quality anabolic steroids and whatever bulking and cutting products you need for the cheapest prices on the market! Instead of spending money on alcohol that has no nutritional value and doesn’t help (but even stops) making gains, you can go with the products from that are sure to get you to your bodybuilding goals!

What’s in a Bodybuilders Fridge?

No matter how hard you’re going in the gym, you still won’t achieve your dream physique without a proper, disciplined, and varied diet. While you can have a few cheat meals and refeed days through your bodybuilding journey, most of the time, you need to make sure you have a proper diet. That’s why you should check what’s in a bodybuilders fridge.

In order to control your diet, you need to control your fridge’s contents. And luckily, you have 100% control over what you have in your fridge. It can be easy to get carried away with snacks and treats when grocery shopping. However, if you find the will to keep the temptations away and only supply your bodybuilders fridge with foods that can support your gains – I promise it’ll pay back.

So, what should you buy? Here is a list of foods that you can find in the bodybuilders fridge.

Why Is Diet So Important For Bodybuilding?

To explain it easier – when you’re working out in the gym, you are causing micro tears of your muscle tissues in order for them to grow back bigger and stronger. But for them to grow bigger and stronger, you should provide your muscles and body what they need in order to recover. You need the right nutrition to fuel your cells, promote muscle growth, and reduce exercise induced inflammation and soreness. You should aim for the right amount of calories, micronutrients, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins with the right balance of protein, carbs, and healthy fats.

So, What’s in a Bodybuilders Fridge?

So, in order to gain strength and muscle you need hard work in the gym, enough sleep (time when the muscles grow), and proper healthy nutrition. So, what should you be filling your fridge with? What should you be eating?


Eggs are extremely important for any bodybuilder. They are a must have in any bodybuilders fridge because of their extremely big amino acid content. Besides the fact that a single egg can offer about 6-8 grams of protein with all nine essential amino acids, it is a budget-friendly and readily available (easily findable) food. Not only that, but you should not underestimate their vitamin B12 content. This vitamin is crucial for fat breakdown while helping your brain and muscles “speak” to one another for better contraction (hence bigger gains) during lifts. Eggs may seem small, but be sure they are mighty!


There’s a myth that avocados are full of fat. Well, in fact, that’s not a myth as they are indeed filled with fat content. What you may not know is that they are filled with healthy-heart fat content. The good type of fat. That’s alongside a great amount of the following nutrients: vitamins K, E, C, B5, B6, Potassium, Folate, and others. Avocados are also great as a snack, as they can keep you full for longer periods, allowing you to avoid “unhealthy” foods. They also have lots of ALA – a precursor to Omega 3s. It can greatly help reduce post-workout soreness.


Fish is extremely important in any bodybuilders fridge making a very important food to support your bodybuilding goals. Why? Protein and Omega-3 fatty acids, as you already know (or should know) are essential to muscle growth. They speed up recovery times and recovery is extremely important in bodybuilding. And salmon is a perfect fish choice for your bodybuilding needs. It delivers a solid dose of both these key ingredients. If you opt for wild salmon, you’re also going to receive a great amount of vitamin D. It is usually more expensive, but it’s often worth it. Protein and vitamin D will both fuel weight and fat loss while supporting strength building. Very important for both bulking and cutting cycles.

Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is the food of bodybuilding dreams as they are packed with amino acids thanks to its great whey and casein protein content. Besides, cottage cheese is a perfect source of calcium – playing a crucial role in bone health.


Muscle building is a slow process that doesn’t happen overnight. This means that you need to have a solid diet for a long time. While it may not be a problem in the beginning, with time, you may struggle to stay on track because cravings can become worse and worse when blood sugar crashes. Berries are a great, easy food to curb those cravings and still stay on track, packing you with awesome antioxidant elements and lots of vitamins. They can help repair damaged muscle tissue calming inflammation too. So, they have lots of different uses. The most popular ones include blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries.


It’s no wonder you struggle to gain muscle and strength if you’re not eating plenty of spinach already. Be sure that you’re missing out a lot! Have you seen Popeye biceps? He was full of this leafy green. While that’s just a cartoon – you’ve got the point. Spinach is full of nitrate, a compound that helps you build and tone muscle! It’s also an excellent source of folic acid and magnesium which are key elements for maintaining normal muscle and nerve function, supporting the production of red blood cells.


Hummus is not only delicious, but it is extremely helpful in supporting your recovery post-workout thanks to its combination of protein and carbs. Spreading it over a wholegrain pitta will provide you with a slow release of energy and carbs.


We’ve all seen bodybuilders drink milk, right? It helps with bone strength, muscle growth, and recovery. It is a very important player in a bodybuilders fridge thanks to its both casein and whey proteins.

Other Foods

I know what you’re probably thinking – we’re missing some basic bodybuilders foods. That’s right, we haven’t even mentioned them since they are “basic” meaning that you can’t go the bodybuilding route without these essential foods – chicken breasts, rice, and broccoli. There are numerous others that a bodybuilder has in his fridge. Some of them include green yogurt, quinoa, ground beef, pork tenderloin, and others.

Get Huge with Cycle Gear

Eating right is extremely important. Sleeping enough is extremely important. Training hard is extremely important. But sometimes, all of this may feel like they are not enough. While these are the basic three when it comes to bodybuilding, there are other things you could do in order to speed up your strength and muscle gain as well as fat and weight loss goals.

So, if you’re looking for a way to transform your body, you really should look into what bodybuilders do and what’s in a bodybuilders fridge trying to mirror their lifestyle. Your diet, training, and sleep are essential elements as a bodybuilder. But very often, we want a bit of support when it comes to getting lean, increasing testosterone levels, and enhancing performance in the gym.

You can achieve all of these with We provide 100% genuine and high quality anabolic steroids that are safe and free of any unwanted side effects as long as you learn how to use them right. There’s no need for a prescription. As a bonus – we provide information on how to use them safely and correctly, specifically for you and your goals, with an individual cycle plan. Moreover, we don’t promise the highest quality of steroids only – we promise that you’ll love everything when it comes to doing business with us. From prices to shipping, discounts, and everything else – you’ll love Cycle Gear. If you search for ways to bulk up or get lean – we can help you with all of it.


​​​​Can You Speed Up Muscle Growth?

Whenever we set a goal regarding muscle growth, it’s pretty obvious that we want to achieve it as soon as possible, we totally get it. That’s true about anything, and especially when it comes to building muscle. There’s simply no time for hanging around when it comes to such goals. But, can you really speed up muscle growth?

In bodybuilding circles, there’s just no time to waste and we all have the same thought: how to gain muscle fast.

It’s obvious that you just can’t go from skinny fat to swole overnight. But whenever we’re on the path of building muscle, you would love to know the fastest way to build muscle. You’ve been there, I’ve been there, everybody’s been there. If you find yourself hitting the gym 6 days a week with little results, there’s definitely something off in your regime. So, the question: “How can you make sure you’re on the right path of the muscle building process?” becomes even more important.

So, what can you do to build muscle fast? I’m going to tell you how in this article.

How Muscle Growth Occurs?

Before I share with you the fastest ways to build muscle, we should first take a look at what “building muscle” or “muscle growth” really means. If you don’t know the proper ways to build muscle, how can you expect to build muscle fast? Especially because more often than not, we do not know what’s happening in our body to make muscle growth occur.

In order to get big and muscular, we need to aim for hypertrophy (muscle growth). But what does this really mean? Muscular hypertrophy is when the muscle adapts to the regular pressure that is placed on them. In simple words, the stress and pressure that you put them under when you lift weights in the gym makes them “adapt”, becoming stronger and bigger, in order to resist that stress. The problem is that the muscles may adapt to the amount of weight and stress you put on them, and this will stop their growth. To keep your muscles growing, you need to progressively overload them.

Basically, you “break” muscle fibers in the gym by lifting weights, and then they grow back when you rest from the foods that you eat. That’s why recovery is such an important process in building muscle. That’s why rest (sleep) is so important. And it goes without saying that only quality foods will help your muscle hypertrophy – grow back stronger. Without diet, rest, or training, you can’t build muscle!

What’s The Fastest Way To Build Muscle?

As said, building muscle requires a combination of multiple factors. If one is off the charts, you’ll stop growing. In other words, you should keep a perfect balance to achieve your goals. Too much or not enough or something and that’ll stop your growth. So, if you want to gain muscle fast, you should make sure you’re doing everything right.

Increase Your Training Volume

While overtraining is possible, with the right amount of sleep and food, it is unlikely for someone who’s been training for a while. It is even less likely to occur if you use anabolic steroids (perhaps the best thing you can do in order to speed up muscle growth, but we’ll talk about it later). If you’ve just started working out 3-4 times a week will be enough. If you’re an experienced lifter, increase this number. Additionally, you should pay attention to the number of reps multiplied by the number of sets you perform.

Instead of stacking on those heavy weights until you’re almost literally a crumbling mess, you need to go a little lower in weight instead. While you may still be a crumbling mess toward the end of your workout, you need to aim to perform each of your lifts for 3 to 6 sets of 8 to 20 reps. This will increase your volume to build muscle fast.


Get full-on with eccentric

Getting full on eccentric means that when you lift weights, you do it pretty easily. There are eccentric (easy) and concentric (hard). No, you shouldn’t lift easy weights. I’m trying to say that by performing concentric exercises you’re unlikely to hit the number of sets and reps you need, plus you’re increasing risks of injuries and reducing chances of a proper form that is extremely important. What you should aim for, according to research, is eccentric movement – slow down the movement and movement. It’ll trigger hypertrophy as you’ll make all your muscle fibers work.

For example – squats. If you do them with heavy weights, you’re unlikely to lower yourself down enough, won’t do it slow enough, and won’t have that pause – all of which are very important to create muscle tension and put stress on them. You aim to create muscle stress, not lift as heavy as possible.

Reduce rest times between sets

We’ve all seen guys in the gym more on their phones than working out, right? Many of them have been going to the gym for years with little to no results. But if you want to build muscle fast, you need to have short rests between sets. Keep your phone on Do Not Disturb and have your resting time between 30 and 90 seconds depending on the intensity of the exercises.

You should push your muscles to the limit if you want to see them grow. Fatiguing muscles is a sign of muscle growth!

Get plenty of sleep

Still, trying to work out how to gain muscle fast? Working out a lot and not gaining muscle? But what about your sleep? As said, recovery is a crucial part of your muscle building process. And if you want to speed up muscle growth, you need to give your time enough time to recover. And what recovery happens? That’s right – when you’re asleep. When you sleep, your body releases human growth hormone (HGH) and keeps cortisol (stress hormone) lower. That’s extremely important because HGH helps support muscle growth while cortisol hinders muscle growth.

A body deprived of sleep will never grow! You need rest to recover and build muscle fast! Moreover, enough sleep will help increase testosterone levels, which is extremely important to build muscle fast. In short, want to grow muscle faster? Add 1-2 hours more to your sleep. Aim for at least 7 hours of sleep per night. Better yet, 8-9 hours.

Eat in a calorie surplus

While it’s possible to gain muscle during a cutting cycle (when you’re eating in a calorie deficit), especially if you’re adding anabolic steroids and eating right, the fastest way to build muscle is to add extra (quality) calories.

When your body is in a calorie deficit (consuming fewer calories than your body burns) will hinder muscle growth. Simply because your body “thinks” you’re running low on food and doesn’t receive what it needs to repair muscles causing hypertrophy. Eat about 250 to 500 calories extra per day. But you should opt for quality high protein nutritious foods, rather than choking down on pizza.

Protein shakes

Never underestimate the power of protein shakes. Numerous studies proved their efficacies, which is why they are perhaps the most popular supplements among bodybuilders, athletes, and whoever wants to speed up the muscle growth process. For example, you could get casein protein before sleep. Casein protein is a slow absorbing protein type that will keep your muscle fed with the necessary amino acids to keep on growing. Casein protein can be particularly helpful after going heavy in the gym.

But there’s whey protein too that is very helpful immediately post-workout to replenish your body with the necessary amino acids fast as it is a fast absorbing form of protein. You’ll need protein shakes, however, only if you’re not fulfilling your daily protein necessities (that should be high as long as you want to speed up the muscle growth process) from foods. But since many people don’t, protein shakes can be awesome!

Try Creatine

Perhaps the second most popular supplement for bodybuilders and those who want to speed up muscle growth, creatine is proven through lots of studies to have awesome muscle building capabilities.

Creatine monohydrate is actually produced naturally by the body, we take it from various foods we eat and store it in our muscles. Creatine is needed the most when you’re busting out heavy lifts during your workout. Adding extra creatine to your diet while lifting heavy weights will surely help gain muscle faster.

Try Anabolic Steroids For Muscle Growth

While it’s true that anabolic steroids come with side effects and you may be hesitant to try them, do you know that protein and creatine come with side effects too? Also, do you know that there’s basically nothing better than anabolic steroids when it comes to building muscle fast? As earlier said, building muscle goes hand in hand with your hormones such as testosterone, human growth hormone, cortisol, and numerous others. Well, anabolic steroids greatly increase the levels of testosterone and decrease cortisol. Moreover, with HGH, you’ll boost your levels in a way that your muscles will “explode”.

If you’re searching for the fastest way to build muscle, I recommend you check the products at as they are the best when it comes to such goals. They are 100% quality and genuine products that will help you build muscle fastest possible ways on earth. Using them, you’ll greatly speed up recovery (as said, crucial for muscle growth), increase endurance and strength while delaying muscle fatigue, and boost your pump – all very helpful to bulk up fast.

  • Moreover, the Cycle Gear team can help you get those anabolic steroids fast, anonymously, and for the cheapest prices on the market. We will also help you understand the best possible ways to use steroids specifically for you and your needs. Enhancing your diet and training effectiveness in a safe way! By the way, with steroids or not, you should still follow all those recommendations if you want to speed up muscle growth! In the end, with Cycle Gear you can get big really fast!


Yoked, Jacked, Shredded, Swole – Explaining It All

Yoked, Jacked, Shredded, Swole – these are all names that you might have heard in the gym or outside the gym. Usually, they are all used to describe a person who looks good, and full of muscles. But what do they mean? And most importantly – which one are you?

You may have heard someone calling a person jacked. But another one is ripped. What is the difference? I am going to try my best to shed light on this subject and guide you through this sometimes confusing gym lexicon.

Yet, before we begin, I should mention that language is subjective. It is important to understand that one person’s idea of a swole body type may be shredded to somebody else. Yet, a third person may think that the particular physique we’re talking about is nothing more than skinny fat. We’re all different, with different opinions and we look at things differently.

So, you should be aware of pretty much whatever you say. You are very likely to find people who disagree with you. For example, a person can be extremely muscular for a skinny guy. So that skinny guy may think that Arnold Schwarzenegger used to be extremely muscular (and it’s hard to argue over that). However, Phil Heath or Ronnie Coleman (who are some of the biggest bodybuilders of all time), may not agree with that. The point is – it depends on everyone’s opinion and point of view.

What Does Swole Mean?

To be swole is to be beefy as hell. You’re swollen. You have a big size to your frame. You may find yourself feeling swole after a particular punishing workout followed by a very large meal. When we talk about swole, we talk about cannonball muscles, a broad chest, and a neck like a bull. The problem with being swole is that you are going to have a nightmare finding jeans that will fit. That’s because they just never have the necessary give in the thighs. It can be a problem.

To better understand it, think of Tom Hardy in the Dark Knight Rises movie. Still, he’s not as swole as a powerlifter, for example.

Are You Shredded?

Shredded is pretty different from swole, for example. It does not mean that one is better than the other. It’s mostly about personal preference. Everyone has their own preference. Some like the swollen type of body, others love being shredded. The main prerequisite for being shredded is having a low body fat percentage. Usually, we’re talking about those walking around with less than 10% of body fat. Shredded guys pay less attention to muscle amount (but it’s still very important) than body fat amount. A swole guy usually pays more attention to the amount of muscle, rather than fat.

If you’re over 10% of body fat, it is very hard to provide a good muscle definition, so, it’s hard to be called shredded. So, if you want to be labeled as shredded, you will need to look as if you’ve just been sent through a vacuum packing machine on a conveyor belt. You just can’t be shredded without visible abs. To better understand it, think of Brad Pitt in Fight Club.

What Does Yoked Mean?

If you’re getting yoked, you’re actually getting very strong! You may not have mega muscle definition and there’s a chance that you may not even have visible abs. Hell, you may not even walk around carrying lots of visible muscles. Nonetheless, you can deadlift, for example, like there’s no tomorrow.

Usually, such people can work out with weights that you wouldn’t normally expect (remember Anatoliy? Yeah, that’s right!). Also, such people usually have very well developed traps and shoulders. Also, the neck of such yoked guys is the diameter of the average person’s thighs. There’s no question that you lift. Everyone can see that you’re very serious about the gym. It is natural to bodybuild when you’re yoked.


What Is A Meathead?

A meathead is usually the kind of guy who loves nothing more than just lifting heavy weights and guzzling protein to maximize his size. You will never see a meathead on a treadmill or doing cardio. All they care about is size. Also, usually, you can see them in the gym almost daily.

A meathead doesn’t care about body fat. All they care about is getting as huge as possible. They have bulging biceps and an X shaped physique. If you call a meathead a meathead, they’ll secretly love it.

What is A Gym Rat?

A gym rat is similar to a meathead in terms of loving nothing more than lifting weights and the gym. The difference, however, is that there are different “types” of gym rats. Some love to be meatheads, others may be shredded, yoked, or swollen. Generally, a gym rat is someone who spends all their free time in the gym. Usually, they are already in the gym when you come, you’ll finish your workout and they’re still there. Needless to mention they are in the gym almost daily.

They are just impossible to miss. They’re always next to iron. Be it morning, noon, or night. Sometimes, all three are on the same day. Most of them are with backward-facing baseball caps. In order to spend even more time in the gym they’ll be trainers in that gym. Not because they need money, but because they need to be near iron. LOL.

What Is A Gorilla?

The term “gorilla” was first used in the TV show Jersey Shore by Snooki. It describes a particular type of body. Typically the one that has been sculpted by focusing entirely on the upper body and ignoring the legs. You can generally find at least one gorilla in every gym. But usually, there’s more of them.

A gorilla will only train the show muscles and they will always ignore those that do not impress their friends including legs. Better not be a gorilla. Train all body parts equally.

What Is A Bro-Lifter?

This is not a gym bro. It is actually a name that you wouldn’t want to be called. A bro lifter is similar to a gorilla. They only lift for aesthetics alone and body parts that are visible, usually to impress girls. They will only train arms, abs, and chest. You’ll usually see them doing curls during their every workout session.

What Is A Beef-Cake?

A beef-cake is not a very common term nowadays as it was more common in the 1950s. Still, a beef cake is a guy who is muscular enough but with a healthy amount of body fat alongside it. Beef-cake is usually a person who is a meathead too, but it’s a “sweeter” word.

What Does Skinny Fat Mean?

This is perhaps the worst term when it comes to physique and performance enhancement. Skinny fat people usually have low muscle mass and lots of fat. Or at least, the muscle mass is so low that even the smallest amount of fat they have on them looks disproportionately large. Usually, a fat person is just fat but does have muscles underneath that fat. Skinny fat doesn’t have any muscle but they have fat. That’s what makes them have a disproportionate physique.

Usually, they have a good amount of fat around their stomach, however, they come with very thin arms, a flat chest, and a narrow back. Skinny fat people usually never diet and never go to the gym. A skinny fat is not anything that any self-respecting gym goer would ever want to hear referring to their own physique. Calling a gym goer skinny fat is an insult.

Swole, Shredded, or Skinny Fat? Conclusion

Are you skinny fat? Want something to boost your physique and performance? Or you’re already shredded and want to take things to the next level? Regardless of which one you are, most of us want further improvements.

Luckily, you’ll get lots of help with Cycle Gear’s 100% quality and affordable anabolic steroids.

They are the only products proven to actually work when it comes to physique and performance enhancement. They will help shorten recovery times, boost energy levels, boost fat burning process, get you stronger, and help pack on muscle mass and size. Now you can get shredded, yoked, jacked, swole, or whatever body type you’re searching to become.


Bodybuilding Slang And What It Really Means

Whether you’re new to anabolic steroids or lifting weights, there’s a high chance that you’ve heard in the gym some words that you may not fully understand. In fact, some people hitting the gym for years may not seem to fully understand all the gym slang thrown around.

This bodybuilding slang may be used on the internet too, making it harder for you to understand it all. Bodybuilding slang seems to pop all over the place. Being in bodybuilding circles, new terms and catchphrases appear for one reason or another, usually, naturally. The problem is that it can be pretty confusing. And without understanding what they mean, you could miss out on some important information. That’s why, we’re here to break down some of the most popular bodybuilding slang around.


There’s a high chance you already know this one, but just in case, for beginners, it’s important so you know it. Bulking is the process of adding muscle mass through a combination of strength training and nutrition. It’s extremely popular and often used in bodybuilding circles. We use it very often too.


Following on from the bodybuilding slang above, cutting is the “opposite” process of bulking, although they are extremely similar. Cutting is the process of stripping body fat while maintaining as much lean muscle mass as possible. However, they are similar because they both involve proper diet and nutrition alongside proper workout schedule plans. They are mostly different amounts of food and specific workout plans.


Gains mostly mean muscles. Gaining muscle through nutrition and training. People who are training hard usually do it for the gains.

Progressive Overload

Gradually adding more resistance during training exercises as your strength increases. This means that as you’re more experienced in lifting weights and are stronger, you lift heavier/longer/more intensively.


A guy who is new to the gym, with little to no exercise or equipment and a lack of fitness knowledge. Usually, newbies are unaware of what bodybuilding slangs mean. Also, a newbie could be on steroids. For example, someone can tell that he’s a steroids newbie (no experience with anabolic steroids), but not a gym newbie (has experience lifting weights).


What does a “cycle” mean? Well, a cycle is usually a period in which you use something (usually gear/ anabolic steroids) in order to achieve your goals. A cycle fully focuses on physique and performance enhancement involving the required products, diet, workout schedule, and so on and so forth. It could be a “cutting cycle” when you aim to strip body fat and maintain muscle. Or it could be a “bulking cycle” when you aim to gain as much muscle and strength as possible. Among others. A cycle usually lasts 8-16 weeks.


You’re now reading this article at Cycle Gear! What does it mean? Gear stands for anything that helps you achieve your bodybuilding goals. However, most commonly, people call anabolic steroids gear. So, if you hear someone saying “I’m on gear”, you know they use something for their bodybuilding goals. And most likely, that’s anabolic steroids.


Gearing Up

It could mean that you’re preparing all your “gear” for a cycle, but in the gym, it is mostly used “preparing” much like heading into a battle. Bodybuilders refer to “gearing up” when they are getting into a position to do an exercise. Usually, a heavy one. Such as putting on gloves, chalk, and/or a belt.


Now that’s a term used for anabolic steroids only. If someone is “on juice/juicing/juicer” it means they use anabolic steroids. If someone asks you whether “you’re juicing”, they’re basically asking if you’re using anabolic steroids.


The process of dieting and training in order to get ripped for a competition.


This is a common bodybuilding slang for those who are basically bigger than an average guy. Swole is the abbreviation of “swollen”, basically – “swollen muscles”. Or it also could be when you get a pump. Like you’ve got “swole” when getting pumped up during a workout. Also, could be someone who has noticeable water retention. Usually bigger guys.


Really easy – it means pumped/big upper arm muscles, such as biceps and triceps.

  • PS: Based on everything I mentioned so far, I guess you’ll now understand the phrase: “That guy was prepping and juicing gear during his bulking cycle and now he’s swole with big guns”.


Now, this could have various meanings. Some could use the term “getting stacked” as a way to say “gaining muscle”. However, stacking also could be associated with adding more weights to your workout. “Stacking up” for personal best, increase muscle mass, or build strength. Lastly, it could be stacking when talking about steroids. This basically means “mixing up” or “combining”. It means that you use 2 or more steroids together at the same time. Such as: Stacking testosterone and dianabol is one of the best duo for bulking cycles.



That’s usually addressed to a big guy and it’s a compliment. It’s when a guy has wide shoulders, a large back, and a small midsection. This creates the perfect “V” shape when flexing.


When a bodybuilder has visible veins. It’s usually a result of big muscles, low body fat, and heavy exercise.


Pushing so hard during workouts that the veins in the neck are getting super dilated.


Boulders sound similar to shoulders, isn’t it? That’s because that’s what it basically means. Boulders stand as solid as rock shoulders. So it’s basically a compliment if you hear “that you have boulders”.

Jacked Up

Usually, it refers to a guy who has very well developed muscles.


We never want to be called a freak. Well, unless we’re in the gym. In the world of bodybuilding slang, being a “freak” is actually a good thing. It is usually for people who have unreal muscle development, meaning they are HUGE.


The bodybuilding slang name for a guy’s chest. Basically, the word combines Chest and Testicles.

Forced reps

That’s a bodybuilding term that means pretty much as it sounds like. This term indicates the additional reps of an exercise when you’re feeling unable to do it anymore. Usually, it involves the help of a partner who helps you do those “forced reps” when you can’t do them anymore on your own.

Load It Up

Whenever you’re planning to go hard with your strength training, you should “load it up”. This basically means adding lots of weight to the bar. Basically – loading the bar with weights.


A very slow and steady lift that usually takes a lot of strength.

Dig Deep

I guess you’ve already been there (or will be if just starting to work out) when you search for strength to lift a heavy weight. Usually, your gym buddy shouts “dig deep”.

Scooby snack

One of many meals a bodybuilder eats throughout the day.

Toss your cookies

It can happen to anyone. No judgment. That means throwing up as a result of a super intense workout.


The abbreviated term for admiring. “Miring” is often used to describe those guys that take a selfie in the mirror post workout.

Sausage factory

When the gym is full of hench, burly guys who are lifting huge and heavy weights.

Glamor hound

There must be at least one of these in your gym too. They must be in every gym. A glamor hound is someone (can be a girl or a dude) who always has everyone’s attention in the gym.


A barbie always tries to be a glamor hound. A barbie is a woman who arrives at the gym with makeup fit for a date, without a single hair out of place. She usually doesn’t come to work out but rather spends more time chatting with others or on Instagram. Usually doesn’t work without a camera on her and you’ll never see her breaking a sweat.

Throw down

That’s just a fancy name for a workout.

Garage sale

A garage sale doesn’t mean that you can come into the gym attempting to sell your old lamp. Please don’t. The term “garage sale” in the gym refers to a messy gym floor that is full of random bits of equipment. Everyone hates that guy who drags out weights and doesn’t return them to their place, right? Please, don’t be that guy.


Men are competitive by nature. And we can especially notice that in the gym where most are highly competitive. The term “punked” refers to the guy who may talk a lot, but cannot back up his claims. Sure you’ve heard of those claiming they can bench 250 but they barely bench 200. Punked.

Pencil-neck geek

When it comes to bodybuilding slang, lots of them are used as jokey insults, usually, between fellow bodybuilders. This is bodybuilding slang for a guy who is skinny, often doing high reps with very light weights.


That’s not different from real life slang when someone is called a donkey. In short, that’s an ass. Usually, these dudes are looking for trouble out of anything and complain pretty much about everything. In short – a donkey.


Have you seen a guy who seems to bring his entire life with him to the gym? Well, he’s sandbagging. This is usually when a dude brings in a duffle bag of protein shakes, gloves, and a million of other gym accessories.

Junk show

This refers to a guy in some really tight shorts who has his junk on show for the entire gym to see. Whether it’s big or it’s small, nobody comes to the gym for the junk show. This isn’t pretty, so please stop it.

Bodybuilding Slang Conclusion

There are lots of other bodybuilding terms that you may hear too, it can be hard to keep up. Hopefully, this article will clear your mind and help you understand what something means the next time you hear bodybuilding slang in the gym.

Now, if you’re looking to get jacked up, you can check our 100% quality bulking and cutting gears. Work out hard and have a proper diet, and with the help of our anabolic steroids for sale, you’re sure to achieve ultimate muscle gains. We can also help teach you how you can properly Cycle Gear!

What Are The Safest Steroids?

Considering starting a steroid cycle but are unsure what impact it is going to have on your body? That’s a completely normal thought, so there’s no need to worry. But based on this, it is pretty obvious that you may want to start with the safest steroids. With all the media about anabolic steroids and their danger and side effects (they are not actually that dangerous), many who want to start using anabolic steroids, tend to start with milder (safer) steroids first.

The problem is, that there is just so much information online regarding anabolic steroids, that some of it is not as trustworthy as you may think. For the worth of making money (mostly) and whatever other reasons, many steroid sources, brands, and steroid-using people tend to lie about it.

Unfortunately, much like anything out there, there is always going to be misinformation available online. So, unfortunately, your mate at the gym selling gear may tell you that anabolic steroids are all safe to take or that a specific one is all safe, while it’s not.

  • The truth is – while there are some steroids safer than others, no steroids are 100% safe. But let’s be honest – what is 100% safe? Do you know that even too much water can kill you? Too much vitamins can wreak havoc on your health! Too many proteins (which are considered the building blocks of muscles and essential for a healthy life, especially crucial in bodybuilding) can cause various issues.

So, don’t let anyone fool you that anything (including anabolic steroids) is safe. Yet, some are safer than others. And you can have a safe approach, to lower the chances of them causing any issues.

Steroids Are Not That Dangerous

Is true that all steroids have side effects and it is true that each and every one of them can cause some health issues. But they are not as dangerous as the media tries to tell us. Don’t believe me? Well, there are lots of popular bodybuilding steroids that are still approved by the FDA, “safe steroids” that are safe when prescribed to patients. Why aren’t they safe among bodybuilders?

Yes, the dosages for bodybuilding tend to be higher, that’s what makes them less safe. But as said, with the correct approach, you can still use them safely.

So, lots of popular anabolics were not intended for bodybuilders to get shredded, but rather for medical purposes. This proves that when doing it all correctly, they can definitely lead to way more benefits than harm.

The Safest Steroids To Use?

Please beware that anabolic steroids are actually synthetic hormones. They basically increase your hormone levels. While this can greatly help with your fitness goals, even the “safest” anabolic steroids can cause some side effects.

The first thing to know is that ALL steroids will lead to some side effects. Some of them include:

  • Androgenic side effects (hair loss, acne, and others)
  • Testosterone suppression (lowers natural testosterone production)
  • Increase in blood pressure (putting you at risk of heart issues)
  • Cholesterol and overall cardiovascular strain

The degree which will affect these issues varies from one steroid to another. Of course, the dosage and cycle length will play a crucial role. But personal response (genetics) and if you already experience some health issues are also important to consider. This being said, a healthy person using a low dosage of a safer steroid is way less likely to experience any hypertension issues at all than a person with already high blood pressure, using a powerful steroid in a high dosage.

But this is not the full list of side effects. Some have the potential to negatively affect your liver (not all of them do). Others may cause gynecomastia (man boobs) and other high estrogens issues like water retention, fat gains, and others. Low libido and erectile dysfunction are also some examples. There are numerous others. But the point is – you should use them all correctly as long as you want to stay away from side effects.


Most believe that testosterone is among the safest steroids to take. And it is hard to disagree. After all, testosterone is a naturally occurring hormone that is very important for any man to have a healthy life. Testosterone is not really hard on your heart and has the potency to help you gain lots of muscle mass. It is actually the steroid that you will need in all steroid cycles because, as I said, all steroids suppress the natural production of this crucial hormone. So, during cycles, you need to keep it high. And you do it with testosterone. After the cycle, you can restart the production with a proper PCT plan, unless your body’s natural ability to produce normal T levels is suppressed and you are on Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). This is basically a steroid that you use for health purposes for life!

Testosterone has minimal impact on your cholesterol and blood pressure. It does offer other side effects but you should be on abnormally high dosages, usually, for abnormally long periods of time so you could experience some nasty side effects. While being highly effective, testosterone is relatively safe, when done everything is alright.


Anavar (Oxandrolone)

Testosterone is the main steroid in bodybuilding. It is something like a “must” in all cycles. So, many don’t even take it into consideration when thinking about steroid cycles. Why? Because it “must” be there. All other steroids that you use, should go alongside testosterone.

But the hot favorite in bodybuilding circles is actually Anavar with the active substance Oxandrolone. It is extremely popular due to various reasons. In fact, a bodybuilding journal called Anavar is the steroid with the highest ratio of benefits vs side effects. This means that while Anavar is pretty safe, it is effective! For all these reasons, Anavar is very popular. Many love it because:

  • You can use it orally (no need for extra injections from testosterone)
  • Both men and women can use it (women shouldn’t use testosterone because the risks are way higher for them, so they usually go for Anavar-only cycles – the most popular steroid cycle for women)
  • Relatively weak side effects, meaning that even beginners can use it, still highly effective, meaning that even professionals can use it.

Anavar is usually a cutting steroid to burn fat and get ripped, but people can use it in whatever cycle they love as it can increase muscle size and strength too.


Yet, Oxandrolone still suppresses natural T levels and still can cause virilization issues in women and androgenic issues in men (but among the mildest androgenic issues). Anavar, however, is liver toxic and may cause negative effects on kidneys too. It also increases blood pressure and causes some negative effects on cholesterol.

Still, it’s one of the safest steroids on the market.

Primobolan (Methenolone)

If you’re researching “Which are the safest steroids to use?” chances are high you’ll come across Primobolan (Methenolone). Primobolan (Primo) is often considered one of the overall safest steroids on the market. While it may not be as powerful as Anavar, many think of Primobolan as a safer alternative.

Methenolone is available both as oral (Acetate) or injectable (Enanthate). While it remains safe for the liver and kidneys, much like Anavar (Oxandrolone), it won’t aromatize. This means that it won’t cause erectile dysfunction, water retention, gynecomastia, or other estrogenic issues. Having such a high safety profile, lots of women use Primobolan too.

Still, Primo does come with its side effects, but they are usually much milder than with other steroids. They include the common anabolic steroids side effects such as fluctuations in blood pressure and cholesterol, androgenic side effects, and natural testosterone suppression.


Bonus: Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate)

Deca Durabolin may not be the best steroid when it comes to safety, but it is definitely at the top of the safest steroids. Moreover, it is definitely an extremely highly effective steroid. Since it has awesome effects coupled with relatively mild side effects, Deca Durabolin has been among the most popular steroids on the market for bodybuilders ever since the golden bodybuilding era.

When taken alone, its power is somewhat limited, plus its side effects are somewhat higher. Nonetheless, should you stack it with testosterone you will notice its true potential for muscle growth and strength gaining. It is barely androgenic and highly effective when it comes to treating anemia, HIB, osteoporosis, muscle wasting, joint pain issues, and others.

Still, side effects are possible. It is aromatizing causing high estrogen issues and is also likely to lead to high prolactin issues, despite the common anabolic steroids side effects.


Which Anabolic Steroids Are The Most Dangerous

If there were a steroid safety spectrum, we could include all the earlier mentioned steroids on one side. However, all the way to the other side, you are going to find some steroids that are so powerful that side effects are way more likely to occur, so they are more dangerous.

Usually, such steroids are only recommended to professionals and people with previous experience with milder steroids. People still use them despite being more dangerous because they are more powerful. This means they are likely to be more effective. Keep in mind – the more potent a steroid is, the more likely it is to cause both results and side effects!

These steroids include:

  • Trenbolone. Often called the king of steroids. Can cause mind blowing results, but can cause nasty side effects too.
  • Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone). This oral steroid is so powerful that bodybuilders tend to use it for very short periods of time in very low doses.
  • Methyltrienolone AKA Metribolone. This is an oral steroid with such an absurdly high potency that it is not even popular. It’s too powerful, meaning too dangerous.

Get Ripped With Safest Steroids

If you’re looking to build muscle, cut fat, and get shredded, trust me – the safest steroids are enough to get you there. Trenbolone, for example, is very popular, because it has many benefits causing crazy gains and results. However, not everyone tells you how potentially dangerous it can be.

Moreover, even if you go for the safest steroids, keep in mind – you should have a safe approach. Do not use steroids recklessly. Start slowly, with lower doses and shorter cycles. Don’t stack until you’re sure you can. Learn the ways in which you can yield the best results and stay away from side effects too.

At you can get all that information. Most importantly, you can buy our 100% quality steroids that are sure to work as they should cause zero side effects as long as you use them right. Therefore, you can stay both safe and get HUGE muscle and strength gains!

Breaking A Weight Loss Plateau When Cutting

When you’re following a diet plan and/or going through a cutting cycle, you may often find yourself at a point when weight loss simply doesn’t happen anymore. It can feel like regardless of what you do, you just can’t figure out how to break through the weight loss plateau. However, you’re now reading this, so it’s sure to change soon.

I know that you probably feel as if you’re doing everything right. You eat well, hit the gym hard and often, and follow the right workout plan. What else can you do to break through the cutting plateau?

To be totally honest, we do not have a magic wand or the magic product that will get you there. However, an understanding of the human body and metabolism will surely set you on the right path to get you to your fitness goals.

  • For example, it is an art to master your cutting cycle, the combination of energy in and energy out. But there’s more to it. For example, not doing it the right way, you’ll find that your cardio only burns carbs, not fat. Or you may find that you burn lean muscle tissue, then again, not fat. That’s why you should know how to do it right.

Although there’s no magic pill, there are products that can greatly help you.

Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs)

You’ve surely heard about them. And the reason they are so popular is simply because… they actually work! At you will learn how to cycle the gear you need, buy the gear you need, and can learn so much more. In the end, breaking through a weight loss plateau doesn’t need to feel like you’re climbing a mountain.

With the help of our 100% quality cutting products, you’re sure to get there. We’re a steroid shop that offers affordable prices for various weight loss products. We also have everything you may need for a successful cycle and the information that will help you both stay safe and use them efficiently.

So, you can easily break through a plateau by adding our cutting anabolic steroids and other cutting products. We also have everything you may need for a bulking cycle.

In the end, Cycle Gear is all about helping you to get to your fitness goals quickly, efficiently, and safely. We have only quality products for low prices, allowing you to save money. They help you get lean while boosting strength and endurance and keeping your energy levels high with a much faster recovery rate. We also care about your privacy and anonymity!


Anyway, check more valuable info regarding how you could break a weight loss plateau when cutting below.

What’s a cutting plateau?

Hitting a cutting plateau means that you do not experience any further benefits for at least the last 2 weeks. It feels as if you’ve hit a wall and you cannot lose any weight anymore, despite trying and having everything on point. Of course, you can’t expect any results as long as you’re not dieting or working out correctly.

The natural weight can naturally fluctuate slightly across days or weeks due to various factors. But if you’re purposely trying to lose weight and doing everything it takes, and yet no further results – you’ve hit a cutting plateau.

However, it is actually normal to reach this point. Many experienced bodybuilders actually expect this to occur. So, it doesn’t really matter how much effort you’re putting in, it’s actually fairly normal to get stuck in a plateau every once in a while.

Of course, this usually happens the longer you’re into your cut and the more you lose (getting more and more leaner). That’s why usually people with an already low body fat percentage find it very tricky to go any further.

How To Break Through A Weight Loss Plateau?

The first thing you should do is start measuring and recording calories accurately. Beginners to cutting cycles can easily make mistakes when counting their calorie intake. Or may think that “cheating” every now and then has nothing to do with it. But it could be shocking to find out how much those calories have to do with all of it. Only after fixing these errors, you may start losing weight once again.

What should you do?

  • Eat less
  • Get more moving

It’s a perfect combination that’ll never fail to work. Yet, if you’re already struggling to reduce calorie intake, then you shouldn’t go for the first option of eating less. Just add the second – get more moving. Remember that too much calorie restriction can be dangerous. Both for your muscles and your health! But moving more will always help. How much? Unfortunately, there’s no scientific answer. Just try to exercise more intensively and/or longer and/or more frequently. May add more low intensity longer cardio sessions, for example. Or 2 circuit HIIT training sessions a week. 4-5 hours of weightlifting weekly. Such a combo will surely help break through your weight loss plateau.

In The End

I do not recommend going crazy when it comes to breaking through plateaus. Going to extremities will likely endanger your health, which ultimately endangers your muscles and fitness condition. Keep in mind that water retention and/or bowel movements also affect fat loss. That’s why some people don’t see much weight loss for 2-3 weeks, then suddenly start shoveling several pounds almost overnight. Not only that but naturally, our body and metabolism adapt to our regimen, which will slow down the progress. So, you should aim to cut your daily calorie intake every 2 weeks according to your current state and needs. It’s very important not to go ridiculously strict. I recommend thinking gradually, not drastically.

So, before you make any drastic changes, be sure to follow the following:

  • Make sure that you really are in a cutting plateau.
  • Ensure that you’re doing anything correctly and still hit a plateau.
  • Make sure you are accurately measuring and recording what you’re eating.
  • Max out your exercise. 4-5 hours of weightlifting and 2 hours of cardio at least.
  • Cut your calorie intake by about 100 calories every 2 weeks. Mainly cut it from carbs and maybe slightly from fat. Never from protein.

In the end, assuming nothing else works, you could actually increase the calories back to your total daily energy expenditure (maintenance calories). Stay on it for 4-6 or max 8 weeks to allow your body to normalize. Then start your cutting again. Lastly – remember, with all of these examples, and especially with the right anabolic steroids – you’re sure to break through the cutting plateau.

At you’re sure to get the best quality anabolic steroids for the best prices on the market. You’re surely going to love doing business with us!